19 years |
patrick |
network: syntax error, typo corrected
19 years |
patrick |
network: further work on the texture class. mipmap loading on the right wa
19 years |
patrick |
network: read some stuff about textures, extending the texture class. …
19 years |
bwuest |
A function added in class converter.
19 years |
rennerc |
19 years |
rennerc |
renamed EntityManager to NetworkGameManager
19 years |
rennerc |
handshake now sends NetworkGameManagerId
19 years |
patrick |
network: moved to network_game_manager
19 years |
bwuest |
Converter.h and Converter.cc changed. They should now function for …
19 years |
bwuest |
Converter.h and Converter.cc added; Note: They don't function for …
19 years |
patrick |
network: removed the sound debug output
19 years |
patrick |
network: added the sync loop again
19 years |
patrick |
network: the client now loads only a reduced world
19 years |
patrick |
network: the network core is almost finished
19 years |
patrick |
network: server/client mode loading
19 years |
patrick |
network: game server world loadin
19 years |
patrick |
network: branche comiles again
19 years |
rennerc |
handshake: several clients can connect at the same time now
19 years |
patrick |
network: more constructor work, loadparam completed
19 years |
patrick |
network: loadparams extension
19 years |
patrick |
network: loadparams for the spawning point
19 years |
patrick |
network: worked on the network_world
19 years |
patrick |
network: spawning point coded, not yet tested
19 years |
patrick |
network: spawning ability added
19 years |
patrick |
network: spawning point interface definition
19 years |
patrick |
network: spawning pooint
19 years |
patrick |
network: network world changes and spawning points
19 years |
bwuest |
entity_manager.h and entity_manager.cc created
19 years |
bwuest |
entity_manager.h and entity_manager.cc created
19 years |
patrick |
network: adding network_world
19 years |
patrick |
network: added the class ids
19 years |
patrick |
network: added extended game_loader interface
19 years |
rennerc |
network_stream: server doesnt crash on connection close
19 years |
bwuest |
Network protocol: Protocol changed
19 years |
bwuest |
Network changes
19 years |
rennerc |
19 years |
rennerc |
handshake works now
19 years |
rennerc |
added handshake
19 years |
rennerc |
network_socket: fixed a bug
19 years |
rennerc |
network_socket wont cause a segfault on connection close
19 years |
rennerc |
network_socket: should compile now
19 years |
rennerc |
fixed some bugs
19 years |
rennerc |
NetworkStream should now accept net connections
19 years |
bensch |
orxonox/branches/network: subproject 'should' compile again
19 years |
rennerc |
network_stream: added possibility to connect to >1 hosts
19 years |
patrick |
network: implemented the gameloader network loading functions again
19 years |
patrick |
network: added the network branche again
copied from trunk/src:
19 years |
patrick |
merged the network branche a second time because there where some more …