14 years |
dafrick |
Updating branch for changes in the data repository. Please also update …
14 years |
dafrick |
Updating branch for changes in the data repository. Please also update …
14 years |
dafrick |
Updating branch for changes in the data repository. Please also update …
14 years |
dafrick |
Merging data_cleanup branch. You will need to update your data …
14 years |
dafrick |
Has been merged.
14 years |
dafrick |
Has been merged.
14 years |
dafrick |
Has already been merged, as well.
14 years |
dafrick |
Removing because it has been merged.
14 years |
dafrick |
Removing because it's been replaced by tutorial2.
14 years |
dafrick |
Deleting branch since it is no longer neede.
14 years |
rgrieder |
Clear openAL error before starting.
14 years |
jo |
Remve files that shouldn't have been added here. Now the old state …
14 years |
jo |
Finally using the right branch - already compiling, but with memory-leak.
14 years |
jo |
Reverting changes.
14 years |
dafrick |
Manually merging changes in lastmanstanding branch to lastmanstanding2 …
14 years |
dafrick |
Creating new lastmanstanding branch.
14 years |
jo |
that wasnt it either
14 years |
jo |
Still searching for the real error.
14 years |
jo |
14 years |
smerkli |
done for today, didn't get bug to leave, and connect doesn't quite …
14 years |
youngk |
Marked output of OIS section. Fixme.
14 years |
dafrick |
Adjusting some small thing that got forgotten while merging.
14 years |
dafrick |
Merging menu branch to trunk.
14 years |
smerkli |
further debugging.
14 years |
konrad |
—function to iterate throgh a menusheet by using arrowkeys is added
14 years |
dafrick |
Connected to the previos commit.
14 years |
smerkli |
further testing.
14 years |
youngk |
Tcl will now initialize properly on Mac.
14 years |
youngk |
Changed handling of the dependency package and increased consistence …
14 years |
rgrieder |
Disabled PCH on OS X.
14 years |
dafrick |
Forgot to rename one level file.
14 years |
dafrick |
Renaming levelfiles (and some other) according to our new naming …
14 years |
dafrick |
Adding documentation for invertedSphere ForceField.
14 years |
dafrick |
Adding yet another class of ForceFields and using it in The Time Machine.
14 years |
dafrick |
Some documentation and simplification
14 years |
dafrick |
Forgot to revert The Time Machine
14 years |
dafrick |
Resolving some stupid bugs and some adding some minor improvements.
14 years |
dafrick |
Documenting and extending ForceField.
A little cleaning up in The Time …
14 years |
smerkli |
just added some notes so I understand my own stuff next week.
14 years |
dafrick |
Removing some cout I forgot.
14 years |
dafrick |
ESC behavior is once again correct.
Kind of hackish, though, but I …
14 years |
youngk |
Small adjustment or Macs
14 years |
dafrick |
fix this…
14 years |
dafrick |
fix this…
14 years |
smerkli |
further corrections.
14 years |
smerkli |
and another one.
14 years |
youngk |
Corrected some serious bug in OpenAL Mac and reduced warnings.
14 years |
konrad |
key handling in some menu sheets has been added.
14 years |
smerkli |
fatal bug found.
14 years |
smerkli |
now with actually compiling masterserver module.
14 years |
youngk |
Added a hack to force the orxonox window to front on OS X.
14 years |
smerkli |
14 years |
smerkli |
minor changes
14 years |
smerkli |
it has compiled.
14 years |
jo |
14 years |
rgrieder |
Merged lastmanstanding back to trunk.
14 years |
rgrieder |
Reverted attempt to merge lastmanstanding branch.
14 years |
jo |
initial upload
14 years |
landauf |
eol-style native
14 years |
smerkli |
done for today
14 years |
smerkli |
Minimum target achieved for today, servers can log on to master …
14 years |
dafrick |
Restoring proper ESC functionality for InGameConsole.
14 years |
dafrick |
Merged releasetodo, containing a new way to describe and tag levels, …
14 years |
dafrick |
Some final adjustments, before merge.
14 years |
dafrick |
Some comments.
14 years |
dafrick |
Small adjustments.
14 years |
jo |
Minor changes.
14 years |
landauf |
fixed a crash
14 years |
landauf |
fixed a possible crash
14 years |
jo |
Swallow-Level works.
14 years |
jo |
Hud works. There's at least on bug to repair.
14 years |
dafrick |
Some performance an GUI enhancement.
14 years |
dafrick |
Adding restriction to possible tags.
14 years |
landauf |
eol-style native
14 years |
landauf |
compiles and works
14 years |
jo |
NON-compiling version. Work in Progress.
14 years |
smerkli |
14 years |
smerkli |
done for today.
14 years |
smerkli |
oops, forgot to rename the new lua function.
14 years |
smerkli |
added comments, lua function (to be tested) and various implementation bits
14 years |
smerkli |
initiated WANDiscovery code, now implementing…
14 years |
dafrick |
Adding some LevelInfos.
14 years |
dafrick |
Adjusting include paths of CEGUIListbox and CEGUILisbtoxItem.
Added …
14 years |
dafrick |
Now we have the level description as tooltip. Unforunately for this to …
14 years |
dafrick |
Accidentally removed a file. Re-adding it.
Levels that are tagged with …
14 years |
dafrick |
Introducing LevelInfo class, which can be used to specify things about …
14 years |
rgrieder |
IOConsole does not seem to work properly with the Unix console on Mac …
14 years |
rgrieder |
Cosmetic changes.
14 years |
youngk |
Adjusted the executable path handling for Apple. Please test with …
14 years |
rgrieder |
Renamed FORCEINLINE macro to ORX_FORCEINLINE because of conflicts …
14 years |
rgrieder |
Also create output directories for CEGUILua.
14 years |
rgrieder |
Create directories for each build configuration with CMake if the …
14 years |
rgrieder |
Ogre v1.7 may require the OGRE CEGUI renderer to link against symbols …
14 years |
jo |
Level is now fixed. Some further minor changes.
14 years |
youngk |
ALUT is now automatically found on the Mac
14 years |
dafrick |
Trying out some stuff.
14 years |
dafrick |
Creating a new branch to do release stuff…
14 years |
dafrick |
Reverting a change that I made some time ago.
It turns out, that CEGUI …
14 years |
smerkli |
Communication channel now working both ways, doxygen documentation …
14 years |
dafrick |
Removing unintentionally copy-pasted link.