16 years |
rgrieder |
Fixed two bugs:
- Incomplete exception safety in Core::loadGraphics
- …
16 years |
rgrieder |
Dividing the resource locations isn't necessary after all: The trick …
16 years |
rgrieder |
Renamed "overlay" folder to "overlays" to keep it consistent with "levels".
16 years |
rgrieder |
Added static DeclareToluaInterface macro to ease up tolua intefaces …
16 years |
rgrieder |
- Implemented file management via resource manager and loading of …
16 years |
rgrieder |
Added class to handle handle resources more easily via …
16 years |
rgrieder |
Modified ResourceLocation to actually find the given paths.
Plus a few …
16 years |
rgrieder |
Added using declaration for boost::shared_ptr, weak_ptr and scoped_ptr …
16 years |
rgrieder |
Minor build fix.
16 years |
rgrieder |
Fixed msvc build: I had to link the plugins as SHARED instead of …
16 years |
landauf |
sorry, large commit, but all changes are dependent:
- Created a new …
16 years |
landauf |
protected the plugin loader from single-plugin-exceptions (for example …
16 years |
rgrieder |
It seems that TortoiseSVN made a terrible mess of the media folder. I …
16 years |
rgrieder |
Renamed media to data to restore consistency with game/data/trunk …
16 years |
rgrieder |
Added new XML style resource declaration files (just stubs, not even …
16 years |
landauf |
Gamestates → GameStates (due to public request)
16 years |
landauf |
small fix for newer versions of gcc
16 years |
rgrieder |
Prepared build system for an external media directory.
This revision …
16 years |
landauf |
Added a new utility "ScopedSingleton". A ScopedSingleton has a scope …
16 years |
rgrieder |
Just so we'll sure never have macro problems regarding include guards.
16 years |
landauf |
Put all gamestates into a new plugin (gamestates)
16 years |
landauf |
Applied retos patch for Game.cc and Game.h (thanks)
+2 small changes …
16 years |
rgrieder |
Fixed plugins for msvc (sry fabian, forgot to tell you about this issue).
16 years |
landauf |
found more missing eolstyle:native properties
16 years |
landauf |
Added ToolsPrereqs.h and _ToolsExport
16 years |
landauf |
Put all tools into a new library called tools (phear my naming …
16 years |
landauf |
updated OrxonoxPrereqs.h
16 years |
landauf |
added some eolstyle:native properties
16 years |
landauf |
added OverlaysPrereqs.h
added _OverlaysExport macro
16 years |
landauf |
searched quickly for missing _OrxonoxExport macros, but didn't find …
16 years |
landauf |
small bugfix (thx reto)
16 years |
landauf |
Put all specialized overlays into a new library (overlays) which is …
16 years |
landauf |
Added a dynamic library loader (more or less a copy of …
16 years |
rgrieder |
Added plugin path that gets configured in BuildConfig.cmake and …
16 years |
rgrieder |
Added two classes to allow resource declaration via XML.
16 years |
rgrieder |
Fixed msvc debugger.
16 years |
landauf |
16 years |
landauf |
Moved the Map from overlays to orxonox although it IS an …
16 years |
landauf |
Readded a slightly modified version of princessaeryn.oxw (the old …
16 years |
landauf |
Moved Notification and NotificationManger from overlays to the quest …
16 years |
landauf |
moved InGameConsole from overlays to orxonox (it's not an OrxonoxOverlay)
16 years |
landauf |
Reduced dependencies between orxonox and overlays: GUIOverlays send …
16 years |
rgrieder |
Removed header files from orxonox-main target.
16 years |
rgrieder |
Added some forgotten documentation.
16 years |
rgrieder |
Creating Ogre::Root in non graphics mode as well. This allows to …
16 years |
landauf |
replaced the old orxonox executable with an orxonox library. linked …
16 years |
landauf |
created a branch to test some stuff related to libraries
16 years |
rgrieder |
Stupid TSVN bug: All items in a commit list are always checked by …
16 years |
rgrieder |
Improved CMake performance for runs after the first one.
There are …
16 years |
rgrieder |
Adjusted code tag svn:external properties to the new data tags.
16 years |
rgrieder |
Adjusted code tag svn:external properties to the new data tags.
16 years |
rgrieder |
Added media tag for the 0.0.3 version.
16 years |
rgrieder |
Added media tag for the 0.0.2 version.
16 years |
rgrieder |
Feared this might happen… Removing the invalid tag.
16 years |
rgrieder |
Added media tag for the 0.0.2 version.
16 years |
rgrieder |
Renamed media folder to trunk.
16 years |
rgrieder |
Deleted empty folder.
16 years |
rgrieder |
Moved yet another old trunk to the tags section.
16 years |
rgrieder |
Moved another old trunk to the tags section.
16 years |
rgrieder |
Moved the old the orxonox trunk to the tags section.
16 years |
rgrieder |
Added tag folder for the media part.
16 years |
rgrieder |
Added the data repository for time of the resource2 branch.
16 years |
rgrieder |
Using svn:externals to automatically checkout out the media repository …
16 years |
rgrieder |
Using svn:externals to automatically checkout out the media repository …
16 years |
rgrieder |
Replaced text based media files with the ones keeping the svn history …
16 years |
rgrieder |
Removed tcl libraries and backToPNG folder (I'm going to deal with …
16 years |
rgrieder |
Deleted double file and updated a CEGUI looknfeel file (from 0.6.2).
16 years |
rgrieder |
Created branch from media to work on splitting the repository.
16 years |
landauf |
even more compatible compatibility mode (tcl8.4 seems incompatible to …
16 years |
landauf |
16 years |
landauf |
changes in init.tcl:
- check if tcl was properly initialized
- …
16 years |
rgrieder |
svn eol-style, so I don't see the mysterious line ending characters in …
16 years |
landauf |
fixed a problem with orxonox' wrapper of the unknown proc
added some …
16 years |
landauf |
experimenting with while and for in tcl
16 years |
landauf |
added our custom tcl files
16 years |
rgrieder |
Copied a gui script file for the (hopefully) last time. This …
16 years |
landauf |
small fix (and a future feature) in init.tcl (for now just v8.5, it …
16 years |
rgrieder |
Extended default keybindings.ini to work with core4 branch (AND the …
16 years |
rgrieder |
Fixed lua 5.1, again. The timing of the last fixing was a bit …
16 years |
rgrieder |
You're welcome, Oli
16 years |
rgrieder |
Accompanying changes to the source repo revision 3249.
16 years |
rgrieder |
Accompanying changes to the source repo revision 3245.
16 years |
erwin |
pong sounds
16 years |
bknecht |
added pickups and such
16 years |
landauf |
presentation level
16 years |
landauf |
adjusted weaponsettings
16 years |
landauf |
added HUDs for TeamBaseMatch and UnderAttack
16 years |
bknecht |
added spacestation plus pirate carrier to pres_level
16 years |
scheusso |
adjusted health of teambases
forgot some values of muzzleoffset
16 years |
bknecht |
added depris pieces
16 years |
scheusso |
adjustet muzzleoffset in order to not hit the own ship when firing
16 years |
landauf |
Added gameplay messages to the HUD
16 years |
rgrieder |
- Functionality for server, client and dedicated buttons
(please …
16 years |
landauf |
sorry, committed to much. reverted.
16 years |
landauf |
added a second skybox, tested it in a level with an alternative …
16 years |
landauf |
16 years |
landauf |
small modifications in teambasematchlevel.oxw
added RadarTriangle.tga
16 years |
bknecht |
added presentation level for this Conventionsvn add …
16 years |
landauf |
used Attacher in waypoints testlevel
16 years |
bknecht |
some fixes for pickupinventory and whole gui implementation