- Timestamp:
- Jan 17, 2016, 1:59:00 PM (9 years ago)
- Location:
- code/branches/cpp11_v3
- Files:
- 53 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r11043 r11065 48 48 RegisterObject(FlagHUD); 49 49 50 this->hoverGame_ = NULL;50 this->hoverGame_ = nullptr; 51 51 this->panel_ = static_cast<Ogre::PanelOverlayElement*>(Ogre::OverlayManager::getSingleton() 52 52 .createOverlayElement("Panel", "FlagHUD_Panel_" + getUniqueNumberString())); … … 101 101 else 102 102 { 103 this->hoverGame_ = 0;103 this->hoverGame_ = nullptr; 104 104 } 105 105 } -
r11041 r11065 47 47 virtual ~FlagHUD(); 48 48 49 virtual void tick(float dt) ;50 virtual void changedOwner() ;49 virtual void tick(float dt) override; 50 virtual void changedOwner() override; 51 51 52 52 void setFlagCount(int flagCount); -
r11043 r11065 48 48 RegisterObject(Hover); 49 49 50 this->origin_ = NULL;50 this->origin_ = nullptr; 51 51 this->numberOfFlags_ = 1; 52 52 this->firstTick_ = true; -
r11043 r11065 50 50 Hover(Context* context); 51 51 52 virtual void tick(float dt) ;52 virtual void tick(float dt) override; 53 53 54 54 void setOrigin(HoverOrigin* origin) -
r11043 r11065 49 49 RegisterObject(HoverFlag); 50 50 51 this->model_ = NULL;52 this->cs_ = NULL;51 this->model_ = nullptr; 52 this->cs_ = nullptr; 53 53 this->collided_ = false; 54 54 -
r11042 r11065 51 51 void init(int xCoordinate, int yCoordinate, int cellSize); 52 52 53 virtual bool collidesAgainst(WorldEntity* otherObject, const btCollisionShape* ownCollisionShape, btManifoldPoint& contactPoint) ;53 virtual bool collidesAgainst(WorldEntity* otherObject, const btCollisionShape* ownCollisionShape, btManifoldPoint& contactPoint) override; 54 54 55 55 inline bool getCollided() const -
r11040 r11065 58 58 void HoverOrigin::checkGametype() 59 59 { 60 if (getGametype() != NULL&& this->getGametype()->isA(Class(Hover)))60 if (getGametype() != nullptr && this->getGametype()->isA(Class(Hover))) 61 61 { 62 62 Hover* hoverGametype = orxonox_cast<Hover*>(this->getGametype()); -
r11041 r11065 108 108 public: 109 109 HoverOrigin(Context* context); //!< Constructor. Registers and initializes the object and checks whether the gametype is actually Hover. 110 virtual ~HoverOrigin() {}111 virtual void XMLPort(Element& xmlelement, XMLPort::Mode mode) ; //!< Method to create a HoverOrigin through XML.110 virtual ~HoverOrigin() = default; 111 virtual void XMLPort(Element& xmlelement, XMLPort::Mode mode) override; //!< Method to create a HoverOrigin through XML. 112 112 113 113 inline void setNumCells(int numCells) -
r11041 r11065 44 44 HoverShip(Context* context); 45 45 46 virtual void XMLPort(Element& xmlelement, XMLPort::Mode mode) ;46 virtual void XMLPort(Element& xmlelement, XMLPort::Mode mode) override; 47 47 48 48 /// sets this ships jumpBoost … … 53 53 { return this->jumpBoost_; } 54 54 55 virtual void moveFrontBack(const Vector2& value) ;55 virtual void moveFrontBack(const Vector2& value) override; 56 56 57 virtual void moveRightLeft(const Vector2& value) ;57 virtual void moveRightLeft(const Vector2& value) override; 58 58 59 virtual void moveUpDown(const Vector2& value) ;59 virtual void moveUpDown(const Vector2& value) override; 60 60 61 virtual void rotateYaw(const Vector2& value) ;61 virtual void rotateYaw(const Vector2& value) override; 62 62 63 virtual void rotatePitch(const Vector2& value) ;63 virtual void rotatePitch(const Vector2& value) override; 64 64 65 virtual void rotateRoll(const Vector2& value) ;65 virtual void rotateRoll(const Vector2& value) override; 66 66 67 virtual bool collidesAgainst(WorldEntity* otherObject, const btCollisionShape* cs, btManifoldPoint& contactPoint) ;67 virtual bool collidesAgainst(WorldEntity* otherObject, const btCollisionShape* cs, btManifoldPoint& contactPoint) override; 68 68 69 virtual void boost(bool bBoost) ;69 virtual void boost(bool bBoost) override; 70 70 71 71 private: -
r11043 r11065 46 46 RegisterObject(HoverWall); 47 47 48 this->model_ = NULL;49 this->cs_ = NULL;48 this->model_ = nullptr; 49 this->cs_ = nullptr; 50 50 51 51 this->enableCollisionCallback(); -
r11043 r11065 47 47 this->time_ = 0.0f; 48 48 this->running_ = false; 49 this->hoverGame_ = 0;49 this->hoverGame_ = nullptr; 50 50 setRunning(true); 51 51 } … … 98 98 else 99 99 { 100 this->hoverGame_ = 0;100 this->hoverGame_ = nullptr; 101 101 } 102 102 } -
r11041 r11065 45 45 TimeHUD(Context* context); 46 46 47 virtual void tick(float dt) ;48 virtual void changedOwner() ;47 virtual void tick(float dt) override; 48 virtual void changedOwner() override; 49 49 50 50 /// sets if the clock is running -
r11052 r11065 41 41 42 42 this->setConfigValues(); 43 this->owner_ = NULL;43 this->owner_ = nullptr; 44 44 } 45 45 … … 62 62 void HUDEnemyShieldBar::updateTarget() 63 63 { 64 Pawn* pawn = NULL;64 Pawn* pawn = nullptr; 65 65 if (this->owner_ && this->useEnemyBar_) 66 66 { … … 73 73 // Don't show the EnemyShieldBar if the pawn is invisible 74 74 if (pawn && !pawn->isVisible()) 75 pawn = NULL;75 pawn = nullptr; 76 76 } 77 77 // Set the pawn as owner of the EnemyShieldBar 78 78 this->setShieldBarOwner(pawn); 79 this->setVisible(pawn != NULL);79 this->setVisible(pawn != nullptr); 80 80 } 81 81 -
r11052 r11065 45 45 46 46 void setConfigValues(); 47 virtual void tick(float dt) ;47 virtual void tick(float dt) override; 48 48 49 v oid changedOwner();49 virtual void changedOwner() override; 50 50 51 51 private: -
r11052 r11065 40 40 RegisterObject(HUDRocketFuelBar); 41 41 42 this->owner_ = NULL;42 this->owner_ = nullptr; 43 43 } 44 44 -
r11052 r11065 49 49 virtual ~HUDRocketFuelBar(); 50 50 51 virtual void tick(float dt) ;52 virtual void changedOwner() ;51 virtual void tick(float dt) override; 52 virtual void changedOwner() override; 53 53 54 54 private: -
r11052 r11065 41 41 RegisterObject(HUDShieldBar); 42 42 43 this->owner_ = NULL;43 this->owner_ = nullptr; 44 44 } 45 45 -
r11052 r11065 49 49 virtual ~HUDShieldBar(); 50 50 51 virtual void tick(float dt) ;52 virtual void changedOwner() ;51 virtual void tick(float dt) override; 52 virtual void changedOwner() override; 53 53 54 54 inline void setShieldBarOwner(Pawn* owner) -
r11059 r11065 76 76 if (!weapon_) 77 77 { 78 // TODO: destroy this HUD id the Weapon does no more exist. (Wehen the weak pointer is NULL)78 // TODO: destroy this HUD id the Weapon does no more exist. (Wehen the weak pointer is null) 79 79 } 80 80 } … … 114 114 bool visible = this->isVisible(); 115 115 116 for ( std::vector<WeakPtr<HUDWeaponMode> >::iterator it = hudWeaponModes_.begin(); it != hudWeaponModes_.end(); ++it)117 { 118 (*it)->changedVisibility(); //inform all Child Overlays that our visibility has changed119 (*it)->setVisible(visible);116 for (HUDWeaponMode* hudWeaponMode : hudWeaponModes_) 117 { 118 hudWeaponMode->changedVisibility(); //inform all Child Overlays that our visibility has changed 119 hudWeaponMode->setVisible(visible); 120 120 } 121 121 } … … 154 154 void HUDWeapon::createHUDChilds() 155 155 { 156 if (weapon_ == NULL)156 if (weapon_ == nullptr) 157 157 { 158 158 return; … … 161 161 int positionIndex = 0; 162 162 163 for ( std::multimap<unsigned int, WeaponMode*>::const_iterator it = weapon_->getAllWeaponmodes().begin(); it != weapon_->getAllWeaponmodes().end(); ++it)163 for (const auto& mapEntry : weapon_->getAllWeaponmodes()) 164 164 { 165 165 HUDWeaponMode* hudWeaponMode = new HUDWeaponMode(this->getContext()); … … 167 167 hudWeaponMode->setOverlayGroup(this->getOverlayGroup()); 168 168 hudWeaponMode->setVisible(this->isVisible()); 169 hudWeaponMode->setWeaponMode( it->second);169 hudWeaponMode->setWeaponMode(mapEntry.second); 170 170 hudWeaponMode->setWeaponIndex(this->weaponIndex_); 171 171 hudWeaponMode->setAspectCorrection(false); … … 182 182 int positionIndex = 0; 183 183 184 for ( std::vector<WeakPtr<HUDWeaponMode> >::iterator it = hudWeaponModes_.begin(); it != hudWeaponModes_.end(); ++it)185 { 186 (*it)->setPositionOffset(this->positionOffset_);187 (*it)->setWeaponModeIndex(positionIndex);188 (*it)->setWeaponIndex(this->weaponIndex_);189 (*it)->setWeaponModeHUDActualSize(this->weaponModeHUDActualSize_);184 for (HUDWeaponMode* hudWeaponMode : hudWeaponModes_) 185 { 186 hudWeaponMode->setPositionOffset(this->positionOffset_); 187 hudWeaponMode->setWeaponModeIndex(positionIndex); 188 hudWeaponMode->setWeaponIndex(this->weaponIndex_); 189 hudWeaponMode->setWeaponModeHUDActualSize(this->weaponModeHUDActualSize_); 190 190 191 191 ++ positionIndex; … … 195 195 void HUDWeapon::destroyHUDChilds() 196 196 { 197 for ( std::vector<WeakPtr<HUDWeaponMode> >::iterator it = hudWeaponModes_.begin(); it != hudWeaponModes_.end(); ++it)198 { 199 (*it)->destroy();197 for (HUDWeaponMode* hudWeaponMode : hudWeaponModes_) 198 { 199 hudWeaponMode->destroy(); 200 200 } 201 201 … … 205 205 void HUDWeapon::updateSize() 206 206 { 207 if (weapon_ != NULL)207 if (weapon_ != nullptr) 208 208 { 209 209 this->setSize(Vector2(weaponModeHUDActualSize_.x,weaponModeHUDActualSize_.y*weapon_->getAllWeaponmodes().size())); … … 214 214 void HUDWeapon::updatePosition() 215 215 { 216 if (weapon_ != NULL)216 if (weapon_ != nullptr) 217 217 { 218 218 this->setPosition(Vector2(weaponModeHUDActualSize_.x*weaponIndex_,0.0f) + this->positionOffset_); -
r11064 r11065 55 55 virtual ~HUDWeapon(); 56 56 57 virtual void XMLPort(Element& xmlelement, XMLPort::Mode mode) ;58 virtual void tick(float dt) ;59 virtual void changedOwner() ;60 virtual void changedOverlayGroup() ;61 virtual void changedVisibility() ;62 virtual void changedName() ;63 virtual void positionChanged() ;64 virtual void sizeChanged() ;57 virtual void XMLPort(Element& xmlelement, XMLPort::Mode mode) override; 58 virtual void tick(float dt) override; 59 virtual void changedOwner() override; 60 virtual void changedOverlayGroup() override; 61 virtual void changedVisibility() override; 62 virtual void changedName() override; 63 virtual void positionChanged() override; 64 virtual void sizeChanged() override; 65 65 66 66 void setWeapon(Weapon* weapon); … … 94 94 WeakPtr<Weapon> weapon_; 95 95 96 std::vector<WeakPtr<HUDWeaponMode> 96 std::vector<WeakPtr<HUDWeaponMode>> hudWeaponModes_; 97 97 98 98 Ogre::PanelOverlayElement* overlayElement_; -
r11063 r11065 126 126 Munition* munition = this->weaponMode_->getMunition(); 127 127 128 if (munition != NULL)128 if (munition != nullptr) 129 129 { 130 130 MunitionDeployment deployment = munition->getMunitionDeployment(); … … 237 237 Munition* munition = this->weaponMode_->getMunition(); 238 238 239 if (munition != NULL)239 if (munition != nullptr) 240 240 { 241 241 MunitionDeployment deployment = munition->getMunitionDeployment(); -
r11064 r11065 57 57 virtual ~HUDWeaponMode(); 58 58 59 virtual void tick(float dt) ;60 virtual void changedOwner() ;61 virtual void changedOverlayGroup() ;62 virtual void changedVisibility() ;63 virtual void changedName() ;64 virtual void positionChanged() ;65 virtual void sizeChanged() ;59 virtual void tick(float dt) override; 60 virtual void changedOwner() override; 61 virtual void changedOverlayGroup() override; 62 virtual void changedVisibility() override; 63 virtual void changedName() override; 64 virtual void positionChanged() override; 65 virtual void sizeChanged() override; 66 66 67 67 void setWeaponMode(WeaponMode* weaponMode); -
r11059 r11065 103 103 bool visible = this->isVisible(); 104 104 105 for ( std::vector<WeakPtr<HUDWeapon> >::iterator it = hudWeapons_.begin(); it != hudWeapons_.end(); ++it)105 for (HUDWeapon* hudWeapon : hudWeapons_) 106 106 { 107 (*it)->changedVisibility(); //inform all Child Overlays that our visibility has changed108 (*it)->setVisible(visible);107 hudWeapon->changedVisibility(); //inform all Child Overlays that our visibility has changed 108 hudWeapon->setVisible(visible); 109 109 } 110 110 } … … 129 129 { 130 130 const std::vector<WeaponPack*>& weaponPacks = owner_->getWeaponSystem()->getAllWeaponPacks(); 131 132 for (std::vector<WeaponPack*>::const_iterator itPacks = weaponPacks.begin(); itPacks != weaponPacks.end(); ++itPacks) 131 for (WeaponPack* weaponPack : weaponPacks) 133 132 { 134 const std::vector<Weapon*>& weapons = (*itPacks)->getAllWeapons(); 135 136 for (std::vector<Weapon*>::const_iterator itWeapons = weapons.begin(); itWeapons != weapons.end(); ++itWeapons) 133 const std::vector<Weapon*>& weapons = weaponPack->getAllWeapons(); 134 for (Weapon* weapon : weapons) 137 135 { 138 this->weapons_.push_back( *itWeapons);136 this->weapons_.push_back(weapon); 139 137 } 140 138 } … … 149 147 int positionIndex = 0; 150 148 151 for ( std::vector<WeakPtr<Weapon> >::iterator it = weapons_.begin(); it != weapons_.end(); ++it)149 for (Weapon* weapon : weapons_) 152 150 { 153 151 HUDWeapon* hudWeapon = new HUDWeapon(this->getContext()); … … 155 153 hudWeapon->setOverlayGroup(this->getOverlayGroup()); 156 154 hudWeapon->setVisible(this->isVisible()); 157 hudWeapon->setWeapon( *it);155 hudWeapon->setWeapon(weapon); 158 156 hudWeapon->setAspectCorrection(false); 159 157 hudWeapon->setPickPoint(Vector2(0.0f,0.0f)); … … 170 168 Vector2 offset = this->getPosition(); 171 169 172 for ( std::vector<WeakPtr<HUDWeapon> >::iterator it = hudWeapons_.begin(); it != hudWeapons_.end(); ++it)170 for (HUDWeapon* hudWeapon : hudWeapons_) 173 171 { 174 (*it)->setPositionOffset(offset);175 (*it)->setWeaponIndex(positionIndex);176 (*it)->setWeaponModeHUDActualSize(this->weaponModeHUDActualSize_);172 hudWeapon->setPositionOffset(offset); 173 hudWeapon->setWeaponIndex(positionIndex); 174 hudWeapon->setWeaponModeHUDActualSize(this->weaponModeHUDActualSize_); 177 175 178 176 ++ positionIndex; … … 182 180 void HUDWeaponSystem::destroyHUDChilds() 183 181 { 184 for ( std::vector<WeakPtr<HUDWeapon> >::iterator it = hudWeapons_.begin(); it != hudWeapons_.end(); ++it)182 for (HUDWeapon* hudWeapon : hudWeapons_) 185 183 { 186 (*it)->destroy();184 hudWeapon->destroy(); 187 185 } 188 186 -
r11064 r11065 49 49 virtual ~HUDWeaponSystem(); 50 50 51 virtual void XMLPort(Element& xmlelement, XMLPort::Mode mode) ;52 virtual void changedOwner() ;53 virtual void changedOverlayGroup() ;54 virtual void changedVisibility() ;55 virtual void changedName() ;56 virtual void positionChanged() ;57 virtual void sizeChanged() ;51 virtual void XMLPort(Element& xmlelement, XMLPort::Mode mode) override; 52 virtual void changedOwner() override; 53 virtual void changedOverlayGroup() override; 54 virtual void changedVisibility() override; 55 virtual void changedName() override; 56 virtual void positionChanged() override; 57 virtual void sizeChanged() override; 58 58 protected: 59 59 inline void setWeaponModeHUDSize(Vector2 vector) … … 71 71 WeakPtr<Pawn> owner_; 72 72 73 std::vector<WeakPtr<Weapon> 74 std::vector<WeakPtr<HUDWeapon> 73 std::vector<WeakPtr<Weapon>> weapons_; 74 std::vector<WeakPtr<HUDWeapon>> hudWeapons_; 75 75 76 76 Vector2 weaponModeHUDSize_; -
r11052 r11065 106 106 107 107 SpaceShip* ship = this->carrierToSpaceShipHelper(); 108 if(ship == NULL) // If the PickupCarrier is no SpaceShip, then this pickup is useless and therefore is destroyed.108 if(ship == nullptr) // If the PickupCarrier is no SpaceShip, then this pickup is useless and therefore is destroyed. 109 109 this->Pickupable::destroy(); 110 110 … … 128 128 Helper to transform the PickupCarrier to a SpaceShip, and throw an error message if the conversion fails. 129 129 @return 130 A pointer to the SpaceShip, or NULLif the conversion failed.130 A pointer to the SpaceShip, or nullptr if the conversion failed. 131 131 */ 132 132 SpaceShip* BoostPickup::carrierToSpaceShipHelper(void) … … 135 135 SpaceShip* ship = orxonox_cast<SpaceShip*>(carrier); 136 136 137 if(ship == NULL)137 if(ship == nullptr) 138 138 { 139 139 orxout(internal_error, context::pickups) << "Invalid PickupCarrier in BoostPickup." << endl; -
r11052 r11065 52 52 virtual ~BoostPickup(); //!< Destructor. 53 53 54 virtual void XMLPort(Element& xmlelement, orxonox::XMLPort::Mode mode) ; //!< Method for creating a BoostPickup object through XML.54 virtual void XMLPort(Element& xmlelement, orxonox::XMLPort::Mode mode) override; //!< Method for creating a BoostPickup object through XML. 55 55 56 virtual void changedUsed(void) ; //!< Is called when the pickup has transited from used to unused or the other way around.56 virtual void changedUsed(void) override; //!< Is called when the pickup has transited from used to unused or the other way around. 57 57 inline float getBoostRefill() 58 58 { return this->boostRefill_; } -
r11052 r11065 53 53 virtual ~MunitionContainer(); 54 54 55 virtual void XMLPort(Element& xmlelement, orxonox::XMLPort::Mode mode) ;55 virtual void XMLPort(Element& xmlelement, orxonox::XMLPort::Mode mode) override; 56 56 57 57 inline const std::string& getMunitionName() const -
r11052 r11065 86 86 void MunitionPickup::addMunitionContainer(MunitionContainer* munitionContainer) 87 87 { 88 OrxAssert(munitionContainer != NULL, "The munitionContainer cannot be NULL.");88 OrxAssert(munitionContainer != nullptr, "The munitionContainer cannot be nullptr."); 89 89 this->munitionContainers_.push_back(munitionContainer); 90 90 } … … 93 93 { 94 94 if(this->munitionContainers_.size() >= index) 95 return NULL;95 return nullptr; 96 96 else 97 97 return this->munitionContainers_[index]; … … 108 108 Pawn* pawn = this->carrierToPawnHelper(); 109 109 110 if(pawn == NULL) // If the PickupCarrier is no Pawn, then this pickup is useless and therefore is destroyed.110 if(pawn == nullptr) // If the PickupCarrier is no Pawn, then this pickup is useless and therefore is destroyed. 111 111 this->Pickupable::destroy(); 112 112 … … 114 114 if(this->isUsed()) 115 115 { 116 for( std::vector<MunitionContainer*>::iterator it = this->munitionContainers_.begin(); it != this->munitionContainers_.end(); ++it)116 for(MunitionContainer* container : this->munitionContainers_) 117 117 { 118 118 //Get pointer to the appropriate munition 119 SubclassIdentifier<Munition> identifier = (*it)->getMunitionType();119 SubclassIdentifier<Munition> identifier = container->getMunitionType(); 120 120 Munition* munition = pawn->getMunition(&identifier); 121 121 if (munition) 122 122 { 123 123 // Add munition and magzines 124 munition->addMunition( (*it)->getMunitionAmount());125 munition->addMagazines( (*it)->getMagazinesAmount());124 munition->addMunition(container->getMunitionAmount()); 125 munition->addMagazines(container->getMagazinesAmount()); 126 126 } 127 (*it)->destroy();127 container->destroy(); 128 128 } 129 129 // This will destroy the pickp … … 140 140 Helper to transform the PickupCarrier to a Pawn, and throw an error message if the conversion fails. 141 141 @return 142 A pointer to the Pawn, or NULLif the conversion failed.142 A pointer to the Pawn, or nullptr if the conversion failed. 143 143 */ 144 144 Pawn* MunitionPickup::carrierToPawnHelper(void) … … 147 147 Pawn* pawn = orxonox_cast<Pawn*>(carrier); 148 148 149 if(pawn == NULL)149 if(pawn == nullptr) 150 150 { 151 151 orxout(internal_error, context::pickups) << "Invalid PickupCarrier in MunitionPickup." << endl; -
r11064 r11065 59 59 virtual ~MunitionPickup(); //!< Destructor. 60 60 61 virtual void XMLPort(Element& xmlelement, orxonox::XMLPort::Mode mode) ; //!< Method for creating a MunitionPickup object through XML.61 virtual void XMLPort(Element& xmlelement, orxonox::XMLPort::Mode mode) override; //!< Method for creating a MunitionPickup object through XML. 62 62 63 virtual void changedUsed(void) ; //!< Is called when the pickup has transited from used to unused or the other way around.63 virtual void changedUsed(void) override; //!< Is called when the pickup has transited from used to unused or the other way around. 64 64 65 65 void addMunitionContainer(MunitionContainer* munitionContainer); -
r11054 r11065 112 112 modelRing4_->yaw(Degree(270)); 113 113 114 emitter_ = NULL;114 emitter_ = nullptr; 115 115 116 116 if (GameMode::isMaster()) … … 217 217 { 218 218 // Damage all pawns within the damage radius 219 for ( ObjectList<Pawn>::iterator it = ObjectList<Pawn>().begin(); it; ++it)219 for (Pawn* pawn : ObjectList<Pawn>()) 220 220 { 221 Vector3 distanceVector = it->getWorldPosition()-this->getWorldPosition();221 Vector3 distanceVector = pawn->getWorldPosition()-this->getWorldPosition(); 222 222 if(distanceVector.length()< damageRadius_) 223 223 { 224 it->hit(this->getShooter(), it->getWorldPosition(), NULL, this->getDamage(), this->getHealthDamage(), this->getShieldDamage());224 pawn->hit(this->getShooter(), pawn->getWorldPosition(), nullptr, this->getDamage(), this->getHealthDamage(), this->getShieldDamage()); 225 225 } 226 226 } -
r11064 r11065 57 57 virtual ~MineProjectile(); 58 58 59 virtual void XMLEventPort(Element& xmlelement, XMLPort::Mode mode) ;59 virtual void XMLEventPort(Element& xmlelement, XMLPort::Mode mode) override; 60 60 61 61 void setMaxTimeUntilExplosion(float maxTimeUntilExplosion); -
r11052 r11065 59 59 virtual ~MineGun(); 60 60 61 virtual void XMLPort(Element& xmlelement, XMLPort::Mode mode) ;62 virtual void fire() ;61 virtual void XMLPort(Element& xmlelement, XMLPort::Mode mode) override; 62 virtual void fire() override; 63 63 64 64 inline float getMaxTimeUntilExplosion() const -
r11054 r11065 339 339 inLoop = this->bInLoop_; 340 340 341 Action ::Valuevalue;341 Action value; 342 342 343 343 if ( actionName == "FIGHT" ) … … 371 371 return this->actionpoints_[index]; 372 372 else 373 return 0;373 return nullptr; 374 374 } 375 375 //XML method 376 Action ::ValueActionpointController::getAction ()376 Action ActionpointController::getAction () 377 377 { 378 378 return this->action_; … … 401 401 } 402 402 //XML method 403 void ActionpointController::setAction (Action ::Valueaction)403 void ActionpointController::setAction (Action action) 404 404 { 405 405 this->action_ = action; 406 406 } 407 407 //set action and target/protect 408 void ActionpointController::setAction (Action ::Valueaction, ControllableEntity* target)408 void ActionpointController::setAction (Action action, ControllableEntity* target) 409 409 { 410 410 if (!this || !this->getControllableEntity()) … … 423 423 } 424 424 //set action and target position 425 void ActionpointController::setAction (Action ::Valueaction, const Vector3& target)425 void ActionpointController::setAction (Action action, const Vector3& target) 426 426 { 427 427 if (!this || !this->getControllableEntity()) … … 434 434 } 435 435 //set action and target position and orientation 436 void ActionpointController::setAction (Action ::Valueaction, const Vector3& target, const Quaternion& orient )436 void ActionpointController::setAction (Action action, const Vector3& target, const Quaternion& orient ) 437 437 { 438 438 if (!this || !this->getControllableEntity()) … … 476 476 return; 477 477 478 this->setTarget( 0);478 this->setTarget(nullptr); 479 479 this->setTargetPosition(this->getControllableEntity()->getWorldPosition()); 480 480 this->action_ = Action::NONE; … … 506 506 if (targetName == "") 507 507 break; 508 for ( ObjectList<Pawn>::iterator itP = ObjectList<Pawn>().begin(); itP; ++itP)509 { 510 if (!this || !this->getControllableEntity()) 511 return; 512 if (CommonController::getName( *itP) == targetName)508 for (Pawn* pawn : ObjectList<Pawn>()) 509 { 510 if (!this || !this->getControllableEntity()) 511 return; 512 if (CommonController::getName(pawn) == targetName) 513 513 { 514 this->setTarget (static_cast<ControllableEntity*>( *itP));514 this->setTarget (static_cast<ControllableEntity*>(pawn)); 515 515 } 516 516 } … … 541 541 if (protectName == "reservedKeyword:human") 542 542 { 543 for ( ObjectList<Pawn>::iterator itP = ObjectList<Pawn>().begin(); itP; ++itP)543 for (Pawn* pawn : ObjectList<Pawn>()) 544 544 { 545 if (orxonox_cast<ControllableEntity*>( *itP) && ((*itP)->getController()) && ((*itP)->getController()->getIdentifier()->getName() == "NewHumanController"))545 if (orxonox_cast<ControllableEntity*>(pawn) && (pawn->getController()) && (pawn->getController()->getIdentifier()->getName() == "NewHumanController")) 546 546 { 547 this->setProtect (static_cast<ControllableEntity*>( *itP));547 this->setProtect (static_cast<ControllableEntity*>(pawn)); 548 548 } 549 549 } … … 551 551 else 552 552 { 553 for ( ObjectList<Pawn>::iterator itP = ObjectList<Pawn>().begin(); itP; ++itP)553 for (Pawn* pawn : ObjectList<Pawn>()) 554 554 { 555 if (CommonController::getName( *itP) == protectName)555 if (CommonController::getName(pawn) == protectName) 556 556 { 557 this->setProtect (static_cast<ControllableEntity*>( *itP));557 this->setProtect (static_cast<ControllableEntity*>(pawn)); 558 558 } 559 559 } … … 578 578 std::string targetName = p.name; 579 579 580 for ( ObjectList<Pawn>::iterator itP = ObjectList<Pawn>().begin(); itP; ++itP)581 { 582 if (CommonController::getName( *itP) == targetName)580 for (Pawn* pawn : ObjectList<Pawn>()) 581 { 582 if (CommonController::getName(pawn) == targetName) 583 583 { 584 584 if (!this || !this->getControllableEntity()) 585 585 return; 586 this->setTarget (static_cast<ControllableEntity*>( *itP));586 this->setTarget (static_cast<ControllableEntity*>(pawn)); 587 587 } 588 588 } … … 702 702 { 703 703 if (!this || !this->getControllableEntity()) 704 return 0;705 706 Pawn* closestTarget = 0;704 return nullptr; 705 706 Pawn* closestTarget = nullptr; 707 707 float minDistance = std::numeric_limits<float>::infinity(); 708 708 Gametype* gt = this->getGametype(); 709 for ( ObjectList<Pawn>::iterator itP = ObjectList<Pawn>().begin(); itP; ++itP)709 for (Pawn* pawn : ObjectList<Pawn>()) 710 710 { 711 711 if (!this || !this->getControllableEntity()) 712 return 0;713 if ( CommonController::sameTeam (this->getControllableEntity(), static_cast<ControllableEntity*>( *itP), gt) )712 return nullptr; 713 if ( CommonController::sameTeam (this->getControllableEntity(), static_cast<ControllableEntity*>(pawn), gt) ) 714 714 continue; 715 715 716 float distance = CommonController::distance ( *itP, this->getControllableEntity());716 float distance = CommonController::distance (pawn, this->getControllableEntity()); 717 717 if (distance < minDistance) 718 718 { 719 closestTarget = *itP;719 closestTarget = pawn; 720 720 minDistance = distance; 721 721 } … … 725 725 return closestTarget; 726 726 } 727 return 0;727 return nullptr; 728 728 } 729 729 //push action FIGHT to the stack and set target to the closest enemy -
r11052 r11065 65 65 All the demos are in a file called AITest.oxw. In the menu look for New AI Testing Level. 66 66 */ 67 namespaceAction67 enum class Action 68 68 { 69 enum Value 70 { 71 NONE, FLY, FIGHT, PROTECT, FIGHTALL, ATTACK 72 }; 73 74 } 69 NONE, FLY, FIGHT, PROTECT, FIGHTALL, ATTACK 70 }; 75 71 76 72 struct Point { 77 Action ::Valueaction;73 Action action; 78 74 std::string name; 79 75 Vector3 position; 80 76 bool inLoop; 81 } ; 82 namespace PickupType 83 { 84 enum Value 85 { 86 NONE, DAMAGE, HEALTH, SPEED, PORTAL 87 }; 88 } 77 }; 89 78 90 79 class _OrxonoxExport ActionpointController : public FightingController, public Tickable … … 94 83 ActionpointController(Context* context); 95 84 virtual ~ActionpointController(); 96 virtual void XMLPort(Element& xmlelement, XMLPort::Mode mode) ;85 virtual void XMLPort(Element& xmlelement, XMLPort::Mode mode) override; 97 86 98 87 /** … … 101 90 In tick ship flies and fires. 102 91 */ 103 virtual void tick(float dt) ;92 virtual void tick(float dt) override; 104 93 /** 105 94 @brief … … 186 175 virtual void takeActionpoints (const std::vector<Point>& vector, const std::vector<Point>& loop, bool b); 187 176 188 virtual Action ::ValuegetAction ();177 virtual Action getAction (); 189 178 virtual std::string getActionName(); 190 179 191 void setAction (Action ::Valueaction);192 void setAction (Action ::Valueaction, ControllableEntity* target);193 void setAction (Action ::Valueaction, const Vector3& target);194 void setAction (Action ::Valueaction, const Vector3& target, const Quaternion& orient );180 void setAction (Action action); 181 void setAction (Action action, ControllableEntity* target); 182 void setAction (Action action, const Vector3& target); 183 void setAction (Action action, const Vector3& target, const Quaternion& orient ); 195 184 196 185 virtual bool setWingman(ActionpointController* wingman) … … 210 199 WeakPtr<ActionpointController> myDivisionLeader_; 211 200 //----[Actionpoint information]---- 212 Action ::Valueaction_;201 Action action_; 213 202 std::string protectName_; 214 203 std::string targetName_; 215 std::vector<WeakPtr<WorldEntity> 204 std::vector<WeakPtr<WorldEntity>> actionpoints_; 216 205 float squaredaccuracy_; 217 std::vector<Point > parsedActionpoints_;//<! actionpoints as they are stored here after being parsed from XML218 std::vector<Point > loopActionpoints_;//<! actionpoints that are to be looped206 std::vector<Point> parsedActionpoints_; //<! actionpoints as they are stored here after being parsed from XML 207 std::vector<Point> loopActionpoints_; //<! actionpoints that are to be looped 219 208 bool bInLoop_; //<! variable for addActionpoint method 220 209 bool bLoop_; //<! is state machine looping? -
r11052 r11065 83 83 int team2 = entity2->getTeam(); 84 84 85 Controller* controller = 0;85 Controller* controller = nullptr; 86 86 if (entity1->getController()) 87 87 controller = entity1->getController(); … … 120 120 } 121 121 122 TeamBaseMatchBase* base = 0;122 TeamBaseMatchBase* base = nullptr; 123 123 base = orxonox_cast<TeamBaseMatchBase*>(entity1); 124 124 if (base) … … 154 154 } 155 155 156 DroneController* droneController = 0;156 DroneController* droneController = nullptr; 157 157 droneController = orxonox_cast<DroneController*>(entity1->getController()); 158 158 if (droneController && static_cast<ControllableEntity*>(droneController->getOwner()) == entity2) -
r11058 r11065 40 40 RegisterObject(DivisionController); 41 41 this->setFormationMode(FormationMode::DIAMOND); 42 this->target_ = 0;43 this->myFollower_ = 0;44 this->myWingman_ = 0;42 this->target_ = nullptr; 43 this->myFollower_ = nullptr; 44 this->myWingman_ = nullptr; 45 45 } 46 46 47 47 DivisionController::~DivisionController() 48 48 { 49 for ( size_t i = 0; i < this->actionpoints_.size(); ++i)49 for (WorldEntity* actionpoint : this->actionpoints_) 50 50 { 51 if (this->actionpoints_[i])52 this->actionpoints_[i]->destroy();51 if (actionpoint) 52 actionpoint->destroy(); 53 53 } 54 54 this->parsedActionpoints_.clear(); -
r11058 r11065 51 51 52 52 //----[own functions]---- 53 virtual bool setFollower(ActionpointController* newFollower) ;54 virtual bool setWingman(ActionpointController* newWingman) ;55 virtual bool hasWingman() ;56 virtual bool hasFollower() ;53 virtual bool setFollower(ActionpointController* newFollower) override; 54 virtual bool setWingman(ActionpointController* newWingman) override; 55 virtual bool hasWingman() override; 56 virtual bool hasFollower() override; 57 57 58 58 //----[/own functions]---- 59 virtual void stayNearProtect() ;59 virtual void stayNearProtect() override; 60 60 61 61 protected: 62 62 //----action must only be managed by this---- 63 virtual void action() ; //<! action() is called in regular intervals managing the bot's behaviour.63 virtual void action() override; //<! action() is called in regular intervals managing the bot's behaviour. 64 64 65 65 private: -
r11057 r11065 238 238 { 239 239 if (!this || !this->getControllableEntity()) 240 return 0;241 242 Pawn* closestTarget = 0;240 return nullptr; 241 242 Pawn* closestTarget = nullptr; 243 243 float minDistance = std::numeric_limits<float>::infinity(); 244 244 Gametype* gt = this->getGametype(); 245 for ( ObjectList<Pawn>::iterator itP = ObjectList<Pawn>().begin(); itP; ++itP)246 { 247 if ( CommonController::sameTeam (this->getControllableEntity(), static_cast<ControllableEntity*>( *itP), gt) )245 for (Pawn* pawn : ObjectList<Pawn>()) 246 { 247 if ( CommonController::sameTeam (this->getControllableEntity(), static_cast<ControllableEntity*>(pawn), gt) ) 248 248 continue; 249 249 250 float distance = CommonController::distance ( *itP, this->getControllableEntity());250 float distance = CommonController::distance (pawn, this->getControllableEntity()); 251 251 if (distance < minDistance) 252 252 { 253 closestTarget = *itP;253 closestTarget = pawn; 254 254 minDistance = distance; 255 255 } … … 259 259 return closestTarget; 260 260 } 261 return 0;261 return nullptr; 262 262 } 263 263 //I checked it out, rockets DO NOT cause any problems! this->getControllableEntity() is always a SpaceShip … … 335 335 { 336 336 this->weaponModes_.clear(); // reset previous weapon information 337 WeaponSlot* wSlot = 0;337 WeaponSlot* wSlot = nullptr; 338 338 for(int l=0; (wSlot = pawn->getWeaponSlot(l)) ; l++) 339 339 { 340 WeaponMode* wMode = 0;340 WeaponMode* wMode = nullptr; 341 341 for(int i=0; (wMode = wSlot->getWeapon()->getWeaponmode(i)) ; i++) 342 342 { … … 356 356 } 357 357 358 int FightingController::getFiremode( std::stringname)359 { 360 for ( std::map< std::string, int >::iterator it = this->weaponModes_.begin(); it != this->weaponModes_.end(); ++it)361 { 362 if ( it->first == name)363 return it->second;358 int FightingController::getFiremode(const std::string& name) 359 { 360 for (const auto& mapEntry : this->weaponModes_) 361 { 362 if (mapEntry.first == name) 363 return mapEntry.second; 364 364 } 365 365 return -1; -
r11057 r11065 72 72 //<! this and target_ plus or minus some amount in difference vector direction, 73 73 //<! depending on whether it is better to close up or survive. 74 void dodgeTowards (Vector3& position); //fly towards position and awoid being hit75 74 void doFire(); //<! choose weapon, set aim at target_ and fire 76 75 WeakPtr<ControllableEntity> target_; … … 97 96 void setupWeapons(); //<! Defines which weapons are available for a bot. Is recalled whenever a bot was killed. 98 97 bool bSetupWorked; //<! If false, setupWeapons() is called. 99 int getFiremode( std::stringname);98 int getFiremode(const std::string& name); 100 99 101 100 }; -
r11052 r11065 61 61 } 62 62 63 void FlyingController::setFormationModeXML( std::stringval)63 void FlyingController::setFormationModeXML(const std::string& val) 64 64 { 65 65 const std::string valUpper = getUppercase(val); 66 FormationMode ::Valuevalue;66 FormationMode value; 67 67 68 68 if (valUpper == "WALL") … … 233 233 return; 234 234 SpaceShip* ship = orxonox_cast<SpaceShip*>(this->getControllableEntity()); 235 if(ship == NULL) return;235 if(ship == nullptr) return; 236 236 if(ship->getBoostPower()*1.5f > ship->getInitialBoostPower()) //upper limit ->boost 237 237 { -
r11052 r11065 41 41 42 42 //Formation mode for the divisions 43 namespaceFormationMode43 enum class FormationMode 44 44 { 45 enum Value 46 { 47 FINGER4, DIAMOND, WALL 48 }; 49 } 45 FINGER4, DIAMOND, WALL 46 }; 50 47 51 48 class _OrxonoxExport FlyingController : public CommonController … … 58 55 FlyingController(Context* context); 59 56 virtual ~FlyingController(); 60 virtual void XMLPort(Element& xmlelement, XMLPort::Mode mode) ;57 virtual void XMLPort(Element& xmlelement, XMLPort::Mode mode) override; 61 58 62 59 void setSpread (int spread) //<! spread is a multiplier for formation flight, should be bigger than 100 … … 65 62 { return this->spread_; } 66 63 67 void setFormationModeXML( std::stringval);64 void setFormationModeXML(const std::string& val); 68 65 std::string getFormationModeXML() const; 69 66 70 void setFormationMode(FormationMode ::Valueval)67 void setFormationMode(FormationMode val) 71 68 { this->formationMode_ = val; } 72 FormationMode ::ValuegetFormationMode() const69 FormationMode getFormationMode() const 73 70 { return this->formationMode_; } 74 71 bool bCopyOrientation_; //<! set to true by default, MasterController sets it in its tick(), … … 91 88 //<! this stays in a certain position relative to leader 92 89 93 FormationMode ::ValueformationMode_;90 FormationMode formationMode_; 94 91 95 92 float rotationProgress_; //<! for slerping -
r11054 r11065 58 58 { 59 59 //fill the vector in the first tick 60 for ( ObjectList<ActionpointController>::iterator it = ObjectList<ActionpointController>().begin(); it; ++it)60 for (ActionpointController* controller : ObjectList<ActionpointController>()) 61 61 { 62 62 //----0ptr?---- 63 if (! it)63 if (!controller) 64 64 continue; 65 this->controllers_.push_back( *it);65 this->controllers_.push_back(controller); 66 66 } 67 67 } -
r11052 r11065 61 61 62 62 //----[orxonox demanded functions]---- 63 virtual void tick(float dt) ;63 virtual void tick(float dt) override; 64 64 65 65 //----[orxonox demanded functions]---- … … 68 68 69 69 private: 70 std::vector<WeakPtr<ActionpointController> > controllers_;//<! vector of controllers, which action(), canFire() and maneuver() methods are to be called70 std::vector<WeakPtr<ActionpointController>> controllers_;//<! vector of controllers, which action(), canFire() and maneuver() methods are to be called 71 71 size_t indexOfCurrentController_; //<! index of current controller 72 72 unsigned int numberOfTicksPassedSinceLastActionCall_; -
r11058 r11065 40 40 this->setFormationMode(FormationMode::FINGER4); 41 41 42 this->myWingman_ = 0;43 this->myDivisionLeader_ = 0;42 this->myWingman_ = nullptr; 43 this->myDivisionLeader_ = nullptr; 44 44 this->bFirstAction_ = true; 45 45 … … 48 48 SectionController::~SectionController() 49 49 { 50 for (size_t i = 0; i < this->actionpoints_.size(); ++i)51 { 52 if (this->actionpoints_[i])53 this->actionpoints_[i]->destroy();50 for (WorldEntity* actionpoint : this->actionpoints_) 51 { 52 if (actionpoint) 53 actionpoint->destroy(); 54 54 } 55 55 this->parsedActionpoints_.clear(); … … 117 117 { 118 118 //----If division leader fights, cover him by fighting emenies close to his target---- 119 Action ::Valueaction = this->myDivisionLeader_->getAction();119 Action action = this->myDivisionLeader_->getAction(); 120 120 121 121 if (action == Action::FIGHT || action == Action::FIGHTALL || action == Action::ATTACK) … … 133 133 Vector3 divisionTargetPosition = this->myDivisionLeader_->getTarget()->getWorldPosition(); 134 134 Gametype* gt = this->getGametype(); 135 for ( ObjectList<Pawn>::iterator itP = ObjectList<Pawn>().begin(); itP; ++itP)135 for (Pawn* pawn : ObjectList<Pawn>()) 136 136 { 137 137 //----is enemy?---- 138 if ( CommonController::sameTeam (this->getControllableEntity(), static_cast<ControllableEntity*>( *itP), gt) )138 if ( CommonController::sameTeam (this->getControllableEntity(), static_cast<ControllableEntity*>(pawn), gt) ) 139 139 continue; 140 140 //----in range?---- 141 if (( (*itP)->getWorldPosition() - divisionTargetPosition).length() < 3000 &&142 (*itP)!= this->myDivisionLeader_->getTarget())141 if ((pawn->getWorldPosition() - divisionTargetPosition).length() < 3000 && 142 pawn != this->myDivisionLeader_->getTarget()) 143 143 { 144 144 foundTarget = true; 145 target = (*itP);145 target = pawn; 146 146 break; 147 147 } … … 212 212 213 213 if (!this->getControllableEntity()) 214 return 0;215 216 ActionpointController* closestLeader = 0;214 return nullptr; 215 216 ActionpointController* closestLeader = nullptr; 217 217 float minDistance = std::numeric_limits<float>::infinity(); 218 218 //go through all pawns 219 for ( ObjectList<ActionpointController>::iterator it = ObjectList<ActionpointController>().begin(); it; ++it)219 for (ActionpointController* controller : ObjectList<ActionpointController>()) 220 220 { 221 221 //0ptr or not DivisionController? 222 if (! (it) || !((it)->getIdentifier()->getName() == "DivisionController") || !(it->getControllableEntity()))222 if (!controller || !(controller->getIdentifier()->getName() == "DivisionController") || !(controller->getControllableEntity())) 223 223 continue; 224 224 //same team? 225 if ((this->getControllableEntity()->getTeam() != (it)->getControllableEntity()->getTeam()))225 if ((this->getControllableEntity()->getTeam() != controller->getControllableEntity()->getTeam())) 226 226 continue; 227 227 228 228 //is equal to this? 229 if (orxonox_cast<ControllableEntity*>( *it) == this->getControllableEntity())229 if (orxonox_cast<ControllableEntity*>(controller) == this->getControllableEntity()) 230 230 continue; 231 231 232 float distance = CommonController::distance ( it->getControllableEntity(), this->getControllableEntity());232 float distance = CommonController::distance (controller->getControllableEntity(), this->getControllableEntity()); 233 233 234 if (distance < minDistance && !( it->hasFollower()))235 { 236 closestLeader = *it;234 if (distance < minDistance && !(controller->hasFollower())) 235 { 236 closestLeader = controller; 237 237 minDistance = distance; 238 238 } … … 244 244 return closestLeader; 245 245 } 246 return 0;246 return nullptr; 247 247 } 248 248 -
r11058 r11065 52 52 ActionpointController* findNewDivisionLeader(); 53 53 54 virtual bool setWingman(ActionpointController* newWingman) ;55 virtual bool hasWingman() ;56 virtual bool hasFollower() 54 virtual bool setWingman(ActionpointController* newWingman) override; 55 virtual bool hasWingman() override; 56 virtual bool hasFollower() override 57 57 { return false; } 58 58 void chooseTarget(); … … 61 61 protected: 62 62 //----action must only be managed by this---- 63 virtual void action() ; //<! action() is called in regular intervals by MasterController managing the bot's behaviour.63 virtual void action() override; //<! action() is called in regular intervals by MasterController managing the bot's behaviour. 64 64 Vector3 getFormationPosition (); 65 65 void keepFormation(); -
r11058 r11065 39 39 { 40 40 RegisterObject(WingmanController); 41 this->myLeader_ = 0;41 this->myLeader_ = nullptr; 42 42 this->bFirstAction_ = true; 43 43 … … 46 46 WingmanController::~WingmanController() 47 47 { 48 for ( size_t i = 0; i < this->actionpoints_.size(); ++i)49 { 50 if (this->actionpoints_[i])51 this->actionpoints_[i]->destroy();48 for (WorldEntity* actionpoint : this->actionpoints_) 49 { 50 if (actionpoint) 51 actionpoint->destroy(); 52 52 } 53 53 this->parsedActionpoints_.clear(); … … 170 170 171 171 if (!this->getControllableEntity()) 172 return 0;172 return nullptr; 173 173 174 174 //----vars for finding the closest leader---- 175 ActionpointController* closestLeader = 0;175 ActionpointController* closestLeader = nullptr; 176 176 float minDistance = std::numeric_limits<float>::infinity(); 177 177 Gametype* gt = this->getGametype(); 178 178 179 for ( ObjectList<ActionpointController>::iterator it = ObjectList<ActionpointController>().begin(); it; ++it)179 for (ActionpointController* controller : ObjectList<ActionpointController>()) 180 180 { 181 181 //----0ptr or not a leader or dead?---- 182 if (! it ||183 ( it->getIdentifier()->getName() != "SectionController" && it->getIdentifier()->getName() != "DivisionController") ||184 !( it->getControllableEntity()))182 if (!controller || 183 (controller->getIdentifier()->getName() != "SectionController" && controller->getIdentifier()->getName() != "DivisionController") || 184 !(controller->getControllableEntity())) 185 185 continue; 186 186 187 187 //----same team?---- 188 if ( !CommonController::sameTeam (this->getControllableEntity(), (it)->getControllableEntity(), gt) )188 if ( !CommonController::sameTeam (this->getControllableEntity(), controller->getControllableEntity(), gt) ) 189 189 continue; 190 190 191 191 //----check distance---- 192 float distance = CommonController::distance ( it->getControllableEntity(), this->getControllableEntity());193 if (distance < minDistance && !( it->hasWingman()))194 { 195 closestLeader = *it;192 float distance = CommonController::distance (controller->getControllableEntity(), this->getControllableEntity()); 193 if (distance < minDistance && !(controller->hasWingman())) 194 { 195 closestLeader = controller; 196 196 minDistance = distance; 197 197 } … … 207 207 } 208 208 } 209 return 0;209 return nullptr; 210 210 } 211 211 -
r11058 r11065 51 51 52 52 //----[orxonox demanded functions]---- 53 virtual bool hasWingman() 53 virtual bool hasWingman() override 54 54 { return false; } 55 virtual bool hasFollower() 55 virtual bool hasFollower() override 56 56 { return false; } 57 57 //----[/orxonox demanded functions]---- … … 63 63 protected: 64 64 //----action must only be managed by this---- 65 virtual void action() ; //<! action() is called in regular intervals managing the bot's behaviour.65 virtual void action() override; //<! action() is called in regular intervals managing the bot's behaviour. 66 66 Vector3 getFormationPosition (); 67 67 void keepFormation(); -
r11062 r11065 345 345 std::map<WeaponMode*, Magazine*>::iterator it; 346 346 347 // If the pointer to the weapon mode whose magazine got munition added to is NULL, then set the iterator to the beginning of the map347 // If the pointer to the weapon mode whose magazine got munition added to is nullptr, then set the iterator to the beginning of the map 348 348 // Otherwise set it to the next weapon mode 349 349 if (lastFilledWeaponMode_ == nullptr) -
r11064 r11065 52 52 public: 53 53 ReplenishingMunition(Context* context); 54 virtual ~ReplenishingMunition() {}54 virtual ~ReplenishingMunition() = default; 55 55 56 virtual void XMLPort(Element& xmlelement, XMLPort::Mode mode) ;56 virtual void XMLPort(Element& xmlelement, XMLPort::Mode mode) override; 57 57 58 58 float getProgress(); -
r11052 r11065 92 92 public: 93 93 Actionpoint(Context* context); 94 virtual ~Actionpoint() {}94 virtual ~Actionpoint() = default; 95 95 96 virtual void XMLPort(Element& xmlelement, XMLPort::Mode mode) ;96 virtual void XMLPort(Element& xmlelement, XMLPort::Mode mode) override; 97 97 98 98 /** @brief Decides what AI will do. @param val action to execute */ -
r11052 r11065 47 47 this->effect2_ = ""; 48 48 this->model_= new Model(this->getContext()); 49 this->effect1Particle_= NULL;50 this->effect2Particle_= NULL;49 this->effect1Particle_= nullptr; 50 this->effect2Particle_= nullptr; 51 51 this->explosionEntity_ = new MovableEntity(this->getContext()); 52 52 this->posOffset_ = Vector3::ZERO; -
r11052 r11065 51 51 ExplosionPart(Context* context); 52 52 ~ExplosionPart(); 53 void XMLPort(Element& xmlelement, XMLPort::Mode mode); 53 virtual void XMLPort(Element& xmlelement, XMLPort::Mode mode) override; 54 54 55 void Explode(); 55 56 void stop(); -
r11054 r11065 23 23 PluginTest() 24 24 { 25 this->plugin_ = NULL;25 this->plugin_ = nullptr; 26 26 } 27 27 … … 44 44 { 45 45 delete this->plugin_; 46 this->plugin_ = NULL;47 } 48 49 virtual void TearDown() 46 this->plugin_ = nullptr; 47 } 48 49 virtual void TearDown() override 50 50 { 51 51 // make sure the plugin is unloaded … … 77 77 TEST_F(PluginTest, LoadsIdentifier) 78 78 { 79 EXPECT_TRUE(getIdentifier() == NULL);80 this->loadPlugin(); 81 EXPECT_TRUE(getIdentifier() != NULL);79 EXPECT_TRUE(getIdentifier() == nullptr); 80 this->loadPlugin(); 81 EXPECT_TRUE(getIdentifier() != nullptr); 82 82 this->unloadPlugin(); 83 83 } … … 86 86 { 87 87 this->loadPlugin(); 88 EXPECT_TRUE(getIdentifier() != NULL);89 this->unloadPlugin(); 90 EXPECT_TRUE(getIdentifier() == NULL);88 EXPECT_TRUE(getIdentifier() != nullptr); 89 this->unloadPlugin(); 90 EXPECT_TRUE(getIdentifier() == nullptr); 91 91 } 92 92 … … 94 94 { 95 95 this->loadPlugin(); 96 EXPECT_TRUE(getIdentifier() != NULL);97 this->unloadPlugin(); 98 EXPECT_TRUE(getIdentifier() == NULL);99 this->loadPlugin(); 100 EXPECT_TRUE(getIdentifier() != NULL);96 EXPECT_TRUE(getIdentifier() != nullptr); 97 this->unloadPlugin(); 98 EXPECT_TRUE(getIdentifier() == nullptr); 99 this->loadPlugin(); 100 EXPECT_TRUE(getIdentifier() != nullptr); 101 101 this->unloadPlugin(); 102 102 } … … 107 107 108 108 Identifier* identifier = getIdentifier(); 109 ASSERT_TRUE(identifier != NULL);110 111 Identifiable* object = identifier->fabricate( NULL);112 ASSERT_TRUE(object != NULL);109 ASSERT_TRUE(identifier != nullptr); 110 111 Identifiable* object = identifier->fabricate(nullptr); 112 ASSERT_TRUE(object != nullptr); 113 113 114 114 Testclass* testclass = orxonox_cast<Testclass*>(object); 115 ASSERT_TRUE(testclass != NULL);115 ASSERT_TRUE(testclass != nullptr); 116 116 117 117 EXPECT_EQ(666, testclass->getValue()); … … 131 131 std::vector<Testsingleton*> singletons; 132 132 133 for ( ObjectList<Listable>::iterator it = ObjectList<Listable>().begin(); it; ++it)134 { 135 Testsingleton* singleton = dynamic_cast<Testsingleton*>( *it);133 for (Listable* listable : ObjectList<Listable>()) 134 { 135 Testsingleton* singleton = dynamic_cast<Testsingleton*>(listable); 136 136 if (singleton) 137 137 singletons.push_back(singleton); … … 141 141 { 142 142 case 0: 143 return NULL;143 return nullptr; 144 144 case 1: 145 145 return singletons[0]; … … 151 151 TEST_F(PluginTest, LoadsSingleton) 152 152 { 153 EXPECT_TRUE(getSingleton() == NULL);154 this->loadPlugin(); 155 EXPECT_TRUE(getSingleton() != NULL);153 EXPECT_TRUE(getSingleton() == nullptr); 154 this->loadPlugin(); 155 EXPECT_TRUE(getSingleton() != nullptr); 156 156 this->unloadPlugin(); 157 157 } … … 160 160 { 161 161 this->loadPlugin(); 162 EXPECT_TRUE(getSingleton() != NULL);163 this->unloadPlugin(); 164 EXPECT_TRUE(getSingleton() == NULL);162 EXPECT_TRUE(getSingleton() != nullptr); 163 this->unloadPlugin(); 164 EXPECT_TRUE(getSingleton() == nullptr); 165 165 } 166 166 … … 168 168 { 169 169 this->loadPlugin(); 170 EXPECT_TRUE(getSingleton() != NULL);171 this->unloadPlugin(); 172 EXPECT_TRUE(getSingleton() == NULL);173 this->loadPlugin(); 174 EXPECT_TRUE(getSingleton() != NULL);170 EXPECT_TRUE(getSingleton() != nullptr); 171 this->unloadPlugin(); 172 EXPECT_TRUE(getSingleton() == nullptr); 173 this->loadPlugin(); 174 EXPECT_TRUE(getSingleton() != nullptr); 175 175 this->unloadPlugin(); 176 176 } … … 181 181 182 182 Testsingleton* singleton = getSingleton(); 183 ASSERT_TRUE(singleton != NULL);183 ASSERT_TRUE(singleton != nullptr); 184 184 185 185 EXPECT_EQ(999, singleton->getValue()); … … 255 255 TEST_F(PluginTest, LoadsConsoleCommand) 256 256 { 257 EXPECT_TRUE(getConsoleCommand() == NULL);258 this->loadPlugin(); 259 EXPECT_TRUE(getConsoleCommand() != NULL);257 EXPECT_TRUE(getConsoleCommand() == nullptr); 258 this->loadPlugin(); 259 EXPECT_TRUE(getConsoleCommand() != nullptr); 260 260 this->unloadPlugin(); 261 261 } … … 264 264 { 265 265 this->loadPlugin(); 266 EXPECT_TRUE(getConsoleCommand() != NULL);267 this->unloadPlugin(); 268 EXPECT_TRUE(getConsoleCommand() == NULL);266 EXPECT_TRUE(getConsoleCommand() != nullptr); 267 this->unloadPlugin(); 268 EXPECT_TRUE(getConsoleCommand() == nullptr); 269 269 } 270 270 … … 272 272 { 273 273 this->loadPlugin(); 274 EXPECT_TRUE(getConsoleCommand() != NULL);275 this->unloadPlugin(); 276 EXPECT_TRUE(getConsoleCommand() == NULL);277 this->loadPlugin(); 278 EXPECT_TRUE(getConsoleCommand() != NULL);274 EXPECT_TRUE(getConsoleCommand() != nullptr); 275 this->unloadPlugin(); 276 EXPECT_TRUE(getConsoleCommand() == nullptr); 277 this->loadPlugin(); 278 EXPECT_TRUE(getConsoleCommand() != nullptr); 279 279 this->unloadPlugin(); 280 280 } … … 285 285 286 286 ConsoleCommand* command = getConsoleCommand(); 287 ASSERT_TRUE(command != NULL);287 ASSERT_TRUE(command != nullptr); 288 288 289 289 EXPECT_EQ(999, (*command->getExecutor())(333, 666).get<int>());
Note: See TracChangeset
for help on using the changeset viewer.