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Changes between Version 31 and Version 32 of pps/main

Jan 21, 2008, 11:46:37 AM (17 years ago)


  • pps/main

    v31 v32  
    88Facts about our PPS:
    99 * 6 PPS-points for you
    10  * PPS takes place on '''Wednesday, 13:15 until 16:00'''
     10 * PPS takes place on '''Thursday, 13:15 until 16:00'''
    1111 * Rooms: ETZ H91 (teaching, courses, tutorials), ETL E11 and ETL F11 (coding sessions) (you will be informed about room changes via email)
    12  * Requirements: We don't want to tell you where you can turn on a computer, so you should at least be able to work on a computer. Most things will be thought by us, but we're not unhappy if you already know stuff about open source development tools.
    13   * Coding: Knowledge from the first year of the electro engineer studies is sufficient
     12 * Requirements: We don't want to tell you where you can turn on a computer, so you should at least be able to work on one. Most things will be taught by us, but we're not unhappy if you already know stuff about open source development tools.
     13  * Coding: Knowledge from the first year of the electrical engineering studies is sufficient
    1414  * Design: Basic knowledge of image editing or 3D modeling
    15  * We also offer this PPS in the spring semester ( FS 08 )
    1716For more information feel free to contact the PPS leaders: [wiki:FabianLandau x3n], [wiki:NicolasSchlumberger nico] or [wiki:BenjaminKnecht beni]
    2221== PPS of this semester ==
     22=== FS 2008 ===
     23 * [wiki:PPS_TimeTableFS2008 Timetable] - timeline
     24 * [wiki:PPS_TopicsFS2008 Project] - project topics propositions
     25 * [wiki:PPS_PresentationFS2008 Project Presentation] - Orxonox convention 8
     27== PPS of past semesters ==
    2328=== HS 2007 ===
    2429 * [wiki:PPS_TimeTableHS2007 Timetable] - timeline
    2631 * [wiki:PPS_PresentationHS2007 Project Presentation] - Orxonox convention 7
    28 == PPS of past semesters ==
    2933=== SS 2007 ===
    3034 * [wiki:PPS_TimeTableSS2007 Timetable] - timeline