Version 3 (modified by landauf, 16 years ago) (diff) |
String defines several useful functions for string manipulation. The following list gives a short overview:
- strip(string* pointer): Removes all whitespaces from a string. See getStripped for examples.
- getStripped(string): Removes all whitespaces and returns the modified string.
- Example: getStripped(" test abc\tabc test\nThis is a newline! ") = "testabcabctestThisisanewline!"
- removeTrailingWhitespaces(string): Removes trailing whitespace and returns the modified string.
- Example: removeTrailingWhitespaces(" test abc ") = "test abc"
- getNextQuote(string, start): Returns the position of the next quote in the string, starting with start.
- Examples:
- getNextQuote("123\"567\"9", 0) = 4
- getNextQuote("123\"567\"9", 4) = 4
- getNextQuote("123\"567\"9", 6) = 8
- getNextQuote("123\"567\"9", 9) = std::npos
- Examples:
- isBetweenQuotes(string, position): Returns true if position is between two quotes.
- Examples:
- isBetweenQuotes("123\"567\"9", 1) = false
- isBetweenQuotes("123\"567\"9", 4) = false
- isBetweenQuotes("123\"567\"9", 5) = true
- isBetweenQuotes("123\"567\"9", 8) = false
- isBetweenQuotes("123\"567\"9", 9) = false
- Examples:
- hasStringBetweenQuotes(string): Returns true if the string contains something like '…"between quotes"…'.
- Examples:
- hasStringBetweenQuotes("test") = false
- hasStringBetweenQuotes("test\"abc") = false
- hasStringBetweenQuotes("test\"abc\"") = true
- Examples:
- getStringBetweenQuotes(string): If the string contains something like '…"between quotes"…' then 'between quotes' gets returned (without quotes).
- Examples:
- hasStringBetweenQuotes("test") = ""
- hasStringBetweenQuotes("test\"abc") = ""
- hasStringBetweenQuotes("test\"abc\"") = "abc"
- Examples:
- stripEnclosingQuotes(string): Removes enclosing quotes if available (including whitespaces at the outside of the quotes).
- Examples:
- stripEnclosingQuotes(" \"hello!\" ") = "hello!"
- stripEnclosingQuotes(" \"hello! ") = " \"hello! "
- Examples:
- stripEnclosingBraces(string): Removes enclosing {braces} (braces must be exactly on the beginning and the end of the string).
- Examples:
- stripEnclosingBraces("{test}") = "test"
- stripEnclosingBraces(" {test}") = " {test}"
- stripEnclosingBraces("{ test }") = " test "
- Examples:
- isEmpty(string):
- isComment(string):
- isNumeric(string):
- addSlashes(string):
- removeSlashes(string):
- lowercase(string* pointer):
- getLowercase(string):
- uppercase(string* pointer):
- getUppercase(string):
- nocaseCmp(string1, string2):
- nocaseCmp(string1, string2, length):
- hasComment(string):
- getComment(string):
- getCommentPosition(string):
- getNextCommentPosition(string, start):