▼ external | |
► enet | |
callbacks.c | ENet callback functions |
callbacks.h | ENet callbacks |
compress.c | An adaptive order-2 PPM range coder |
enet.h | ENet public header file |
host.c | ENet host management functions |
list.c | ENet linked list functions |
list.h | ENet list management |
packet.c | ENet packet management functions |
peer.c | ENet peer management functions |
protocol.c | ENet protocol functions |
protocol.h | ENet protocol |
time.h | ENet time constants and macros |
types.h | Type definitions for ENet |
unix.c | ENet Unix system specific functions |
unix.h | ENet Unix header |
utility.h | ENet utility header |
win32.c | ENet Win32 system specific functions |
win32.h | ENet Win32 header |
► gmock | |
► include | |
► gmock | |
► internal | |
gmock-generated-internal-utils.h | |
gmock-internal-utils.h | |
gmock-port.h | |
gmock-actions.h | |
gmock-cardinalities.h | |
gmock-generated-actions.h | |
gmock-generated-function-mockers.h | |
gmock-generated-matchers.h | |
gmock-generated-nice-strict.h | |
gmock-matchers.h | |
gmock-more-actions.h | |
gmock-spec-builders.h | |
gmock.h | |
► src | |
gmock-all.cc | |
gmock-cardinalities.cc | |
gmock-internal-utils.cc | |
gmock-matchers.cc | |
gmock-spec-builders.cc | |
gmock.cc | |
gmock_main.cc | |
► gtest | |
► include | |
► gtest | |
► internal | |
gtest-death-test-internal.h | |
gtest-filepath.h | |
gtest-internal.h | |
gtest-linked_ptr.h | |
gtest-param-util-generated.h | |
gtest-param-util.h | |
gtest-port.h | |
gtest-string.h | |
gtest-tuple.h | |
gtest-type-util.h | |
gtest-death-test.h | |
gtest-message.h | |
gtest-param-test.h | |
gtest-printers.h | |
gtest-spi.h | |
gtest-test-part.h | |
gtest-typed-test.h | |
gtest.h | |
gtest_pred_impl.h | |
gtest_prod.h | |
► src | |
gtest-all.cc | |
gtest-death-test.cc | |
gtest-filepath.cc | |
gtest-internal-inl.h | |
gtest-port.cc | |
gtest-printers.cc | |
gtest-test-part.cc | |
gtest-typed-test.cc | |
gtest.cc | |
gtest_main.cc | |
► loki | |
NullType.h | |
RefToValue.h | |
ScopeGuard.h | |
static_check.h | |
TypeManip.h | |
TypeTraits.h | |
► ogreceguirenderer | |
OgreCEGUIRenderer.cpp | |
OgreCEGUIRenderer.h | |
OgreCEGUIResourceProvider.cpp | |
OgreCEGUIResourceProvider.h | |
OgreCEGUITexture.cpp | |
OgreCEGUITexture.h | |
► ois | |
► linux | |
EventHelpers.cpp | |
EventHelpers.h | |
LinuxForceFeedback.cpp | |
LinuxForceFeedback.h | |
LinuxInputManager.cpp | |
LinuxInputManager.h | |
LinuxJoyStickEvents.cpp | |
LinuxJoyStickEvents.h | |
LinuxKeyboard.cpp | |
LinuxKeyboard.h | |
LinuxMouse.cpp | |
LinuxMouse.h | |
LinuxPrereqs.h | |
► mac | |
MacHelpers.cpp | |
MacHelpers.h | |
MacHIDManager.cpp | |
MacHIDManager.h | |
MacInputManager.cpp | |
MacInputManager.h | |
MacJoyStick.cpp | |
MacJoyStick.h | |
MacKeyboard.cpp | |
MacKeyboard.h | |
MacMouse.cpp | |
MacMouse.h | |
MacPrereqs.h | |
► win32 | |
Win32ForceFeedback.cpp | |
Win32ForceFeedback.h | |
Win32InputManager.cpp | |
Win32InputManager.h | |
Win32JoyStick.cpp | |
Win32JoyStick.h | |
Win32KeyBoard.cpp | |
Win32KeyBoard.h | |
Win32Mouse.cpp | |
Win32Mouse.h | |
Win32Prereqs.h | |
OIS.h | |
OISConfig.h | |
OISEffect.cpp | |
OISEffect.h | |
OISEvents.h | |
OISException.cpp | |
OISException.h | |
OISFactoryCreator.h | |
OISForceFeedback.cpp | |
OISForceFeedback.h | |
OISInputManager.cpp | |
OISInputManager.h | |
OISInterface.h | |
OISJoyStick.cpp | |
OISJoyStick.h | |
OISKeyboard.cpp | |
OISKeyboard.h | |
OISMouse.h | |
OISMultiTouch.h | |
OISObject.cpp | |
OISObject.h | |
OISPrereqs.h | |
► tinyxml | |
ticpp.cpp | |
ticpp.h | |
ticpprc.h | |
tinystr.cpp | |
tinystr.h | |
tinyxml.cpp | |
tinyxml.h | |
tinyxmlerror.cpp | |
tinyxmlparser.cpp | |
► tolua | |
tolua.c | |
▼ libraries | |
► core | |
► class | |
Identifiable.cc | Implementation of Identifiable |
Identifiable.h | Declaration of Identifiable, the base of all classes that should own an Identifier |
Identifier.cc | Implementation of the Identifier class |
Identifier.h | Declaration of Identifier, definition of ClassIdentifier<T>; used to identify the class of an object |
IdentifierManager.cc | Implementation of the Identifier class |
IdentifierManager.h | |
OrxonoxClass.cc | |
OrxonoxClass.h | Declaration of OrxonoxClass, the base class of all objects in Orxonox |
OrxonoxInterface.cc | |
OrxonoxInterface.h | Declaration of OrxonoxInterface, the base class of all interfaces in Orxonox |
SubclassIdentifier.h | Definition of SubclassIdentifier |
Super.h | Definition of all super-function related macros, used to call functions of the base class |
► command | |
ArgumentCompleter.h | Definition of the orxonox::ArgumentCompleter class that is used to execute argument completion functions |
ArgumentCompletionFunctions.cc | Implementation of all argument completion functions |
ArgumentCompletionFunctions.h | Declaration of all argument completion functions and macros used to define them |
ArgumentCompletionListElement.h | Definition of ArgumentCompletionList, which is used in argument completion functions, and its element |
CommandEvaluation.cc | Implementation of CommandEvaluation |
CommandEvaluation.h | Declaration of the orxonox::CommandEvaluation class which is returned by orxonox::CommandExecutor::evaluate() |
CommandExecutor.cc | Implementation of CommandExecutor |
CommandExecutor.h | Declaration of the orxonox::CommandExecutor class which is used to execute and evaluate console commands |
ConsoleCommand.cc | Implementation of the ConsoleCommand class |
ConsoleCommand.h | Declaration of the orxonox::ConsoleCommand class |
ConsoleCommandCompilation.cc | Implementation of some console commands |
ConsoleCommandCompilation.h | Declaration of some console commands |
ConsoleCommandIncludes.cc | |
ConsoleCommandIncludes.h | Declaration the SetConsoleCommand() macro |
ConsoleCommandManager.cc | Implementation of the ConsoleCommand class |
ConsoleCommandManager.h | |
Executor.cc | Implementation of orxonox::Executor |
Executor.h | Declaration of the orxonox::Executor class and the createExecutor() functions |
ExecutorPtr.h | Typedefs and definitions of ExecutorPtr, ExecutorStaticPtr, and ExecutorMemberPtr |
Functor.h | Definition of orxonox::Functor and its specialized subclasses, as well as the createFunctor() functions |
FunctorPtr.h | Typedefs and definitions of FunctorPtr, FunctorMemberPtr, FunctorStaticPtr, and FunctorPointerPtr |
IOConsole.cc | |
IOConsole.h | |
IOConsolePOSIX.cc | |
IOConsolePOSIX.h | |
IRC.cc | Implementation of the IRC class and the IRC console commands |
IRC.h | Declaration of IRC helper class, used for IRC connections using Tcl |
Shell.cc | Implementation of the Shell class |
Shell.h | Declaration of the Shell and ShellListener classes |
TclBind.cc | |
TclBind.h | Declaration of the TclBind class |
TclThreadList.h | Definition of TclThreadList |
TclThreadManager.cc | Implementation of TclThreadManager |
TclThreadManager.h | Declaration of TclThreadManager, used to create multithreaded Tcl interpreters |
► commandline | |
CommandLineIncludes.h | Declaration of CommandLineParser and CommandLineArgument, definition of the SetCommandLineArgument() macros |
CommandLineParser.cc | |
CommandLineParser.h | Declaration of CommandLineParser and CommandLineArgument, definition of the SetCommandLineArgument() macros |
► config | |
ConfigFile.cc | Implementation of ConfigFile |
ConfigFile.h | |
ConfigFileEntry.h | |
ConfigFileEntryComment.h | |
ConfigFileEntryValue.cc | Implementation of ConfigFileEntryValue |
ConfigFileEntryValue.h | |
ConfigFileEntryVectorValue.cc | Implementation of ConfigFileEntryVectorValue |
ConfigFileEntryVectorValue.h | |
ConfigFileManager.cc | Implementation of ConfigFileManager |
ConfigFileManager.h | Declaration of ConfigFileManager, used to load and save config files |
ConfigFileSection.cc | Implementation of ConfigFileSection |
ConfigFileSection.h | |
Configurable.cc | |
Configurable.h | Declaration of Configurable, the base class of all objects which may contain config values |
ConfigValueContainer.cc | Implementation of the ConfigValueContainer class |
ConfigValueContainer.h | Declaration of the ConfigValueContainer class, caches a config-value |
ConfigValueIncludes.h | Definition of macros and functions for config-values |
SettingsConfigFile.cc | Implementation of SettingsConfigFile |
SettingsConfigFile.h | |
► input | |
Button.cc | Implementation of the different input handlers. |
Button.h | Different definitions of input processing. |
HalfAxis.cc | Implementation of the different input handlers. |
HalfAxis.h | Different definitions of input processing. |
InputBuffer.cc | |
InputBuffer.h | |
InputCommands.cc | Implementation of the different input handlers. |
InputCommands.h | Different definitions of input processing. |
InputDevice.h | Implementation of InputDevice and InputDeviceTemplated
InputHandler.h | |
InputManager.cc | Implementation of the InputManager and a static variable from the InputHandler. |
InputManager.h | |
InputPrereqs.h | Declarations of all key/button/axis code enumeration and string literals
and an input device enumeration. |
InputState.cc | |
InputState.h | |
JoyStick.cc | |
JoyStick.h | |
JoyStickQuantityListener.cc | |
JoyStickQuantityListener.h | |
KeyBinder.cc | |
KeyBinder.h | |
KeyBinderManager.cc | |
KeyBinderManager.h | |
Keyboard.cc | |
Keyboard.h | |
KeyDetector.cc | |
KeyDetector.h | |
Mouse.cc | |
Mouse.h | |
► module | |
DynLib.cc | |
DynLib.h | Declaration of DynLib which represents a dynamically loaded module |
DynLibManager.cc | |
DynLibManager.h | Declaration of DynLibManager, used to load modules at runtime |
ModuleInstance.cc | |
ModuleInstance.h | |
Plugin.cc | |
Plugin.h | |
PluginManager.cc | |
PluginManager.h | |
PluginReference.cc | |
PluginReference.h | |
StaticallyInitializedInstance.cc | |
StaticallyInitializedInstance.h | |
StaticInitializationHandler.h | |
StaticInitializationHandlerIncludes.cc | |
StaticInitializationHandlerIncludes.h | |
StaticInitializationManager.cc | |
StaticInitializationManager.h | |
► object | |
ClassFactory.h | Definition and implementation of the ClassFactory class |
Context.cc | Implementation of Context |
Context.h | |
Destroyable.cc | Implementation of Destroyable |
Destroyable.h | Declaration of Destroyable, the base class of all objects which can be used with StrongPtr and WeakPtr |
DestroyLaterManager.cc | |
DestroyLaterManager.h | |
Iterator.h | Definition of the Iterator class, used to iterate through object-lists |
IteratorBase.h | Definition of the IteratorBase class, used to iterate through object-lists |
Listable.cc | Implementation of Listable |
Listable.h | Declaration of Listable, the base of all classes whose instances can be stored in object lists |
ObjectList.h | Definition of the ObjectList class, a wrapper of ObjectListBase |
ObjectListBase.cc | Implementation of the ObjectListBase class |
ObjectListBase.h | Declaration of the ObjectListBase class which stores all objects of each class |
ObjectListIterator.h | Definition of the ObjectListIterator class, used to iterate through object-lists |
StrongPtr.h | Definition of StrongPtr<T>, wraps a pointer to an object and keeps it alive |
WeakPtr.h | Definition of WeakPtr<T>, wraps a pointer to an object |
► singleton | |
Scope.h | Declaration of the classes that are needed to use Scopes: orxonox::Scope and orxonox::ScopeListener |
ScopedSingletonIncludes.cc | |
ScopedSingletonIncludes.h | Definition of the ManageScopedSingleton macro |
ScopedSingletonWrapper.h | Definition of orxonox::ScopedSingletonWrapper and orxonox::ClassScopedSingletonWrapper |
ScopeManager.cc | Implementation of orxonox::ScopeManager |
ScopeManager.h | Declaration of orxonox::ScopeManager |
ApplicationPaths.cc | |
ApplicationPaths.h | |
BaseObject.cc | Implementation of the BaseObject class |
BaseObject.h | Declaration of BaseObject, the base class of all objects in Orxonox |
ClassTreeMask.cc | Implementation of the ClassTreeMask, ClassTreeMaskNode, and ClassTreeMaskIterator classes |
ClassTreeMask.h | Declaration of the ClassTreeMask, ClassTreeMaskNode, and ClassTreeMaskIterator classes |
ConfigurablePaths.cc | |
ConfigurablePaths.h | |
Core.cc | Implementation of the Core singleton with its global variables (avoids boost include)
Core.h | Declaration of the Core singleton which is used to configure the program basics |
CoreConfig.cc | |
CoreConfig.h | |
CoreIncludes.h | Defines several very important macros used to register objects, register classes, and to work with identifiers |
CorePrecompiledHeaders.h | Compilation of the most often used header files in the core library
CorePrereqs.h | Shared library macros, enums, constants and forward declarations for the core library
CoreStaticInitializationHandler.cc | |
CoreStaticInitializationHandler.h | |
Event.cc | Implementation of the classes Event and EventState |
Event.h | Declaration of the classes Event and EventState |
EventIncludes.h | Definition of the XMLPortEventState() macro, as well as some more useful macros |
Game.cc | Implementation of the Game class. |
Game.h | Declaration of Game Singleton which is responsible for running the game |
GameConfig.cc | |
GameConfig.h | |
GameMode.cc | |
GameMode.h | Declaration of the GameMode class which stores and returns the current mode of the game |
GameState.cc | Implementation of GameState class. |
GameState.h | Definition of GameState class |
GlowMaterialListener.h | |
GraphicsManager.cc | |
GraphicsManager.h | Declaration of GraphicsManager Singleton. |
GUIManager.cc | |
GUIManager.h | |
Language.cc | Implementation of the Language and the LanguageEntry classes |
Language.h | Declaration of the Language and the LanguageEntry class, as well as some helper functions |
Loader.cc | |
Loader.h | |
LuaState.cc | |
LuaState.h | |
Namespace.cc | |
Namespace.h | |
NamespaceNode.cc | |
NamespaceNode.h | |
Resource.cc | |
Resource.h | |
Template.cc | |
Template.h | |
Thread.cc | |
Thread.h | |
ThreadPool.cc | |
ThreadPool.h | |
ThreadWin.cc | |
UpdateListener.cc | |
UpdateListener.h | |
ViewportEventListener.cc | |
ViewportEventListener.h | |
WindowEventListener.cc | |
WindowEventListener.h | |
XMLFile.h | |
XMLNameListener.cc | |
XMLNameListener.h | |
XMLPort.cc | |
XMLPort.h | Declaration of the XMLPort helper classes and macros |
► network | |
► packet | |
Acknowledgement.cc | |
Acknowledgement.h | |
Chat.cc | |
Chat.h | |
ClassID.cc | |
ClassID.h | |
DeleteObjects.cc | |
DeleteObjects.h | |
FunctionCalls.cc | |
FunctionCalls.h | |
FunctionIDs.cc | |
FunctionIDs.h | |
Gamestate.cc | |
Gamestate.h | |
Packet.cc | |
Packet.h | |
ServerInformation.cc | |
ServerInformation.h | |
Welcome.cc | |
Welcome.h | |
► synchronisable | |
NetworkCallback.h | |
NetworkCallbackManager.cc | |
NetworkCallbackManager.h | |
Serialise.h | Functions to serialise pointers to objects that inherit from Synchronisable |
Synchronisable.cc | |
Synchronisable.h | |
SynchronisableVariable.h | |
Client.cc | |
Client.h | |
ClientConnection.cc | |
ClientConnection.h | |
ClientConnectionListener.cc | |
ClientConnectionListener.h | |
Connection.cc | |
Connection.h | |
FunctionCall.cc | |
FunctionCall.h | |
FunctionCallManager.cc | |
FunctionCallManager.h | |
GamestateHandler.cc | |
GamestateHandler.h | |
GamestateManager.cc | |
GamestateManager.h | |
Host.cc | |
Host.h | |
LANDiscoverable.cc | |
LANDiscoverable.h | |
LANDiscovery.cc | |
LANDiscovery.h | |
MasterServer.cc | |
MasterServer.h | |
MasterServerComm.cc | |
MasterServerComm.h | |
MasterServerProtocol.h | |
NetworkChatListener.h | |
NetworkFunction.cc | |
NetworkFunction.h | |
NetworkFunctionIncludes.cc | |
NetworkFunctionIncludes.h | |
NetworkFunctionManager.cc | |
NetworkFunctionManager.h | |
NetworkPrecompiledHeaders.h | Compilation of the most often used header files in the network library
NetworkPrereqs.h | Shared library macros, enums, constants and forward declarations for the network library
NetworkStaticInitializationHandler.cc | |
NetworkStaticInitializationHandler.h | |
PeerList.cc | |
PeerList.h | |
Server.cc | |
Server.h | |
ServerConnection.cc | |
ServerConnection.h | |
ServerList.cc | |
ServerList.h | |
TrafficControl.cc | |
TrafficControl.h | |
WANDiscoverable.cc | |
WANDiscoverable.h | |
WANDiscovery.cc | |
WANDiscovery.h | |
► tools | |
► interfaces | |
Tickable.h | Declaration of the Tickable interface |
TimeFactorListener.h | |
ToolsInterfaceCompilation.cc | Compiles all the interfaces in the tools library with mostly just a constructor. |
BillboardSet.cc | |
BillboardSet.h | |
BulletConversions.h | |
BulletDebugDrawer.cc | Originally from http://www.ogre3d.org/tikiwiki/BulletDebugDrawer&structure=Cookbook This source code is released into the Public Domain |
BulletDebugDrawer.h | |
DebugDrawer.cc | Copy-pasted from |
DebugDrawer.h | Copy-pasted from |
DynamicLines.cc | |
DynamicLines.h | |
DynamicRenderable.cc | |
DynamicRenderable.h | |
IcoSphere.cc | Copy-pasted from |
IcoSphere.h | |
Mesh.cc | |
Mesh.h | |
OgreBulletUtils.h | Copy-pasted from http://www.ogre3d.org/tikiwiki/BulletDebugDrawer&structure=Cookbook This source code is released into the Public Domain |
ParticleInterface.cc | Class to control praticle effects |
ParticleInterface.h | |
ResourceCollection.cc | |
ResourceCollection.h | |
ResourceLocation.cc | |
ResourceLocation.h | |
Shader.cc | |
Shader.h | |
TextureGenerator.cc | Implementation of the TextureGenerator |
TextureGenerator.h | |
Timer.cc | Implementation of the Timer class |
Timer.h | Declaration of the Timer class, used to call functions after a given time-interval |
ToolsPrereqs.h | Shared library macros, enums, constants and forward declarations for the tools module
► util | |
► output | |
AdditionalContextListener.h | Declaration of the AdditionalContextListener interface |
BaseWriter.cc | Implementation of the BaseWriter class |
BaseWriter.h | Declaration of the BaseWriter class, the base of all output writers |
ConsoleWriter.cc | Implementation of the ConsoleWriter singleton |
ConsoleWriter.h | Declaration of the ConsoleWriter singleton which is used to write output to the console |
LogWriter.cc | Implementation of the LogWriter singleton |
LogWriter.h | Declaration of the LogWriter singleton which writes output to a log-file |
MemoryWriter.cc | Implementation of the MemoryWriter singleton |
MemoryWriter.h | Declaration of the MemoryWriter singleton |
OutputDefinitions.h | Defines output levels and output contexts |
OutputListener.cc | Implementation of the OutputListener class |
OutputListener.h | Declaration of the OutputListener interface which receives output from orxonox::OutputManager |
OutputManager.cc | Implementation of the OutputManager singleton |
OutputManager.h | Declaration of the OutputManager class which receives output from orxonox::OutputStream and distributes it to all instances of orxonox::OutputListener |
OutputStream.cc | Implementation of the non-generic functions of the OutputStream class |
OutputStream.h | Declaration of the OutputStream class which is used to send output to orxonox::OutputManager |
SubcontextOutputListener.cc | Implementation of the SubcontextOutputListener interface |
SubcontextOutputListener.h | Declaration of the SubcontextOutputListener interface which adds the ability to filter sub-contexts to OutputListener |
Clipboard.cc | OS-specific implementations of the clipboard functions |
Clipboard.h | Some functions to exchange text between the OS clipboard and the Shell in Orxonox |
Clock.cc | |
Clock.h | |
Convert.cc | |
Convert.h | Functions that convert values between different types |
CRC32.cc | |
CRC32.h | |
DestructionHelper.h | |
DisplayStringConversions.h | std::sring to Ogre::UTFString conversion functions
Exception.cc | Implementation of the Exception class. |
Exception.h | Declaration of facilities to handle exceptions. |
ExprParser.cc | Declaration of FloatParser |
ExprParser.h | Declaration of FloatParser |
Math.cc | Implementation of several math-functions |
Math.h | Declaration and implementation of several math-functions, typedefs of some Ogre::Math classes to the orxonox namespace |
MathConvert.h | Conversion functions for Math types like Ogre::Vector3 (definitions are in Math.cc)
mbool.h | Declaration and implementation of the orxonox::mbool class |
MultiType.cc | Implementation of the MultiType |
MultiType.h | Declaration of the MultiType and some helper constructs |
MultiTypeValue.h | Declaration and Implementation of the MT_Value<T> class |
OgreForwardRefs.h | |
OrxAssert.h | Declaration of custom assertion facilities
OrxEnum.h | |
Output.h | Defines the helper function orxout() and includes all necessary headers to use the output system |
Serialise.h | Functions to serialise most of the types/classed used in Orxonox |
SignalHandler.cc | Implementation of the SignalHandler class |
SignalHandler.h | Declaration of the SignalHandler class |
Singleton.h | Definition of the Singleton template that is used as base class for classes that allow only one instance |
Sleep.cc | Implementation of three sleep functions. |
Sleep.h | Functions declarations to make the current thread sleep. |
SmallObjectAllocator.cc | Implementation of SmallObjectAllocator |
SmallObjectAllocator.h | Declaration of SmallObjectAllocator |
StringUtils.cc | Implementation of several string manipulation functions |
StringUtils.h | Declaration of several string manipulation functions, used in many parts of the game |
SubString.cc | Implementation of the SubString class |
SubString.h | A helper class to split a string into several tokens |
tribool.h | |
UtilPrereqs.h | Shared library macros, enums, constants and forward declarations for the util library
VA_NARGS.h | Declaration of the ORXONOX_VA_NARGS macro which returns the number of arguments passed to a variadic macro |
▼ modules | |
► asteroidmining | |
AsteroidMinable.cc | |
AsteroidMinable.h | An asteroid which can be destroyed. Some smaller asteroids are created and a pickup spawns |
AsteroidMiningPrereqs.h | Shared library macros, enums, constants and forward declarations for the AsteroidMining module
SpicedAsteroidBelt.cc | Asteroid belt with lots of parameters. Derived from asteroidField.lua |
SpicedAsteroidBelt.h | Asteroid belt with lots of parameters. Derived from asteroidField.lua |
SpicedAsteroidField.cc | Asteroid field with lots of parameters. Derived from asteroidField.lua |
SpicedAsteroidField.h | Asteroid field with lots of parameters. Derived from asteroidField.lua |
► asteroids2D | |
Asteroids2D.cc | Implementation of the Asteroids2D class |
Asteroids2D.h | Gametype: |
Asteroids2DCenterPoint.cc | Implementation of the Asteroids2DCenterPoint class |
Asteroids2DCenterPoint.h | Declaration of the Asteroids2DCenterPoint class |
Asteroids2DHUDinfo.cc | |
Asteroids2DHUDinfo.h | |
Asteroids2DPrereqs.h | Shared library macros, enums, constants and forward declarations for the Asteroids2D module
Asteroids2DShip.cc | |
Asteroids2DShip.h | Declaration of the Asteroids2DShip class |
Asteroids2DStone.cc | Implementation of the Asteroids2DStone class |
Asteroids2DStone.h | |
Asteroids2DWeapon.cc | |
Asteroids2DWeapon.h | Implementation of the Asteroids2DWeapon class |
► designtools | |
CreateStars.cc | |
CreateStars.h | |
DesignToolsPrereqs.h | Shared library macros, enums, constants and forward declarations for the pong module
ScreenshotManager.cc | Implementation of the ScreenshotManager class |
ScreenshotManager.h | Definition of the ScreenshotManager class |
SkyboxGenerator.cc | Implementation of the SkyboxGenerator class |
SkyboxGenerator.h | Definition of the SkyboxGenerator class |
► dialog | |
Answer.cc | |
Answer.h | |
AnswerId.cc | |
AnswerId.h | |
Dialog.cc | |
Dialog.h | |
DialogManager.cc | |
DialogManager.h | |
DialogPrereqs.h | Shared library macros, enums, constants and forward declarations for the questsystem module
Question.cc | |
Question.h | |
► docking | |
Dock.cc | Docking system main class |
Dock.h | Definition of Dock class |
DockingAnimation.cc | Implementation of the DockingAnimation class |
DockingAnimation.h | Definition of the DockingAnimation class |
DockingController.cc | |
DockingController.h | |
DockingEffect.cc | Implementation of the DockingEffect class |
DockingEffect.h | Definition of the DockingEffect class |
DockingPrecompiledHeaders.h | |
DockingPrereqs.h | Shared library macros, enums, constants and forward declarations for the questsystem module
DockingTarget.cc | Docking system main class |
DockingTarget.h | Definition of the DockingTarget class |
DockToShip.cc | Implementation of the DockToShip class |
DockToShip.h | DockingEffect which transfers control from spaceship to docked ship ASDF |
MoveToDockingTarget.cc | |
MoveToDockingTarget.h | Definition of the MoveToDockingTarget class |
► dodgerace | |
DodgeRace.cc | Implementation of the DodgeRace class |
DodgeRace.h | Gametype |
DodgeRaceCenterPoint.cc | Implementation of the DodgeRaceCenterPoint class |
DodgeRaceCenterPoint.h | Declaration of the DodgeRaceCenterPoint class |
DodgeRaceCube.cc | |
DodgeRaceCube.h | |
DodgeRaceHUDinfo.cc | |
DodgeRaceHUDinfo.h | |
DodgeRacePrereqs.h | Shared library macros, enums, constants and forward declarations for the DodgeRace module
DodgeRaceShip.cc | Implementation of the DodgeRaceShip class |
DodgeRaceShip.h | Declaration of the DodgeRaceShip class |
► flappyorx | |
FlappyOrx.cc | Implementation of the FlappyOrx class |
FlappyOrx.h | Gametype |
FlappyOrxHUDinfo.cc | |
FlappyOrxHUDinfo.h | |
FlappyOrxPrereqs.h | Shared library macros, enums, constants and forward declarations for the FlappyOrx module
FlappyOrxShip.cc | Implementation of the FlappyOrxShip class |
FlappyOrxShip.h | Declaration of the FlappyOrxShip class |
► gametypes | |
GametypesPrecompiledHeaders.h | |
GametypesPrereqs.h | Shared library macros, enums, constants and forward declarations for the questsystem module
RaceCheckPoint.cc | |
RaceCheckPoint.h | |
SpaceRace.cc | |
SpaceRace.h | |
SpaceRaceBot.cc | |
SpaceRaceBot.h | |
SpaceRaceController.cc | |
SpaceRaceController.h | |
SpaceRaceManager.cc | |
SpaceRaceManager.h | |
► hover | |
FlagHUD.cc | Implementation of the FlagHUD |
FlagHUD.h | Declaration of the FlagHUD class |
Hover.cc | Implementation of the Hover class |
Hover.h | Gametype |
HoverFlag.cc | The Flags that are being set in the Hover Minigame They support two coordinates from 0-9 each |
HoverFlag.h | See .cc File |
HoverOrigin.cc | The HoverOrigin is a StaticEntity which represents the level of the minigame |
HoverOrigin.h | |
HoverPrereqs.h | Shared library macros, enums, constants and forward declarations for the Hover module
HoverShip.cc | Implementation of the HoverShip control |
HoverShip.h | Declaration of the HoverShip class |
HoverWall.cc | Represents one Wall piece in the Hover Game |
HoverWall.h | See .cc-file for further information |
MazeGenerator.cc | Implementation of the MazeGenerator class |
MazeGenerator.h | |
TimeHUD.cc | |
TimeHUD.h | |
► invader | |
Invader.cc | Implementation of the Invader class |
Invader.h | Gametype |
InvaderCenterPoint.cc | Implementation of the InvaderCenterPoint class |
InvaderCenterPoint.h | Declaration of the InvaderCenterPoint class |
InvaderEnemy.cc | |
InvaderEnemy.h | Declaration of the InvaderEnemy class |
InvaderEnemyShooter.cc | |
InvaderEnemyShooter.h | Declaration of the InvaderEnemyShooter class |
InvaderHUDinfo.cc | |
InvaderHUDinfo.h | |
InvaderPrereqs.h | Shared library macros, enums, constants and forward declarations for the Invader module
InvaderShip.cc | Implementation of the InvaderShip class |
InvaderShip.h | Declaration of the InvaderShip class |
InvaderWeapon.cc | |
InvaderWeapon.h | Implementation of the InvaderWeapon class |
InvaderWeaponEnemy.cc | |
InvaderWeaponEnemy.h | Implementation of the InvaderWeaponEnemy class |
► jump | |
Jump.cc | This is the gametype for the awesome minigame |
Jump.h | |
JumpBoots.cc | These boots give the figure a speed bonus when it jumpes |
JumpBoots.h | |
JumpCenterpoint.cc | The JumpCenterpoint is a StaticEntity which represents the level of the minigame |
JumpCenterpoint.h | |
JumpEnemy.cc | All enemies in the minigame inherit from this class |
JumpEnemy.h | Declaration of the JumpEnemy class |
JumpFigure.cc | This class represents your figure when you play the minigame |
JumpFigure.h | |
JumpItem.cc | All items in this minigame inherit from this class |
JumpItem.h | Declaration of the JumpItem class |
JumpPlatform.cc | All platforms in this minigame inherit from this class |
JumpPlatform.h | Declaration of the JumpPlatform class |
JumpPlatformDisappear.cc | This platform disappears after contact with the figure |
JumpPlatformDisappear.h | Declaration of the JumpPlatformDisappear class |
JumpPlatformFake.cc | This platform has a hole in it |
JumpPlatformFake.h | Declaration of the JumpPlatform class |
JumpPlatformHMove.cc | This platform can move horizontally |
JumpPlatformHMove.h | |
JumpPlatformStatic.cc | This is the most simple platform in this minigame |
JumpPlatformStatic.h | |
JumpPlatformTimer.cc | This platform will explode if you wait for too long time |
JumpPlatformTimer.h | Declaration of the JumpPlatformTimer class |
JumpPlatformVMove.cc | This platform can move vertically |
JumpPlatformVMove.h | |
JumpPrereqs.h | Shared library macros, enums, constants and forward declarations for the jump module
JumpProjectile.cc | Projectiles are created by the gametype if the figure shoots |
JumpProjectile.h | |
JumpPropeller.cc | If this propeller is created, attachedToFigure_ is set to false |
JumpPropeller.h | |
JumpRocket.cc | If this rocket is created, attachedToFigure_ is set to false |
JumpRocket.h | |
JumpScore.cc | HUD of thejump minigame |
JumpScore.h | |
JumpShield.cc | If this shield is created, attachedToFigure_ is set to false |
JumpShield.h | |
JumpSpring.cc | If this spring is touched by the figure, it jumps higher then from a platform |
JumpSpring.h | |
► mini4dgame | |
Mini4Dgame.cc | |
Mini4Dgame.h | Declaration of the Mini4Dgame class |
Mini4DgameAI.cc | Implementation of the Mini4DgameAI class |
Mini4DgameAI.h | Declaration of the Mini4DgameAI class |
Mini4DgameBoard.cc | |
Mini4DgameBoard.h | Declaration of the Mini4DgameBoard class |
Mini4DgamePrereqs.h | Shared library macros, enums, constants and forward declarations for the mini4dgame module
► notifications | |
► dispatchers | |
CommandNotification.cc | Implementation of the CommandNotification class |
CommandNotification.h | Definition of the CommandNotification class |
SimpleNotification.cc | Implementation of the SimpleNotification class |
SimpleNotification.h | Declaration of the SimpleNotification class |
NotificationDispatcher.cc | Implementation of the NotificationDispatcher class |
NotificationDispatcher.h | Definition of the NotificationDispatcher class |
NotificationManager.cc | Implementation of the NotificationManager class |
NotificationManager.h | Definition of the NotificationManager class |
NotificationQueue.cc | Implementation of the NotificationQueue class |
NotificationQueue.h | Definition of the NotificationQueue class |
NotificationQueueCEGUI.cc | Implementation of the NotificationQueueCEGUI class |
NotificationQueueCEGUI.h | Definition of the NotificationQueueCEGUI class |
NotificationsPrecompiledHeaders.h | |
NotificationsPrereqs.h | Shared library macros, enums, constants and forward declarations for the questsystem module
► objects | |
► collisionshapes | |
AbstractRadiusHeightCollisionShape.cc | Implementation of the AbstractRadiusHeightCollisionShape class |
AbstractRadiusHeightCollisionShape.h | Definition of the AbstractRadiusHeightCollisionShape class |
BoxCollisionShape.cc | Implementation of the BoxCollisionShape class |
BoxCollisionShape.h | Definition of the BoxCollisionShape class |
ConeCollisionShape.cc | Implementation of the ConeCollisionShape class |
ConeCollisionShape.h | Definition of the ConeCollisionShape class |
CylinderCollisionShape.cc | Implementation of the CylinderCollisionShape class |
CylinderCollisionShape.h | Definition of the CylinderCollisionShape class |
PlaneCollisionShape.cc | Implementation of the PlaneCollisionShape class |
PlaneCollisionShape.h | Definition of the PlaneCollisionShape class |
SphereCollisionShape.cc | Implementation of the SphereCollisionShape class |
SphereCollisionShape.h | Definition of the SphereCollisionShape class |
► controllers | |
TeamTargetProxy.cc | |
TeamTargetProxy.h | |
TurretController.cc | |
TurretController.h | |
► eventsystem | |
EventDispatcher.cc | |
EventDispatcher.h | Definition of the EventDispatcher class |
EventFilter.cc | |
EventFilter.h | Definition of the EventFilter class |
EventListener.cc | |
EventListener.h | Definition of the EventListener class |
EventName.cc | |
EventName.h | Definition of the EventName class |
EventTarget.cc | |
EventTarget.h | Definition of the EventTarget class |
► triggers | |
CheckPoint.cc | Implementation of the CheckPoint class |
CheckPoint.h | Definition of the CheckPoint class |
DistanceMultiTrigger.cc | Implementation of the DistanceMultiTrigger class |
DistanceMultiTrigger.h | Definition of the DistanceMultiTrigger class |
DistanceTrigger.cc | Implementation of the DistanceTrigger class |
DistanceTrigger.h | Definition of the DistanceTrigger class |
DistanceTriggerBeacon.cc | Implementation of the DistanceTriggerBeacon class |
DistanceTriggerBeacon.h | Definition of the DistanceTriggerBeacon class |
EventMultiTrigger.cc | Implementation of the EventMultiTrigger class |
EventMultiTrigger.h | Definition of the EventMultiTrigger class |
EventTrigger.cc | Implementation of the EventTrigger class |
EventTrigger.h | Definition of the EventTrigger class |
MultiTrigger.cc | Implementation of the MultiTrigger class |
MultiTrigger.h | Definition of the MultiTrigger class |
MultiTriggerContainer.cc | Implementation of the MultiTriggerContainer class |
MultiTriggerContainer.h | Definition of the MultiTriggerContainer class |
Trigger.cc | Implementation of the Trigger class |
Trigger.h | Definition of the Trigger class |
TriggerBase.cc | Implementation of the TriggerBase class |
TriggerBase.h | Definition of the TriggerBase class |
Attacher.cc | |
Attacher.h | Definition of the Attacher class |
ForceField.cc | Implementation of the ForceField class |
ForceField.h | Definition of the ForceField class |
ObjectsPrecompiledHeaders.h | Compilation of the most often used header files in the objects module
ObjectsPrereqs.h | Shared library macros, enums, constants and forward declarations for the objects module
Planet.cc | |
Planet.h | Definition of the Planet class |
Script.cc | |
Script.h | Definition of the Script class |
SpaceBoundaries.cc | |
SpaceBoundaries.h | |
Turret.cc | |
Turret.h | Definition of the Turret class |
► orxokart | |
OrxoKart.cc | Implementation of the OrxoKart class |
OrxoKart.h | Gametype |
OrxoKartFlag.cc | The Flags that are being set in the OrxoKart Minigame They support two coordinates from 0-9 each |
OrxoKartFlag.h | See .cc File |
OrxoKartKart.cc | Implementation of the OrxoKartKart control |
OrxoKartKart.h | Declaration of the OrxoKartKart class |
OrxoKartOrigin.cc | The OrxoKartOrigin is a StaticEntity which represents the level of the minigame |
OrxoKartOrigin.h | |
OrxoKartPrereqs.h | Shared library macros, enums, constants and forward declarations for the OrxoKart module
OrxoKartTile.cc | Represents one Wall piece in the OrxoKart Game |
OrxoKartTile.h | See .cc-file for further information |
ShroomHUD.cc | Implementation of the ShroomHUD |
ShroomHUD.h | Declaration of the ShroomHUD class |
TimeHUD.cc | |
TimeHUD.h | |
► orxyroad | |
OrxyRoad.cc | Implementation of the OrxyRoad class |
OrxyRoad.h | Gametype |
OrxyRoadCenterPoint.cc | Implementation of the OrxyRoadCenterPoint class |
OrxyRoadCenterPoint.h | Declaration of the OrxyRoadCenterPoint class |
OrxyRoadCube.cc | |
OrxyRoadCube.h | |
OrxyRoadHUDinfo.cc | |
OrxyRoadHUDinfo.h | |
OrxyRoadPrereqs.h | Shared library macros, enums, constants and forward declarations for the OrxyRoad module
OrxyRoadShip.cc | Implementation of the OrxyRoadShip class |
OrxyRoadShip.h | Declaration of the OrxyRoadShip class |
► overlays | |
► debugging | |
DebugFPSText.cc | |
DebugFPSText.h | |
DebugPositionText.cc | |
DebugPositionText.h | |
DebugRTRText.cc | |
DebugRTRText.h | |
► hud | |
AnnounceMessage.cc | |
AnnounceMessage.h | |
ChatOverlay.cc | |
ChatOverlay.h | |
CountDown.cc | Countdown HUD element, counting down from CountDown::counter_ to zero |
CountDown.h | |
DeathMessage.cc | |
DeathMessage.h | |
GametypeFadingMessage.cc | |
GametypeFadingMessage.h | |
GametypeStaticMessage.cc | |
GametypeStaticMessage.h | |
HUDBar.cc | |
HUDBar.h | |
HUDBoostBar.cc | |
HUDBoostBar.h | |
HUDEnemyHealthBar.cc | |
HUDEnemyHealthBar.h | |
HUDEnemyShieldBar.cc | |
HUDEnemyShieldBar.h | |
HUDHealthBar.cc | |
HUDHealthBar.h | |
HUDNavigation.cc | |
HUDNavigation.h | |
HUDPickupSystem.cc | |
HUDPickupSystem.h | |
HUDRadar.cc | |
HUDRadar.h | |
HUDRocketFuelBar.cc | |
HUDRocketFuelBar.h | Definition of the HUDRocketFuelBar class |
HUDShieldBar.cc | |
HUDShieldBar.h | |
HUDSpeedBar.cc | |
HUDSpeedBar.h | |
HUDTimer.cc | |
HUDTimer.h | |
HUDWeapon.cc | |
HUDWeapon.h | |
HUDWeaponMode.cc | |
HUDWeaponMode.h | |
HUDWeaponSystem.cc | |
HUDWeaponSystem.h | |
KillMessage.cc | |
KillMessage.h | |
LastManStandingInfos.cc | |
LastManStandingInfos.h | |
LastTeamStandingInfos.cc | |
LastTeamStandingInfos.h | |
PauseNotice.cc | |
PauseNotice.h | |
StoryModeHUD.cc | |
StoryModeHUD.h | |
TeamBaseMatchScore.cc | |
TeamBaseMatchScore.h | |
► stats | |
CreateLines.cc | |
CreateLines.h | |
Scoreboard.cc | |
Scoreboard.h | |
Stats.cc | |
Stats.h | |
FadeoutText.cc | |
FadeoutText.h | |
GUIOverlay.cc | |
GUIOverlay.h | |
OverlaysPrecompiledHeaders.h | Compilation of the most often used header files in the overlays module
OverlaysPrereqs.h | Shared library macros, enums, constants and forward declarations for the overlays module
OverlayText.cc | |
OverlayText.h | |
► pacman | |
Pacman.cc | |
Pacman.h | |
PacmanGelb.cc | |
PacmanGelb.h | |
PacmanGhost.cc | |
PacmanGhost.h | |
PacmanHUDinfo.cc | |
PacmanHUDinfo.h | |
PacmanPointAfraid.cc | |
PacmanPointAfraid.h | |
PacmanPointSphere.cc | |
PacmanPointSphere.h | |
PacmanPrereqs.h | Shared library macros, enums, constants and forward declarations for the DodgeRace module
► pickup | |
► items | |
BoostPickup.cc | Implementation of the BoostPickup class |
BoostPickup.h | Declaration of the BoostPickup class |
DamageBoostPickup.cc | Implementation of the DamageBoostPickup class |
DamageBoostPickup.h | Declaration of the DamageBoostPickup class |
DronePickup.cc | Implementation of the DronePickup class |
DronePickup.h | Declaration of the DronePickup class |
HealthPickup.cc | Implementation of the HealthPickup class |
HealthPickup.h | Declaration of the HealthPickup class |
InvisiblePickup.cc | Implementation of the InvisiblePickup class |
InvisiblePickup.h | Declaration of the InvisiblePickup class |
MetaPickup.cc | Implementation of the MetaPickup class |
MetaPickup.h | Definition of the MetaPickup class |
MunitionContainer.cc | Implementation of the MunitionContainer class |
MunitionContainer.h | Declaration of the MunitionContainer class |
MunitionPickup.cc | Implementation of the MunitionPickup class |
MunitionPickup.h | Declaration of the MunitionPickup class |
ShieldPickup.cc | Implementation of the ShieldPickup class |
ShieldPickup.h | Declaration of the ShieldPickup class |
ShrinkPickup.cc | Implementation of the HealthPickup class |
ShrinkPickup.h | Declaration of the ShrinkPickup class |
SpeedPickup.cc | Implementation of the SpeedPickup class |
SpeedPickup.h | Declaration of the SpeedPickup class |
CollectiblePickup.cc | Implementation of the CollectiblePickup class |
CollectiblePickup.h | Definition of the CollectiblePickup class |
Pickup.cc | Implementation of the Pickup class |
Pickup.h | Declaration of the Pickup class |
PickupCollection.cc | Implementation of PickupCollection |
PickupCollection.h | Declaration of PickupCollection |
PickupManager.cc | Implementation of the PickupManager class |
PickupManager.h | Definition of the PickupManager class |
PickupPrecompiledHeaders.h | |
PickupPrereqs.h | Shared library macros, enums, constants and forward declarations for the questsystem module
PickupRepresentation.cc | Implementation of the PickupRepresentation class |
PickupRepresentation.h | Definition of the PickupRepresentation class |
PickupSpawner.cc | Implementation of the PickupSpawner class |
PickupSpawner.h | Definition of the PickupSpawner class |
► pong | |
Pong.cc | Implementation of the Pong class |
Pong.h | Declaration of the Pong class |
PongAI.cc | Implementation of the PongAI class |
PongAI.h | Declaration of the PongAI class |
PongBall.cc | Implementation of the PongBall class |
PongBall.h | Declaration of the PongBall class |
PongBat.cc | Implementation of the PongBat class |
PongBat.h | Declaration of the PongBat class |
PongBot.cc | Implementation of the PongBot class |
PongBot.h | Declaration of the PongBot class |
PongCenterpoint.cc | Implementation of the PongCenterpoint class |
PongCenterpoint.h | Declaration of the PongCenterpoint class |
PongPrereqs.h | Shared library macros, enums, constants and forward declarations for the pong module
PongScore.cc | Implementation of the PongScore class |
PongScore.h | Declaration of the PongScore class |
► portals | |
PortalEndPoint.cc | |
PortalEndPoint.h | Declaration of the PortalEndPoint class |
PortalLink.cc | |
PortalLink.h | Declaration of the PortalLink class |
PortalsPrecompiledHeaders.h | |
PortalsPrereqs.h | Shared library macros, enums, constants and forward declarations for the questsystem module
► questsystem | |
► effects | |
AddQuest.cc | Implementation of the AddQuest class |
AddQuest.h | Definition of the AddQuest class |
AddQuestHint.cc | Implementation of the AddQuestHint class |
AddQuestHint.h | Definition of the AddQuestHint class |
AddReward.cc | Implementation of the AddReward class |
AddReward.h | Definition of the AddReward class |
ChangeQuestStatus.cc | Implementation of the ChangeQuestStatus class |
ChangeQuestStatus.h | Definition of the ChangeQuestStatus class |
CompleteQuest.cc | Implementation of the CompleteQuest class |
CompleteQuest.h | Definition of the CompleteQuest class |
FailQuest.cc | Implementation of the FailQuest class |
FailQuest.h | Definition of the FailQuest class |
GlobalQuest.cc | Implementation of the GlobalQuest class |
GlobalQuest.h | Definition of the GlobalQuest class |
LocalQuest.cc | Implementation of the LocalQuest class |
LocalQuest.h | Definition of the LocalQuest class |
Quest.cc | Implementation of the Quest class |
Quest.h | Definition of the Quest class |
QuestDescription.cc | Implementation of the QuestDescription class |
QuestDescription.h | Definition of the QuestDescription class |
QuestEffect.cc | Implementation of the QuestEffect class |
QuestEffect.h | Definition of the QuestEffect class |
QuestEffectBeacon.cc | Implementation of the QuestEffectBeacon class |
QuestEffectBeacon.h | Definition of the QuestEffectBeacon class |
QuestHint.cc | Implementation of the QuestHint class |
QuestHint.h | Definition of the QuestHint class |
QuestItem.cc | Implementation of the QuestItem class |
QuestItem.h | Definition of the QuestItem class |
QuestListener.cc | Implementation of the QuestListener class |
QuestListener.h | Definition of the QuestListener class |
QuestManager.cc | Implementation of the QuestManager class |
QuestManager.h | Definition of the QuestManager class |
QuestsystemPrecompiledHeaders.h | Compilation of the most often used header files in the quest system module
QuestsystemPrereqs.h | Shared library macros, enums, constants and forward declarations for the questsystem module
► superorxobros | |
SOB.cc | Implementation of the SOB class |
SOB.h | Declaration of the SOB class |
SOBCastlestone.cc | Mainly used to guide the player into the castle after he has touched the flag and the control goes to the game |
SOBCastlestone.h | Declaration of the SOBCastlestone class |
SOBCenterpoint.cc | The SOBCenterpoint is a StaticEntity which represents the level of the minigame |
SOBCenterpoint.h | |
SOBCoin.cc | This is the object that appears when player hits a QBlock with type coin - it should be a coin floating ontop of the QBlock |
SOBCoin.h | Declaration of the SOBCoin class |
SOBFigure.cc | This class represents your figure when you play the minigame |
SOBFigure.h | |
SOBFireball.cc | Fireballs are the Projectile of the Fireflower Powerup |
SOBFireball.h | Declaration of the SOBFireball class |
SOBFlagstone.cc | The flagstone, as described in the h file |
SOBFlagstone.h | Declaration of the SOBFlagstone class |
SOBGumba.cc | All items in this minigame inherit from this class |
SOBGumba.h | Declaration of the SOBGumba class |
SOBGumbaBoss.cc | A Boss Gumba, which shoots small Gumbas |
SOBGumbaBoss.h | Declaration of the SOBGumbaBoss class |
SOBHUDInfo.cc | |
SOBHUDInfo.h | |
SOBItem.cc | Not sure if ever used |
SOBItem.h | Declaration of the SOBItem class |
SOBMushroom.cc | This is the class for the powerup mushroom |
SOBMushroom.h | Declaration of the SOBMushroom class |
SOBPrereqs.h | Shared library macros, enums, constants and forward declarations for the SOB module
SOBQBlock.cc | If this QBlock is created, attachedToFigure_ is set to false |
SOBQBlock.h | |
SOBTube.cc | Declaration of the SOBTube class |
SOBTube.h | Declaration of the SOBTube class |
► tetris | |
Tetris.cc | Implementation of the Mini4Dgame class |
Tetris.h | Declaration of the Tetris class |
TetrisBrick.cc | Implementation of the TetrisBrick class |
TetrisBrick.h | Declaration of the TetrisBrick class |
TetrisCenterpoint.cc | Implementation of the TetrisCenterpoint class |
TetrisCenterpoint.h | Declaration of the TetrisCenterpoint class |
TetrisPrereqs.h | Shared library macros, enums, constants and forward declarations for the tetris module
TetrisScore.cc | Implementation of the TetrisScore class |
TetrisScore.h | Declaration of the TetrisScore class |
TetrisStone.cc | Implementation of the TetrisStone class |
TetrisStone.h | Declaration of the TetrisStone class |
► towerdefense | |
TDCoordinate.cc | |
TDCoordinate.h | |
TowerDefense.cc | |
TowerDefense.h | |
TowerDefenseCenterpoint.cc | Implementation of the TowerDefenseCenterpoint class |
TowerDefenseCenterpoint.h | |
TowerDefenseEnemy.cc | |
TowerDefenseEnemy.h | |
TowerDefenseField.cc | Implementation of the TowerDefenseField class |
TowerDefenseField.h | |
TowerDefenseHUDController.cc | |
TowerDefenseHUDController.h | |
TowerDefensePlayerStats.cc | |
TowerDefensePlayerStats.h | |
TowerDefensePrereqs.h | Shared library macros, enums, constants and forward declarations for the TowerDefense module
TowerDefenseSelecter.cc | This class represents your figure when you play the minigame |
TowerDefenseSelecter.h | |
TowerDefenseTower.cc | |
TowerDefenseTower.h | |
► wagnis | |
Wagnis.cc | |
Wagnis.h | |
WagnisGameboard.cc | |
WagnisGameboard.h | |
WagnisHUD.cc | |
WagnisHUD.h | |
WagnisHUDinfo.cc | |
WagnisHUDinfo.h | |
WagnisPlayer.cc | |
WagnisPlayer.h | |
WagnisPrereqs.h | Shared library macros, enums, constants and forward declarations for the questsystem module
WagnisProvince.cc | |
WagnisProvince.h | |
► weapons | |
► munitions | |
FlameMunition.cc | |
FlameMunition.h | Implementation of the FlameMunition class |
FusionMunition.cc | Implementation of the FusionMunition class |
FusionMunition.h | Definition of the FusionMunition class |
GravityBombMunition.cc | |
GravityBombMunition.h | |
IceMunition.cc | Implementation of the IceMunition class |
IceMunition.h | Definition of the IceMunition class |
LaserMunition.cc | Implementation of the LaserMunition class |
LaserMunition.h | Definition of the LaserMunition class |
LightningMunition.cc | Implementation of the LightningMunition class |
LightningMunition.h | Definition of the LightningMunition class |
MineMunition.cc | |
MineMunition.h | Implementation of the MineMunition class |
RocketMunition.cc | Implementation of the RocketMunition class |
RocketMunition.h | Definition of the RocketMunition class |
SplitMunition.cc | Implementation of the SplitMunition class |
SplitMunition.h | Definition of the SplitMunition class |
► projectiles | |
BasicProjectile.cc | |
BasicProjectile.h | Implementation of the BasicProjectile class |
BillboardProjectile.cc | |
BillboardProjectile.h | Implementation of the BillboardProjectile class |
FlameGunProjectile.cc | |
FlameGunProjectile.h | Implementation of the FlameGunProjectile class |
GravityBomb.cc | |
GravityBomb.h | |
GravityBombField.cc | |
GravityBombField.h | |
IceGunProjectile.cc | Implementation of the IceGunProjectile class |
IceGunProjectile.h | Definition of the IceGunProjectile class |
LightningGunProjectile.cc | |
LightningGunProjectile.h | Implementation of the LightningGunProjectile class |
MineProjectile.cc | |
MineProjectile.h | Implementation of the MineProjectile class |
ParticleProjectile.cc | |
ParticleProjectile.h | Implementation of the ParticleProjectile class |
Projectile.cc | |
Projectile.h | Implementation of the Projectile class |
Rocket.cc | |
Rocket.h | Implementation of the Rocket class |
RocketOld.cc | |
RocketOld.h | Implementation of the RocketOld class |
SimpleRocket.cc | |
SimpleRocket.h | Implementation of the SimpleRocket class |
SplitGunProjectile.cc | |
SplitGunProjectile.h | Implementation of the SplitGunProjectile class |
WagnisProjectile.cc | |
WagnisProjectile.h | |
► weaponmodes | |
EnergyDrink.cc | |
EnergyDrink.h | Implementation of the EnergyDrink class |
FlameGun.cc | Implementation of the FlameGun class |
FlameGun.h | Definition of the FlameGun class |
FusionFire.cc | |
FusionFire.h | Implementation of the FusionFire class |
GravityBombFire.cc | |
GravityBombFire.h | Definition of the GravityBombFire class |
HsW01.cc | |
HsW01.h | Implementation of the HsW01 class |
IceGun.cc | Implementation of the IceGun class |
IceGun.h | Definition of the IceGun class |
LaserFire.cc | |
LaserFire.h | Implementation of the LaserFire class |
LightningGun.cc | |
LightningGun.h | Implementation of the LightningGun class |
MineGun.cc | Implementation of the MineGun class |
MineGun.h | Mine is a weapon that explodes if a spaceship goes bellow the mines trigger radius |
RocketFire.cc | |
RocketFire.h | Implementation of the RocketFire class |
RocketFireOld.cc | |
RocketFireOld.h | Definition of the RocketFire class |
SimpleRocketFire.cc | |
SimpleRocketFire.h | Definition of the SimpleRocketFire class |
SplitGun.cc | Implementation of the SplitGun class |
SplitGun.h | Definition of the SplitGun class |
WagnisGun.cc | |
WagnisGun.h | |
IceGunFreezer.cc | |
IceGunFreezer.h | Implementation of the IceGunFreezer class |
MuzzleFlash.cc | |
MuzzleFlash.h | Implementation of the MuzzleFlash class |
RocketController.cc | |
RocketController.h | Definition of the RocketController class |
WeaponsPrecompiledHeaders.h | Compilation of the most often used header files in the weapons module
WeaponsPrereqs.h | Shared library macros, enums, constants and forward declarations for the weapons module
▼ orxonox | |
► chat | |
ChatHistory.cc | |
ChatHistory.h | |
ChatInputHandler.cc | |
ChatInputHandler.h | |
ChatListener.h | |
ChatManager.cc | |
ChatManager.h | |
► collisionshapes | |
CollisionShape.cc | Implementation of the CollisionShape class |
CollisionShape.h | Definition of the CollisionShape class |
CompoundCollisionShape.cc | Implementation of the CompoundCollisionShape class |
CompoundCollisionShape.h | Definition of the CompoundCollisionShape class |
WorldEntityCollisionShape.cc | |
WorldEntityCollisionShape.h | |
► controllers | |
ActionpointController.cc | |
ActionpointController.h | |
AIController.cc | |
AIController.h | |
ArrowController.cc | |
ArrowController.h | |
ArtificialController.cc | |
ArtificialController.h | |
AutonomousDroneController.cc | |
AutonomousDroneController.h | |
CommonController.cc | |
CommonController.h | |
Controller.cc | |
Controller.h | |
ControllerDirector.cc | |
ControllerDirector.h | |
DivisionController.cc | |
DivisionController.h | |
DroneController.cc | |
DroneController.h | |
FightingController.cc | |
FightingController.h | |
FlyingController.cc | |
FlyingController.h | |
FormationController.cc | |
FormationController.h | |
HumanController.cc | |
HumanController.h | |
MasterController.cc | |
MasterController.h | |
NewHumanController.cc | |
NewHumanController.h | |
ScriptController.cc | |
ScriptController.h | |
SectionController.cc | |
SectionController.h | |
WaypointController.cc | |
WaypointController.h | |
WaypointPatrolController.cc | |
WaypointPatrolController.h | |
WingmanController.cc | |
WingmanController.h | |
► gamestates | |
GSClient.cc | |
GSClient.h | |
GSGraphics.cc | Implementation of Graphics GameState class. |
GSGraphics.h | Declaration of the Graphics GameState class. |
GSLevel.cc | |
GSLevel.h | |
GSLevelMemento.h | |
GSMainMenu.cc | |
GSMainMenu.h | |
GSMasterServer.cc | |
GSMasterServer.h | |
GSRoot.cc | |
GSRoot.h | |
GSServer.cc | |
GSServer.h | |
GSStandalone.cc | |
GSStandalone.h | |
► gametypes | |
Asteroids.cc | |
Asteroids.h | |
Deathmatch.cc | |
Deathmatch.h | |
Dynamicmatch.cc | |
Dynamicmatch.h | |
Gametype.cc | |
Gametype.h | |
LastManStanding.cc | |
LastManStanding.h | Declaration of the Gametype "Last Man Standing" |
LastTeamStanding.cc | |
LastTeamStanding.h | Declaration of the Gametype "Last Team Standing" |
Mission.cc | |
Mission.h | |
StoryMode.cc | |
StoryMode.h | |
TeamBaseMatch.cc | |
TeamBaseMatch.h | |
TeamDeathmatch.cc | |
TeamDeathmatch.h | |
TeamGametype.cc | |
TeamGametype.h | |
UnderAttack.cc | |
UnderAttack.h | |
► graphics | |
AnimatedModel.cc | |
AnimatedModel.h | |
Backlight.cc | |
Backlight.h | |
Billboard.cc | |
Billboard.h | |
BlinkingBillboard.cc | |
BlinkingBillboard.h | |
Camera.cc | |
Camera.h | |
FadingBillboard.cc | |
FadingBillboard.h | |
GlobalShader.cc | |
GlobalShader.h | |
LensFlare.cc | Implementation of the LensFlare class |
LensFlare.h | Definition of the LensFlare class |
Light.cc | |
Light.h | |
MeshLodInformation.cc | |
MeshLodInformation.h | |
Model.cc | |
Model.h | Definition of Model Class |
ParticleEmitter.cc | Class to control praticle effects |
ParticleEmitter.h | |
ParticleSpawner.cc | |
ParticleSpawner.h | |
► infos | |
Bot.cc | |
Bot.h | |
GametypeInfo.cc | Implementation of the GametypeInfo class |
GametypeInfo.h | Definition of the GametypeInfo class |
HumanPlayer.cc | |
HumanPlayer.h | |
Info.cc | |
Info.h | |
PlayerInfo.cc | |
PlayerInfo.h | |
► interfaces | |
GametypeMessageListener.h | |
InterfaceCompilation.cc | Compiles all the interfaces in the orxonox library with mostly just a constructor. |
NotificationListener.cc | Implementation of the NotificationListener class |
NotificationListener.h | Definition of the NotificationListener class |
Pickupable.cc | Implementation of the Pickupable class |
Pickupable.h | Definition of the Pickupable class |
PickupCarrier.cc | Implementation of the PickupCarrier class |
PickupCarrier.h | Definition of the PickupCarrier class |
PickupListener.cc | Implementation of the PickupListener class |
PickupListener.h | Definition of the PickupListener class |
PlayerTrigger.h | Definition of the PlayerTrigger class |
RadarListener.h | |
RadarViewable.cc | |
RadarViewable.h | |
Rewardable.h | Definition of the Rewardable class |
TeamColourable.h | |
► items | |
Engine.cc | |
Engine.h | |
Item.cc | |
Item.h | |
MultiStateEngine.cc | |
MultiStateEngine.h | |
PartDestructionEvent.cc | |
PartDestructionEvent.h | |
ShipPart.cc | |
ShipPart.h | |
► overlays | |
GUISheet.cc | |
GUISheet.h | |
InGameConsole.cc | |
InGameConsole.h | |
OrxonoxOverlay.cc | Definition of the OrxonoxOverlay class |
OrxonoxOverlay.h | Declaration of the OrxonoxOverlay class |
OverlayGroup.cc | Definition of the OverlayGroup class |
OverlayGroup.h | Declaration of the OverlayGroup class |
► scriptablecontroller | |
is_callable.h | |
luatb.h | |
luatb_typed_stack.cc | |
luatb_typed_stack.h | |
scriptable_controller.cc | |
scriptable_controller.h | |
scriptable_controller_api.cc | |
scriptable_controller_api.h | |
► sound | |
AmbientSound.cc | |
AmbientSound.h | |
BaseSound.cc | |
BaseSound.h | |
SoundBuffer.cc | |
SoundBuffer.h | |
SoundManager.cc | |
SoundManager.h | |
SoundStreamer.cc | |
SoundStreamer.h | |
WorldAmbientSound.cc | |
WorldAmbientSound.h | |
WorldSound.cc | |
WorldSound.h | |
► weaponsystem | |
DefaultWeaponmodeLink.cc | |
DefaultWeaponmodeLink.h | |
Munition.cc | |
Munition.h | |
ReplenishingMunition.cc | |
ReplenishingMunition.h | Implementation of the ReplenishingMunition class |
Weapon.cc | |
Weapon.h | |
WeaponMode.cc | |
WeaponMode.h | |
WeaponPack.cc | |
WeaponPack.h | |
WeaponSet.cc | |
WeaponSet.h | |
WeaponSlot.cc | |
WeaponSlot.h | |
WeaponSystem.cc | |
WeaponSystem.h | |
► worldentities | |
► pawns | |
Destroyer.cc | |
Destroyer.h | |
FpsPlayer.cc | |
FpsPlayer.h | |
ModularSpaceShip.cc | |
ModularSpaceShip.h | |
Pawn.cc | |
Pawn.h | |
ScriptableControllerDrone.cc | |
ScriptableControllerDrone.h | |
ShootableObstacle.cc | |
ShootableObstacle.h | |
SpaceShip.cc | |
SpaceShip.h | |
Spectator.cc | |
Spectator.h | |
StoryModePawn.cc | Implementation of the StoryModePawn control |
StoryModePawn.h | Declaration of the StoryModePawn class |
TeamBaseMatchBase.cc | |
TeamBaseMatchBase.h | |
Actionpoint.cc | |
Actionpoint.h | |
Arrow.cc | |
Arrow.h | |
AutonomousDrone.cc | |
AutonomousDrone.h | |
CameraPosition.cc | |
CameraPosition.h | |
ControllableEntity.cc | |
ControllableEntity.h | |
Drone.cc | |
Drone.h | |
EffectContainer.cc | |
EffectContainer.h | |
ExplosionChunk.cc | |
ExplosionChunk.h | |
ExplosionPart.cc | |
ExplosionPart.h | |
MobileEntity.cc | |
MobileEntity.h | |
MovableEntity.cc | |
MovableEntity.h | |
NameableStaticEntity.cc | |
NameableStaticEntity.h | |
SpawnPoint.cc | |
SpawnPoint.h | |
StaticEntity.cc | |
StaticEntity.h | |
TeamSpawnPoint.cc | |
TeamSpawnPoint.h | |
WorldEntity.cc | |
WorldEntity.h | |
CameraManager.cc | |
CameraManager.h | Handles the instances of Camera class |
Highscore.cc | |
Highscore.h | |
Level.cc | |
Level.h | |
LevelInfo.cc | |
LevelInfo.h | Definition of the LevelInfo and LevelInfoItem class |
LevelManager.cc | Implementation of the LevelManager singleton |
LevelManager.h | Definition of the LevelManager singleton |
Main.cc | The main function of Orxonox (but not the entry point of the program!)
Main.h | |
MoodManager.cc | |
MoodManager.h | |
OrxonoxPrecompiledHeaders.h | Compilation of the most often used header files in the orxonox library
OrxonoxPrereqs.h | Shared library macros, enums, constants and forward declarations for the orxonox library
PlayerManager.cc | |
PlayerManager.h | |
Radar.cc | |
Radar.h | |
RenderQueueListener.cc | Implementation of the RenderQueueListener class |
RenderQueueListener.h | Definition of the RenderQueueListener class |
Scene.cc | Implementation of Scene Class |
Scene.h | Definition of Scene Class |
Test.cc | |
Test.h | |
OrxonoxConfig.h | Various constants for compiler, architecture and platform. |
SpecialConfig.h | Various constants and options that only affect very little code. |
Orxonox.cc | Entry point of the program. |
OrxonoxMac.h | |