= First PPS Download = '''We check out the source and data repository and build for the first time''' 1. Open a Terminal. 2. Create a folder for yourself on the local harddrive: {{{ mkdir /scratch/ cd /scratch/ }}} 3. Create your orxonox directory: {{{ mkdir orxonox && cd orxonox }}} 4. Now check out the latest revision of the data repository (you will probably be asked for a username and password once): {{{ svn co https://svn.orxonox.net/game/data/data_extern }}} 4.1 Open a new terminal tab, to work in parallel. {{{ Press Control + Shift + T. }}} 4.2 Now get the latest revision of the tutorial: {{{ svn co https://svn.orxonox.net/game/code/branches/cegui0.8_ogre1.9 trunk }}} 4.3 While you wait, open another terminal tab, download additional dependencies: {{{ mkdir dependencies && cd dependencies svn co https://svn.orxonox.net/downloads/ogre_src_v1-9-0 cd .. }}} 5. Wait for both branches to check out completely. 6. Prepare to build: {{{ mkdir build && cd build cmake ../trunk }}} 7. Now build for the first time (may take some time, further builds will be faster): {{{ make -j4 }}} The ''-j4'' means to create 4 parallel compile processes. '''Start the game for the first time''' 8. Start the game. You will see a menu popping up, just press the ''Quickstart'' button. {{{ ./run }}} [[BR]] = Sign up for Orxonox LDAP = In order to be able to commit your changes to a branch, you will need an orxonox LDAP account. The assistants will have set up an account for you, using your username and an automatically generated safe password. To reset the password, go to "Lost Password" and click on "Email" on the top left. Enter your name as "Login" and @ee.ethz.ch as "Mail". An email will be sent to you with a link to reset your password. You will be prompted for this password when committing to your branch (if it has been checked out with https). [[BR]] = Download your own branch = '''We check out the project branch and build it''' 1. Open a Terminal. 2. You should now have access to the orxonox storage account: {{{ cd /itet-stor//orxonox/ }}} 3. Create your orxonox directory: {{{ mkdir orxonox && cd orxonox }}} 4. Now check out the latest revision of the data repository (you will probably be asked for a username and password once): {{{ svn co https://svn.orxonox.net/game/data/data_extern }}} 4.1 Open a new terminal tab, to work in parallel. {{{ Press Control + Shift + T. }}} 4.2 Now checkout your project branch: {{{ svn co https://svn.orxonox.net/game/code/branches/ }}} 4.3 While you wait, open another terminal tab, download and unzip additional dependencies: {{{ mkdir dependencies && cd dependencies svn co https://svn.orxonox.net/downloads/ogre_src_v1-9-0 cd .. }}} 5. Wait for both branches to check out completely. 6. Prepare to build: {{{ mkdir build && cd build cmake ../ }}} 7. Now build for the first time (may take some time, further builds will be faster): {{{ make -j4 }}} The ''-j4'' means to create 4 parallel compile processes. '''Start the game for the first time''' 8. Start the game. You will see a menu popping up, just press the ''Quickstart'' button. {{{ ./run }}}