11 years |
schlaem |
some more detail for the drone-special.
Problem with the EventTrigger …
11 years |
schlaem |
new Problem: it isn't possible to complete a running quest with a …
11 years |
jo |
Disabling the single tetris brick. Now all tetris bricks consists of …
11 years |
noep |
added rendered image
11 years |
noep |
Added HeavyCruiser files, updated AUTHORS file
11 years |
jo |
new content folder created
11 years |
jo |
Problem of other ship: it is too far away to be visible on the radar. …
11 years |
jo |
Making the messages show up.
11 years |
jo |
Fixing the pickup issue.
11 years |
wroennin |
Math.cc:get3DProjection: transformation changed
11 years |
skaan |
Level angepasst
11 years |
lumperte |
Boxproblem hinzugekommen,
Missionsablauf fast vollstaendig fertig
11 years |
schlaem |
Pirate-problem is still existing
and the Pickup is not visibel
11 years |
agermann |
Lokale Gravitation
11 years |
zifloria |
Added everything I modified and a few funky things
11 years |
schlaem |
The eventtrigger for the pirate doesn't work. When you shot the …
11 years |
wroennin |
HUDRadar: set detectionrange to 10000; Math.cc: get3DProjection …
11 years |
schlaem |
more asteroid fields, other stations, more pirates
11 years |
wroennin |
HUDRadar:function call get3DProjection updated; Math.cc: …
11 years |
noep |
new level for HeavyCruiser
11 years |
schlaem |
second guard - eventtrigger don't work
11 years |
wroennin |
3Dradar filename changed
11 years |
wroennin |
new radar overlay
11 years |
schlaem |
two new asteroid fields
11 years |
jo |
new spacestation content folder
11 years |
jo |
Merged trunk into branch levelKaan to add new features for the …
11 years |
jo |
Merged trunk into branch levelElias to add new features.
11 years |
jo |
Merged trunk into branch levelMichael to add new features.
11 years |
jo |
Making the setLives function more flexible. The game can be …
11 years |
jo |
Creating new console command to set the lives in a mission.
11 years |
jo |
Making a Mission endable by a ConsoleCommand such that it can be ended …
11 years |
schlaem |
To Do: Quest spacefight.guard1 doesn't complete when I've shot all the …
11 years |
schlaem |
11 years |
zifloria |
forgotten files
11 years |
zifloria |
shooting and steering basics
11 years |
georgr |
New way to output insulting messages \o/
11 years |
schlaem |
doesn't work
11 years |
skaan |
level modified
11 years |
thiweber |
im Pong Score-Sound eingefuegt (PongBall.cc)
11 years |
wroennin |
Radar.cc: new function call, detectionlimit 10000→1000 ; Math.cc: new …
11 years |
schlaem |
new level created
11 years |
skaan |
level modified
11 years |
jo |
Making the WaypointPatrolController configurable such that it can …
11 years |
jo |
Basic Docking to FPS player works. Throws some nasty error messages on …
11 years |
jo |
Creating new, clean level to test the new docking approach.
11 years |
agermann |
11 years |
lumperte |
new level created
11 years |
georgr |
Mouse remote controlled from AutonomousDroneController. More info on …
11 years |
agermann |
11 years |
zifloria |
InvaderShip created
11 years |
agermann |
11 years |
georgr |
merged newest trunk stuff, should compile on ubuntu now
11 years |
georgr |
Does not compile yet
11 years |
agermann |
Added my level file
11 years |
skaan |
Added initial level file
11 years |
landauf |
fixed build with boost 1.48 and 1.49
11 years |
zifloria |
more of the same
11 years |
zifloria |
top down camera
11 years |
smerkli |
Adding a branch for sebastian
11 years |
smerkli |
Added a branch for the code for space station entry
11 years |
zifloria |
First commit with Vim!!
11 years |
jo |
Creating new PPS branch.
11 years |
jo |
Creating new PPS branch.
11 years |
jo |
Creating new PPS branch.
11 years |
jo |
Creating new PPS branch.
11 years |
jo |
Creating new PPS branch.
11 years |
jo |
Creating new PPS branch.
11 years |
jo |
Creating new PPS branch.
11 years |
jo |
Creating new PPS branch.
11 years |
jo |
Creating new PPS branch.
11 years |
jo |
Fix for the problem that CG Library was not found on the tardis machines.
11 years |
landauf |
support precompiled dependencies v7.0 for mingw (which use boost for …
11 years |
landauf |
disabled warning which was added to -Wall in GCC 4.8 (see …
11 years |
landauf |
fixed pch with gcc 4.8
11 years |
landauf |
added missing includes
11 years |
landauf |
mingw with gcc 4.8 has its own version of sdkddkver.h which apparently …
11 years |
landauf |
fixed build on MSVC: unistd.h is not part of windows
11 years |
smerkli |
Quick fix to make things work in the tutorial. Will be reverted to
a …
11 years |
smerkli |
Added an environment export to the run script so people don't
have to …
11 years |
jo |
Updates due to core6 changes.
11 years |
jo |
Bringing the tutorial4 branch up to date.
11 years |
jo |
Creating up to date tutorial branch
11 years |
landauf |
fixed warnings with gcc 4.7
11 years |
landauf |
merged branch 'libs' back to trunk. orxonox now compiles and runs with …
11 years |
landauf |
fixed build for MinGW with GCC 4.6
11 years |
landauf |
moved workaround for old boost versions to LibraryConfigTardis.cmake - …
12 years |
smerkli |
Added a few includes that were necessary with the switch to GCC > 4.7 …
12 years |
landauf |
adjusted code to compile with cegui 0.8 and 0.7. see …
12 years |
landauf |
adjusted build-system and include-paths for cegui 0.8 (doesn't compile yet)
12 years |
landauf |
adjusted code for ogre 1.8.1
12 years |
landauf |
created branch to add changes for new versions of our libraries
12 years |
landauf |
merged core6 back to trunk
12 years |
landauf |
12 years |
landauf |
removed svn:executable property
12 years |
landauf |
eol-style native
12 years |
landauf |
replaced tabs with spaces
12 years |
landauf |
use SmallObjectAllocator for ObjectListElements
12 years |
landauf |
Listable is now responsible for creating and deleting ObjectListElements
12 years |
landauf |
enhanced error message if RegisterObject is missing
12 years |
landauf |
removed RegisterRootObject (replaced by RegisterObject)