Orxonox  0.0.5 Codename: Arcturus
Classes | Namespaces | Macros
XMLPort.h File Reference
Core » XMLCore » XML » | XMLPort

Declaration of the XMLPort helper classes and macros. More...

#include "CorePrereqs.h"
#include <cassert>
#include <string>
#include <tinyxml/ticpp.h>
#include "util/Output.h"
#include "util/Exception.h"
#include "util/MultiType.h"
#include "util/OrxAssert.h"
#include "util/StringUtils.h"
#include "class/Identifier.h"
#include "BaseObject.h"
#include "command/Executor.h"

Go to the source code of this file.


class  orxonox::XMLPortClassObjectContainer< T, O >
class  orxonox::XMLPortClassParamContainer< T >
struct  orxonox::XMLPortClassParamContainer< T >::ParseParams
class  orxonox::XMLPortObjectContainer
class  orxonox::XMLPortParamContainer
class  orxonox::XMLPortVariableHelperClass
 Helper class to load and save simple variables with XMLPort. More...


 Die Wagnis Klasse hat die folgenden Aufgaben:


#define XMLPortObject(classname, objectclass, sectionname, loadfunction, savefunction, xmlelement, mode)
 This is the same as XMLPortObjectExtended, but bApplyLoaderMask is false and bLoadBefore is true by default. More...
#define XMLPortObjectExtended(classname, objectclass, sectionname, loadfunction, savefunction, xmlelement, mode, bApplyLoaderMask, bLoadBefore)
 Declares a possible sub-object that can be added in the XML file. More...
#define XMLPortObjectExtendedTemplate(classname, objectclass, sectionname, loadfunction, savefunction, xmlelement, mode, bApplyLoaderMask, bLoadBefore, ...)
 This is the same as XMLPortObjectExtended, but you can specify the loadfunction by adding the param types. More...
#define XMLPortObjectGeneric(containername, classname, objectclass, sectionname, loadexecutor, saveexecutor, xmlelement, mode, bApplyLoaderMask, bLoadBefore)
 Generic XMLPortObject macro, that gets called by all other XMLPortObject macros above. More...
#define XMLPortObjectTemplate(classname, objectclass, sectionname, loadfunction, savefunction, xmlelement, mode, ...)
 This is the same as XMLPortObject, but you can specify the loadfunction by adding the param types. More...
#define XMLPortParam(classname, paramname, loadfunction, savefunction, xmlelement, mode)
 Declares an XML attribute with a name, which will be set through load- and savefunctions. More...
#define XMLPortParamExtern(classname, externclass, object, paramname, loadfunction, savefunction, xmlelement, mode)
 This is the same as XMLPortParam, but for attributes in an extern class. More...
#define XMLPortParamExternTemplate(classname, externclass, object, paramname, loadfunction, savefunction, xmlelement, mode, ...)
 This is the same as XMLPortParamTemplate, but for extern attributes (see XMLPortParamExtern). More...
#define XMLPortParamGeneric(containername, classname, objectclass, object, paramname, loadexecutor, saveexecutor, xmlelement, mode)
 This is the generic XMLPort param macro, which is used by all six specialized macros above. More...
#define XMLPortParamLoadOnly(classname, paramname, loadfunction, xmlelement, mode)
 Declares an XML attribute with a name, which can be set through a loadfunction. More...
#define XMLPortParamLoadOnlyTemplate(classname, paramname, loadfunction, xmlelement, mode, ...)
 This is the same as XMLPortParamTemplate, but for load-only attributes (see XMLPortParamLoadOnly). More...
#define XMLPortParamTemplate(classname, paramname, loadfunction, savefunction, xmlelement, mode, ...)
 This is the same as XMLPortParam, but you can set the template arguments needed to store the loadfunction. More...
#define XMLPortParamVariable(classname, paramname, variable, xmlelement, mode)
 Declares an XML attribute with a name, which will be set through a variable. More...

Detailed Description

Declaration of the XMLPort helper classes and macros.

XMLPort is a virtual function of every BaseObject. Every object can change this function. The XMLPort function gets called with an XMLElement, containing all attributes and subclasses the object gets from the levelfile.

This file declares classes and macros to simplify XML-parsing.

Macro Definition Documentation

#define XMLPortObject (   classname,
static ExecutorMemberPtr<classname> xmlcontainer##loadfunction##savefunction##loadexecutor = orxonox::createExecutor(orxonox::createFunctor(&classname::loadfunction), std::string( #classname ) + "::" + #loadfunction); \
static ExecutorMemberPtr<classname> xmlcontainer##loadfunction##savefunction##saveexecutor = orxonox::createExecutor(orxonox::createFunctor(&classname::savefunction), std::string( #classname ) + "::" + #savefunction); \
XMLPortObjectGeneric(xmlcontainer##loadfunction##savefunction, classname, objectclass, sectionname, xmlcontainer##loadfunction##savefunction##loadexecutor, xmlcontainer##loadfunction##savefunction##saveexecutor, xmlelement, mode, false, true)
::std::string string
Definition: gtest-port.h:756
#define XMLPortObjectGeneric(containername, classname, objectclass, sectionname, loadexecutor, saveexecutor, xmlelement, mode, bApplyLoaderMask, bLoadBefore)
Generic XMLPortObject macro, that gets called by all other XMLPortObject macros above.
Definition: XMLPort.h:308
ExecutorPtr createExecutor(const FunctorPtr &functor, const std::string &name="")
Creates a new Executor that wraps a given Functor.
Definition: Executor.h:267
FunctorMemberPtr< O > createFunctor(R(O::*functionPointer)(Params...), OO *object)
Creates a new FunctorMember with the given function-pointer and an assigned object.
Definition: Functor.h:583
Definition: Super.h:519

This is the same as XMLPortObjectExtended, but bApplyLoaderMask is false and bLoadBefore is true by default.

#define XMLPortObjectExtended (   classname,
static ExecutorMemberPtr<classname> xmlcontainer##loadfunction##savefunction##loadexecutor = orxonox::createExecutor(orxonox::createFunctor(&classname::loadfunction), std::string( #classname ) + "::" + #loadfunction); \
static ExecutorMemberPtr<classname> xmlcontainer##loadfunction##savefunction##saveexecutor = orxonox::createExecutor(orxonox::createFunctor(&classname::savefunction), std::string( #classname ) + "::" + #savefunction); \
XMLPortObjectGeneric(xmlcontainer##loadfunction##savefunction, classname, objectclass, sectionname, xmlcontainer##loadfunction##savefunction##loadexecutor, xmlcontainer##loadfunction##savefunction##saveexecutor, xmlelement, mode, bApplyLoaderMask, bLoadBefore)
::std::string string
Definition: gtest-port.h:756
#define XMLPortObjectGeneric(containername, classname, objectclass, sectionname, loadexecutor, saveexecutor, xmlelement, mode, bApplyLoaderMask, bLoadBefore)
Generic XMLPortObject macro, that gets called by all other XMLPortObject macros above.
Definition: XMLPort.h:308
ExecutorPtr createExecutor(const FunctorPtr &functor, const std::string &name="")
Creates a new Executor that wraps a given Functor.
Definition: Executor.h:267
FunctorMemberPtr< O > createFunctor(R(O::*functionPointer)(Params...), OO *object)
Creates a new FunctorMember with the given function-pointer and an assigned object.
Definition: Functor.h:583
Definition: Super.h:519

Declares a possible sub-object that can be added in the XML file.

classnameThe name of the class that uses this macro
objectclassThe baseclass of objects that can be added
sectionnameThe name of the subsection in the XML file that encloses the sub-objects ("" means no subsection)
loadfunctionThe function to add a new object to the class
savefunctionThe function to get all added objects from the class
xmlelementThe XMLElement (received through the XMLPort function)
modeThe mode (load/save) (received through the XMLPort function)
bApplyLoaderMaskIf this is true, an added sub-object gets loaded only if it's class is included in the Loaders ClassTreeMask (this is usually false)
bLoadBeforeIf this is true, the sub-object gets loaded (through XMLPort) BEFORE it gets added to the main class (this is usually true)

bApplyLoaderMask is usually false for the following reason: If the loaders mask says, for example, "load only SpaceShips" and you added weapons to the SpaceShips, then the Weapons will still be loaded (which is most probably what you want). Of course, if there are "standalone" weapons in the level, they wont be loaded.

If bLoadBefore is true, an added object already has all attributes set (like it's name). This is most likely the best option, so this is usually true.

The load- and savefunctions have to follow an exactly defined protocol. Loadfunction: The loadfunction gets a pointer to the object.

1 void loadfunction(objectclass* pointer);

Savefunction: The savefunction gets an index, starting with 0. For every returnvalue != 0, the savefunction gets called again, but with index + 1. It's the functions responsibility to do something smart with the index and to return 0 if all objects were returned.

1 objectclass* savefunction(unsigned int index) const;

Possible implementation:

1 objectclass* savefunction(unsigned int index) const
2 {
3  if (index < number_of_added_objects_)
4  return my_added_objects[index];
5  else
6  return nullptr;
7 }

Example: Possible usage of the macro:

1 XMLPortObject(SpaceShip, Weapon, "weapons", addWeapon, getWeapon, xmlelement, mode, false, true);

Now you can add weapons through the XML file:

1 <SpaceShip someattribute="..." ...>
2  <weapons>
3  <Weapon someattribute="..." ... />
4  <Weapon someattribute="..." ... />
5  <Weapon someattribute="..." ... />
6  </weapons>
7 </SpaceShip>

Note that "weapons" is the subsection. This allows you to add more types of sub-objects. In our example, you could add pilots, blinking lights or other stuff. If you don't want a subsection, just use "" (an empty string). Then you can add sub-objects directly into the mainclass.

#define XMLPortObjectExtendedTemplate (   classname,
static ExecutorMemberPtr<classname> xmlcontainer##loadfunction##savefunction##loadexecutor = orxonox::createExecutor(orxonox::createFunctor<void, classname, __VA_ARGS__ >(&classname::loadfunction), std::string( #classname ) + "::" + #loadfunction); \
static ExecutorMemberPtr<classname> xmlcontainer##loadfunction##savefunction##saveexecutor = orxonox::createExecutor(orxonox::createFunctor(&classname::savefunction), std::string( #classname ) + "::" + #savefunction); \
XMLPortObjectGeneric(xmlcontainer##loadfunction##savefunction, classname, objectclass, sectionname, xmlcontainer##loadfunction##savefunction##loadexecutor, xmlcontainer##loadfunction##savefunction##saveexecutor, xmlelement, mode, bApplyLoaderMask, bLoadBefore)
::std::string string
Definition: gtest-port.h:756
#define XMLPortObjectGeneric(containername, classname, objectclass, sectionname, loadexecutor, saveexecutor, xmlelement, mode, bApplyLoaderMask, bLoadBefore)
Generic XMLPortObject macro, that gets called by all other XMLPortObject macros above.
Definition: XMLPort.h:308
ExecutorPtr createExecutor(const FunctorPtr &functor, const std::string &name="")
Creates a new Executor that wraps a given Functor.
Definition: Executor.h:267
FunctorMemberPtr< O > createFunctor(R(O::*functionPointer)(Params...), OO *object)
Creates a new FunctorMember with the given function-pointer and an assigned object.
Definition: Functor.h:583
Definition: Super.h:519

This is the same as XMLPortObjectExtended, but you can specify the loadfunction by adding the param types.

See XMLPortParamTemplate for more details about the types.

#define XMLPortObjectGeneric (   containername,
orxonox::XMLPortClassObjectContainer<classname, objectclass>* containername = (orxonox::XMLPortClassObjectContainer<classname, objectclass>*)(ClassIdentifier<classname>::getIdentifier()->getXMLPortObjectContainer(sectionname)); \
if (!containername) \
{ \
containername = new orxonox::XMLPortClassObjectContainer<classname, objectclass>(std::string(sectionname), ClassIdentifier<classname>::getIdentifier(), loadexecutor, saveexecutor, bApplyLoaderMask, bLoadBefore); \
ClassIdentifier<classname>::getIdentifier()->addXMLPortObjectContainer(sectionname, containername); \
} \
containername->port(this, xmlelement, mode)
Definition: CorePrereqs.h:241
::std::string string
Definition: gtest-port.h:756
Definition: Super.h:519
XMLPortObjectContainer & port(BaseObject *object, Element &xmlelement, XMLPort::Mode mode)
Definition: XMLPort.cc:45

Generic XMLPortObject macro, that gets called by all other XMLPortObject macros above.

#define XMLPortObjectTemplate (   classname,
static ExecutorMemberPtr<classname> xmlcontainer##loadfunction##savefunction##loadexecutor = orxonox::createExecutor(orxonox::createFunctor<void, classname, __VA_ARGS__ >(&classname::loadfunction), std::string( #classname ) + "::" + #loadfunction); \
static ExecutorMemberPtr<classname> xmlcontainer##loadfunction##savefunction##saveexecutor = orxonox::createExecutor(orxonox::createFunctor(&classname::savefunction), std::string( #classname ) + "::" + #savefunction); \
XMLPortObjectGeneric(xmlcontainer##loadfunction##savefunction, classname, objectclass, sectionname, xmlcontainer##loadfunction##savefunction##loadexecutor, xmlcontainer##loadfunction##savefunction##saveexecutor, xmlelement, mode, false, true)
::std::string string
Definition: gtest-port.h:756
#define XMLPortObjectGeneric(containername, classname, objectclass, sectionname, loadexecutor, saveexecutor, xmlelement, mode, bApplyLoaderMask, bLoadBefore)
Generic XMLPortObject macro, that gets called by all other XMLPortObject macros above.
Definition: XMLPort.h:308
ExecutorPtr createExecutor(const FunctorPtr &functor, const std::string &name="")
Creates a new Executor that wraps a given Functor.
Definition: Executor.h:267
FunctorMemberPtr< O > createFunctor(R(O::*functionPointer)(Params...), OO *object)
Creates a new FunctorMember with the given function-pointer and an assigned object.
Definition: Functor.h:583
Definition: Super.h:519

This is the same as XMLPortObject, but you can specify the loadfunction by adding the param types.

See XMLPortParamTemplate for more details about the types.

#define XMLPortParam (   classname,
static ExecutorMemberPtr<classname> xmlcontainer##loadfunction##savefunction##loadexecutor = orxonox::createExecutor(orxonox::createFunctor(&classname::loadfunction), std::string( #classname ) + "::" + #loadfunction); \
static ExecutorMemberPtr<classname> xmlcontainer##loadfunction##savefunction##saveexecutor = orxonox::createExecutor(orxonox::createFunctor(&classname::savefunction), std::string( #classname ) + "::" + #savefunction); \
XMLPortParamGeneric(xmlcontainer##loadfunction##savefunction, classname, classname, this, paramname, xmlcontainer##loadfunction##savefunction##loadexecutor, xmlcontainer##loadfunction##savefunction##saveexecutor, xmlelement, mode)
::std::string string
Definition: gtest-port.h:756
#define XMLPortParamGeneric(containername, classname, objectclass, object, paramname, loadexecutor, saveexecutor, xmlelement, mode)
This is the generic XMLPort param macro, which is used by all six specialized macros above...
Definition: XMLPort.h:192
ExecutorPtr createExecutor(const FunctorPtr &functor, const std::string &name="")
Creates a new Executor that wraps a given Functor.
Definition: Executor.h:267
FunctorMemberPtr< O > createFunctor(R(O::*functionPointer)(Params...), OO *object)
Creates a new FunctorMember with the given function-pointer and an assigned object.
Definition: Functor.h:583
Definition: Super.h:519

Declares an XML attribute with a name, which will be set through load- and savefunctions.

classnameThe name of the class owning this param
paramnameThe name of the attribute
loadfunctionA function to set the param in the object with a given value (~a set-function)
savefunctionA function to get the value of the param from the object (~a get-function)
xmlelementThe XMLElement, you get this from the XMLPort function
modeThe mode (load or save), you get this from the XMLPort function

In the XML file, a param or attribute will be set like this:

1 <classname paramname="value" />

The macro will then call loadfunction(value) to set the given value (or call savefunction() to write an existing value to an XML file).

#define XMLPortParamExtern (   classname,
static ExecutorMemberPtr<externclass> xmlcontainer##loadfunction##savefunction##loadexecutor = orxonox::createExecutor(orxonox::createFunctor(&externclass::loadfunction), std::string( #externclass ) + "::" + #loadfunction); \
static ExecutorMemberPtr<externclass> xmlcontainer##loadfunction##savefunction##saveexecutor = orxonox::createExecutor(orxonox::createFunctor(&externclass::savefunction), std::string( #externclass ) + "::" + #savefunction); \
XMLPortParamGeneric(xmlcontainer##loadfunction##savefunction, classname, externclass, object, paramname, xmlcontainer##loadfunction##savefunction##loadexecutor, xmlcontainer##loadfunction##savefunction##saveexecutor, xmlelement, mode);
::std::string string
Definition: gtest-port.h:756
#define XMLPortParamGeneric(containername, classname, objectclass, object, paramname, loadexecutor, saveexecutor, xmlelement, mode)
This is the generic XMLPort param macro, which is used by all six specialized macros above...
Definition: XMLPort.h:192
ExecutorPtr createExecutor(const FunctorPtr &functor, const std::string &name="")
Creates a new Executor that wraps a given Functor.
Definition: Executor.h:267
FunctorMemberPtr< O > createFunctor(R(O::*functionPointer)(Params...), OO *object)
Creates a new FunctorMember with the given function-pointer and an assigned object.
Definition: Functor.h:583
Definition: Super.h:519

This is the same as XMLPortParam, but for attributes in an extern class.

classnameThe name of the class owning the object owning the attribute
externclassThe name of the extern class (the objects class)
objectThe name of the object of the extern class (a member of the main class)
paramnameThe name of the attribute
loadfunctionThe function to set the attribute inside of the member object.
savefunctionThe function to get the attribute from the member object
xmlelementThe XML-element that is parsed by this macro
modeLoading or saving

Sometimes you'll have a member object in your class, which has it's own load- and savefunctions. With this macro, you can simply use them instead of writing your own functions.

Example: Your class is called SpaceShip and this class has an object (myPilot_) of class Pilot. Pilot has a name and two functions, setName(name) and getName(). Now you want an attribute "pilotname" in your SpaceShip class. Instead of writing wrapper functions, you can simply use the XMLPortParamExtern macro:

XMLPortParamExtern(SpaceShip, Pilot, myPilot_, "pilotname", setName, getName, xmlelement, mode);

#define XMLPortParamExternTemplate (   classname,
static ExecutorMemberPtr<externclass> xmlcontainer##loadfunction##savefunction##loadexecutor = orxonox::createExecutor(orxonox::createFunctor<void, externclass, __VA_ARGS__ >(&externclass::loadfunction), std::string( #externclass ) + "::" + #loadfunction); \
static ExecutorMemberPtr<externclass> xmlcontainer##loadfunction##savefunction##saveexecutor = orxonox::createExecutor(orxonox::createFunctor(&externclass::savefunction), std::string( #externclass ) + "::" + #savefunction); \
XMLPortParamGeneric(xmlcontainer##loadfunction##savefunction, classname, externclass, object, paramname, xmlcontainer##loadfunction##savefunction##loadexecutor, xmlcontainer##loadfunction##savefunction##saveexecutor, xmlelement, mode);
::std::string string
Definition: gtest-port.h:756
#define XMLPortParamGeneric(containername, classname, objectclass, object, paramname, loadexecutor, saveexecutor, xmlelement, mode)
This is the generic XMLPort param macro, which is used by all six specialized macros above...
Definition: XMLPort.h:192
ExecutorPtr createExecutor(const FunctorPtr &functor, const std::string &name="")
Creates a new Executor that wraps a given Functor.
Definition: Executor.h:267
FunctorMemberPtr< O > createFunctor(R(O::*functionPointer)(Params...), OO *object)
Creates a new FunctorMember with the given function-pointer and an assigned object.
Definition: Functor.h:583
Definition: Super.h:519

This is the same as XMLPortParamTemplate, but for extern attributes (see XMLPortParamExtern).

#define XMLPortParamGeneric (   containername,
orxonox::XMLPortClassParamContainer<objectclass>* containername = static_cast<orxonox::XMLPortClassParamContainer<objectclass>*>(ClassIdentifier<classname>::getIdentifier()->getXMLPortParamContainer(paramname)); \
if (!containername) \
{ \
containername = new orxonox::XMLPortClassParamContainer<objectclass>(std::string(paramname), ClassIdentifier<classname>::getIdentifier(), loadexecutor, saveexecutor); \
ClassIdentifier<classname>::getIdentifier()->addXMLPortParamContainer(paramname, containername); \
} \
containername->port(orxonox_cast<BaseObject*>(this), object, xmlelement, mode)
::std::string string
Definition: gtest-port.h:756
XMLPortParamContainer & port(BaseObject *owner, T *object, Element &xmlelement, XMLPort::Mode mode)
Definition: XMLPort.h:380
Definition: Super.h:519
Definition: CorePrereqs.h:243

This is the generic XMLPort param macro, which is used by all six specialized macros above.

#define XMLPortParamLoadOnly (   classname,
static ExecutorMemberPtr<classname> xmlcontainer##loadfunction##0##loadexecutor = orxonox::createExecutor(orxonox::createFunctor(&classname::loadfunction), std::string( #classname ) + "::" + #loadfunction); \
XMLPortParamGeneric(xmlcontainer##loadfunction##0, classname, classname, this, paramname, xmlcontainer##loadfunction##0##loadexecutor, 0, xmlelement, mode)
::std::string string
Definition: gtest-port.h:756
#define XMLPortParamGeneric(containername, classname, objectclass, object, paramname, loadexecutor, saveexecutor, xmlelement, mode)
This is the generic XMLPort param macro, which is used by all six specialized macros above...
Definition: XMLPort.h:192
ExecutorPtr createExecutor(const FunctorPtr &functor, const std::string &name="")
Creates a new Executor that wraps a given Functor.
Definition: Executor.h:267
FunctorMemberPtr< O > createFunctor(R(O::*functionPointer)(Params...), OO *object)
Creates a new FunctorMember with the given function-pointer and an assigned object.
Definition: Functor.h:583
Definition: Super.h:519

Declares an XML attribute with a name, which can be set through a loadfunction.

This is the same as XMLPortParam, but you don't need a savefunction (get-function). Therefore, this param won't be saved in an XML file, but you can add the attribute manually an it will be loaded.

This might be helpful in cases, when you have several options to set a value, for example the rotation. You can set the rotation with a quaternion, but you could also use three angles. When saving the object, only one of both options has to be saved; this is, where this macro helps.

#define XMLPortParamLoadOnlyTemplate (   classname,
static ExecutorMemberPtr<classname> xmlcontainer##loadfunction##0##loadexecutor = orxonox::createExecutor(orxonox::createFunctor<void, classname, __VA_ARGS__ >(&classname::loadfunction), std::string( #classname ) + "::" + #loadfunction); \
XMLPortParamGeneric(xmlcontainer##loadfunction##0, classname, classname, this, paramname, xmlcontainer##loadfunction##0##loadexecutor, 0, xmlelement, mode)
::std::string string
Definition: gtest-port.h:756
#define XMLPortParamGeneric(containername, classname, objectclass, object, paramname, loadexecutor, saveexecutor, xmlelement, mode)
This is the generic XMLPort param macro, which is used by all six specialized macros above...
Definition: XMLPort.h:192
ExecutorPtr createExecutor(const FunctorPtr &functor, const std::string &name="")
Creates a new Executor that wraps a given Functor.
Definition: Executor.h:267
Definition: Super.h:519

This is the same as XMLPortParamTemplate, but for load-only attributes (see XMLPortParamLoadOnly).

#define XMLPortParamTemplate (   classname,
static ExecutorMemberPtr<classname> xmlcontainer##loadfunction##savefunction##loadexecutor = orxonox::createExecutor(orxonox::createFunctor<void, classname, __VA_ARGS__ >(&classname::loadfunction), std::string( #classname ) + "::" + #loadfunction); \
static ExecutorMemberPtr<classname> xmlcontainer##loadfunction##savefunction##saveexecutor = orxonox::createExecutor(orxonox::createFunctor(&classname::savefunction), std::string( #classname ) + "::" + #savefunction); \
XMLPortParamGeneric(xmlcontainer##loadfunction##savefunction, classname, classname, this, paramname, xmlcontainer##loadfunction##savefunction##loadexecutor, xmlcontainer##loadfunction##savefunction##saveexecutor, xmlelement, mode)
::std::string string
Definition: gtest-port.h:756
#define XMLPortParamGeneric(containername, classname, objectclass, object, paramname, loadexecutor, saveexecutor, xmlelement, mode)
This is the generic XMLPort param macro, which is used by all six specialized macros above...
Definition: XMLPort.h:192
ExecutorPtr createExecutor(const FunctorPtr &functor, const std::string &name="")
Creates a new Executor that wraps a given Functor.
Definition: Executor.h:267
FunctorMemberPtr< O > createFunctor(R(O::*functionPointer)(Params...), OO *object)
Creates a new FunctorMember with the given function-pointer and an assigned object.
Definition: Functor.h:583
Definition: Super.h:519

This is the same as XMLPortParam, but you can set the template arguments needed to store the loadfunction.

Sometimes the name of the loadfunction is ambiguous (example: setPosition(Vector3) or setPosition(float, float, float)). In this case, you can choose the right function by telling the types of the functionparams. In our example, this would be either

XMLPortParamTemplate(classname, paramname, loadfunction, savefunction, xmlelement, mode, Vector3);


XMLPortParamTemplate(classname, paramname, loadfunction, savefunction, xmlelement, mode, float, float, float);

You don't have to use this, if there exist only one function with the given name.

#define XMLPortParamVariable (   classname,
XMLPortVariableHelperClass xmlcontainer##variable##dummy(static_cast<void*>(&variable)); \
static ExecutorMemberPtr<orxonox::XMLPortVariableHelperClass> xmlcontainer##variable##loadexecutor = orxonox::createExecutor(orxonox::createFunctor(orxonox::XMLPortVariableHelperClass::getLoader(variable)), std::string( #classname ) + "::" + #variable + "loader"); \
static ExecutorMemberPtr<orxonox::XMLPortVariableHelperClass> xmlcontainer##variable##saveexecutor = orxonox::createExecutor(orxonox::createFunctor(orxonox::XMLPortVariableHelperClass::getSaver (variable)), std::string( #classname ) + "::" + #variable + "saver" ); \
XMLPortParamGeneric(xmlcontainer##variable, classname, orxonox::XMLPortVariableHelperClass, &xmlcontainer##variable##dummy, paramname, xmlcontainer##variable##loadexecutor, xmlcontainer##variable##saveexecutor, xmlelement, mode)
::std::string string
Definition: gtest-port.h:756
#define XMLPortParamGeneric(containername, classname, objectclass, object, paramname, loadexecutor, saveexecutor, xmlelement, mode)
This is the generic XMLPort param macro, which is used by all six specialized macros above...
Definition: XMLPort.h:192
ExecutorPtr createExecutor(const FunctorPtr &functor, const std::string &name="")
Creates a new Executor that wraps a given Functor.
Definition: Executor.h:267
Helper class to load and save simple variables with XMLPort.
Definition: XMLPort.h:577
FunctorMemberPtr< O > createFunctor(R(O::*functionPointer)(Params...), OO *object)
Creates a new FunctorMember with the given function-pointer and an assigned object.
Definition: Functor.h:583
Definition: Super.h:519
static const T &(XMLPortVariableHelperClass::*)() getSaver(const T &var)
Definition: XMLPort.h:598
static void(XMLPortVariableHelperClass::*)(const T &value) getLoader(const T &var)
Definition: XMLPort.h:594

Declares an XML attribute with a name, which will be set through a variable.

classnameThe name of the class owning this param
paramnameThe name of the attribute
variableName of the variable used to save and load the value
xmlelementThe XMLElement, you get this from the XMLPort function
modeThe mode (load or save), you get this from the XMLPort function

In the XML file, a param or attribute will be set like this:

1 <classname paramname="value" />

The macro will then store "value" in the variable or read it when saving.