Version 14 (modified by rgrieder, 15 years ago) (diff) |
Windows with Visual Studio
You need to get either Visual Studio 2005 or Visual Studio 2008. We do not support .NET 2003 because the compiler is missing an important extension (variadic macros). There has also been no testing with any Express Edition version.
DirectX and OpenAL
You sure have DirectX 9 already installed (required for DirectInput). Also make sure you have installed OpenAL (might no be shipped with Windows 7). Otherwise you can compile and run everything but no sound will can heard.
Getting everything set and done
- Checkout the HEAD revision of the trunk or of any branch you like. Also checkout the media repository and put it on the same directory level as your source checkout. More information can be found in the SVN? section.
- The next thing is getting the external dependencies. We supply these as precompiled archives (see at the bottom) with the lib, dll and include files. You might also be interested in the debug symbols to step through the dependency libraries. Once you got the archive, put it in the directory of your source checkout folder and extract it right there (not in a new folder). This will create a folder named "dependencies" that includes everything necessary.
You should now have a directory structure like this:
media (repository checkout, you choose the name..) ... trunk (repository checkout, you choose the name..) bin cmake dependencies bin include lib src audio ...
- We use CMake to have better cross platform support. Get the latest (at least v2.6) binaries at and extract/install them.
- Run bin/cmake-gui.exe and select your source checkout folder ('trunk' in my example above). The binary folder below can be anywhere except the source folder itself. We suggest trunk/build.
- Hit configure
- If you need additional configuration options, have a look a the General Build Options Page?.
- Hit "configure" again (or as long as "generate" is unavailable) and then "generate". You will be prompted to select a generator. Choose the Visual Studio version you have (64 bit is not yet supported!).
- Go to your freshly created binary folder, open Orxonox.sln and hit F7. That will build orxonox.
- On the left you see all targets, make sure that 'Orxonox' is bold by right clicking on it and selecting "Set as StartUp Project".
- F5 will start the game.
If you have any trouble, feel free to contact me (Reto '1337' Grieder).