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Site of Johannes Ritz

I am

  • studying Electrical Engineering and Information Technology at ETH Zürich since 2009.
  • fan of open source and open content. I was involved in the start up phase of a wiki project.
  • not a gamer. If I play, it is most likely a strategy game.


Creating an own computer game was my dream for a long time. So when I first heard of this PPS I got excited.

  • 2nd semester: Gametype 'DynamicMatch'
  • 3rd semester: Gametype 'LastManStanding'
  • 4th semester: Gametype 'LastTeamStanding', some AI improvements, starting a tutorial level
  • 5th semester: PPS assistant
  • 6th semester: Working towards a release.
  • 7th semester: PPS assistant


Mail: ritzj<at>

Last modified 13 years ago Last modified on Sep 7, 2012, 10:39:21 AM