Exporting Objects From Blender To Orxonox
Checked with Blender 2.69 on 27 Feb. 2017
This page explains how to export 3D models from Blender and view them in a Level in Orxonox.
mesh Files
Ogre understands only the Ogre-specific .mesh files, so we have to export our objects from Blender to a .mesh file. A .mesh file is a binary file, that contains one single mesh (object).
To export to mesh we first need the 'Blender Exporter' and the 'Ogre Command-line Tools'.
The Blender exporter works well with Blender 2.69, other versions haven't been tested.
The Ogre command-line tools are available here (Windows and Mac).
On linux, its called 'ogre tools'. We need the 'ogre-1.8-tools' version.
For the ETH tardis PCs I uploaded the binary here. (To execute it, you first need to set the executable permission flag chmod +x ./OgreXMLConverter)
Blender Exporter
Download the addon here (blender2ogre-0.6.0.zip).
In Blender, open 'User Preferences' → 'Install from file …'.
Then choose the .zip file and activate the addon.
Command-line Tools
Download and extract to any location you want, just remember where.
Exporting to mesh
- Check if all textures for your objects are loaded into Blender.
- Make sure your materials don't still have the generic name ('Material', 'Material.001', …), otherwise Orxonox might not choose the correct material for your model.
- Name your objects and meshes
- Open the export dialog (File → Export → Ogre 3D). If it doesn't show up, make sure you have installed the script correctly.
- Select the model and hit Export. This will produce a '.mesh.xml' file
Then you need to manually convert them with the XML converter.
On Windows, drag the file on the XML converter executable.
On Linux, open a terminal and execute ./OgreXMLConverter fileName.mesh.xml
This will create (at least) 2 new files: A .mesh file and a .material file. Most likely, a log file of the OgreXML Converter will be produced too.
To Orxonox
- Copy the .mesh file to …/data_extern/models
- Copy the .material file to …/data_extern/materials
- Copy any texture files to …/data_extern/images/textures
- Goto trunk/data/levels and open any level file (empty_level.oxw is always a good choice for tests) and insert:
<?lua ... > <Level ...> <Scene ...> ... <Model mesh="yourModel.mesh" position="0,0,0" /> ... </Scene> </Level>
- Make sure you have respected the Guidelines