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Opened 9 years ago

Last modified 8 years ago

#473 closed task

Migrate mailboxes — at Version 3

Reported by: lferran Owned by: lferran
Priority: minor Milestone: IT: Server Migration
Component: IT Version:
Keywords: Cc:
Referenced By: References:

Description (last modified by lferran)

The users for which the mailbox in the old server has to be migrated in the new server are:

Username (email old server) Mailbox size SVN user exists? Name of SVN user (if different) aliases
bensch 1.1G x
bknecht 321M x beni
boenzlip 681M x patrick patrick
chrigi 540K rennerc
dafrick 18M x
deca 1.1M decapitb
felischu 56M x FelixSchulthess felix
hofzge 568K
jo 1.3M x
landauf 184M x x3n
lieni 566M stefalie stefalie
nicolasc 169M x nico
nowic 138M x wenners wenners
rgrieder 4.0M x reto
scheusso 315M x oli, admin, postmaster, root
silvan 133M x snellen silvan
smerkli 28K x
youngk 1.3M x

Most users that had mailboxes on the old server were already migrated as SVN users to the new server. For some users, the name of the SVN user is different to the name of the mailbox.

4 mailbox owners were not migrated because they didn't match the criteria defined in #29. To make the migration of the mailbox possible we can still create SVN users for them.

Change History (3)

comment:1 Changed 9 years ago by landauf

  • Description modified (diff)

comment:2 Changed 8 years ago by lferran

As I understand it, in the old server:

  • All old ousers had a SVN account
  • Only some of them had EMAIL account, username of which could differ from the SVN account.

For the users that EMAIL account is different from the SVN account, we have 2 options when migrating:

  1. Make the SVN usernames as the ones stored in the uniqueIdentifier field in LDAP. Then, by means of email forwarding, we can configure mailAlias such that the mailboxes that differed end up in the same unique mailbox per user.
  1. Create 2 LDAP users: one with the SVN username that doesn't have a mailbox, and one with the EMAIL username (that doesn't have access to the SVN?)

Most probably, option 1 would break the migration of old mailboxes. So we go for option 2.

comment:3 Changed 8 years ago by lferran

  • Description modified (diff)
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