Dec 25, 2005:
- 8:01 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6289] by
- branches/avi_play: begin of the media_player implementation
- 5:32 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6288] by
- orxonox/trunk: no more segfaults
- 5:32 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6287] by
- orxonox/trunk: some gui-work
- 5:26 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6286] by
- branches\avi_play: added new file to the importer subproject
- 4:24 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6285] by
- converter: added function which allocates momory
- 4:23 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6284] by
- branches: deleted power-ups again
- 4:22 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6283] by
- branches: deleted power-ups again
- 4:21 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6282] by
- orxonox/trunk: merged the PowerUps back here
- 4:07 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6281] by
- trunk: make usage of the Virtual-derivates
- 2:46 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6280] by
- orxonox/trunk: ClassList now supports getLeafID() to retriefe the ID …
- 12:52 AM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6279] by
- orxonox/trunk: descriptions
Dec 24, 2005:
- 7:14 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6278] by
- trunk: christmas commit…. fixed baseObject
- 3:27 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6277] by
- terrain loads now
- 2:28 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6276] by
- orxonox/trunk: cleaner base_object-stuff
- 2:15 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6275] by
- synchronizeable: added macros to help write/read data
- 1:01 AM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6274] by
- orxonox/trunk: better destination of the m4-files (in acinclude.m4)
Dec 23, 2005:
- 5:30 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6273] by
- converter: added functions for strings network_protocol: length and id …
- 2:22 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6272] by
- orxonox/trunk: NEWS update
- 1:54 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6271] by
- orxonox/trunk: MUCH better configure-checks
- 11:55 AM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6270] by
- fixed height_map.
- 2:42 AM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6269] by
- orxonox/branches: Power-UPS: added capability to Collide with a …
Dec 22, 2005:
- 7:35 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6268] by
- heightMap: fixed the VertexArrayModel, and reverted everything, that …
- 7:31 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6267] by
- heightMap: sphere with some info, draw with colors
- 7:24 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6266] by
- heightMap: sphere with some info, draw with colors
- 7:10 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6265] by
- heightMap: drawing works: *fu* GLubyte…
- 6:45 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6264] by
- heightmap: triangle strips
- 6:43 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6263] by
- heightmap: changes to revert afterwards
- 6:38 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6262] by
- heightmap: better stripes (vector instead of tArray)
- 5:39 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6261] by
- heightmap: better stipes
- 5:08 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6260] by
- branches\avi_play: MediaContainer::getFrame(int frame_number) works
- 2:36 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6259] by
- heightMap: vertex-array draws as it should
- 12:09 AM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6258] by
- network_world.cc: the client does not create the skybox anymore
Dec 21, 2005:
- 11:58 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6257] by
- 7:26 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6256] by
- network_socket: can now send more than 255 bytes network_game_manager: …
- 5:31 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6255] by
- guiding_misslie.cc updated, targeting_turret added
- 5:25 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6254] by
- branches\avi_play: some changes….
- 4:48 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6253] by
- orxonox/trunk: fixed the *final* pnode bug
- 4:43 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6252] by
- network: less output
- 4:40 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6251] by
- network: debug less and client fix
- 4:29 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6250] by
- network: network game manager now sounds good
- 4:24 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6249] by
- Uses VertexArrayModel now
- 4:09 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6248] by
- Control: Dynamic camera is now finished
- 3:44 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6247] by
- branches: added power-ups branche as a copy of the trunk again
- 3:44 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6246] by
- converter stuff changed
- 3:43 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6245] by
- branches: deleted even older power-ups
- 3:43 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6244] by
- branches: delete old powerups
- 3:41 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6243] by
- orxonox/trunk: merged the power-ups to the tunk again
- 3:40 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6242] by
- Control: Helicopter updated
- 3:36 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6241] by
- trunk: merged the spaceshipcontrol back to the trunk
- 3:30 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6240] by
- network: singleton fix
- 3:29 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6239] by
- network: singleton fix
- 3:28 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6238] by
- network: singleton fix
- 3:25 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6237] by
- branches: delete christmas branche again
- 3:23 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6236] by
- space_ship.cc updated
- 3:20 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6235] by
- some small fixes before trunk merge
- 3:14 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6234] by
- playable.cc and space_ship.cc updated
- 3:09 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6233] by
- powerup: merged old powerups into new trunk framework
- 3:06 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6232] by
- Control: more realistic helicopter-control
- 3:00 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6231] by
- network_game_manager now works with new converter
- 2:59 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6230] by
- network bla
- 2:55 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6229] by
- converter.h and converter.cc!
- 2:50 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6228] by
- Take my converter.h again!
- 2:22 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6227] by
- getHeight implemented support for 'colour maps'
- 2:21 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6226] by
- orxonox/branches/network: list included
- 2:08 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6225] by
- Take my converter.h!
- 1:57 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6224] by
- branches: copied trunk to spaceshipcontrol again
- 1:57 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6223] by
- branches: copied trunk to powerups
- 1:49 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6222] by
- orxonox/trunk: merged the christmas branche to the trunk merged with …
- 1:44 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6221] by
- branches: deleted branche spaceshipcontroll
- 1:43 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6220] by
- network_stream: server now sends the entity list to clients
- 1:39 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6219] by
- network_game_manager: implemented some functions
- 12:42 PM Changeset [3528] by
- pogo bunny added
- 12:36 PM Changeset [3527] by
- orxonox/data: new vegetation with a path
- 12:28 PM Changeset [3526] by
- data: world change
- 12:22 PM Changeset [3525] by
- lots more models
- 12:20 PM Changeset [3524] by
- lots more models
- 12:05 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6218] by
- christmas: enter-leave events
- 11:53 AM Changeset [3523] by
- orxonox/data: new ships to choose from
- 11:52 AM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6217] by
- christmas: the animation is now also loadable
- 11:52 AM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6216] by
- christmas: chaging of entities works
- 11:42 AM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6215] by
- christmas: changing the ship
- 9:11 AM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6214] by
- network_game_manager: implemented some functions
- 4:21 AM Changeset [3522] by
- data: the bettest world ever:D
- 4:07 AM Changeset [3521] by
- data: more world
- 3:59 AM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6213] by
- cristmas: crosshair hide and Helicopter added
- 3:54 AM Changeset [3520] by
- orxonox/data: new Helicopter inside the World
- 3:44 AM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6212] by
- orxonox/trunk: target strafes with mouse-movement
- 3:38 AM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6211] by
- christmas: speed down
- 3:32 AM Changeset [3519] by
- orxonox/data: new stengel-material
- 3:32 AM Changeset [3518] by
- more detail in the level
- 3:02 AM Changeset [3517] by
- orxonox/data: better/smaller models
- 3:02 AM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6210] by
- christmas: world setup
- 2:57 AM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6209] by
- orxonox/trunk: control works (more or less)
- 2:47 AM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6208] by
- orxonox/trunk: new control
- 2:31 AM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6207] by
- christmas: test_entity is now also loadable and heavily used in the …
- 2:08 AM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6206] by
- christmas: split control to X and Y
- 1:25 AM Changeset [3516] by
- orxonox/data: new World (again)
- 1:25 AM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6205] by
- christmas: added shooting animation and weapon
- 1:16 AM Changeset [3515] by
- orxonox/data: better snow
- 1:05 AM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6204] by
- christmas: uninitialized value fix
- 1:04 AM Changeset [3514] by
- added the apropriate load screens
- 12:58 AM Changeset [3513] by
- orxonox/data: new lebkuchenhaus
- 12:25 AM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6203] by
- christmas: free movement, but not yet good
- 12:15 AM Changeset [3512] by
- orxonox/data: new models/textures
- 12:07 AM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6202] by
- christmas: better snow
Dec 20, 2005:
- 11:55 PM Changeset [3511] by
- orxonox/data: new christmans environment (test)
- 11:52 PM Changeset [3510] by
- using simple sky
- 11:51 PM Changeset [3509] by
- added a simplesky skybox used in lvl2
- 11:13 PM Changeset [3508] by
- added some snow textures: muddy and ribble
- 10:42 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6201] by
- chrismas: player jump fix
- 10:40 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6200] by
- chrismas: player jump fix
- 10:34 PM Changeset [3507] by
- santa clause texture
- 10:33 PM Changeset [3506] by
- texture now good
- 10:21 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6199] by
- christmas: jumping now also works
- 9:57 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6198] by
- christmas: better control now
- 6:18 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6197] by
- converter.h and converter.cc changed: Conversion float to byte* and …
- 5:47 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6196] by
- branches: moved old power-ups away
- 4:42 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6195] by
- christmas: some work on the creature control. not yet finished
- 3:39 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6194] by
- christmas: all ignores finished
- 3:37 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6193] by
- christmas: ignores
- 3:26 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6192] by
- christmas: ignores
- 3:24 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6191] by
- christmas: the texture gets loaded now and is loadable
- 3:23 PM Changeset [3505] by
- data: christmas world update
- 2:51 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6190] by
- synchronizeable: added sender parameter to writeBytes network_stream: …
- 2:41 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6189] by
- christmas: clean delete again (backward deletion)
- 2:22 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6188] by
- christmas: got the md2 bug. the devil is in the detail
- 2:20 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6187] by
- branches/christmas removed many include 'list.h'
- 2:05 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6186] by
- christmas less include
- 2:04 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6185] by
- christmas: resourceManager uses std::list
- 1:44 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6184] by
- christmas: importer now supports also md2 models
- 1:27 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6183] by
- banches: copied the trunk to spaceshipcontroll again
- 1:25 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6182] by
- branches: deleted te spaceshipcontrol branche
- 3:45 AM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6181] by
- christmas: alternative draw funciton
- 3:29 AM Changeset [3504] by
- orxonox/data: better snow
- 3:21 AM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6180] by
- christmas: cleaned up the model package
- 3:17 AM Changeset [3503] by
- orxonox/data: and the snow may fall
- 2:57 AM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6179] by
- christmas: the draw funciton now is original again
- 2:55 AM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6178] by
- christmas: the texture path is now relativ
- 2:53 AM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6177] by
- christmas: the world entity is now as it was
- 2:51 AM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6176] by
- christmas: the md2_creature now draws the way it should
- 2:47 AM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6175] by
- christmas: the md2model has now const draw functions
- 2:18 AM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6174] by
- christmas: not yet rendering correctly
- 2:16 AM Changeset [3502] by
- added the christmas world
- 1:57 AM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6173] by
- christmas: aiming works again
- 1:56 AM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6172] by
- christmas: framework update
- 1:05 AM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6171] by
- christmas: fixed the linking bug
- 12:59 AM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6170] by
- christmas: link error
- 12:58 AM Changeset [3501] by
- data: added 2 snowflakes
- 12:48 AM Changeset [3500] by
- data: added the santa clause
- 12:22 AM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6169] by
- christmas: model loading progress
- 12:16 AM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6168] by
- branches\avi_play: animations play with the correct framerate
Dec 19, 2005:
- 11:37 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6167] by
- christmas: md2 model loading issues
- 11:29 PM Changeset [3499] by
- data: created dir creatures
- 10:19 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6166] by
- christmas: added some new model class
- 7:29 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6165] by
- branches: added a branche christmas for some christmas tests
- 6:44 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6164] by
- orxonox/trunk: ac-files for easier checks in the configure.ac
- 6:43 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6163] by
- branches\avi_play: added ability to get the frames in a list
- 4:52 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6162] by
- orxonox/trunk: merged the spaceshipcontroll branche into the trunk …
- 4:24 PM pps/TimeTable edited by
- (diff)
- 12:50 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6161] by
- guided_missile.cc in /world_entities/weapons updated
- 12:43 AM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6160] by
- branches/avi_play: frames are displayed correct and fast…took me …
Dec 18, 2005:
- 3:17 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6159] by
- guided_missile.cc in /world_entities/weapons updated
Dec 17, 2005:
- 10:00 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6158] by
- trunk: i really was a typo
- 9:59 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6157] by
- trunk: typo
- 9:57 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6156] by
- trunk: typo
- 9:52 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6155] by
- typo
- 9:06 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6154] by
- trunk: NEWS updated
- 7:08 PM dev/Primer edited by
- (diff)
- 7:05 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6153] by
- docu
- 6:52 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6152] by
- orxonox/trunk: some work in the loading process of worlds
- 6:08 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6151] by
- trunk: more world cleanup
- 5:56 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6150] by
- orxonox/trunk: cleanup of the world begin
- 4:32 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6149] by
- branches\avi_play: textures are displayed fast but not right
- 3:17 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6148] by
- orxonox/trunk: segfault-prevention
- 2:57 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6147] by
- branches: deleted branche objectmanager, as it has been merged to the …
- 1:48 PM Ticket #55 (camera world collision) closed by
- fixed
- 1:48 PM Ticket #86 (kdeveloper-project-files) closed by
- fixed
- 1:31 AM Changeset [3498] by
- data: added gras texture
- 1:03 AM people/boenzlip/performance edited by
- (diff)
- 1:02 AM people/boenzlip/performance created by
- 12:26 AM people/patrickboenzli edited by
- (diff)
- 12:25 AM people/patrickboenzli edited by
- (diff)
Dec 16, 2005:
- 11:47 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6146] by
- network: added branche network again
- 11:46 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6145] by
trunk: fixed the network bug, uninitialized variable
- 7:44 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6144] by
- orxonox/trunk: minor fix in synchronizeable erase instead of remove
- 7:34 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6143] by
- network: branche deleted again: there where some bugs undetected in …
- 7:13 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6142] by
- orxonox/trunk: merge the ObjectManager to the trunk merged with …
- 6:50 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6141] by
- network: created branche network again
- 6:47 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6140] by
- network: removing branche network
- 6:45 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6139] by
- trunk: merged branche network with trunk using command: svn merge …
- 6:12 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6138] by
- network: syntax error, typo corrected
- 6:10 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6137] by
- om: linkage-fixes in the WeaponManager
- 6:06 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6136] by
- network: further work on the texture class. mipmap loading on the right wa
- 6:01 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6135] by
- om: safer collision-test
- 5:16 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6134] by
- om: disected the old worldEntity list out. removed GarbageCollector …
- 4:54 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6133] by
- guided_missile.cc in /world_entities/weapon updated
- 4:43 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6132] by
- guided_missile.cc in /world_entities/weapon updated
- 4:18 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6131] by
- guided_missile.cc in /world_entities/weapon updated
- 4:06 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6130] by
- om: valgrind sweep, also in Element2D
- 2:01 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6129] by
- network: read some stuff about textures, extending the texture class. …
- 1:07 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6128] by
- A function added in class converter.
Dec 15, 2005:
- 11:54 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6127] by
- branches/avi_play: MediaContainer::getFPS() works
- 12:45 PM people/boenzlip/work_stack created by
- 12:15 PM Ticket #115 (Lua Orxonox Interface) created by
- Implement an interface to the scripting language [http://www.lua.org …
- 10:57 AM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6126] by
- orxonox/OM: draw works with new interface
- 2:35 AM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6125] by
- orxonox/trunk: demonstrating, that the ObjectManager works. FrameRate …
- 2:28 AM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6124] by
- orxonox/trunk: new Collision-detection algorithm, checking for …
- 2:14 AM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6123] by
- orxonox/branches/objectmanager: all the WorldEntities …
- 1:47 AM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6122] by
- orxonox/branches/objectManager: pack some entities to default lists
- 1:34 AM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6121] by
- orxonox/trunk: packing the first entities into their lists
- 12:42 AM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6120] by
- om: some more checks for safety
- 12:11 AM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6119] by
- orxonox/branches/objectManger: better algorithm for transforming from …
Dec 14, 2005:
- 11:55 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6118] by
- om: segfault prevention
- 11:23 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6117] by
- 11:19 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6116] by
- renamed EntityManager to NetworkGameManager
- 10:50 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6115] by
- handshake now sends NetworkGameManagerId
- 5:51 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6114] by
- control in space_ship.cc updated
- 4:44 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6113] by
- trunk: copied new power-ups
- 4:23 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6112] by
- branches\avi_play: OpenGL still has problems to display our texture, …
- 4:20 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6111] by
- network: moved to network_game_manager
- 4:02 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6110] by
- powerups are visible now
- 3:44 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6109] by
- some debugging
- 3:17 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6108] by
- Converter.h and Converter.cc changed. They should now function for …
- 3:15 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6107] by
- implemented param_power_up. started some powerup respawn possibilities …
- 3:05 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6106] by
- Converter.h and Converter.cc added; Note: They don't function for …
- 2:22 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6105] by
- network: removed the sound debug output
- 2:19 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6104] by
- network: added the sync loop again
- 1:54 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6103] by
- heightmap: copied old terrain inside
- 1:51 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6102] by
- orxonox/branches: copied the trunk to height_map
- 1:47 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6101] by
- deleted branche heightmap
- 1:46 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6100] by
- orxonox/trunk: copied the heightMap to the trunk, and adapted to …
- 1:24 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6099] by
- heightMap sync changes
- 12:27 PM Ticket #114 (Model Detail Levels - Computer Performance) created by
- Make an option to adjust the model detail in the GUI. Available detail …
- 12:20 PM code edited by
- (diff)
- 2:33 AM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6098] by
- network: the client now loads only a reduced world
- 2:29 AM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6097] by
- network: the network core is almost finished
- 2:12 AM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6096] by
- network: server/client mode loading
- 2:01 AM Changeset [3497] by
- data: network campaign changes
- 1:59 AM Changeset [3496] by
- data: removed a network world again
- 1:54 AM Changeset [3495] by
- data: added the network campaigns and worlds
- 1:39 AM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6095] by
- network: game server world loadin
- 1:18 AM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6094] by
- branches\avi_play: MediaContainer::getNextFrame() try to create a …
- 1:10 AM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6093] by
- network: branche comiles again
Dec 13, 2005:
- 9:41 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6092] by
- spaceshipbranch: some new changes on helicopter
- 4:56 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6091] by
- objectManager: super-debug
- 4:29 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6090] by
- handshake: several clients can connect at the same time now
- 2:58 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6089] by
- orxonox/trunk: objectManager first implementation
- 1:44 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6088] by
- network: more constructor work, loadparam completed
- 1:38 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6087] by
- network: loadparams extension
- 1:23 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6086] by
- network: loadparams for the spawning point
- 11:52 AM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6085] by
- network: worked on the network_world
- 11:40 AM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6084] by
- network: spawning point coded, not yet tested
- 11:31 AM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6083] by
- network: spawning ability added
- 11:28 AM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6082] by
- orxonox/branches: added branche objectManager
- 11:12 AM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6081] by
- network: spawning point interface definition
- 10:53 AM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6080] by
- network: spawning pooint
- 3:04 AM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6079] by
- orxonox/trunk: valgrind should work again
- 2:55 AM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6078] by
- orxonox/trunk: PNode compiles again PNode is now handled with the …
- 2:53 AM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6077] by
- orxonox/trunk: better and faster BaseObject/ClassList
- 2:52 AM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6076] by
- orxonox/trunk: sound_engine compiles better now (also for non AL-1.1)
- 12:09 AM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6075] by
- orxonox/trunk: PNode rearange
Dec 12, 2005:
- 11:34 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6074] by
- orxonox/trunk: taken out NullParent. THE TRUNK IS NOT RUNNING FOR THE …
- 7:42 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6073] by
- trunk: sync
- 6:58 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6072] by
- orxonox/trunk: valgrind sweep
- 6:38 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6071] by
- trunk: sync
- 6:13 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6070] by
- orxonox/trunk: suppression file and minor fixes
- 5:18 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6069] by
- network: network world changes and spawning points
- 4:32 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6068] by
- branches\avi_play: MediaContainer::getNextFrame() grabs a frame and …
- 4:01 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6067] by
- entity_manager.h and entity_manager.cc created
- 4:00 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6066] by
- entity_manager.h and entity_manager.cc created
- 3:55 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6065] by
- network: adding network_world
- 3:34 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6064] by
- network: added the class ids
- 3:22 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6063] by
- network: added extended game_loader interface
- 2:25 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6062] by
network_stream: server doesnt crash on connection close
- 2:14 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6061] by
- Network protocol: Protocol changed
- 1:42 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6060] by
- Network changes
- 1:24 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6059] by
- 1:04 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6058] by
- new helicopter control
- 1:07 AM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6057] by
- branches\avi_play: MediaContainer opens a videofile and prints some …
Dec 11, 2005:
- 10:47 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6056] by
- orxonox/trunk: more small optimisations, and a convenience …
- 10:15 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6055] by
- orxonox/trunk: first optimisations with InactiveNode observe this …
- 6:23 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6054] by
- orxonox/trunk: multiple new Reparenting modes in PNode. Testing the …
- 6:01 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6053] by
- handshake works now
- 6:00 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6052] by
- acceleration and brake/backward acceleration does now work
- 5:18 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6051] by
- first try of a helicopter control
- 4:46 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6050] by
- orxonox/branches: delete guided-missile-branche, as it has been …
- 4:32 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6049] by
- branches/avi_play: added new libs to configure.ac, it compiles know on …
- 3:04 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6048] by
- orxonox/trunk: some fixes, to PNode and world.
- 2:55 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6047] by
- orxonox/branches/spaceship-controll: device-loading in old style
- 2:42 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6046] by
- orxonox/branches/controll: Should compile on windows again
- 2:12 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6045] by
- orxonox/branches/spaceshipcontrol: removed the doubled parser …
- 2:07 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6044] by
- WARNING: probably doesnt compile
- 2:07 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6043] by
- added handshake
- 4:26 AM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6042] by
- orxonox/trunk: new Definitions for PNodes reparenting structure
- 2:48 AM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6041] by
- network_socket: fixed a bug
- 1:34 AM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6040] by
- hopefully we see some colored spheres arounf powerups now
- 1:25 AM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6039] by
- network_socket wont cause a segfault on connection close
- 12:26 AM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6038] by
- orxonox/trunk: small optimisation
- 12:23 AM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6037] by
- orxonox/trunk: triangle Stripper
Dec 10, 2005:
- 11:44 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6036] by
- orxonox/branches: added branche spaceshipcontrol again as copy of the …
- 11:42 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6035] by
- branches: deleted spaceship-control branche
- 11:41 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6034] by
- orxonox/trunk: merged the spaceshipcontroll branche back to the trunk …
- 11:31 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6033] by
- orxonox/trunk: model now also implements a Draw function, based on …
- 11:24 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6032] by
- space_ship.cc updated
- 11:18 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6031] by
- orxonox/trunk: cleanup in the StaticModel class, as my idea changed
- 10:54 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6030] by
- space_ship.cc updated
- 10:37 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6029] by
- space_ship.cc updated
- 10:20 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6028] by
- space_ship.cc updated
- 10:16 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6027] by
- space_ship.cc updated
- 9:57 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6026] by
- network_socket: should compile now
- 9:07 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6025] by
- fixed some bugs
- 8:41 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6024] by
- orxonox/trunk: check for theora and dc1394 should work now
- 8:34 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6023] by
- orxonox/branches: delete branche newModel again, as it has been merged …
- 8:33 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6022] by
- orxonox/trunk: merged the NewModel branche back to the trunk. merged …
- 7:52 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6021] by
- newModel new static_model class added
- 7:25 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6020] by
- newModel: renaming
- 7:15 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6019] by
- orxonox/branches/avi_play: conditional check in configure.ac
- 6:48 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6018] by
- NetworkStream should now accept net connections
- 6:46 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6017] by
- orxonox/branches/network: subproject 'should' compile again
- 6:32 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6016] by
- orxonox/branches: added newModel branche, for renaming porpuses
- 6:06 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6015] by
- branches/avi_play
- 6:04 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6014] by
- 5:56 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6013] by
- branches/avi_play
- 5:50 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6012] by
orxonox/trunk: vertex_array_model is way better now
- 5:35 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6011] by
- orxonox/trunk: compile graphicsEngine on windows again
- 5:10 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6010] by
- orxonox/trunk: vertex_array_model implemented
- 4:07 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6009] by
- orxonox/trunk: abstract model implementation in .cc @patrick: do you …
- 3:52 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6008] by
- orxonox/trunk: some more functionality in the abstractModel class
- 3:45 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6007] by
- network_stream: added possibility to connect to >1 hosts
- 12:35 AM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6006] by
- orxonox/trunk: changelog
- 12:22 AM Changeset [3494] by
- orxonox/date: automatic LOD-loading in data
- 12:21 AM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6005] by
- orxonox/trunk: automatic LOD-loading
Dec 9, 2005:
- 11:44 PM Changeset [3493] by
- orxonox/data: renaming
- 11:21 PM Changeset [3492] by
- orxonox/data: new Models, that are cleaner
- 11:12 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6004] by
- orxonox/trunk: new algorithm to rotate entities for drawing works …
- 9:11 PM Changeset [3491] by
- orxonox/data: helicopter models without unnecesarry stuff
- 6:07 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6003] by
- branches/avi_play: some init stuff
- 5:30 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6002] by
- orxonox/trunk: implemented the helicopter
- 5:25 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6001] by
- changes on camera so it is now dynamic
- 4:14 PM people/patrickboenzli edited by
- (diff)
- 4:13 PM people/patrickboenzli edited by
- (diff)
- 3:14 PM Changeset [3490] by
- orxonox/data: added helicopter (low medium and high
- 1:04 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [6000] by
- network: implemented the gameloader network loading functions again …
- 12:52 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [5999] by
- network: added the network branche again
- 12:44 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [5998] by
- branches: removed branche network
- 12:41 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [5997] by
- merged the network branche a second time because there where some more …
- 12:31 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [5996] by
- orxonox/trunk: merged network branche into trunk with command svn …
- 11:26 AM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [5995] by
- orxonox/trunk: preparations for LOD's
- 10:43 AM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [5994] by
- orxonox/trunk: much cleaner Model Loading unloading, model is now …
Dec 8, 2005:
- 10:30 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [5993] by
- After fixing a wrong unsigned char to int conversion, HeightMaps look …
- 5:13 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [5992] by
- Synchronizeable.h and Synchronizeable.cc changed: state and functions …
- 4:18 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [5991] by
- Yet another bug fixed.
- 4:07 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [5990] by
- Now, HeightMap seems to set the height of its vertices correctly.
- 3:16 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [5989] by
- Branch height_map loads now heightmapHello.bmp from your …
- 10:39 AM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [5988] by
- branch compiles again. factory problems solved
- 8:13 AM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [5987] by
- network_socket: removed listen function server_socket: created …
- 1:44 AM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [5986] by
- 2 bugs resolved
- 1:10 AM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [5985] by
- merge: factory has now create from class name string function (svn …
- 1:09 AM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [5984] by
- orxonox/trunk: doxygen in Factory
- 12:32 AM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [5983] by
- orxonox/branches: deleted old crap
- 12:22 AM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [5982] by
- orxonox/trunk: Factory-Redesign on the wish of manuel
- 12:22 AM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [5981] by
- Spaceship turns back to normal if it's hovering skewed in the air
Dec 7, 2005:
- 9:52 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [5980] by
- ——————————————————————————————————- …
- 5:58 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [5979] by
- network: now the game-loader is prepeared for network play
- 5:51 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [5978] by
- orxonox/trunk: merged spaceshipcontrol back to the trunk merged with …
- 5:21 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [5977] by
- Crosshair is now in the middle of the screen
- 5:21 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [5976] by
- 5:17 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [5975] by
- branches/avi_play: some changes
- 5:13 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [5974] by
- network: cleaned up the game_loader
- 5:02 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [5973] by
- needs fix in weapon_powert_up.cc (fabricate from string)
- 4:59 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [5972] by
- network: started renice work on the game_load, making it network friendly:D
- 4:31 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [5971] by
- network: the branche is stable again
- 4:30 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [5970] by
- Further changes in height_map.cc
- 4:26 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [5969] by
- controll: new key definitions
- 4:16 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [5968] by
- network: merged the trunk into the network with the command svn merge …
- 4:15 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [5967] by
- changes in height_map.cc
- 4:09 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [5966] by
- spaceship: hovereffect implemented and minor changes
- 3:45 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [5965] by
- many changes: created generic weapon_power_up that can contain any …
- 3:43 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [5964] by
- Mousecontrol implemented! Mousesensitivity implemented! Mouse is …
- 3:02 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [5963] by
- avi_play compiles
- 2:59 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [5962] by
- avi_play: testfunction
- 2:53 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [5961] by
- orxonox/branches/avi_play: merged the trunk back to the avi_play …
- 2:39 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [5960] by
- avi_player: configure-test
- 2:09 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [5959] by
- branches/avi_file: includes
- 1:54 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [5958] by
- avi_play: configure check for avi_format
- 1:24 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [5957] by
- powerups: merged lst file
- 1:22 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [5956] by
- orxonox/trunk: compiles again
- 1:05 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [5955] by
- branches/powerups: merged the trunk to branches/powerup merged with …
- 12:50 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [5954] by
- branches: deleted heightmap1
- 2:04 AM people/BenjaminKnecht edited by
- (diff)
- 1:58 AM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [5953] by
- orxonox/trunk: ini_parser safer now
- 1:41 AM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [5952] by
- orxonox/trunk: more functionality to the ini_parser
- 1:18 AM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [5951] by
- orxonox/trunk: cool functions
- 1:01 AM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [5950] by
- branches/avi_file: small changes
- 1:01 AM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [5949] by
- orxonox/trunk: iniparser writes out comments
- 12:56 AM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [5948] by
- orxonox/trunk: iniparser cleans itself up
- 12:52 AM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [5947] by
- orxonox/trunk: minor cleanup
- 12:46 AM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [5946] by
- orxonox/trunk: adding comments (simple)
Dec 6, 2005:
- 11:39 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [5945] by
- orxonox/trunk: small rearangements
- 10:06 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [5944] by
- orxonox/trunk: ini-parser in own subdir now (also moved tiXml-lib to …
- 9:38 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [5943] by
- orxonox/trunk: ini_parser sync
- 8:08 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [5942] by
- 8:06 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [5941] by
- 8:04 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [5940] by
- 7:26 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [5939] by
- branches/avi_file: created movie_player files
- 7:01 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [5938] by
- orxonox/trunk: ini_parser and gui clean-up, do not know if this fixed …
- 6:16 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [5937] by
- branches/avi_file: created media_container files
- 2:12 AM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [5936] by
- orxonox/trunk: some fixes, but still some strange seg-faults in the …
- 1:38 AM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [5935] by
- orxonox/trunk: ini-parser works again
- 1:23 AM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [5934] by
- orxonox/trunk: cleanup in ini-parser
- 12:33 AM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [5933] by
- orxonox/trunk: sync (not running)
Dec 5, 2005:
- 11:26 AM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [5932] by
- collision_detection: the algorithm works smoother now on the std object
- 10:52 AM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [5931] by
- trunk: new NEWS
- 12:50 AM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [5930] by
- orxonox/trunk: remake of the SoundEngine (faster, and millions of …
- 12:48 AM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [5929] by
- collision_deteciton: some minor bug fixes. the eigenvc algorithm …
- 12:01 AM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [5928] by
- mouse control works fine, still need some improvements (next steps: …
Dec 4, 2005:
- 11:52 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [5927] by
- collision_deteciton: works again! but much more massivesvn diff now …
- 11:50 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [5926] by
- orxonox/branches/collision_detection: compiles with gcc3.4
- 11:38 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [5925] by
- collision_detection: first few boxes are now much tighter.
- 11:37 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [5924] by
- orxonox/branches/avi_play: merged the Trunk back into the branche …
- 11:35 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [5923] by
- collision_detection: restrucured the center seeker funciton
- 11:28 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [5922] by
- collision_detection: working on centeroid obb structures
- 11:22 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [5921] by
- implemented mousecontrol for spaceship
- 10:17 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [5920] by
- collision_detection: speed up in some function, more checks and more …
- 9:54 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [5919] by
- added air friction for a better feeling
- 9:45 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [5918] by
- new control and a little bit physics in space_ship.cc for better …
- 9:27 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [5917] by
- orxonox/trunk: al-sound-source-allocation
- 7:07 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [5916] by
- space_ship.cc updated
- 3:34 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [5915] by
- orxonox/trunk: merged branches/spaceshipControll back to the trunk: …
- 3:23 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [5914] by
- controll: some minor changes guided missile
- 2:50 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [5913] by
orxonox/trunk: AimingTurret with GuidedMissiles
- 2:39 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [5912] by
- controll: shiftdir instead of ABS-Dir
- 2:30 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [5911] by
- space_ship.cc updated
- 2:19 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [5910] by
- controll: ability to get the directions of Nodes (absolute direction …
- 11:04 AM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [5909] by
- space_ship.cc updated
- 12:02 AM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [5908] by
- space_ship.cc updated
Dec 3, 2005:
- 10:30 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [5907] by
- spaceship updated
- 9:30 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [5906] by
- space_ship.cc updated
- 8:39 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [5905] by
- space_ship.cc updated
- 8:31 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [5904] by
- space_ship.cc updated
- 7:56 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [5903] by
- space_ship.cc updated
- 7:47 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [5902] by
- unregisterEvent() in playable.cc implemented
- 7:23 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [5901] by
- disconnectControllable() in player.cc implemented
- 5:48 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [5900] by
- space_ship.cc updated
- 5:43 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [5899] by
- controll: better player
- 5:37 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [5898] by
- controll documentation
- 5:34 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [5897] by
- space_ship.cc updated
- 5:26 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [5896] by
- controll: more elaborate playable
- 5:18 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [5895] by
- controll: playable interface work
- 4:47 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [5894] by
- controll: better controll
- 4:43 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [5893] by
- space_ship.cc updated
- 4:11 PM Changeset [3489] by
- orxonox/data: typo
- 4:11 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [5892] by
- controll: some fixing in world
- 3:53 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [5891] by
- space_ship.cc and world.cc updated
- 3:53 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [5890] by
- space_ship.cc and world.cc updated
- 3:46 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [5889] by
- registerEvent in Playable.cc implemented
- 3:45 PM Changeset [3488] by
- orxonox/data: taken out the ParticleSystems temporarily
- 3:37 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [5888] by
- player.cc and player.h updated ( in ../src/world_entities)
- 3:28 PM Changeset [3487] by
- orxonox/data/worlds: worlds as they are requested in …
- 3:27 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [5887] by
- orxonox/spaceship-controll: world transformation
- 2:54 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [5886] by
- orxonox/branches/spaceshipcontroll: events need to include less
- 1:29 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [5885] by
- orxonox/trunk: classList: returns const lists
- 10:47 AM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [5884] by
- collision_detection: bugfix in the covariance calc algorithm
- 2:01 AM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [5883] by
- orxonox/branches/spaceshipcontroll: completely working branche
- 1:31 AM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [5882] by
- collision_detection: very much work on the cd engine, now the obbs do …
- 1:26 AM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [5881] by
- orxonox/branches/spaceshipcontroll: simple world-interactivity
- 12:55 AM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [5880] by
- controll compile
- 12:35 AM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [5879] by
- controll: woring on al 1.1 and 1.0
Dec 2, 2005:
- 6:07 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [5878] by
- implemented space_ship control
- 4:27 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [5877] by
- controll: registerEvent
- 4:09 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [5876] by
- controll: some typos
- 3:33 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [5875] by
- orxonox/branches/spaceshipcontrol: compiles again
- 3:23 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [5874] by
- some documentation
- 3:21 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [5873] by
- powerup and extendable work
- 3:06 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [5872] by
- player.cc and player.h updated ( in ../src/world_entities)
- 3:00 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [5871] by
- declared extendable
- 12:30 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [5870] by
- collision_detection: getting rid of the old vertices based structure
- 12:17 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [5869] by
- collision_detection: adjusted the box splitting algorithm
- 11:59 AM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [5868] by
- collision_detection: box dimension calculation adjusted
- 11:39 AM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [5867] by
- collision_detection: further rewrite of some function
Dec 1, 2005:
- 11:12 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [5866] by
- orxonox/trunk: multi-texture work perfectly, try building …
- 11:00 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [5865] by
- orxonox/trunk: sequence test
- 9:26 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [5864] by
- player.cc and player.h updated ( in ../src/world_entities)
- 9:14 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [5863] by
- orxonox/trunk: TextureSequence finished for testing
- 8:41 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [5862] by
- trunk: renaming to TextureSequence
- 8:41 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [5861] by
- trunk: renaming to TextureSequence
- 8:38 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [5860] by
- orxonox/trunk: some initial work at MultiFrameTexture.cc
- 8:19 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [5859] by
- orxonox/trunk: small changes in the Texture interface
- 8:03 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [5858] by
- orxonox/trunk: introducing multiframe-texture
- 7:38 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [5857] by
- orxonox/trunk: enableTexture now a property of Texture and not …
- 6:32 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [5856] by
- orxonox/trunk: TextureToGL is now more modular
- 5:57 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [5855] by
- const getEvent and also inline
- 5:54 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [5854] by
- player.cc and player.h updated (both files in ../src/world_entities)
- 5:51 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [5853] by
- player.cc and player.h updated (both files in ../src/world_entities)
- 5:17 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [5852] by
- player.cc and player.h updated (both files in ../src/world_entities)
- 5:09 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [5851] by
- orxonox/trunk: cut player out of the Player class
- 5:07 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [5850] by
- player.cc and player.h updated (both files in ../src/world_entities)
- 4:56 PM code/doc/ModulesDescription edited by
- (diff)
- 4:54 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [5849] by
- player.cc and player.h updated (both files in ../src/world_entities)
- 4:50 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [5848] by
- added new branch powerups
- 4:38 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [5847] by
- player.cc and player.h updated (both files in ../src/world_entities)
- 4:33 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [5846] by
- orxonox/spaceship-controll: removed Player-stuff from CD-engine …
Nov 30, 2005:
- 11:04 PM code/doc/ModulesDescription edited by
- (diff)
- 10:25 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [5845] by
- orxonox/branches: added avi_play
- 10:18 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [5844] by
- orxonox/branches/spaceshipcontroll: rearanged ClassList classes
- 9:54 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [5843] by
- orxonox/branches: delete old.we
- 9:54 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [5842] by
- orxonox/branches: removed world_entities
- 9:53 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [5841] by
- player.cc and player.h updated (both files in ../src/world_entities)
- 9:47 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [5840] by
- player.cc and player.h updated (both files in ../src/world_entities)
- 9:40 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [5839] by
- player.cc and player.h changed (both files in ../src/world_entities)
- 6:35 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [5838] by
- playable.cc, playable.h, space_ship.cc and space_ship.h added in …
- 6:35 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [5837] by
- playable.cc, playable.h, space_ship.cc and space_ship.h added in …
- 5:38 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [5836] by
- orxonox/trunk: new list #define _T_LIST_H
- 3:41 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [5835] by
- added branch for the development of a controlling system
- 2:04 PM code/doc/ModulesDescription edited by
- (diff)
- 11:46 AM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [5834] by
- orxonox/trunk: sound_engine compiles on tardis
- 11:09 AM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [5833] by
- network: server/client orxonox now works
- 10:42 AM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [5832] by
- orxonox/network: alcchar instead of alubyte
- 10:41 AM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [5831] by
- network: subproject fix
- 10:22 AM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [5830] by
- network: compiles
- 9:43 AM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [5829] by
- network: much work on multiplayability, does not yet work
- 12:14 AM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [5828] by
- orxonox/trunk: bomb detonates
Nov 29, 2005:
- 11:54 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [5827] by
- orxonox/trunk: deleted last Makefile.in
- 11:52 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [5826] by
- orxonox/trunk: bomb detonation
- 10:44 PM pps/Topics edited by
- (diff)
- 6:01 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [5825] by
- collision_detection: some source reformat and function reorg
- 4:14 PM code/doc/ModulesDescription edited by
- (diff)
- 2:56 PM code/doc/ModulesDescription edited by
- (diff)
- 2:54 PM code/doc/ModulesDescription edited by
- (diff)
- 2:29 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [5824] by
- orxonox/branches added a COPY of the trunk, named network (cheap merge)
- 2:25 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [5823] by
- branches: removed branches/network
- 2:22 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [5822] by
- orxonox/trunk: merged branches/network to the trunk merged with …
- 1:48 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [5821] by
- orxonox/trunk: sync
- 11:14 AM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [5820] by
- orxonox/trunk: more stable autogen.sh
- 11:07 AM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [5819] by
- orxonox/trunk: merged branches world_entities to trunk again merged …
- 10:57 AM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [5818] by
- orxonox/branches/we: font is now a texture.
- 10:52 AM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [5817] by
- orxonox/branches/we: new tinyXML-version (version 2.4.2)
- 10:39 AM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [5816] by
- orxonox/trunk: better includes
- 1:19 AM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [5815] by
- orxonox/branches/world_entities: sound-engine loads devices over a …
- 12:23 AM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [5814] by
- orxonox/branches/world_entities: dynamic loading of entities in the …
- 12:12 AM Changeset [3486] by
- orxonox/data: new Laser
Nov 28, 2005:
- 11:17 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [5813] by
- network: added a README file for a little more help in usage
- 11:13 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [5812] by
- Network Test works also: now any server/client pair can use the SimpleSync
- 11:00 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [5811] by
- network: again some changes in the functino arguments order, more test …
- 10:20 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [5810] by
- This implementation of the internal state of NetworkSTream makes much …
- 10:14 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [5809] by
- The NetworkSocket now uses a real network protocol: packet size is …
- 9:07 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [5808] by
- network: valgrinded the network modules - zero error limit reached: …
- 7:36 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [5807] by
- network: reformatted some files
- 6:49 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [5806] by
- network: made some functions and arguments const, since they musn't …
- 6:36 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [5805] by
- network: added some simulated network delay - this helps a lot for …
- 5:49 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [5804] by
- network: changed the synchronizeable interface, since the data …
- 2:26 AM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [5803] by
- orxonox/we: new sounds for all the weapons
- 2:25 AM Changeset [3485] by
- orxonox/data: new sound laser.wav
- 2:06 AM Changeset [3484] by
- orxonox/data: new voices
Nov 27, 2005:
- 7:17 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [5802] by
- network: some more fixes on the network branche: for testing …
- 7:13 PM Changeset [3483] by
- orxonox/data: new Ground Turret, and new positions of them
- 7:10 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [5801] by
- orxonox/trunk: ground-turret loadability
- 7:05 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [5800] by
- network: included more comments to make it easier to debug
- 6:18 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [5799] by
- we: test
- 5:52 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [5798] by
- network: testing env. got segfault in the code
- 4:09 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [5797] by
- orxonox/branches: copied new trunk to world_entities
- 4:07 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [5796] by
- orxonox/trunk: moved old world_entites branche out of the way
- 4:04 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [5795] by
- orxonox/trunk: merged branches/worldEntities back to the trunk svn …
- 3:50 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [5794] by
- we: sync
- 4:27 AM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [5793] by
- orxonox/trunk: performance update.
- 4:03 AM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [5792] by
- orxonox/trunk: sync
- 3:32 AM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [5791] by
- orxonox/trunk: stl::list used in ClassList
- 12:17 AM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [5790] by
- orxonox/trunk: rescale of the screen-size should reload Models too on …
Nov 26, 2005:
- 11:19 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [5789] by
- orxonox/trunk: windows-compile fix (stl-list)
- 10:35 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [5788] by
- orxonox/trunk: shell-redirect for windows (so it does not write to …
- 10:18 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [5787] by
- orxonox/trunk: safer shell, better key-handling
- 9:56 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [5786] by
- orxonox/trunk: key-repeat in the Shell is smoother now
- 9:01 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [5785] by
- orxonox/trunk: history ok again
- 8:48 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [5784] by
- orxonox/trunk: shell without tList now
- 8:36 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [5783] by
- orxonox/trunk: more stl in Shell
- 5:00 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [5782] by
- world_entities: simple interface in objectManager
- 4:17 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [5781] by
- orxonox/trunk: more stl::list
- 3:47 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [5780] by
- orxonox/trunk: no more segfault in the Shell
- 2:20 PM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [5779] by
- orxonox/trunk: ClassList is now in std::list style ShellCommand is now …
Nov 25, 2005:
- 6:56 PM code edited by
- (diff)
- 3:41 AM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [5778] by
- orxonox/trunk: saver removal
- 3:37 AM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [5777] by
- orxonox/trunk: stl::list in AnimationPlayer
- 2:14 AM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [5776] by
- orxonox/trunk: stl::list in PhysicsEngine
- 1:54 AM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [5775] by
- orxonox/trunk: stl::list in Element2D
- 1:36 AM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [5774] by
- orxonox/trunk: stl in Model
- 1:07 AM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [5773] by
- orxonox/trunk: changed to std::list in campaign
- 12:53 AM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [5772] by
- orxonox/trunk: cleanup
- 12:47 AM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [5771] by
- orxonox/trunk: deleted aclocal.m4
- 12:40 AM Changeset in orxonox.OLD [5770] by
- orxonox/trunk: PNode is now std::list-conform
Note: See TracTimeline
for information about the timeline view.