6 years |
patricwi |
Added new materials and models
6 years |
merholzl |
Data extern commit the second for HS18
6 years |
merholzl |
6 years |
merholzl |
OrxoKart merge
6 years |
merholzl |
Wagnis Merge
6 years |
merholzl |
Shader merge
6 years |
merholzl |
RD merge
6 years |
merholzl |
all new materials for HS18
6 years |
merholzl |
World Map merging
6 years |
merholzl |
Tictactoe merge
6 years |
merholzl |
6 years |
siramesh |
Super Orxo Bros Final (Sidharth Ramesh, Nisa Balta, Jeff Ren)
6 years |
siramesh |
6 years |
siramesh |
Super Orxo Bros (Sidharth Ramesh, Nisa Balta, Jeff Ren)
6 years |
stadlero |
Testlevel deleted
6 years |
stadlero |
Continent color Billboards and arrows added.
6 years |
kunzro |
Colour untill 6 adjusted and CHOOSE_PROVINCE_STAGE fixed, so it only …
6 years |
kunzro |
Level designed
6 years |
stadlero |
Reinforcements counter works
6 years |
kunzro |
lowered shooting frequency
6 years |
emustafa |
still on controlls
6 years |
ottka |
screenshot of map
6 years |
linggj |
Clean final
6 years |
zdenis |
Swiggidy swooty im comitting for that booty
6 years |
samuelbl |
Checkmove function fixed
6 years |
stadlero |
Added winning-stage
6 years |
samuelbl |
Attack move fixed
6 years |
stadlero |
Reinforcements bugfix
6 years |
stadlero |
some bugfixes
6 years |
kunzro |
highlight and dehighlight function added for province and WagnisHUD …
6 years |
kunzro |
WagnisHUDinfo added
6 years |
kunzro |
WagnisHUDinfo added
6 years |
ottka |
new commit
6 years |
emustafa |
fixed speed
6 years |
cadick |
added mushroom enlarged
6 years |
matanner |
6 years |
linggj |
it works
6 years |
linggj |
it works
6 years |
stadlero |
Game progression finished. still bugs.
6 years |
thomkell |
6 years |
ottka |
Mushroom GUI
6 years |
emustafa |
controlls tweaks
6 years |
cadick |
added mushroom png
6 years |
samuelbl |
Player fixed
6 years |
ottka |
New HUDs and Start
6 years |
wiesep |
Added comment
6 years |
cadick |
added better port
6 years |
wiesep |
Renamed Models
6 years |
wiesep |
Renamed Models
6 years |
cadick |
added mushroom
6 years |
cadick |
added port
6 years |
matanner |
Quality of life changes
6 years |
kunzro |
HUD fixed
6 years |
samuelbl |
Player functionalities added
6 years |
stadlero |
Troop count is visible in the HUD
6 years |
stadlero |
Wagnis now progresses through stages
6 years |
stadlero |
Wagnis runs without crashing on startup
6 years |
linggj |
it works but needs some beuty to be added
6 years |
stadlero |
changed gametype from Deathmatch to Wagnis in Wagnis.oxw + some wip in …
6 years |
kunzro |
Cursor fixed, should be working properly now
6 years |
ottka |
Make two levels and more
6 years |
samuelbl |
Player moves implemented
6 years |
michbaum |
Neuer Controller fuer die Gegnerbewegung
6 years |
michbaum |
Neuer Gegnercontroller und alle noetigen Aenderungen
6 years |
stadlero |
Wagnis class wip
6 years |
wiesep |
Renamed leve
6 years |
wiesep |
Addes level preview for bumpMap level
6 years |
wiesep |
Changed spawnpoint and light positions
6 years |
wiesep |
Implemented material script inheritance for bump mapping
6 years |
stadlero |
Wagnis class does now compile
6 years |
kunzro |
'Cursor' added and lvl updated
6 years |
wiesep |
Fixed flickering
6 years |
ottka |
level select in level file
6 years |
wiesep |
Changed folder structure, deletet some unused files and cleaned up code
6 years |
stadlero |
WIP 21 nov
6 years |
wiesep |
Rotating cubes
6 years |
wiesep |
Added error handling
6 years |
ottka |
stop timer after round
6 years |
linggj |
some changes
6 years |
stadlero |
Player class does now compile
6 years |
ottka |
implement simple respawn
6 years |
stadlero |
Province is now a pawn
6 years |
linggj |
Story Mode Controller added again as a controllabel entitz
6 years |
samuelbl |
Player update
6 years |
samuelbl |
Province all public
6 years |
samuelbl |
Player updated
6 years |
stadlero |
Billboard added to Province
6 years |
linggj |
6 years |
samuelbl |
Wagnis Player updated
6 years |
merholzl |
Merging changes for Flatpak building convenience into trunk
6 years |
wiesep |
Working version
6 years |
wiesep |
Removed unused files
6 years |
wiesep |
Working version
6 years |
wiesep |
Adjusted lights
6 years |
merholzl |
Changes needed for Flatpak compilation
6 years |
merholzl |
Flatpak test branch
6 years |
wiesep |
Remove unused files
6 years |
wiesep |
Updated programs and adjusted Material to work with GLSL>150
6 years |
ottka |
clean up of module
6 years |
ottka |
implement module