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Version 5 (modified by patrick, 19 years ago) (diff)

Linux Coding Environment

This document describes the Linux coding environement, everything you will need to work on orxonox successfully and happily ever after. The guide is meant for all Linux distributions but specialy for Gentoo. Of yourse you can use different IDEs and if you have set up Orxonox on IDE that is not listed here, please don't hesitate to add your comments and tips.


You will want to use the standard GNU gcc compiler that is shiped with all Linux distributions. MacOSX normaly uses the XCode environment, that can be found on all installation medias or on Apple XCode. For more compiler and installation related stuff refer to the installation section?.

Code Editors

After using xemacs with the ECB plugin, which we used successfully for small projects, we changed to the KDevelop editor, which is probably the best code editor in the whole open source world for the time being. We encourage you to install KDevelop

KDevelop Project Creation

Start KDevelop and select Project -> Import Existing Project. Choose the repository directory as source directory. As project type choose Generic C++ Application (Automake Base). This will auto generate the project. There are some settings that you will have to get right to enable KDevelop to compile your program correctly:

  • Code File Endings: Project->Project Settings->C++ Specific Section: Class Wizard Options::Implementation Suffix: Change it to .cc
  • Configure Options: Project->Project Settings->Configure Options Section: Top Source Directory Choose your source code directory.

\item{Einstellungen} Stellt kdevelop so ein, wie es euch passt. Wichtig sind folgende Optionen: \codesnip{gobble=0} Settings →

Configure Kdevelop Configure Editor Configure Shortcuts

Project →

Project Options

\end{Verbatim} Eine kleine Dokumentation dazu findet ihr auch unter \codesnip{gobble=0} \end{Verbatim}

\item{Spielen} Der beste Weg, einen Editor kennen zu lernen ist,

damit einfach einmal ein wenig zu spielen. Da Kdevelop sehr intuitiv ist, solltet ihr sehr rasch damit klar kommen.


KDevelop Misc Configurations

Now costomize your kdevelop like this:
Settings⇒Configure KDevelop…

  • Source Formatter: Select GNU
  • Documentation: Click on Doxygen Documentation Collection (in the lower middle) ⇒ Add: trunk/doc/html/index.html (this only works, if you have already generated the doxygen documentation with make doc in the orxonox trunk)

Settings⇒Configure Editor… (this is only clickable if you have already opened a c++ source file to view)

  • Editing: Check Remove trailing spaces
  • Indentation: Select C Style for Indentation Mode
  • Open/Save Check Replace tabs with spaces, and Remove trailing spaces