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Changes between Version 63 and Version 64 of content/LevelHowTo

Oct 4, 2015, 9:38:52 PM (9 years ago)

Minor changes for the PPS HS15


  • content/LevelHowTo

    v63 v64  
    88 The StaticEntity defines the model's place and orientation (and some other values). The Model (a cube) is attached to the StaticEntity. With the proper sized collisionshape attached to the StaticEntity you have a "solid" cube. Without a collisionshape, the cube wouldn't be solid and your spaceship could just fly through it. This exampe is quite useful, since you usually can't see a collisionshape's size. If you combine an invisible collisionshape with a fitting model you can see where a collisionshape is for testing purposes. In this special case both the '''scale3D''' and the '''halfExtents''' parameters are identical.
     88The StaticEntity defines the model's place and orientation (and some other values). The Model (a cube) is attached to the StaticEntity. With the proper sized collisionshape attached to the StaticEntity you have a "solid" cube. Without a collisionshape, the cube wouldn't be solid and your spaceship could just fly through it. This exampe is quite useful, since you usually can't see a collisionshape's size. If you combine an invisible collisionshape with a fitting model you can see where a collisionshape is for testing purposes. In this special case both the '''scale3D''' and the '''halfExtents''' parameters are identical. To make the collisionshapes visible in the game type "debugDrawPhysics true" in the ingame console.
    9090== MovableEntity - Let's get the world moving ==
    362362== Backlight ==
    363 Backlights are a simple light source in a level. You can specify the colour and size of the light.
     363Backlights are a simple light source in a level. You can specify the colour and size of the light. The Backlight is only a Billboard. This means that it will not cause an illuminated mesh to become brighter. A Backlight is only faked light that may be used for example for blinking light at the wings of a spaceship.
    366366<Backlight position="0,0,0" scale=1.5 colour="0.9, 0.4, 0.0" width=7 length=500 lifetime=0.3 elements=20 trailmaterial="Trail/backlighttrail" material="Examples/Flare" loop=1 />
     370== Light ==
     371For real light use the Light class. In the follwing example the cube is only bright at the front side because there is no light behind him.
     375type=directional position="0,0,0"
     376direction="1, 1, 0"
     377diffuse="1.0, 0.9, 0.9, 1.0"
     378specular="1.0, 0.9, 0.9, 1.0"/>   
     381type=point position="100,0,0"
     382direction="1, 1, 0"
     383diffuse="1.0, 0.9, 0.9, 1.0"
     384specular="1.0, 0.9, 0.9, 1.0"/>
     387type=spotlight position="20,0,0"
     389direction="1, 1, 0"
     390diffuse="1.0, 0.9, 0.9, 1.0"
     391specular="1.0, 0.9, 0.9, 1.0"/>
     393<Model mesh="Coordinates.mesh" position = "20,0,0" scale=10/>
     395<Model mesh="cube.mesh" position = "100,100,100" scale=50/>
    373402<ParticleEmitter scale=5 position="100, 0, 0" source="Orxonox/thruster3" lifetime=2.0 loop=1 startdelay=0.0 />
    375 Take a look at the classes ParticleEmitter and ParticleSpawner to learn more about how particel effects work in Orxonox.
     404Take a look at the class ParticleEmitter to learn more about how particle effects work in Orxonox.
     406== ParticleSpawner ==
     408A ParticleEmitter runs the defined effect forever. If you want to show the effect only once use the more advanced ParticleSpawner class. Search for the XMLPort function in the ParticleSpawner class to see what parameters you can define.
    377410== Planets ==