19 years |
bensch |
data: new Menu-pic
19 years |
amaechler |
19 years |
patrick |
last last
19 years |
patrick |
source map
19 years |
patrick |
final version for today
19 years |
patrick |
new tex
19 years |
patrick |
better map world
19 years |
patrick |
better map world
19 years |
patrick |
better map world
19 years |
patrick |
better map world
19 years |
patrick |
better map world
19 years |
patrick |
better map world
19 years |
patrick |
better map world
19 years |
patrick |
better map world
19 years |
patrick |
md3 removed
19 years |
bensch |
added new Menu-entity
19 years |
patrick |
added the singleplayer world with textures
19 years |
patrick |
more level
19 years |
amaechler |
19 years |
patrick |
level skelettons created
19 years |
patrick |
19 years |
ponder |
Changed everything to fit the new terrain_entity
19 years |
snellen |
added scripts folder
19 years |
hdavid |
19 years |
snellen |
removed testing form desert.oxw
19 years |
patrick |
map updated also
19 years |
patrick |
bsp singleplayer level work
19 years |
bensch |
data: added new world to campaign
19 years |
ponder |
Added 3 new textures to the pictures data directory.
19 years |
bensch |
orxonox/data/trunk: added level from lieni
19 years |
patrick |
added the singleplayer map, works with orxonox
19 years |
bensch |
added pic
19 years |
patrick |
worked on the singleplayer map… forgot the time
19 years |
ponder |
Added a new worlds - Terrain
19 years |
ponder |
Branched the data for the terrain
19 years |
ponder |
Branched for the terrain
19 years |
patrick |
singleplayerlevel improved
19 years |
patrick |
dicts added
19 years |
patrick |
more world
19 years |
snellen |
adapted desert.oxw
19 years |
hdavid |
cloud shaders
19 years |
patrick |
sharers moved again
19 years |
patrick |
shader rename
19 years |
amaechler |
19 years |
hdavid |
19 years |
patrick |
data: better version of the singleplayer world
19 years |
bensch |
data: another gfx-effect
19 years |
bensch |
new pic for style-test of the Gui
19 years |
snellen |
adapted desert.oxw
19 years |
patrick |
added md3 object (not animated/textured) and added loading to the …
19 years |
bensch |
png rules
19 years |
patrick |
more world
19 years |
snellen |
added debugdraw in section script trigger
19 years |
bensch |
mouse: better now
19 years |
bensch |
added mouse-anim
19 years |
snellen |
script engine test
19 years |
bensch |
copy of data to scriptEngine
19 years |
hdavid |
19 years |
hdavid |
19 years |
amaechler |
19 years |
amaechler |
sgl added
19 years |
patrick |
changed BspEntity name here also
19 years |
patrick |
sky added for bsp
19 years |
patrick |
worlds: added bsp
19 years |
patrick |
data: added the bsp world appocalyptiva
19 years |
patrick |
more world
19 years |
hdavid |
19 years |
amaechler |
19 years |
amaechler |
19 years |
patrick |
started work on the singleplayer map, just a rough skeletton yet
19 years |
amaechler |
19 years |
hdavid |
19 years |
hdavid |
19 years |
amaechler |
19 years |
amaechler |
19 years |
amaechler |
19 years |
hdavid |
data/atmospheric_engine: changed world file
19 years |
patrick |
mp level without spaceship
19 years |
hdavid |
data/atmospheric_engine: changes in hte world
19 years |
bensch |
data: added new cursor map
19 years |
bensch |
added uranus and a Moon titania
19 years |
bensch |
data: added dict
19 years |
bensch |
data: cleanup loadscreens
19 years |
bensch |
cleanup of planets
19 years |
bensch |
added planet jupiter
19 years |
bensch |
data: added missing image
19 years |
amaechler |
19 years |
patrick |
added the water to the developer island
19 years |
bensch |
Fixed the missing link
19 years |
amaechler |
19 years |
amaechler |
19 years |
amaechler |
19 years |
amaechler |
19 years |
amaechler |
19 years |
patrick |
changed model
19 years |
patrick |
change in the model
19 years |
patrick |
more debug models
19 years |
patrick |
rearange and more debug stuff
19 years |
patrick |
added some cd debug models
19 years |
bensch |
data: delete stupid fonts