Orxonox  0.0.5 Codename: Arcturus
Files | Classes

This module allows you to place PortalEndPoints in space and connect pairs of them with a PortalLink in order to allow fast travelling from A to B. More...


file  PortalEndPoint.h
 Declaration of the PortalEndPoint class.


class  orxonox::PortalEndPoint
 A PortalEndPoint serves as portal entrance and/or exit. More...
class  orxonox::PortalLink
A PortalLink represents the connection between two @ref orxonox::PortalEndPoint "PortalEndPoints"

Detailed Description

This module allows you to place PortalEndPoints in space and connect pairs of them with a PortalLink in order to allow fast travelling from A to B.

Fast HowTo: Including portals in a level

The simplest way to use portals is show by the following piece of xml-code

<Template name=PortalDefault>
<Billboard material="Portals/Default" />
<PortalEndPoint position="0,0,0" id="1" design="PortalDefault"/>
<PortalEndPoint position="-100,0,0" id="2" design="PortalDefault"/>
<PortalLink fromID="1" toID="2" />


Detailed HowTo: Including portals in a level

In the example above some default values are used. The full possibilities are shown below

<Template name=PortalDefault>
<Billboard material="Portals/Default" />
<Template name=PortalBig>
<Billboard material="Portals/Big" />
<PortalEndPoint position="0,0,0" id="1" distance="40" target="MobileEntity" design="PortalDefault"/>
<PortalEndPoint position="-100,0,0" id="2" distance="40" target="MobileEntity" design="PortalBig"/>
<PortalLink fromID="1" toID="2" />
<PortalLink fromID="2" toID="1" />

step by step


In order to make PortalEndPoints visible in the game there must be something visible. The idea (as shown above) is to define or include arbitrary Templates which make a PortalEndPoint visible and use them later by setting the design attribute of a PortalEndPoint to the template name
