Opened 20 years ago
Last modified 17 years ago
#97 new defect
Installation Guides
Reported by: | bensch | Owned by: | patrick, bensch, some others |
Priority: | minor | Milestone: | Old Orxonox tickets orx-v0 |
Component: | GeneralFramework | Version: | |
Keywords: | Cc: | ||
Referenced By: | References: |
Write some really good, and comprehensive Instalation Guides, so that all the guys can install it
as it can be seen from the Mail of Michi:
Has endlich gschafft. es hed de data folder gfehlt. han huere mueh gha de zfinde. muesstet ihr sowieso no i dinstall tutorials ine neh, han det naemlich nued vo eme data folder glaese, geschweige denn wo das mer de soett finde.
This should not be so hard.
- Extend the table of known pages Running?
- write one Page for every system (gentoo, debian, windows, osX)
- write one Page for the System-independant resources (data/libs)
- link from one page to the others
- try to make it comprehensible
- try to make it easy
- test it, and look, that it will work on all the different Systems (eg. it works on my gentoo, does it work on yours ??)
Change History (7)
comment:1 Changed 19 years ago by bensch
comment:2 Changed 19 years ago by patrick
- Milestone changed from 0.3.5_playability to future-tasks
Setup and test the windows binaries and make a very simple installation procedure! Very very simple, since windows is not used to and not well suited for complicated installations…
Don't forget to ship the GPL and the source code with the package or to put at least a link to the src, so we do not hurt the GPL…
comment:3 Changed 18 years ago by bensch
- Milestone changed from Features to GUI and Installers
comment:4 Changed 18 years ago by simon
By rereading all pages I stumbled on a few more problems:
- The fedora page speaks not a single word about fedore, but only about how to get Nvidia grafic cards running. This should be noted on another page and a proper fedora page needs to be made. Templates for fedora are existing (see gentoo and debian for how the page should look)
- There is no unified look of the guides. One guide is called "Windows Tutorial", another one "Installation Guide to ORXONOX on Tardis" and yet another "Get it Running" (this title is not very informative). When rewriting these pages think that the people using these tutorials have no idea of Linux. Try to really write down every step (every command) and to describe, what these commands do. The gentoo page is a really good example.
comment:5 Changed 18 years ago by simon
Thw windows installer doesn't ever mention Orxonox or data. The step of downloading the source code to orxonox-dir should be mentioned.
comment:6 Changed 18 years ago by simon
In the Mac section "sudo" is used instead of "su". I don't know if sudo has any defaults on Mac but this should maybe be changed to make it very easy for people who don't know what su and sudo is (Maybe these people don't use the command line and would never install Orxnox, but just in case…)
comment:7 Changed 17 years ago by bknecht
- Milestone changed from GUI and Installers to Old Orxonox tickets
Milestone GUI and Installers deleted
osX still missing