16 years |
landauf |
sorry, plopped too much, reverted 2 files
16 years |
landauf |
16 years |
landauf |
16 years |
landauf |
Added a second weaponsettings-file for the new features in the …
16 years |
jsmely |
new model added
16 years |
bknecht |
fixed problem with GUI in Lua. You should now be able to easily load, …
16 years |
landauf |
Added DefaultWeaponmodeLink to the weaponsettings. This doesn't affect …
16 years |
dave |
added some details
16 years |
dave |
some faces deleted, mirror applied
16 years |
landauf |
changed default fire keybindings (alternative fire won't work anymore …
16 years |
jsmely |
adding new weapon model
16 years |
Aurelian |
My first version with working triggers in a row… - added level map
16 years |
Aurelian |
My first version with working triggers in a row…
16 years |
FelixSchulthess |
super commit
16 years |
jsmely |
adding weapon-models
16 years |
patricec |
added two seamless textures
16 years |
landauf |
added HUD for Pong gametype
16 years |
dave |
current version of ship
16 years |
bknecht |
added some debug-output to fix stuff I ran into with LUa on Tardis. …
16 years |
polakma |
committing the right weaponsettings
16 years |
FelixSchulthess |
nothing of relevance…
16 years |
FelixSchulthess |
creating directory for david's work
16 years |
FelixSchulthess |
finally found out how to convert from .mesh.xml to .mesh
16 years |
FelixSchulthess |
more files
16 years |
FelixSchulthess |
adding some files that should have been added long ago
16 years |
bknecht |
Corrected error in Imageset attribute
16 years |
bknecht |
Obviously this doesn't work with every cegui version… hopefully …
16 years |
landauf |
added new features to the pong level
16 years |
landauf |
- Readded two Textures (Felix = texture killer )
- Added …
16 years |
bknecht |
Magician Beni has let the client button reappear!!!
16 years |
Hagen |
Waffe im blender Format +tex
16 years |
FelixSchulthess |
i hope nobody needs this anymore…
16 years |
rgrieder |
Added inGameGUI test sheet.
Also removed workaround for the filename. …
16 years |
rgrieder |
Removed ugly border from background image.
16 years |
rgrieder |
svn:eol-style "native" for the gui scripts.
16 years |
rgrieder |
Updating commands for the gui branch.
16 years |
rgrieder |
Fixed all branches and the trunk (except for gui of course).
16 years |
bknecht |
CEGUI code structure is now set. Images are loaded into …
16 years |
landauf |
tweaked pong level
16 years |
FelixSchulthess |
unwrapped gun
16 years |
FelixSchulthess |
wrong place
16 years |
FelixSchulthess |
wrong place
16 years |
FelixSchulthess |
wrong place
16 years |
FelixSchulthess |
dir for weapon stuff
16 years |
FelixSchulthess |
dir for weapon stuff
16 years |
FelixSchulthess |
dir for seamless textures
16 years |
landauf |
camera adjustments
16 years |
landauf |
16 years |
landauf |
16 years |
FelixSchulthess |
16 years |
bknecht |
Removed layout information to actual .layout file and leaving …
16 years |
FelixSchulthess |
redoing starship
16 years |
bknecht |
use "Home" to show GUI ingame. You cannot hide it yet, though. small …
16 years |
landauf |
temporary hack to load the default overlay
16 years |
dafrick |
Adjusted some levelfiles to the new Notifications.
16 years |
FelixSchulthess |
added gun model
16 years |
FelixSchulthess |
added some files
16 years |
FelixSchulthess |
re-added icon, so ogre is happy. also re-added skybox as single files, …
16 years |
landauf |
re-added skybox textures which were deleted by big bad felix in r2023
16 years |
scheusso |
removed some lines in the tutorial levelfile (the students have to put …
16 years |
scheusso |
more adjustments
16 years |
scheusso |
renamed old tutorial level
and created new one (out of presentation_dm.oxw)
16 years |
rgrieder |
Removed accidentally added Media folder to the Orxonox version 1 data …
16 years |
FelixSchulthess |
moved some textures to old_media
16 years |
FelixSchulthess |
moved some textures to old_media
16 years |
FelixSchulthess |
moved some textures to old_media
16 years |
FelixSchulthess |
moved some textures to old_media
16 years |
FelixSchulthess |
removing empty folders
16 years |
FelixSchulthess |
moving file
16 years |
FelixSchulthess |
adding directory for old media, that doesn't need to be checked out …
16 years |
FelixSchulthess |
no more tomato
16 years |
FelixSchulthess |
removed a lot of important files
16 years |
rgrieder |
svn eol style…
16 years |
rgrieder |
Added default keybindings files.
16 years |
rgrieder |
Reverted to old OgreCore.zip pack with PNGs instead of TGAs. Trying to …
16 years |
rgrieder |
Added tcl scripts to both tcl library folders.
16 years |
scheusso |
renamed a mesh
16 years |
rgrieder |
Suprise… Contact me if you don't like it.
16 years |
scheusso |
renamed files of presentation skybox to fix linux problems (case …
16 years |
FelixSchulthess |
added axels model
16 years |
FelixSchulthess |
resolved file name conflict
16 years |
landauf |
- Moved NotificationQueue to defaultHUD
- Extended DM level
- Added …
16 years |
landauf |
forgot the scoreboard
16 years |
landauf |
added scoreboard to levels
initialize scoreboard with visible=false …
16 years |
rgrieder |
Updated stats overlay.
16 years |
landauf |
adjusted explosion and smoke particle effects for projectile hits
16 years |
landauf |
added weapons to spaceshiptemplates and created a new deathmatch levelfile
16 years |
FelixSchulthess |
added space cruiser
16 years |
rgrieder |
Added physics stuff demonstration file.
16 years |
FelixSchulthess |
committing revision 2k… yay
16 years |
FelixSchulthess |
added not working light
16 years |
FelixSchulthess |
modified level file
16 years |
mkaiser |
i dont know
16 years |
mkaiser |
i dont know
16 years |
mkaiser |
i dont know
16 years |
landauf |
increased engine accelerations to fight against linearDamping
16 years |
scheusso |
made some adjustments to the levelfile for hud and better steering
16 years |
rgrieder |
added space ship collision shape.
16 years |
FelixSchulthess |
added green cone
16 years |
mkaiser |
Final release , finally.