Here is a list of all class members with links to the classes they belong to:
- i -
- IceGun()
: orxonox::IceGun
- IceGunFreezer()
: orxonox::IceGunFreezer
- IceGunProjectile()
: orxonox::IceGunProjectile
- IceMunition()
: orxonox::IceMunition
- icon_
: orxonox::HUDBar
- IcoSphere()
: orxonox::IcoSphere
- icoSphere0
: orxonox::DebugDrawer
- icoSphere1
: orxonox::DebugDrawer
- icoSphere2
: orxonox::DebugDrawer
- icoSphere3
: orxonox::DebugDrawer
- icoSphere4
: orxonox::DebugDrawer
- ID
: orxonox::WagnisProvince
- id1_
: orxonox::ScriptableControllerAPI::NearObjectHandler
- id2_
: orxonox::ScriptableControllerAPI::NearObjectHandler
- id_
: orxonox::AnswerId
, orxonox::GamestateManager
, orxonox::PortalEndPoint
, orxonox::QuestItem
, orxonox::ScriptableControllerAPI::AreaHandler
, orxonox::ScriptableControllerAPI::NearPointHandler
, orxonox::TclInterpreterBundle
, orxonox::WorldEntity
- Identifiable()
: orxonox::Identifiable
- Identifier()
: orxonox::Identifier
- identifier_
: orxonox::ConfigValueContainer
, orxonox::Identifiable
, orxonox::StaticallyInitializedIdentifier
, orxonox::SubclassIdentifier< T >
, orxonox::XMLPortObjectContainer
, orxonox::XMLPortParamContainer
- identifierByLowercaseString_
: orxonox::IdentifierManager
- identifierByNetworkId_
: orxonox::IdentifierManager
- identifierByString_
: orxonox::IdentifierManager
- identifierByTypeIndex_
: orxonox::IdentifierManager
- identifierIsIncludedInLoaderMask()
: orxonox::XMLPortObjectContainer
- IdentifierManager()
: orxonox::IdentifierManager
- identifiers_
: orxonox::IdentifierManager
- identifierTraceOfNewObject_
: orxonox::IdentifierManager
- Identify()
: TiXmlNode
- Idle
: orxonox::MultiStateEngine::EngineState
- idMap_
: orxonox::NetworkFunctionManager
- idMap_s
: orxonox::PortalEndPoint
: testing::internal::UnitTestImpl
- IgnoredValue()
: testing::internal::IgnoredValue
- IgnoreResultAction()
: testing::internal::IgnoreResultAction< A >
- imageExtension_
: orxonox::SkyboxGenerator
- imageSize
: orxonox::Planet
- immediate_prerequisites_
: testing::internal::ExpectationBase
- Impl()
: testing::internal::DoBothAction< Action1, Action2 >::Impl< F >
, testing::internal::FloatingEqMatcher< FloatType >::Impl< T >
, testing::internal::IgnoreResultAction< A >::Impl< F >
, testing::internal::MatcherCastImpl< T, Matcher< U > >::Impl
, testing::internal::PointeeMatcher< InnerMatcher >::Impl< Pointer >
, testing::internal::PointwiseMatcher< TupleMatcher, RhsContainer >::Impl< LhsContainer >
, testing::internal::RefMatcher< T & >::Impl< Super >
, testing::internal::ResultOfMatcher< Callable >::Impl< T >
, testing::internal::ReturnAction< R >::Impl< F >
, testing::internal::ReturnRefAction< T >::Impl< F >
, testing::internal::ReturnRefOfCopyAction< T >::Impl< F >
, testing::internal::WithArgsAction< InnerAction, k1, k2, k3, k4, k5, k6, k7, k8, k9, k10 >::Impl< F >
- impl()
: testing::PolymorphicMatcher< Impl >
, testing::UnitTest
- impl_
: testing::Action< F >
, testing::Cardinality
, testing::internal::ActionAdaptor< F1, F2 >
, testing::internal::MatcherBase< T >
, testing::PolymorphicAction< Impl >
, testing::PolymorphicAction< Impl >::MonomorphicImpl< F >
, testing::PolymorphicMatcher< Impl >
, testing::PolymorphicMatcher< Impl >::MonomorphicImpl< T >
, testing::UnitTest
- importData()
: orxonox::MT_Value< T >
, orxonox::MultiType
, orxonox::MultiType::MT_ValueBase
- importMementoState()
: orxonox::Gametype
, orxonox::GSLevelMemento
- iName
: OIS::MacInputManager
- inBufferCount
: _ENetCompressor
- inBuffers
: _ENetCompressor
- include()
: orxonox::ClassTreeMask
, orxonox::ClassTreeMaskNode
- includeFile()
: orxonox::LuaState
- includeParseFunction_
: orxonox::LuaState
- includes()
: orxonox::Namespace
, orxonox::NamespaceNode
- includeSingle()
: orxonox::ClassTreeMask
- includeString()
: orxonox::LuaState
- incomingBandwidth
: _ENetHost
, _ENetPeer
, _ENetProtocolBandwidthLimit
, _ENetProtocolConnect
, _ENetProtocolVerifyConnect
- incomingBandwidthThrottleEpoch
: _ENetPeer
- incomingChat()
: orxonox::ChatHistory
, orxonox::ChatInputHandler
, orxonox::ChatListener
, orxonox::ChatManager
, orxonox::ChatOverlay
, orxonox::NetworkChatListener
- incomingCommandList
: _ENetIncomingCommand
- incomingDataTotal
: _ENetPeer
- incomingEvents_
: orxonox::Connection
- incomingEventsMutex_
: orxonox::Connection
- incomingPeerID
: _ENetPeer
- incomingReliableCommands
: _ENetChannel
- incomingReliableSequenceNumber
: _ENetChannel
- incomingSessionID
: _ENetPeer
, _ENetProtocolConnect
, _ENetProtocolVerifyConnect
- incomingUnreliableCommands
: _ENetChannel
- incomingUnsequencedGroup
: _ENetPeer
- Incomplete
: orxonox::CommandExecutor
- increaseCursor()
: orxonox::InputBuffer
- increment_death_test_count()
: testing::TestInfo
, testing::TestResult
- IncrementCallCount()
: testing::internal::ExpectationBase
- incrementReferenceCount()
: orxonox::Destroyable
- inData
: _ENetCompressor
- Indent()
: TiXmlPrinter
- indent
: TiXmlPrinter
- inDevMode()
: orxonox::CoreConfig
, orxonox::GUIManager
- index
: orxonox::IcoSphere
- index_
: orxonox::ConfigFileEntryVectorValue
- indexes_
: orxonox::PickupManager
- indexOfCurrentController_
: orxonox::MasterController
- Inertia
: OIS::Effect
- Inexistent
: orxonox::CommandExecutor
: orxonox::NotificationQueue
, orxonox::PickupSpawner
, orxonox::Script
- INF_s
: orxonox::TriggerBase
: orxonox::QuestEffectBeacon
- Infinity()
: testing::internal::FloatingPoint< RawType >
- Info()
: orxonox::Info
- info_
: orxonox::GameState
, orxonox::Player
, orxonox::SOB
- information()
: orxonox::CommandLineArgument
- inGame_
: orxonox::LastManStanding
, orxonox::LastTeamStanding
- InGameConsole()
: orxonox::InGameConsole
- inheritsFrom()
: orxonox::Identifier
, orxonox::StaticallyInitializedIdentifier
- init()
: orxonox::ConfigValueContainer
, orxonox::ConsoleCommand
, orxonox::Gametype
, orxonox::HoverFlag
, orxonox::HoverWall
, orxonox::OrxoKartFlag
, orxonox::OrxoKartTile
, orxonox::Timer
- Init()
: testing::internal::NativeArray< Element >
, testing::internal::RE
, testing::ScopedFakeTestPartResultReporter
- init()
: TiXmlString
- initConfigValues_s
: orxonox::Identifier
- initial_reinforcements_left
: orxonox::Wagnis
- initialAlpha_
: orxonox::FadeoutText
- initialBoostPower_
: orxonox::SpaceShip
- initialFuel_
: orxonox::JumpBoots
, orxonox::JumpPropeller
, orxonox::JumpRocket
, orxonox::JumpShield
- initialHealth_
: orxonox::Pawn
, orxonox::ShipPart
- initialise()
: orxonox::DebugDrawer
, orxonox::InGameConsole
- initialised
: orxonox::AsteroidMinable
- initialiseJoyStickBindings()
: orxonox::KeyBinder
- initialiseSource()
: orxonox::BaseSound
, orxonox::WorldSound
- initialize()
: Ogre::DynamicRenderable
, OIS::MacHIDManager
, orxonox::BoostPickup
, orxonox::CommandEvaluation
, orxonox::DamageBoostPickup
, orxonox::DronePickup
, orxonox::HealthPickup
, orxonox::InvisiblePickup
, orxonox::IRC
, orxonox::MasterServerComm
, orxonox::MetaPickup
, orxonox::MunitionPickup
, orxonox::Notification
, orxonox::NotificationQueueCEGUI
, orxonox::Pickup
, orxonox::PickupRepresentation
, orxonox::PickupSpawner
, orxonox::ShieldPickup
, orxonox::ShrinkPickup
, orxonox::SpeedPickup
, orxonox::StoryModeHUD
, orxonox::SuperFunctionInitialization< functionnumber, T >
, orxonox::TclThreadManager
- InitializeAnimation()
: orxonox::JumpFigure
- initializeContinents()
: orxonox::WagnisGameboard
- initialized_s
: orxonox::LevelInfoItem
- initializeNeighbors()
: orxonox::WagnisGameboard
- initializeObject()
: orxonox::ClassIdentifier< T >
- initializeParents()
: orxonox::Identifier
- initializeTags()
: orxonox::LevelInfoItem
- initializeTclInterpreter()
: orxonox::TclBind
- initializeTimer()
: orxonox::ReplenishingMunition
- initialMagazines_
: orxonox::WeaponMode
- initialMunition_
: orxonox::WeaponMode
- initialShieldHealth_
: orxonox::Pawn
- initialStartCountdown_
: orxonox::Gametype
- initInstances()
: orxonox::CoreStaticInitializationHandler
- initRandomNumberGenerator()
: orxonox::CoreConfig
- initRenderStates()
: CEGUI::OgreCEGUIRenderer
- initValue()
: orxonox::ConfigValueContainer
- initVector()
: orxonox::ConfigValueContainer
- injectEvent()
: OIS::MacKeyboard
- inLimit
: _ENetCompressor
- inLoop
: orxonox::Point
- inner_matcher_
: testing::internal::ArgsMatcher< InnerMatcher, k0, k1, k2, k3, k4, k5, k6, k7, k8, k9 >
, testing::internal::ArgsMatcherImpl< ArgsTuple, k0, k1, k2, k3, k4, k5, k6, k7, k8, k9 >
, testing::internal::ContainsMatcher< M >
, testing::internal::EachMatcher< M >
, testing::internal::KeyMatcherImpl< PairType >
, testing::internal::QuantifierMatcherImpl< Container >
- InnerFunctionType
: testing::internal::WithArgsAction< InnerAction, k1, k2, k3, k4, k5, k6, k7, k8, k9, k10 >::Impl< F >
- InnerMatcherArg
: testing::internal::PointwiseMatcher< TupleMatcher, RhsContainer >::Impl< LhsContainer >
- inpbuf
: orxonox::ChatInputHandler
- input
: orxonox::ChatInputHandler
- InputBuffer()
: orxonox::InputBuffer
- inputBuffer_
: orxonox::Shell
- InputBufferListenerTuple()
: orxonox::InputBufferListenerTuple< T >
- inputChanged()
: orxonox::ChatInputHandler
, orxonox::InGameConsole
, orxonox::IOConsole
, orxonox::Shell
, orxonox::ShellListener
- inputConfiguredParam()
: orxonox::ConsoleCommand::ConsoleCommandManipulator
, orxonox::ConsoleCommand
- inputConfiguredParam_
: orxonox::ConsoleCommand
- InputDevice()
: orxonox::InputDevice
- InputDeviceTemplated()
: orxonox::InputDeviceTemplated< Traits >
- InputDeviceTemplated< JoyStickTraits >
: orxonox::JoyStick
- InputDeviceTemplated< KeyboardTraits >
: orxonox::Keyboard
- InputDeviceTemplated< MouseTraits >
: orxonox::Mouse
- InputManager()
: OIS::InputManager
, orxonox::InputManager
, orxonox::InputState
, orxonox::JoyStickQuantityListener
- inputManager_
: orxonox::Core
- inputonly
: orxonox::ChatInputHandler
- inputState
: orxonox::ChatInputHandler
- InputState()
: orxonox::InputState
- inputState_
: orxonox::InGameConsole
, orxonox::KeyDetector
- inputStates_
: orxonox::InputDevice
- inputSystemName()
: OIS::InputManager
- inputWindowStart_
: orxonox::InGameConsole
- InSequence()
: testing::InSequence
, testing::internal::TypedExpectation< F >
- insert()
: orxonox::InputBuffer
, orxonox::TclThreadList< T >
- InsertAfterChild()
: TiXmlNode
- InsertBeforeChild()
: TiXmlNode
- InsertEndChild()
: TiXmlNode
- insertinClientListPerm()
: orxonox::TrafficControl
- instance
: orxonox::MasterServer
- instance_
: orxonox::Test
, orxonox::TrafficControl
- instances_s
: orxonox::Host
- Int
: testing::internal::TypeWithSize< 4 >
, testing::internal::TypeWithSize< 8 >
: testing::ScopedFakeTestPartResultReporter
- intercept_mode_
: testing::ScopedFakeTestPartResultReporter
: testing::ScopedFakeTestPartResultReporter
- InterceptMode
: testing::ScopedFakeTestPartResultReporter
- interface
: OIS::HidInfo
- internal::ActionAdaptor
: testing::Action< F >
- internal::AssertHelper
: testing::UnitTest
- internal::DefaultGlobalTestPartResultReporter
: testing::TestEventListeners
, testing::TestResult
- internal::ExecDeathTest
: testing::TestResult
- internal::FunctionMocker
: testing::internal::MockSpec< F >
- internal::FunctionMockerBase
: testing::Mock
- internal::GetUnitTestImpl
: testing::UnitTest
- internal::MakeAndRegisterTestInfo
: testing::TestInfo
- internal::NoExecDeathTest
: testing::TestEventListeners
- internal::ReportFailureInUnknownLocation
: testing::UnitTest
- internal::ScopedTrace
: testing::UnitTest
- internal::TestEventListenersAccessor
: testing::TestEventListeners
- internal::TestResultAccessor
: testing::TestResult
- internal::UnitTestImpl
: testing::TestCase
, testing::TestEventListeners
, testing::TestInfo
, testing::TestResult
- internal::UntypedFunctionMockerBase
: testing::Mock
- internal::WindowsDeathTest
: testing::TestResult
- internal_run_death_test_
: testing::internal::GTestFlagSaver
- InternalDefaultActionSetAt()
: testing::internal::MockSpec< F >
- InternalExpectedAt()
: testing::internal::MockSpec< F >
- internalSetPhysicsProps()
: orxonox::WorldEntity
- internalState_
: orxonox::InputManager
- interpreter_
: orxonox::IRC
, orxonox::TclBind
, orxonox::TclInterpreterBundle
- interpreterBundles_
: orxonox::TclThreadManager
- interpreterBundlesMutex_
: orxonox::TclThreadManager
- interval_
: orxonox::Timer
- IntValue()
: TiXmlAttribute
- IntVector2()
: orxonox::IntVector2
- inUse
: OIS::HidInfo
, orxonox::PickupInventoryContainer
- Invader()
: orxonox::Invader
- InvaderCenterPoint()
: orxonox::InvaderCenterPoint
- InvaderEnemy()
: orxonox::InvaderEnemy
- InvaderEnemyShooter()
: orxonox::InvaderEnemyShooter
- InvaderGame
: orxonox::InvaderHUDinfo
- InvaderHUDinfo()
: orxonox::InvaderHUDinfo
- InvaderShip()
: orxonox::InvaderShip
- InvaderWeapon()
: orxonox::InvaderWeapon
- InvaderWeaponEnemy()
: orxonox::InvaderWeaponEnemy
- inventoryRepresentation_
: orxonox::PickupRepresentation
- invisible_
: orxonox::InvisiblePickup
- InvisiblePickup()
: orxonox::InvisiblePickup
- invoke()
: orxonox::AddQuest
, orxonox::AddQuestHint
, orxonox::AddReward
, orxonox::CompleteQuest
, orxonox::FailQuest
, orxonox::QuestEffect
- Invoke()
: testing::internal::CallableTraits< Functor >
, testing::internal::CallableTraits< ResType(*)(ArgType)>
, testing::internal::FunctionMocker< R()>
, testing::internal::FunctionMocker< R(A1)>
, testing::internal::FunctionMocker< R(A1, A2)>
, testing::internal::FunctionMocker< R(A1, A2, A3)>
, testing::internal::FunctionMocker< R(A1, A2, A3, A4)>
, testing::internal::FunctionMocker< R(A1, A2, A3, A4, A5)>
, testing::internal::FunctionMocker< R(A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6)>
, testing::internal::FunctionMocker< R(A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7)>
, testing::internal::FunctionMocker< R(A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8)>
, testing::internal::FunctionMocker< R(A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9)>
, testing::internal::FunctionMocker< R(A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9, A10)>
, testing::internal::InvokeHelper< R,::std::tr1::tuple< A1 > >
, testing::internal::InvokeHelper< R,::std::tr1::tuple< A1, A2 > >
, testing::internal::InvokeHelper< R,::std::tr1::tuple< A1, A2, A3 > >
, testing::internal::InvokeHelper< R,::std::tr1::tuple< A1, A2, A3, A4 > >
, testing::internal::InvokeHelper< R,::std::tr1::tuple< A1, A2, A3, A4, A5 > >
, testing::internal::InvokeHelper< R,::std::tr1::tuple< A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6 > >
, testing::internal::InvokeHelper< R,::std::tr1::tuple< A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7 > >
, testing::internal::InvokeHelper< R,::std::tr1::tuple< A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8 > >
, testing::internal::InvokeHelper< R,::std::tr1::tuple< A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9 > >
, testing::internal::InvokeHelper< R,::std::tr1::tuple< A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9, A10 > >
, testing::internal::InvokeHelper< R,::std::tr1::tuple<> >
- InvokeAction()
: testing::internal::InvokeAction< FunctionImpl >
- invokeAnimation()
: orxonox::DockingAnimation
- invokeEffect()
: orxonox::DockingEffect
- invokeEffects()
: orxonox::QuestEffect
- InvokeMethod()
: testing::internal::InvokeHelper< R,::std::tr1::tuple< A1 > >
, testing::internal::InvokeHelper< R,::std::tr1::tuple< A1, A2 > >
, testing::internal::InvokeHelper< R,::std::tr1::tuple< A1, A2, A3 > >
, testing::internal::InvokeHelper< R,::std::tr1::tuple< A1, A2, A3, A4 > >
, testing::internal::InvokeHelper< R,::std::tr1::tuple< A1, A2, A3, A4, A5 > >
, testing::internal::InvokeHelper< R,::std::tr1::tuple< A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6 > >
, testing::internal::InvokeHelper< R,::std::tr1::tuple< A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7 > >
, testing::internal::InvokeHelper< R,::std::tr1::tuple< A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8 > >
, testing::internal::InvokeHelper< R,::std::tr1::tuple< A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9 > >
, testing::internal::InvokeHelper< R,::std::tr1::tuple< A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9, A10 > >
, testing::internal::InvokeHelper< R,::std::tr1::tuple<> >
- InvokeMethodAction()
: testing::internal::InvokeMethodAction< Class, MethodPtr >
- InvokeMethodWithoutArgsAction()
: testing::internal::InvokeMethodWithoutArgsAction< Class, MethodPtr >
- InvokeWith()
: testing::internal::FunctionMockerBase< F >
- InvokeWithoutArgsAction()
: testing::internal::InvokeWithoutArgsAction< FunctionImpl >
- IOConsole()
: orxonox::IOConsole
- ioConsole_
: orxonox::Core
- IRC()
: orxonox::IRC
- is_active
: orxonox::WagnisPlayer
- is_disabled_
: testing::TestInfo
- is_in()
: orxonox::TclThreadList< T >
- is_nan()
: testing::internal::FloatingPoint< RawType >
- is_retired()
: testing::internal::ExpectationBase
- is_valid_
: testing::internal::RE
- isA()
: orxonox::Identifiable
, orxonox::Identifier
- IsAbsolutePath()
: testing::internal::FilePath
- isActive()
: orxonox::BaseObject
, orxonox::ConsoleCommand
, orxonox::Host
, orxonox::JumpPlatformDisappear
, orxonox::JumpPlatformTimer
, orxonox::MultiTrigger
, orxonox::Quest
, orxonox::QuestEffectBeacon
, orxonox::QuestHint
, orxonox::Scope< scope >
, orxonox::ScopeManager
, orxonox::Timer
, orxonox::Trigger
, orxonox::TriggerBase
, orxonox::WagnisPlayer
- isActive_
: orxonox::ShrinkPickup
- isAlive()
: orxonox::Pawn
- IsAlpha()
: TiXmlBase
- IsAlphaNum()
: TiXmlBase
- isAutogenerated()
: orxonox::Namespace
- isBeingDestroyed()
: orxonox::Pickupable
- isBoostCoolingDown()
: orxonox::SpaceShip
- isBoosting()
: orxonox::SpaceShip
- isBroadcasting()
: orxonox::NotificationDispatcher
- isCalibrating()
: orxonox::InputDevice
- isChildOf()
: orxonox::Identifiable
, orxonox::Identifier
- isClient()
: orxonox::GameMode
- isCloseAtTarget()
: orxonox::ArtificialController
- isColliding_
: orxonox::SOBFigure
- isCollisionCallbackActive()
: orxonox::WorldEntity
- isCollisionTypeLegal()
: orxonox::FpsPlayer
, orxonox::MobileEntity
, orxonox::SpaceShip
, orxonox::StaticEntity
, orxonox::WorldEntity
- isCompletable()
: orxonox::GlobalQuest
, orxonox::LocalQuest
, orxonox::Quest
- isComplete()
: orxonox::packet::GamestateHeader
- isCompleted()
: orxonox::Quest
- isCompressed()
: orxonox::packet::Gamestate
, orxonox::packet::GamestateHeader
- isConnected()
: orxonox::ClientConnection
- isConst
: Loki::TypeTraits< T >
, Loki::TypeTraits< T >::UnConst< U >
, Loki::TypeTraits< T >::UnConst< const U & >
, Loki::TypeTraits< T >::UnConst< const U >
- isContinuous()
: orxonox::Pickup
- isCreatingHierarchy()
: orxonox::IdentifierManager
- isDataENetAllocated()
: orxonox::packet::Packet
- isDead()
: orxonox::FlappyOrx
, orxonox::FlappyOrxShip
- isdead()
: orxonox::Pacman
- isDiffed()
: orxonox::packet::Gamestate
, orxonox::packet::GamestateHeader
, orxonox::SynchronisableHeaderLight
- isDirectChildOf()
: orxonox::Identifiable
, orxonox::Identifier
- IsDirectory()
: testing::internal::FilePath
- isDirectParentOf()
: orxonox::Identifiable
, orxonox::Identifier
- isDirValid()
: orxonox::MazeGenerator
- IsDoDefault()
: testing::Action< F >
- isDynamic()
: orxonox::WorldEntity
- IsEmpty()
: testing::internal::FilePath
- isEnabled
: orxonox::DebugDrawer
, orxonox::ParticleInterface
, orxonox::Pickupable
- isEventExecution()
: orxonox::ShipPart
- isExactlyA()
: orxonox::Identifiable
, orxonox::Identifier
- isExcluded()
: orxonox::ClassTreeMask
, orxonox::ClassTreeMaskNode
- isFadeOnViewBorder()
: orxonox::LensFlare
- isFailable()
: orxonox::GlobalQuest
, orxonox::LocalQuest
, orxonox::Quest
- isFailed()
: orxonox::Quest
- isFireing
: orxonox::DodgeRaceShip
, orxonox::InvaderEnemy
, orxonox::InvaderShip
, orxonox::OrxyRoadShip
- isFirstSpawn_
: orxonox::GametypeInfo
- isFlapping
: orxonox::FlappyOrxShip
- isFloor_
: orxonox::FpsPlayer
, orxonox::HoverShip
- isFoggy()
: orxonox::SpicedAsteroidBelt
, orxonox::SpicedAsteroidField
- isForAll()
: orxonox::Script
- isForPlayer()
: orxonox::PlayerTrigger
- isForPlayer_
: orxonox::PlayerTrigger
- isFree()
: orxonox::TowerDefenseField
- isFullScreen()
: orxonox::GraphicsManager
- isHidden()
: orxonox::ConsoleCommand
, orxonox::NamespaceNode
- isHumanPlayer()
: orxonox::PlayerInfo
, orxonox::SpaceBoundaries
- isHumanShip_
: orxonox::RadarViewable
- isImmediate()
: orxonox::Pickup
- isimmune
: orxonox::Asteroids2DShip
- isInactive()
: orxonox::Quest
- isIncluded()
: orxonox::ClassTreeMask
, orxonox::ClassTreeMaskNode
- isIncludedIn()
: orxonox::Namespace
- isInCollection()
: orxonox::CollectiblePickup
- isInitialized()
: orxonox::BaseObject
, orxonox::Bot
, orxonox::HumanPlayer
, orxonox::Identifier
, orxonox::PlayerInfo
- isInitialized_
: orxonox::OutputManager
- isInMouseLook()
: orxonox::ControllableEntity
- isInputDeviceEnabled()
: orxonox::InputState
- isInRange()
: orxonox::Turret
- isInSafemode()
: orxonox::SubString
- IsInterested()
: testing::MatchResultListener
- isJoyStick()
: OIS::EventUtils
- isKeyboard()
: OIS::EventUtils
- isKeyDown()
: OIS::Keyboard
, OIS::LinuxKeyboard
, OIS::MacKeyboard
, OIS::Win32Keyboard
- isKinematic()
: orxonox::WorldEntity
- isLast()
: orxonox::RaceCheckPoint
- isLink()
: orxonox::Template
- isLoadable()
: orxonox::Identifier
- isLocalPlayer()
: orxonox::PlayerInfo
- isLooking()
: orxonox::CommonController
- isLookingAtTarget()
: orxonox::ArtificialController
, orxonox::FightingController
- isLookingAtTargetNew()
: orxonox::TurretController
- isMaster()
: orxonox::GameMode
- isModeTriggered()
: orxonox::MultiTrigger
- isModifierDown()
: OIS::Keyboard
, orxonox::KeyEvent
- isMouse()
: OIS::EventUtils
- isMouseExclusive()
: orxonox::InputManager
- ismoving
: orxonox::PacmanGhost
- isMultiTrigger()
: orxonox::TriggerBase
- isNeighbour()
: orxonox::WagnisPlayer
- IsNormalizableWhitespace()
: testing::internal::XmlUnitTestResultPrinter
- isObjectRelatedToShooter()
: orxonox::BasicProjectile
- isOccupied()
: orxonox::WeaponSlot
- isOnce()
: orxonox::Pickup
- isOnLoad()
: orxonox::Script
- isOnUse()
: orxonox::Pickup
- IsOverSaturated()
: testing::internal::ExpectationBase
- IsOverSaturatedByCallCount()
: testing::Cardinality
- isParentOf()
: orxonox::Identifiable
, orxonox::Identifier
- isPaused()
: orxonox::BaseSound
- isPhysicsActive()
: orxonox::WorldEntity
- isPickedUp()
: orxonox::Pickupable
- isPlaying()
: orxonox::BaseSound
- isPointer
: Loki::TypeTraits< T >
- isQuadratic()
: orxonox::BlinkingBillboard
- isQueueingEnabled()
: CEGUI::OgreCEGUIRenderer
- isReadyToSpawn()
: orxonox::GametypeInfo
, orxonox::PlayerInfo
- isReference
: Loki::TypeTraits< T >
- isRegistered()
: orxonox::NotificationQueue
, orxonox::QuestItem
- isReliable()
: orxonox::packet::Packet
- isRoot()
: orxonox::NamespaceNode
- IsRootDirectory()
: testing::internal::FilePath
- isRunning()
: orxonox::TimeHUD
- IsSatisfied()
: testing::internal::ExpectationBase
- IsSatisfiedByCallCount()
: testing::Cardinality
, testing::CardinalityInterface
- IsSaturated()
: testing::internal::ExpectationBase
- IsSaturatedByCallCount()
: testing::Cardinality
, testing::CardinalityInterface
- isServer()
: orxonox::GameMode
, orxonox::Host
- isServer_()
: orxonox::Client
, orxonox::Host
, orxonox::Server
- IsSet()
: testing::DefaultValue< T >
, testing::DefaultValue< T & >
- isShooting_
: orxonox::DroneController
- isShrinking_
: orxonox::ShrinkPickup
- isSpawned()
: orxonox::GametypeInfo
- isStandalone()
: orxonox::GameMode
- isStartable()
: orxonox::GlobalQuest
, orxonox::LocalQuest
, orxonox::Quest
- isStartCountdownRunning()
: orxonox::Gametype
, orxonox::GametypeInfo
- isStatic()
: orxonox::WorldEntity
- isStdFunction_
: orxonox::Timer
- isStopped()
: orxonox::BaseSound
- isSynched
: orxonox::GamestateManager::peerInfo
- isSynched_
: orxonox::Client
- isTarget()
: orxonox::MultiTrigger
, orxonox::Pickupable
, orxonox::PickupCarrier
, orxonox::PickupCollection
- isTerminating_
: orxonox::ShrinkPickup
- isTriggered()
: orxonox::DistanceTrigger
, orxonox::EventTrigger
, orxonox::MultiTrigger
, orxonox::Trigger
- isType()
: orxonox::MultiType
, orxonox::MultiType::MT_ValueBase
- isUnusable()
: orxonox::Pickupable
- isUpdatingPhysics()
: orxonox::Scene
- isUsable()
: orxonox::Pickupable
- isUsed()
: OIS::Envelope
, orxonox::Pickupable
- isValid()
: orxonox::CommandEvaluation
, orxonox::PartDestructionEvent
- isValidBrickPosition()
: orxonox::Tetris
- isValidMove()
: orxonox::Mini4DgameBoard
, orxonox::Tetris
, orxonox::TetrisBrick
- isValidPickup()
: orxonox::PickupManager
- isValidTarget()
: orxonox::Server
- IsValidXmlCharacter()
: testing::internal::XmlUnitTestResultPrinter
- isVector()
: orxonox::ConfigValueContainer
- isVirtualBase()
: orxonox::Identifier
- isVisible()
: orxonox::BaseObject
, orxonox::Mesh
, orxonox::ParticleInterface
, orxonox::Shader
- isVolatile
: Loki::TypeTraits< T >
, Loki::TypeTraits< T >::UnVolatile< U >
, Loki::TypeTraits< T >::UnVolatile< volatile U & >
, Loki::TypeTraits< T >::UnVolatile< volatile U >
- isVulnerable()
: orxonox::Pawn
- IsWhiteSpace()
: TiXmlBase
- IsWhiteSpaceCondensed()
: TiXmlBase
- isWorking()
: orxonox::Thread
- isWorking_
: orxonox::Thread
- isWorkingMutex_
: orxonox::Thread
- isXInput
: OIS::JoyStickInfo
- Item()
: orxonox::Item
- items_
: orxonox::HUDPickupSystem
- iterateAndOpenDevices()
: OIS::MacHIDManager
- IterateChildren()
: TiXmlNode
- Iterator()
: orxonox::Iterator< T >
- iterator
: orxonox::ObjectList< T >
, testing::internal::NativeArray< Element >
- iterator_
: orxonox::CommandExecutor::CacheEntry
- IteratorBase()
: orxonox::IteratorBase< T, I >
- itFocus_
: orxonox::Radar
- IType
: OIS::Interface