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Dec 13, 2008, 11:45:51 PM (16 years ago)

Updated to Bullet 2.73 (first part).

1 edited


  • code/branches/physics/src/bullet/LinearMath/btMatrix3x3.h

    r2192 r2430  
    26 ///The btMatrix3x3 class implements a 3x3 rotation matrix, to perform linear algebra in combination with btQuaternion, btTransform and btVector3.
    27 ///Make sure to only include a pure orthogonal matrix without scaling.
     26/**@brief The btMatrix3x3 class implements a 3x3 rotation matrix, to perform linear algebra in combination with btQuaternion, btTransform and btVector3.
     27 * Make sure to only include a pure orthogonal matrix without scaling. */
    2828class btMatrix3x3 {
    2929        public:
     30  /** @brief No initializaion constructor */
    3031                btMatrix3x3 () {}
    3233//              explicit btMatrix3x3(const btScalar *m) { setFromOpenGLSubMatrix(m); }
     35  /**@brief Constructor from Quaternion */
    3436                explicit btMatrix3x3(const btQuaternion& q) { setRotation(q); }
    3537                /*
    4042                }
    4143                */
     44  /** @brief Constructor with row major formatting */
    4245                btMatrix3x3(const btScalar& xx, const btScalar& xy, const btScalar& xz,
    4346                                  const btScalar& yx, const btScalar& yy, const btScalar& yz,
    4851                                         zx, zy, zz);
    4952                }
     53  /** @brief Copy constructor */
    5154                SIMD_FORCE_INLINE btMatrix3x3 (const btMatrix3x3& other)
    5255                {
    5558                        m_el[2] = other.m_el[2];
    5659                }
     60  /** @brief Assignment Operator */
    5861                SIMD_FORCE_INLINE btMatrix3x3& operator=(const btMatrix3x3& other)
    5962                {
    6467                }
     69  /** @brief Get a column of the matrix as a vector
     70   *  @param i Column number 0 indexed */
    6671                SIMD_FORCE_INLINE btVector3 getColumn(int i) const
    6772                {
     77  /** @brief Get a row of the matrix as a vector
     78   *  @param i Row number 0 indexed */
    7379                SIMD_FORCE_INLINE const btVector3& getRow(int i) const
    7480                {
     81                        btFullAssert(0 <= i && i < 3);
    7582                        return m_el[i];
    7683                }
     85  /** @brief Get a mutable reference to a row of the matrix as a vector
     86   *  @param i Row number 0 indexed */
    7987                SIMD_FORCE_INLINE btVector3&  operator[](int i)
    8088                {
    8391                }
     93  /** @brief Get a const reference to a row of the matrix as a vector
     94   *  @param i Row number 0 indexed */
    8595                SIMD_FORCE_INLINE const btVector3& operator[](int i) const
    8696                {
    8999                }
     101  /** @brief Multiply by the target matrix on the right
     102   *  @param m Rotation matrix to be applied
     103   * Equivilant to this = this * m */
    91104                btMatrix3x3& operator*=(const btMatrix3x3& m);
     106  /** @brief Set from a carray of btScalars
     107   *  @param m A pointer to the beginning of an array of 9 btScalars */
    94108        void setFromOpenGLSubMatrix(const btScalar *m)
    95109                {
    100114                }
     115  /** @brief Set the values of the matrix explicitly (row major)
     116   *  @param xx Top left
     117   *  @param xy Top Middle
     118   *  @param xz Top Right
     119   *  @param yx Middle Left
     120   *  @param yy Middle Middle
     121   *  @param yz Middle Right
     122   *  @param zx Bottom Left
     123   *  @param zy Bottom Middle
     124   *  @param zz Bottom Right*/
    102125                void setValue(const btScalar& xx, const btScalar& xy, const btScalar& xz,
    103126                                          const btScalar& yx, const btScalar& yy, const btScalar& yz,
    108131                        m_el[2].setValue(zx,zy,zz);
    109132                }
     134  /** @brief Set the matrix from a quaternion
     135   *  @param q The Quaternion to match */ 
    111136                void setRotation(const btQuaternion& q)
    112137                {
     151  /** @brief Set the matrix from euler angles using YPR around YXZ respectively
     152   *  @param yaw Yaw about Y axis
     153   *  @param pitch Pitch about X axis
     154   *  @param roll Roll about Z axis
     155   */
    127156                void setEulerYPR(const btScalar& yaw, const btScalar& pitch, const btScalar& roll)
    128157                {
    130                         btScalar cy(btCos(yaw));
    131                         btScalar  sy(btSin(yaw));
    132                         btScalar  cp(btCos(pitch));
    133                         btScalar  sp(btSin(pitch));
    134                         btScalar  cr(btCos(roll));
    135                         btScalar  sr(btSin(roll));
    136                         btScalar  cc = cy * cr;
    137                         btScalar  cs = cy * sr;
    138                         btScalar  sc = sy * cr;
    139                         btScalar  ss = sy * sr;
    140                         setValue(cc - sp * ss, -cs - sp * sc, -sy * cp,
    141                      cp * sr,       cp * cr,      -sp,
    142                                          sc + sp * cs, -ss + sp * cc,  cy * cp);
    144                 }
    146         /**
    147          * setEulerZYX
    148          * @param euler a const reference to a btVector3 of euler angles
     158                        setEulerZYX(roll, pitch, yaw);
     159                }
     161        /** @brief Set the matrix from euler angles YPR around ZYX axes
     162         * @param eulerX Roll about X axis
     163         * @param eulerY Pitch around Y axis
     164         * @param eulerZ Yaw aboud Z axis
     165         *
    149166         * These angles are used to produce a rotation matrix. The euler
    150167         * angles are applied in ZYX order. I.e a vector is first rotated
    151168         * about X then Y and then Z
    152169         **/
    154         void setEulerZYX(btScalar eulerX,btScalar eulerY,btScalar eulerZ) {
     170        void setEulerZYX(btScalar eulerX,btScalar eulerY,btScalar eulerZ) {
     171  ///@todo proposed to reverse this since it's labeled zyx but takes arguments xyz and it will match all other parts of the code
    155172                btScalar ci ( btCos(eulerX));
    156173                btScalar cj ( btCos(eulerY));
    169186        }
     188  /**@brief Set the matrix to the identity */
    171189                void setIdentity()
    172190                {
    175193                                         btScalar(0.0), btScalar(0.0), btScalar(1.0));
    176194                }
     195  /**@brief Fill the values of the matrix into a 9 element array
     196   * @param m The array to be filled */
    178197                void getOpenGLSubMatrix(btScalar *m) const
    179198                {
    192211                }
     213  /**@brief Get the matrix represented as a quaternion
     214   * @param q The quaternion which will be set */
    194215                void getRotation(btQuaternion& q) const
    195216                {
    225246                        q.setValue(temp[0],temp[1],temp[2],temp[3]);
    226247                }
    228                 void getEuler(btScalar& yaw, btScalar& pitch, btScalar& roll) const
     249  /**@brief Get the matrix represented as euler angles around YXZ, roundtrip with setEulerYPR
     250   * @param yaw Yaw around Y axis
     251   * @param pitch Pitch around X axis
     252   * @param roll around Z axis */       
     253                void getEulerYPR(btScalar& yaw, btScalar& pitch, btScalar& roll) const
    229254                {
    231                         if (btScalar(m_el[1].z()) < btScalar(1))
    232                         {
    233                                 if (btScalar(m_el[1].z()) > -btScalar(1))
    234                                 {
    235                                         yaw = btScalar(btAtan2(m_el[1].x(), m_el[0].x()));
    236                                         pitch = btScalar(btAsin(-m_el[1].y()));
    237                                         roll = btScalar(btAtan2(m_el[2].y(), m_el[2].z()));
    238                                 }
    239                                 else
    240                                 {
    241                                         yaw = btScalar(-btAtan2(-m_el[0].y(), m_el[0].z()));
    242                                         pitch = SIMD_HALF_PI;
    243                                         roll = btScalar(0.0);
    244                                 }
    245                         }
    246                         else
    247                         {
    248                                 yaw = btScalar(btAtan2(-m_el[0].y(), m_el[0].z()));
    249                                 pitch = -SIMD_HALF_PI;
    250                                 roll = btScalar(0.0);
    251                         }
    252                 }
     256                        // first use the normal calculus
     257                        yaw = btScalar(btAtan2(m_el[1].x(), m_el[0].x()));
     258                        pitch = btScalar(btAsin(-m_el[2].x()));
     259                        roll = btScalar(btAtan2(m_el[2].y(), m_el[2].z()));
     261                        // on pitch = +/-HalfPI
     262                        if (btFabs(pitch)==SIMD_HALF_PI)
     263                        {
     264                                if (yaw>0)
     265                                        yaw-=SIMD_PI;
     266                                else
     267                                        yaw+=SIMD_PI;
     269                                if (roll>0)
     270                                        roll-=SIMD_PI;
     271                                else
     272                                        roll+=SIMD_PI;
     273                        }
     274                };
     277  /**@brief Get the matrix represented as euler angles around ZYX
     278   * @param yaw Yaw around X axis
     279   * @param pitch Pitch around Y axis
     280   * @param roll around X axis
     281   * @param solution_number Which solution of two possible solutions ( 1 or 2) are possible values*/   
     282  void getEulerZYX(btScalar& yaw, btScalar& pitch, btScalar& roll, unsigned int solution_number = 1) const
     283  {
     284    struct Euler{btScalar yaw, pitch, roll;};
     285    Euler euler_out;
     286    Euler euler_out2; //second solution
     287    //get the pointer to the raw data
     289    // Check that pitch is not at a singularity
     290    if (btFabs(m_el[2].x()) >= 1)
     291    {
     292      euler_out.yaw = 0;
     293      euler_out2.yaw = 0;
     295      // From difference of angles formula
     296      btScalar delta = btAtan2(m_el[0].x(),m_el[0].z());
     297      if (m_el[2].x() > 0)  //gimbal locked up
     298      {
     299        euler_out.pitch = SIMD_PI / btScalar(2.0);
     300        euler_out2.pitch = SIMD_PI / btScalar(2.0);
     301        euler_out.roll = euler_out.pitch + delta;
     302        euler_out2.roll = euler_out.pitch + delta;
     303      }
     304      else // gimbal locked down
     305      {
     306        euler_out.pitch = -SIMD_PI / btScalar(2.0);
     307        euler_out2.pitch = -SIMD_PI / btScalar(2.0);
     308        euler_out.roll = -euler_out.pitch + delta;
     309        euler_out2.roll = -euler_out.pitch + delta;
     310      }
     311    }
     312    else
     313    {
     314      euler_out.pitch = - btAsin(m_el[2].x());
     315      euler_out2.pitch = SIMD_PI - euler_out.pitch;
     317      euler_out.roll = btAtan2(m_el[2].y()/btCos(euler_out.pitch),
     318                               m_el[2].z()/btCos(euler_out.pitch));
     319      euler_out2.roll = btAtan2(m_el[2].y()/btCos(euler_out2.pitch),
     320                                m_el[2].z()/btCos(euler_out2.pitch));
     322      euler_out.yaw = btAtan2(m_el[1].x()/btCos(euler_out.pitch),
     323                              m_el[0].x()/btCos(euler_out.pitch));
     324      euler_out2.yaw = btAtan2(m_el[1].x()/btCos(euler_out2.pitch),
     325                               m_el[0].x()/btCos(euler_out2.pitch));
     326    }
     328    if (solution_number == 1)
     329    {
     330                yaw = euler_out.yaw;
     331                pitch = euler_out.pitch;
     332                roll = euler_out.roll;
     333    }
     334    else
     335    {
     336                yaw = euler_out2.yaw;
     337                pitch = euler_out2.pitch;
     338                roll = euler_out2.roll;
     339    }
     340  }
     342  /**@brief Create a scaled copy of the matrix
     343   * @param s Scaling vector The elements of the vector will scale each column */
    257345                btMatrix3x3 scaled(const btVector3& s) const
    262350                }
     352  /**@brief Return the determinant of the matrix */
    264353                btScalar            determinant() const;
     354  /**@brief Return the adjoint of the matrix */
    265355                btMatrix3x3 adjoint() const;
     356  /**@brief Return the matrix with all values non negative */
    266357                btMatrix3x3 absolute() const;
     358  /**@brief Return the transpose of the matrix */
    267359                btMatrix3x3 transpose() const;
     360  /**@brief Return the inverse of the matrix */
    268361                btMatrix3x3 inverse() const;
    287                 ///diagonalizes this matrix by the Jacobi method. rot stores the rotation
    288                 ///from the coordinate system in which the matrix is diagonal to the original
    289                 ///coordinate system, i.e., old_this = rot * new_this * rot^T. The iteration
    290                 ///stops when all off-diagonal elements are less than the threshold multiplied
    291                 ///by the sum of the absolute values of the diagonal, or when maxSteps have
    292                 ///been executed. Note that this matrix is assumed to be symmetric.
     380  /**@brief diagonalizes this matrix by the Jacobi method.
     381   * @param rot stores the rotation from the coordinate system in which the matrix is diagonal to the original
     382   * coordinate system, i.e., old_this = rot * new_this * rot^T.
     383   * @param threshold See iteration
     384   * @param iteration The iteration stops when all off-diagonal elements are less than the threshold multiplied
     385   * by the sum of the absolute values of the diagonal, or when maxSteps have been executed.
     386   *
     387   * Note that this matrix is assumed to be symmetric.
     388   */
    293389                void diagonalize(btMatrix3x3& rot, btScalar threshold, int maxSteps)
    294390                {
    373469        protected:
     470  /**@brief Calculate the matrix cofactor
     471   * @param r1 The first row to use for calculating the cofactor
     472   * @param c1 The first column to use for calculating the cofactor
     473   * @param r1 The second row to use for calculating the cofactor
     474   * @param c1 The second column to use for calculating the cofactor
     475   * See for more details
     476   */
    374477                btScalar cofac(int r1, int c1, int r2, int c2) const
    375478                {
    376479                        return m_el[r1][c1] * m_el[r2][c2] - m_el[r1][c2] * m_el[r2][c1];
    377480                }
     481  ///Data storage for the matrix, each vector is a row of the matrix
    379482                btVector3 m_el[3];
    380483        };
     600/**@brief Equality operator between two matrices
     601 * It will test all elements are equal.  */
    497602SIMD_FORCE_INLINE bool operator==(const btMatrix3x3& m1, const btMatrix3x3& m2)
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