17 years |
rgrieder |
removed debug ouput
17 years |
rgrieder |
- gcc knows more…
17 years |
FelixSchulthess |
splitted two classes in two files
17 years |
rgrieder |
- commented silly key bindings
17 years |
rgrieder |
- added scroll wheel support
- improved mouse input handling
- added …
17 years |
FelixSchulthess |
finally: the radar dots move continiously
17 years |
FelixSchulthess |
removed some warnings caused by implicit conversion
17 years |
landauf |
big commit, but not much changes in code:
- put CommandEvaluation …
17 years |
rgrieder |
- tried a more object oriented approach for the KeyBinder
- things …
17 years |
FelixSchulthess |
added full functionality for RadarObjects and two space tomatoes
17 years |
landauf |
renamed the overlay-elements in InGameConsole to more specific names
17 years |
landauf |
TclThreadManager should now work with old and new versions of boost. …
17 years |
scheusso |
added crc checksum testing for submitted gamestates (can also be used …
17 years |
FelixSchulthess |
edited radar to support multiple radar objects, wip though
17 years |
landauf |
- added colored output in the InGameConsole, depending on the output …
17 years |
scheusso |
added some null-return-pointer handling in GameStateClient
17 years |
FelixSchulthess |
a very good version to check in…
17 years |
FelixSchulthess |
17 years |
FelixSchulthess |
removed old files
17 years |
FelixSchulthess |
progress bars now resize automatically and have a new look
17 years |
FelixSchulthess |
edited bar, removed smartbar and replaced functionality with a boolean …
17 years |
landauf |
sync with notebook
17 years |
landauf |
fixed crash when displaying debug-level 4 and 5 in the InGameConsole. …
17 years |
landauf |
removed bug in ConfigValueContainer with default-vector with size zero …
17 years |
landauf |
Added a command-history to the console. you can scroll through all …
17 years |
rgrieder |
Basically, almost everything about the input management is written, …
17 years |
landauf |
The InGameConsole is now using the new Shell. There's a clear …
17 years |
landauf |
changed ConfigValueContainer to use MultiTypeMath::assimilate and …
17 years |
landauf |
changed the previously implemented assimilate function to take an …
17 years |
landauf |
added support for Vector4 to MultiTypeMath and added a new function …
17 years |
scheusso |
made clientinformation threadsafe and improved packetbuffer; wrote a …
17 years |
landauf |
changed some parts of InGameConsole to make it work with Shell, but I …
17 years |
rgrieder |
- added simple media repository info file
- fixed msvc release build
17 years |
FelixSchulthess |
svn save
17 years |
FelixSchulthess |
added speedometer.
17 years |
landauf |
- implemented Shell, but not yet linked with the graphical console
- …
17 years |
landauf |
changed InputBuffer, added OutputBuffer and made a first sketch of Shell.
17 years |
FelixSchulthess |
repositioned hud layout
17 years |
FelixSchulthess |
repositioned hud layout
17 years |
FelixSchulthess |
removed strange files
17 years |
FelixSchulthess |
dot on radar moves now, but not continious (nonsatisfying)
17 years |
bknecht |
created Script object and renamed old Script class to LuaBind
17 years |
scheusso |
found a 'bug' in projectile - we set the networkid now everytime in …
17 years |
scheusso |
bugfix in createship in connectionmanager/register more variables in …
17 years |
rgrieder |
- updated OIS to the recent most v1.2 CVS checkout
17 years |
scheusso |
enhanced gamestate loading (abort if data corrupted )
17 years |
FelixSchulthess |
using vectors instead of integers now
17 years |
rgrieder |
- see previous message- changed sleep macros to inline functions …
17 years |
rgrieder |
- changed sleep macros to inline functions (caused problem when …
17 years |
scheusso |
a huge fix in packetbuffer
17 years |
rgrieder |
new input branch
17 years |
rgrieder |
Removed file/folder
17 years |
bknecht |
Created new branch for triggers and script object
17 years |
FelixSchulthess |
trying to make it tickable
17 years |
scheusso |
some minor bugfix in something we don't use yet (packetgenerator::command)
17 years |
scheusso |
merged changes from input & camera & network branch into trunk
17 years |
FelixSchulthess |
svn save
17 years |
scheusso |
some changes got lost(camera)
17 years |
FelixSchulthess |
corrected syntax
17 years |
scheusso |
merged camera change into merger branch
17 years |
rgrieder |
- hackfix for the SpaceShip
17 years |
bknecht |
camera stuff works now, but maybe need some adjustments, please test …
17 years |
chaiy |
radar works well
17 years |
rgrieder |
- bugfix in InputManager
17 years |
scheusso |
spaceship fix
17 years |
chaiy |
new hud branch, since hud2 doesnt work on tardis
17 years |
scheusso |
made gamestatemanager::cleanup a bit safer
17 years |
chaiy |
irgendwas sinnvolles
17 years |
chaiy |
17 years |
scheusso |
adapted boost threads in clientconnection
added trap to runscript …
17 years |
scheusso |
new dummy[server,client]4; adapted connectionmanager to new …
17 years |
landauf |
added TclThreadManager to CorePrereqs.h
17 years |
landauf |
someone likes to chat? well, I do. here's a new IRC client. it …
17 years |
FelixSchulthess |
repositioned position of position lights
17 years |
FelixSchulthess |
created exception handler for Felix::FridgeUnderrunException()
17 years |
rgrieder |
- fixed the visual problem with overlays: They're now correctly …
17 years |
rgrieder |
merged input branch into merge branch
17 years |
rgrieder |
added TickableReal to tick objects that shouldn't be affected by …
17 years |
rgrieder |
- little change with ogre logManager. Maybe that works now on Oli's box.
17 years |
landauf |
added some control commands to TclThreadManager (status, dump, flush) …
17 years |
rgrieder |
- removed some debug output
17 years |
landauf |
telnet remote control works
type "source remote.tcl" into the ingame …
17 years |
rgrieder |
- another fix
17 years |
rgrieder |
- filled initialiser list of SpaceShip
- adapted VS files in order to …
17 years |
scheusso |
merge network3 and camera branch into merge branch
17 years |
rgrieder |
- merged ogre branch into merge branch
17 years |
scheusso |
creating merge branch
17 years |
scheusso |
fixed a 'bug' in WE-Model-Spaceship
17 years |
rgrieder |
- moved variable initialisation of class hierarchy members into …
17 years |
rgrieder |
many minor changes, but it's more of a 'svn save' since I'm gonna …
17 years |
landauf |
even better. i start to like it
17 years |
landauf |
fixed some bugs
17 years |
landauf |
exec → source
17 years |
landauf |
- after a total rewrite of the TclThreadManager, there are some new …
17 years |
FelixSchulthess |
chais new hud
17 years |
scheusso |
fixes over fixes
17 years |
rgrieder |
- all resources are now loaded from the beginning (hack!)
17 years |
scheusso |
memory free problem
17 years |
scheusso |
memory free problem
17 years |
rgrieder |
- added initialiser lists