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Opened 14 years ago

Last modified 9 years ago

#381 new task

Waypoints/Quest Guide — at Version 3

Reported by: jo Owned by: nobody
Priority: minor Milestone: Version 0.2 Codename: Bellatrix
Component: GameContent Version: 0.0.4
Keywords: PPS Cc:
Referenced By: References:

Description (last modified by fvultier)

Waypoints are objects that help a player to find his way through a level. There should be several ways to show the player the way. A waypoint should:

  • be visible on the radar.
  • be visible in the game:
    • as marking of the waypoint position.
    • as way indicators (easy mode) from one waypoint to another.
  • Trigger an event if the player is in a certain range.
  • Maybe there are multiple types of waypoints. Such that mark a single points, other that are a volume in space, …
  • Be visible only for the player it belongs to. So it needs to have an owner
  • Waypoints should be attachable to moving objects like a allied spaceship.



  • Learn how to add new C++ classes to Orxonox
  • Write general concept on paper
  • Implement your concept in C++
  • Create a simple test level that demonstrates how to use the waypoints such that future level designers may use them
  • Write a documentation page for the Orxonox wiki

Change History (3)

comment:1 Changed 14 years ago by jo

  • Description modified (diff)

comment:2 Changed 13 years ago by landauf

  • Keywords PPS added
  • Type changed from PPS_project to task

comment:3 Changed 9 years ago by fvultier

  • Description modified (diff)
  • Summary changed from Waypoints to Waypoints/Quest Guide
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