19 years |
stefalie |
mountain_lake: changed saveParams method and MappedWater is now scritable
19 years |
hdavid |
19 years |
hdavid |
branches/mountain_lake: cloud effect is scriptable
19 years |
hdavid |
branches/mountain_lake: deactivating clouds also deactivates the skydome
19 years |
stefalie |
mountain_lake: save params done, but it's not really nice
19 years |
stefalie |
mountain_lake: waterColor works
19 years |
stefalie |
mountain_lake: waterColor fading compiles, but doesnt work yet
19 years |
stefalie |
mountain_lake: waterHeight fading works
19 years |
stefalie |
mountain_lake: fader gui works, fading also (but its a bit hacky)
19 years |
amaechler |
branches/moutnain_lake: lightning hacking, skycolor not working yet
19 years |
bensch |
Gui Element
19 years |
amaechler |
branches/atmospheric_engine: rain fading fixed - tadaaa
19 years |
hdavid |
19 years |
hdavid |
19 years |
stefalie |
mountain_lake: …
19 years |
stefalie |
mountain_lake: fading works… sometimes
19 years |
stefalie |
mountain_lake: cleanup
19 years |
stefalie |
mountain_lake: small cleanup, now lets get started with the fading …
19 years |
stefalie |
mountain_lake: now its possible to set the strength of the reflection …
19 years |
stefalie |
mountain_lake: now its possible to set the strength of the specular …
19 years |
stefalie |
mountain_lake: rotating of the water works
19 years |
stefalie |
mountain_lake: added coords for all 4 verts…
19 years |
hdavid |
branches/mountain_lake: fading sky/cloud colors works, …
19 years |
amaechler |
branches/mountain_lake: lightening polished and extended
19 years |
stefalie |
mountain_lake: some fading hacks… doesnt work at all… yet
19 years |
hdavid |
branches/mountain_lake: vector != bug removed
19 years |
stefalie |
water: minor changes
19 years |
amaechler |
branches/mountain_lake: ummmmm….
19 years |
patrick |
created mountain lake branche for the water and weather engine team …
copied from trunk:
19 years |
patrick |
merged the bsp model branche back to trunk and some npc code changes