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Opened 16 years ago

Last modified 14 years ago

#327 new task

Spaceship flying behavior — at Initial Version

Reported by: landauf Owned by: nobody
Priority: minor Milestone:
Component: Control Version:
Keywords: Cc:
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This is a challenging task. We usually want a (not really realistic or physically) flying behavior, but there must exist some complicated tricks to do crazy stuff with your spaceship.

Think about other games, some of the most popular online games owe their success to a special movement feature or other advanced tricks. Some examples:

  • Quake: Strafejumping
  • Unreal Tournament: Dodge, doublejumps

The idea is: Make the game easy for beginners, but challenging for advanced players. This allows us to create funny features like a spaceship race or just the ability to escape a strong enemy with a clever trick.

Possible movement features are:

  • Boost (higher speed for some time)
  • Fast turn
  • Turning wihtout changing flight direction (which is even more realistic than our current rail-movement)
  • A harpoon to connect with another object
  • Tailspin (half-controlled)

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