6 years |
ahuwyler |
levelup beginning
6 years |
ahuwyler |
Wall is ready
6 years |
pomselj |
Some changes in bounce method + added destroy in bounce method to be …
6 years |
jeromela |
6 years |
peterf |
Pink Bug Workaround
6 years |
pomselj |
Ball can do bouncy stuff
6 years |
jeromela |
minor changes
6 years |
ahuwyler |
Random Walls are created
6 years |
tkuonen |
Continue With MouseAPI Cursor
6 years |
mkarpf |
some comments added
6 years |
ahuwyler |
jetzt mehrere Bloecke
6 years |
ahuwyler |
Walls are bigger
6 years |
mkarpf |
Test level finished
6 years |
pomselj |
new, better camera
6 years |
jeromela |
stone is back in the game
6 years |
tkuonen |
Add MouseAPICursor gui
6 years |
peterf |
bug fix
6 years |
peterf |
Red and Pink seem to work better
6 years |
peterf |
PacmanPink seems to work most of the time now
6 years |
peterf |
continued brown
6 years |
peterf |
continued brown and cyan pacman. Pink pacman still causes SIGSEV
6 years |
peterf |
continued Cyan implementation
6 years |
peterf |
began PacmanBrown and Cyan implementation
6 years |
peterf |
PacmanPink implementation, but lots of SIGSEGV
6 years |
peterf |
improved red pacman behavior, but still segmentation fault sometimes
6 years |
peterf |
Red Pacman seems to work even better
6 years |
peterf |
Red Pacman seems to work partially
6 years |
pomselj |
6 years |
pomselj |
some stuff, going home tbh
6 years |
rueegseb |
extern variable in pacman.h hinzugefuegt
6 years |
mkarpf |
example level continue
6 years |
mkarpf |
example level weiterentwickelt
mousapi addobject korrigiert
6 years |
pomselj |
oxw file cleaned up
6 years |
tkuonen |
Add first version of mousecursor
6 years |
ahuwyler |
Bats are gone
6 years |
ahuwyler |
A Stone is in the game/ Templates are ajusted
6 years |
mkarpf |
example level weiterentwickelt
6 years |
jeromela |
Ball bewegt sich in zwei Richtungen
6 years |
peterf |
added several pacmans
6 years |
peterf |
6 years |
mkarpf |
getRadius added, example-level
6 years |
tkuonen |
6 years |
kofrey |
6 years |
kofrey |
changed appearance of enemy
6 years |
pomselj |
We got a Ship!
6 years |
tkuonen |
Fix Example Level
6 years |
tkuonen |
added MouseGametype
6 years |
pomselj |
OrxoBloxCanon implemented, can shoot like Asteroid 2D Weapon
6 years |
jeromela |
Spielfeldbegrenzungen umgesetzt
6 years |
peterf |
new version does it work ?
6 years |
pomselj |
BallProjectile method is caled during collision
6 years |
ahuwyler |
jetzt klappets
6 years |
tkuonen |
MouseAPI: improve getting mouse pos
6 years |
cwaupoti |
6 years |
mkarpf |
Example Level with scaling
6 years |
cwaupoti |
added working HoverGun
6 years |
pomselj |
updated cmake
6 years |
pomselj |
removed useless folder
6 years |
pomselj |
weapon stuff
6 years |
ahuwyler |
better now
6 years |
tkuonen |
6 years |
ahuwyler |
Class Wall is created
6 years |
jeromela |
Spielfeld angepasst. Next: Fumktionalitaet auch anpassen
6 years |
mkarpf |
Test-Level with 3 Blocks
6 years |
tkuonen |
Extend MouseAPI
6 years |
kofrey |
mine not working
6 years |
cwaupoti |
6 years |
rueegseb |
overload setnewTarget for Argument Vecor3 and implementation of the …
6 years |
tkuonen |
Begin extending MouseAPI
6 years |
ahuwyler |
deleted .oxw file
6 years |
ahuwyler |
6 years |
ahuwyler |
OrxoBlox in the HUD
6 years |
kofrey |
working version
6 years |
jeromela |
added files
6 years |
jeromela |
t <collisionShapes>
<BoxCollisionShape position="0,0,0" …
6 years |
jeromela |
Struggling with the gametype class!
6 years |
tkuonen |
Repair MouseAPI
6 years |
cwaupoti |
created HoverGun, but file is not working yet
6 years |
cwaupoti |
created HoverGun, but file is not working yet
6 years |
ahuwyler |
Changed OrxoBlox.cc
6 years |
rueegseb |
distinguish the different Ghost when the Ghost is not moving
6 years |
mkarpf |
Test Level implemented; still buggy
6 years |
pomselj |
removed tempdata
6 years |
jeromela |
Level Hintergrund von pong uebernommen
6 years |
mkarpf |
Test Level Created
Carefull: Level is buggy and freezes Screen!
6 years |
pomselj |
Added Folder BallGun, in it are the BallGun Files, the files are not …
6 years |
mkarpf |
Test Level created
ATTENTION: Level is buggy and freezes Screen!
6 years |
rueegseb |
Added a feature to differentiate the seperate ghosts
6 years |
ahuwyler |
Now All Files included!
6 years |
ahuwyler |
Orxoblox got its Stones!
6 years |
pomselj |
ohne nervige files
6 years |
pomselj |
ohne nervige files
6 years |
tkuonen |
Comlete initial version of MouseAPI
remove compile errors
6 years |
wiesep |
Branch is in trunk
6 years |
wiesep |
Deleted merged branch
6 years |
wiesep |
Deleted merged branch
6 years |
wiesep |
Deleted merged branch
6 years |
wiesep |
Deleted merged branch
6 years |
wiesep |
Deleted merged branch
6 years |
wiesep |
Deleted merged branch