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Opened 16 years ago

Last modified 13 years ago

#323 closed task

Spaceship docking system — at Initial Version

Reported by: landauf Owned by: nobody
Priority: minor Milestone:
Component: GameContent Version:
Keywords: PPS Cc:
Referenced By: References:


We want spaceships to dock onto another (larger) ship or a spacestation. Possible docking points on the large ship can be defined in the XML file. The player can dock onto another ship by selecting the other ship and use the docking command. If docked onto another ship, the player can switch the cockpit, as long as there's a free place in the other ship (for example a gun turret).

Think about the following problems:

  • How can a player select a docking spot?
  • Is there an automatic docking system (autopilot)?
  • What happens if the ship has docked?
  • How to switch the cockpit?

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