1 | | You can find three Tcl scripts in the execution directory. They don't really belong there and should be put in a folder like media/tcl-scripts. [[br]] |
2 | | Unfortunately this involves telling Tcl somehow where to find the scripts. There is already a tcl lib path set somewhere to media/tcl-8.5. |
3 | | |
4 | | EDIT: |
5 | | Having config files in the bin folder is a very bad idea for Unix. Somebody should very quickly move those files to an appropriate folder like ~/.orxonox or config (on Windows). |
6 | | The problem are the hard coded paths. But I don't think this should be such a big deal. |
| 1 | You can find three Tcl scripts in the media/tcl8.# directory where # is either 4 or 5. They don't really belong there and should be put in a folder like media/tcl-scripts. It also saves the redundancy.[[br]] |
| 2 | Unfortunately this involves telling Tcl somehow where to find the scripts. There is already a tcl lib path set somewhere to media/tcl-8.# but that it should really only point to the Tcl library directory. |