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24 | | == old approach == |
25 | | |
26 | | 1. At first you will need subversion from [subversion.tigris.org]. There is also a GUI version out there at [http://tortoisesvn.tigris.org] (The commandline svn is probably the right choice if you are experienced with the shell, and for advanced work) |
27 | | 1. Download and install [http://www.orxonox.net/files/mingw/Development/mingw/MinGW-3.1.0-1.exe MinGW] |
28 | | 1. Download and install [http://www.orxonox.net/files/mingw/Development/msys/MSYS-1.0.10.exe msys] |
29 | | 1. choose another path than minGW for msys installation |
30 | | 2. while installing say twice yes (y) |
31 | | 3. give the exact path to the minGW directory, so msys can configure the important links. |
32 | | 1. Install [http://www.orxonox.net/files/mingw/Development/msys/msysDTK-1.0.1.exe msysDTK] to the same direcory as msys. |
33 | | 1. Extract and copy the content of [http://www.orxonox.net/files/mingw/Development/msys/msys-autoconf-2.59.tar.bz2 autoconf] and [http://www.orxonox.net/files/mingw/Development/msys/msys-automake-1.8.2.tar.bz2 automake] to msys (this will overwrite the obsolete autoconf of msysDTK) |
34 | | 1. Extract and Copy the content of [http://www.orxonox.net/files/mingw/Development/mingw/SDL-devel-1.2.8-mingw32.tar.gz libSDL] to the minGW directory. (if you get a compile error in orxonox change in MinGW/include/SDL/SDL_audio.h on line 97 the function Pointer to the following: |
| 17 | = Compilation = |
| 18 | 1. start msys |
| 19 | 1. goto the project directory |
| 20 | 1. run |
38 | | 1. Textures: extract [http://www.orxonox.net/files/mingw/Development/mingw/SDL_image-devel-1.2.4-VC6.zip SDL_image h] into your minGW directory. Runtime Support: [http://www.orxonox.net/files/mingw/Development/mingw/SDL_ttf-devel-2.0.7-VC6.zip here] |
39 | | 1. Sound: extract [http://www.orxonox.net/files/mingw/Development/mingw/SDL_ttf-devel-2.0.7-VC6.zip SDL_ttf]. Runtime Support: [http://www.orxonox.net/files/mingw/Runtime/SDL_ttf-2.0.7-win32.zip here]. |
40 | | 1. Fonts: extract [http://www.orxonox.net/files/mingw/Development/mingw/SDL_mixer-devel-1.2.6-VC6.zip SDL_mixer]. Runtime Support: [http://www.orxonox.net/files/mingw/Runtime/SDL_mixer-1.2.6-win32.zip here]. |
41 | | 1. OPTIONAL: if you want the GTK-gui and the console to work, Extract the [http://www.orxonox.net/files/mingw/Development/mingw/gtk/gtk-dev.rar GTK-dev-package] to the minGW directory. |
42 | | 1. Checkout the code from [http://svn.orxonox.net/orxonox] to a place of your convenience and work with it. |
43 | | 1. If you want runtime support download [http://www.orxonox.net/files/mingw/Runtime/SDL-1.2.8-win32.zip SDL-Runtime] , SDL_Mixer-libs and several gtk-runtime-libs. |