Started 5 yr 4 mo ago
Took 12 min on docker-1f9e25f56491

Success Build #41 (May 9, 2019 2:01:30 PM)

Revision: 12351
  1. Walls are coming down (detail/Trac)
    by ahuwyler
  2. Eliminated nullptrs in stones_ that were there due to wrong size of num_stones. Still Seg fault when exiting (detail/Trac)
    by pomselj

Started by an SCM change

GNU Make + GNU C Compiler Warnings: 2 warnings.
    Test Result (no failures)
      Packages: 100%   Files: 84%   Classes: 84%   Lines: 35%   Conditionals: 16%  

      Docker Build Data

      Host: unix:///var/run/docker.sock
      Original Container Id: 1f9e25f56491076b6c7a182484da36793b69f12bc467f60c6dc957b47955db7c