265 | | DistanceTriggers are activated, when the target (e.g. a pawn, a spaceship, ...) is close enough to the distance trigger (defined via "distance"). The stayActive attribute keeps the switch activated once triggered. The name attribute is needed in order to catch the event, when the trigger was activated. The SimpleNotification is sent to the player when the trigger is activated. Note that the trigger is activated with a delay of 6 seconds. |
| 267 | '''DistanceTriggers''' are activated, when the target (e.g. a pawn, a spaceship, ...) is close enough to the distance trigger (defined via "'''distance'''"). The '''stayActive''' attribute keeps the switch activated once triggered - the event can only be created once. The name '''flying1''' is needed in order to catch the event, when the trigger was activated. The '''SimpleNotification''' is sent to the player when the trigger is activated. Note that the trigger is activated with a delay of 6 seconds. |
| 268 | The problem of distance triggers is that you have to rely on that the player is actually activating it as intended. Try to attract the player by using bliking billboards, pickups to reward the player, ... and make the radius large enough such that the player can hardly miss it. |
| 269 | Another problem might be that the distance trigger is triggered by another Pawn/Spaceship/... (whatever is specified as target). To exclude certain objects to activate the trigger or to only allow a specific object to activate the trigger, the DistanceTriggerBeacon was created. |