Version 14 (modified by patrick, 19 years ago) (diff) |
- - babylon modeling tut
- - boat modeling tut (very simple and not too good)
- - texturing with blender
md2 modeling
- - misfit md2 editor open source
- - md2 model source
- - transformers md2 models
- evolved qake2
Model formats
- wotsit - a collection of format descriptions
- gametutorials - a collection of many importer/graphics examples
- garagegames tutorial - easy to use importer, some limitations
- gamedev code - some example mesh/material loading code, no animations
- lib3ds - ib3ds is a free ANSI-C library for working with the popular "3ds" 3D model format. loads and saves Atmosphere settings, Background settings, Shadow map settings, Viewport setting, Materials, Cameras, Lights, Meshes, Hierarchy, Animation keyframes
- c3ds - C3ds is a set of classes written in c++ to read and parse easily .3ds files with an object oriented approach.
- opencl-clib - OpenCL is Character library. It is used in OpenGL as its component. The library is built upon ScriptML and is able to support many 3D formats: md2, md3, 3ds, … The language is C/C++. Many optimizations (VBO, arrays) are controlled through API
- convex3d - A converter, viewer and object extractor for popular 3D file formats (3DS, OBJ, LWO etc). Features very fast text renderer with font anti-aliasing, support for textures and materials, modelling grid and axis, making scene screenshots, postprocessing etc
- the-labs - blender 3ds importer, very simple and old
- cal3d format - Cal3d is a skeletal based 3d character animation library written in C++
- collada - Open standard for the interactive entertainment industry that defines an XML-based schema for 3D authoring applications to freely exchange digital assets without loss of information
- colladamaya - This plug-in allows Maya to exchange 3D assets in the Collada document format.
- colladablender - This is a COLLADA (1.3.1 / 1.4) Plug-in for Blender which exports and imports: Meshes, Materials, Textures, Lights (Hemi, Lamp, Sun and Spot) and Cameras. Additional features are export of animation, selected objects only and export of baked transforms.
- collada source codes - forum with importer/exporter plugin source code
- unreal collada importer - everyone wants to use collada!
- irrlicht - has also collada importer