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Changes between Version 10 and Version 11 of content/tools/BlenderSmoothing

Mar 2, 2008, 11:25:05 AM (17 years ago)


  • content/tools/BlenderSmoothing

    v10 v11  
    11= Smoothing with Blender =
    3 This tutorial will show you how to smooth your 3D models. Smoothing is a technique to blur edges of an object to make it look round. With smoothing, you can avoid that your edges looks chiseled, even if you have a low number of faces.
     3||This tutorial will show you how to smooth your 3D models. Smoothing is a technique to blur edges of an object to make it look round. With smoothing, you can avoid that your edges looks chiseled, even if you have a low number of faces. This picture shows a sphere with 256 polygons. Without smoothing, it doesn't look very round and its edges are clearly visible. Setting the faces smooth delivers a much better result.||[[Image(smoothing.png)]]||
    55== Basic Smoothing ==
    7 Basic smoothing is very simple. Use it if you have a few areas to smooth. In many cases, this will deliver a nice result. If the result is not satisfying, you can still move on to more complex functions.
    9  * In Edit mode, select the faces, which you want to be smooth.
    10  * To make faces appear smooth: W -> "Set Smooth"
    11  * To make them appear solid: W -> "Set Solid"
     7||Basic smoothing is very simple. Use it if you have a few areas to smooth. In many cases, this will deliver a nice result. If the result is not satisfying, you can still move on to more complex functions.[[BR]][[BR]]In Edit mode, select the faces, which you want to be smooth.[[BR]]To make faces appear smooth: W -> "Set Smooth"[[BR]]To make them appear solid: W -> "Set Solid"||[[Image(setsmooth.png)]]||
    139== Smoothing in Groups ==
    15 If you have a more complex model, you probably have to use the !EdgeSplit modifier. This modifier allows you to define which edges should appear smooth or sharp.
     11[[Image(edgesplit.png, right)]]If you have a more complex model, you probably have to use the !EdgeSplit modifier. This modifier allows you to define which edges should appear smooth or sharp.
    1713 * Smooth the whole model in Edit mode (or at least the region of the parts that should be smooth). To do this, select the faces. Press W -> "Set Smooth"