19 years |
patrick |
bsp: md3 data gets loaded correctly as it seems
19 years |
patrick |
bsp: fixed another bug. no comments…
19 years |
patrick |
bsp: fixed a bad md3 reading bug, forgot to read one character and the …
19 years |
patrick |
bsp: texvecs, textures and triangles read well
19 years |
patrick |
bsp: textures read out better
19 years |
patrick |
bsp: fixed some bugs in the data reading. there is still one in the …
19 years |
patrick |
bsp: data reading algorithm completed. almost impossible, that it runs …
19 years |
patrick |
bsp: reading the tex vecs informations
19 years |
patrick |
bsp: reading the material/texture informations
19 years |
patrick |
bsp: reading in the triangle informations
19 years |
patrick |
bsp: fixed a compiler error
19 years |
patrick |
bsp: md3 work flush
19 years |
patrick |
bsp: md3 mesh reading progress
19 years |
patrick |
bsp: md3 mesh header structure introduced
19 years |
patrick |
bsp: started loading md3 mesh data, the last of the data structures
19 years |
patrick |
bsp: md3 tag data gets read
19 years |
patrick |
bsp: started reading in the data tagas
19 years |
patrick |
bsp: bone informations get read
19 years |
patrick |
bsp: more data reading again
19 years |
patrick |
bsp: more loading functionality
19 years |
patrick |
bsp: outputting the file informations and checking for valid header …
19 years |
patrick |
bsp: worldentities now are able to load md3 models. but md3 models are …
19 years |
patrick |
bsp: adding the md model structure
19 years |
patrick |
bsp: md3 more source files
19 years |
patrick |
bsp: compiles again
19 years |
patrick |
bsp: completing md3 base framework
19 years |
patrick |
bsp: the md2 model moved to subdir md2, mode md3 structural data
19 years |
patrick |
bsp: adding md2 subfolder
19 years |
patrick |
bsp: md data structures separated
19 years |
patrick |
bsp: md3 model adding skelettons
19 years |
patrick |
bsp: adding md3 model structues, for more and better model. just spare …
19 years |
patrick |
bsp: better debug output
19 years |
patrick |
bsp: better collision ground reaction: now it jumps back. but there …
19 years |
patrick |
bsp: just a very little cleanup to make it more readable. no change in …
19 years |
bottac |
colision detection again.
19 years |
patrick |
bsp_model: added antialiasing to the orxonox grpahics engine, …
19 years |
bottac |
collision detection again.
19 years |
bottac |
collision detection: partial fix.
19 years |
patrick |
bsp: the collision reaction is on its way… a long one…
19 years |
patrick |
bsp: fixed a bug in the cr engine. now the checks are performed correctly
19 years |
patrick |
bsp: cr and some manager stuff
19 years |
bottac |
Colision test
19 years |
patrick |
bsp: work flush, we'll have to look about collisions later
19 years |
patrick |
bsp: collision detection doesn't work at all
19 years |
patrick |
bsp: new ground collision attribute tripple
19 years |
patrick |
bsp: changed the BSPEntity name to BspEntity for more consistency, …
19 years |
patrick |
bsp: major restructure: going over bsp_entity for collision detection. …
19 years |
patrick |
bsp: collision registering should now work
19 years |
patrick |
bsp: integrated the collision checks
19 years |
patrick |
bsp: integrating the bspmanager fully into the collision …
19 years |
patrick |
bsp: collision to move
19 years |
patrick |
bsp: some mods
19 years |
bottac |
19 years |
bottac |
name offset
19 years |
bottac |
merged back from old branch.
19 years |
patrick |
creating bsp_model branche (MARK BSP)
copied from trunk/src/lib/graphics:
19 years |
patrick |
trunk: merged the cr branche to trunk