17 years |
rgrieder |
17 years |
scheusso |
removed cmake files
17 years |
scheusso |
changed synchronisable (size of data wont be sended anymore
17 years |
FelixSchulthess |
cönsöle häs spêcíäl chärs. please update media also…
17 years |
scheusso |
added new network files
17 years |
scheusso |
added network files
17 years |
scheusso |
remove old network files
17 years |
scheusso |
network3 branch recreated
17 years |
scheusso |
17 years |
scheusso |
17 years |
scheusso |
network3 branch created - blub
17 years |
FelixSchulthess |
changed findtcl.cmake
17 years |
rgrieder |
created new input branch. test merge with input —> trunk revealed …
17 years |
rgrieder |
17 years |
rgrieder |
- completed that merge
17 years |
rgrieder |
- updated input branch to trunk state. Only Input system files should …
17 years |
dumenim |
may have found another seg fault in GameStateClient in loadShapshot …
17 years |
landauf |
added cpptcl and some first tests
17 years |
dumenim |
either i'm wrong or the hud is. it seems to create a segfault in …
17 years |
landauf |
removed multi-command parsing (~pipe) in CommandExecutor
17 years |
rgrieder |
- tolua working directory is now bin/lib/ again
- commented dependency …
17 years |
rgrieder |
- re added some dependency code
17 years |
landauf |
merged the last changes from trunk to console
17 years |
rgrieder |
- changes made in Orxonox.cc and Orxonox.h were overwritten by older …
17 years |
rgrieder |
- activated noise
17 years |
rgrieder |
- all just little changes to make it work under windows
17 years |
landauf |
no dynamic_cast
17 years |
FelixSchulthess |
created ExecptionHandler for Felix::FridgeUnderrunException
17 years |
landauf |
17 years |
FelixSchulthess |
17 years |
rgrieder |
- re added key Xautorepeat (works without, if OIS doesn't crash, but …
17 years |
FelixSchulthess |
files forgotten…
17 years |
FelixSchulthess |
created InGameConsole
17 years |
rgrieder |
trunk —> console
17 years |
scheusso |
and here come the other files
17 years |
scheusso |
merged once more
17 years |
rgrieder |
- updated vc++ files
17 years |
rgrieder |
17 years |
rgrieder |
never copy svn folders without deleting invisible .svn first…
17 years |
rgrieder |
- tolua_bind.cc and Script.cc depended on each other, but were not in …
17 years |
rgrieder |
- applied changes to VS files
17 years |
rgrieder |
- completely rewrote FindLua.cmake (hope it still works)
It should …
17 years |
rgrieder |
- cmake is now capable of building to a specified directory. That …
17 years |
rgrieder |
merged trunk into cmake branch
17 years |
rgrieder |
Renamed remotely
17 years |
landauf |
small fix
17 years |
rgrieder |
- classed FloatParser to ExprParser class
17 years |
landauf |
created console branch
17 years |
rgrieder |
17 years |
rgrieder |
here we go
17 years |
rgrieder |
added calculate command
In the console, you can now type something …
17 years |
rgrieder |
created branch to fiddle with gcc and tolua…
17 years |
bknecht |
17 years |
scheusso |
one segfault less
17 years |
dumenim |
smile away
17 years |
dumenim |
17 years |
scheusso |
hud bug
17 years |
scheusso |
tardis sucks
17 years |
chaiy |
Bars finally work
17 years |
rgrieder |
merged network branch into new network2 branch (from trunk)
17 years |
scheusso |
17 years |
scheusso |
17 years |
scheusso |
merge base
17 years |
scheusso |
17 years |
rgrieder |
input branch the 2nd
17 years |
rgrieder |
17 years |
dumenim |
catched some return values
17 years |
scheusso |
some more debug output
17 years |
scheusso |
found that fucking bug
17 years |
scheusso |
added a lot of debug output
17 years |
scheusso |
17 years |
scheusso |
17 years |
scheusso |
17 years |
scheusso |
17 years |
scheusso |
wird nicht mehr benötigt
17 years |
landauf |
17 years |
landauf |
config-value accepts now strings with special chars like \n or \t and …
17 years |
scheusso |
some minor change in synchronisable
17 years |
rgrieder |
- removed ogre log manager creation part
17 years |
landauf |
if reto needs this for testing, i'll commit the other bugfix
17 years |
rgrieder |
- bug in obsolete input branch, but I still need it to test something
17 years |
landauf |
added CoreSettings, a class containing all settings of core classes …
17 years |
landauf |
added a variadic macro to ConfigValueIncludes.h: …
17 years |
landauf |
corrected debug output in case of an invalid vector index
(remember: …
17 years |
landauf |
extracted all config-value related macros from CoreIncludes.h and …
17 years |
landauf |
console command 'cleanConfig' is now implemented: it drops all …
17 years |
landauf |
console command 'loadSettings' works now: loads a new config file …
17 years |
landauf |
fixed another bug.
always remember: no matter how cool your feature …
17 years |
landauf |
fixed bug, removed some debug output
17 years |
rgrieder |
- modified the input handler
- few more little changes
17 years |
landauf |
changed ConfigValueContainer to use ConfigFileManager, but there is …
17 years |
bknecht |
You can now use lua tags everywhere in the XML file you want: It'll …
17 years |
scheusso |
dead bug in synchronisable?
17 years |
scheusso |
dead bug in synchronisable?
17 years |
scheusso |
17 years |
scheusso |
17 years |
scheusso |
17 years |
scheusso |
more output
17 years |
chaiy |
17 years |
dumenim |
print gamestates on cout(4)