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Version 14 (modified by bknecht, 16 years ago) (diff)


Development Team of Fall 2008

Name Description Projects PPS Semester
Axel Bomhauer-Beins? HS 08
Janis Edelmann? HS 08
Damian Frick? HS 08
Adrian Friedli? HS 08
Reto Grieder? PPS-Assistant, Input Manager input, game states HS 07, FS 08, HS 08
Benjamin Hildebrandt? HS 08
Mirko Kaiser? HS 08
Fabian Landau? PPS-Assistent, UT Pro, hardcore gamer, BSP specialist Space Station (interior)?, Moonstation Hangar? WS 06/07, SS 07, HS 07, FS 08, HS 08
Christian Peter? HS 08
Martin Polak? HS 08
Marian Runo? HS 08
Oli Scheuss? PPS-Assistant, network specialist network engine HS 07, FS 08, HS 08
Felix Schulthess? PPS-Assistant, modeller various ships FS 08, HS 08
David Sommer? HS 08
Martin Stypinski? HS 08

Former Developers

Engine/Game Development

Name Description Projects PPS Semester
Marc Biber? Space Ship Steering HS 07
Patrick Boenzli? Founder, former PPS-Leader, bad modler, organizer, beer drinker, griller, SegaMegadrive gamer. Email: Core framework, OpenGL, C++ hardend, collision detection? and reaction?, event handler?, BSP-maps, webpage, Mount Points? since Feb. 2004
Claudio Botta? BSP importer?, height map? WS 05/06, SS 06
Yuning Chai? HS 07, FS 08
Thomas Fahrni? archive/AI? WS 06/07
Filip Gospodinov? archive/CameraMan? WS 06/07
Benjamin Grauer? Founder, former PPS-Leader, grill master, overchiller, studies abuser, modler, lucas arts adventure gamer. Email: GTK, Graphical User Interface?, sound engine?, webpage, OpenGL, Particle Engine? since Feb. 2004
David Hasenfratz? Our man in india Animated textures?, weather engine? WS 05/06, SS 06
Andreas Hejj? archive/Quest_dialog? WS 06/07
Gabriel Höhner? HS 07
Mathias Karlsson? HS 07
Benjamin Knecht? PPS-Leader, Universe writer and modler. Email: Playability, controls?, story? WS 05/06, SS 06
Manuel Leuenberger? Power Up Engine? WS 05/06
Stefan Lienhard? Former PPS-Assistent, Party organizer and 42M runner. Our man in canada. Animated textures?, water shader WS 05/06, SS 06
Reto Lüchinger? archive/ADM? SS 07
Andy Mächler? linux fan Weather engine? SS 06
Dumeni Manatschal? HS 07, FS 08
Michel Müller? Vertical Scroller? WS 06/07
Silvan Nellen? Former PPS-Assistent, guitar man Playability, LUA script? WS 05/06, SS 06
Martin Otth? HS 07
Christoph Renner? Former PPS-Assistent Network?, command line? WS 05/06, SS 06
Marc Schärer? Weaponsystem? WS 06/07
Sandra Weber? HS 07
Benjamin Wüst? Network? WS 05/06

Content Creation

Name Description Projects PPS Semester
Sam Boegli? Space Station (exterior)? WS 06/07
Rocco Bottani? Space Station DuBall 158? FS 08
Pascal Brem? Human Ships? WS 06/07
Ralph Burkart? Noxon Ships? WS 06/07
Marco Delai? Pirate Ship? WS 06/07
Janis Edelmann? Drone?, Shader HS 07, FS 08
Marcel Flügel-Ribeiro? Robot? HS 07
Michi von Känel? Moonstation? SS 07
Massimo Maffioli? Space Station DuBall 158? FS 08
Andrea Moroni-Stampa? Pirate Mainship? WS 06/07
Nicolas Perrenoud? XML-Loader? HS 07
Tobias Rutishauser? Noxon Ships? WS 06/07
Nicolas Schlumberger? PPS-Assistent, Gentoo Enthusiast Advanced Figher? WS 06/07, SS 07
Dominik Schmidbauer? Space Ship? HS 07
Sebastian Steiner? Turret? SS 07
Adrian Waeber? Human Ships? WS 06/07
Simon Wenner? Former PPS-Assistent Noxon Ships?, Transporter?
Tim Widmer? Space Cruiser? HS 07

Occasional Developers

Name Description
Johannes Bader OpenGL, algorithms, Showroom framework, coolermaster, Orxonox::Psychologist. It's long time ago since…
Nico Bernold Bends the bits on OSX, graphics and responsible for the new style of the webpage. lounge lizard.
Adrian Buerli C++ disenchanted assembler-coder, OOP design, int preference() { return MartiniBianco };
David Gruetter OpenGL freak, skysphere maker. Email:
Simon Hofmann English corrector, story writer, comments on everything, gamer. Email:
Christian Meyer Win32 compiler, bandwidth abuser, C/C++ monster, peon and code criticiser. Email:

More noble Spirits

Pascal Graf

Pascal Graf designed posters for our conventions and helped us redesign our page. Thanks a lot for your great work. Just look at our website and you know what we mean. Check out more of his work on his personal portfolio site.

Daniel Grauer

From the project Frontline Soldiers a mod for FarCry we got many very good low-poly meshes of trees, vegetation and a lot more…
Thanks a lot.

Lukas Grauer

The first three songs are from Luke Grey, and they really revive all the feelings you had while playing a real arcade game. Listen to them, and you will know what I mean.

Amir Guindehi

Thank you for being like a father to us and for giving us svn and mailinglist access. And thanks for all the administrative work you did. A true hero of the open source community… Homepage:

Alex Schenker

He is a technoid musician from America, and as such he may also be an (charenglish*) Orxonox::Translator(German);. For sure he will be one of the main testers of the whole Project.

Aaron von Schroeder

The drum and bass artists from Pfäffikon named Task Horizon will hopefully contribute their track soon. Anyways, they are more than worth to be mentioned here, for their really heavy sound.

Thierry Zaugg

He has enriched Orxonox by contributing many songs, many pictures and many models! We really appreciate this work and are thankful, that he is interessted in the progress of Orxonox[[br]] Homepage: