class | AbstractRadiusHeightCollisionShape |
| Wrapper for the bullet collision shapes with radius and height. More...
class | Actionpoint |
| Actionpoints are used by ActionpointController and all derived classes. More...
class | ActionpointController |
class | AdditionalContextListener |
| AdditionalContextListener is an interface which is used to notify OutputManager about additional contexts in OutputListeners. More...
class | AddQuest |
| Adds a Quest, resp. More...
class | AddQuestHint |
| Adds a QuestHint, resp. More...
class | AddReward |
| Adds a list of Rewardables to a player. More...
class | AIController |
class | AmbientSound |
| The AmbientSound class is used to play background music. More...
class | AnimatedModel |
class | AnnounceMessage |
class | Answer |
| class containing the pc side of the Dialog More...
class | AnswerId |
| container class for answerids in xml More...
class | ApplicationPaths |
| The ApplicationPaths class is a singleton which provides static paths of the application. More...
class | ArgumentCompleter |
| This class executes an argument completion function and returns a list of the possible arguments. More...
class | ArgumentCompletionListElement |
| This class is used in argument completion lists and contains up to three different strings, used in different situations. More...
class | Arrow |
class | ArrowController |
class | ArtificialController |
class | AsteroidMinable |
class | Asteroids |
class | Asteroids2D |
class | Asteroids2DCenterPoint |
class | Asteroids2DHUDinfo |
class | Asteroids2DShip |
class | Asteroids2DStone |
class | Asteroids2DWeapon |
class | Attacher |
class | AutonomousDrone |
| Drone, that is made to move upon a specified pattern. More...
class | AutonomousDroneController |
| Controller for the AutonomousDrone of the PPS tutorial. More...
class | Backlight |
class | BarColour |
class | BaseCommand |
class | BaseInputBufferListenerTuple |
class | BaseObject |
| The BaseObject is the parent of all classes representing an instance in the game. More...
class | BaseSound |
| The BaseSound class is the base class for all sound file loader classes. More...
class | BaseWriter |
| BaseWriter is an output listener and makes the accepted output levels and contexts configurable. More...
class | BasicProjectile |
| Baseclass of all projectiles. More...
class | Billboard |
class | BillboardProjectile |
| A BillboardProjectile is a projectile that is represented by a Billboard. More...
class | BillboardSet |
class | BlinkingBillboard |
class | BoostPickup |
class | Bot |
class | BoxCollisionShape |
| Wrapper for the bullet box collision shape class btBoxShape. More...
class | BufferedParamCommand |
class | BulletDebugDrawer |
| Originally from http://www.ogre3d.org/tikiwiki/BulletDebugDrawer&structure=Cookbook This source code is released into the Public Domain. More...
class | Button |
class | Camera |
class | CameraManager |
class | CameraPosition |
class | CEGUILogger |
class | ChangeQuestStatus |
| A QuestEffect which changes the status of a specified Quest for the player invoking the QuestEffect. More...
class | ChatHistory |
class | ChatInputHandler |
class | ChatListener |
| Classes inheriting from this interface get a notification whenever a chat message was sent through ChatManager. More...
class | ChatManager |
| This class collects and distributes chat messages. More...
class | ChatOverlay |
class | CheckPoint |
struct | Circle |
class | ClassFactory |
| The ClassFactory is the base-class of all class-spezific factories. More...
class | ClassFactoryNoArgs |
| The ClassFactoryNoArgs is able to create new objects of a specific class that require no constructor arguments. More...
class | ClassFactoryWithContext |
| The ClassFactoryWithContext is able to create new objects of a specific class that require a context as constructor argument. More...
class | ClassIdentifier |
| The ClassIdentifier is derived from Identifier and holds all class-specific functions and variables the Identifier cannot have. More...
class | ClassScopedSingletonWrapper |
| Manages a scoped singleton. More...
class | ClassScopedSingletonWrapper< T, true > |
| This class partially spezializes ClassScopedSingletonWrapper for classes T that are allowed to fail. More...
class | ClassTreeMask |
| The ClassTreeMask is a set of rules, containing the information for each class whether it's included or not. More...
class | ClassTreeMaskIterator |
| The ClassTreeMaskIterator moves through all ClassTreeMaskNodes of the internal tree of a ClassTreeMask which contains the rules. More...
class | ClassTreeMaskNode |
| The ClassTreeMaskNode is a node in the internal tree of the ClassTreeMask, containing the rules of the mask. More...
class | ClassTreeMaskObjectIterator |
| The ClassTreeMaskObjectIterator iterates through all objects of the classes that were included by a ClassTreeMask. More...
class | Client |
| Client *client; The network/Client class This class implements all necessary function for the network communication It is the root class of the network module. More...
class | ClientConnection |
class | ClientConnectionListener |
| An abstract base class. More...
class | Clock |
| Simple real time clock based on Ogre::Timer. More...
class | CollectiblePickup |
| The CollectiblePickup class encompasses all Pickupables that can be added to a PickupCollection and thus be part of such. More...
class | CollisionShape |
| Wrapper for bullet collision shape class btCollisionShape. More...
class | CommandEvaluation |
| CommandEvaluation is used to gather information about a command and to evaluate its arguments. More...
class | CommandExecutor |
| This class is used to execute and evaluate command-strings. More...
class | CommandLineArgument |
| Container class for a command line argument of any type supported by MultiType. More...
class | CommandLineParser |
| Global interface to command line options. More...
class | CommandNotification |
| This class implements a method of displaying a Notification with information to an input command and the key the command is mapped to. More...
class | CommonController |
class | CompleteQuest |
| Completes a Quest (with a specified id) for the player invoking the QuestEffect. More...
class | CompoundCollisionShape |
| Wrapper for the bullet compound collision shape class btCompoundShape. More...
class | ConeCollisionShape |
| Wrapper for the bullet cone collision shape class btConeShape. More...
class | ConfigFile |
| This class represents a config file, which is stored on the hard-disk and contains config values in different sections. More...
class | ConfigFileEntry |
| This class represents an entry in the config file. More...
class | ConfigFileEntryComment |
| This class represents a line in the config file which contains only a comment. More...
class | ConfigFileEntryValue |
| This class represents a normal value in the config file. More...
class | ConfigFileEntryVectorValue |
| Subclass of ConfigFileEntryValue, represents an element of a vector. More...
class | ConfigFileManager |
| Manages the different config files (settings, calibration, etc). More...
class | ConfigFileSection |
| Represents a section in a config file. More...
class | Configurable |
| This is the base class of all objects which may contain config values. More...
class | ConfigurablePaths |
| The ConfigurablePaths class is a singleton used to configure different paths. More...
class | ConfigValueCallback |
class | ConfigValueCallbackBase |
class | ConfigValueContainer |
| The ConfigValuecontainer contains all needed information about a configurable variable. More...
class | Connection |
class | ConsoleCommand |
| The ConsoleCommand class stores all information about a console command which can be executed by CommandExecutor. More...
class | ConsoleCommandManager |
| A singleton that stores all existing ConsoleCommands. More...
class | ConsoleWriter |
| ConsoleWriter inherits from BaseWriter and writes output to the console. More...
class | Context |
class | ControllableEntity |
| The ControllableEntity is derived from the orxonox::MobileEntity. More...
class | Controller |
class | ControllerDirector |
struct | ConverterExplicit |
| Default template if no orxonox::ConverterExplicit is available. More...
struct | ConverterExplicit< bool, std::string > |
| Conversion from bool to std::string. More...
struct | ConverterExplicit< btQuaternion, orxonox::Quaternion > |
struct | ConverterExplicit< btVector3, orxonox::Vector3 > |
struct | ConverterExplicit< char, std::string > |
| Conversion would exhibit ambiguous << or >> operators when using iostream. More...
struct | ConverterExplicit< const char *, ToType > |
| Delegates conversion from const char* to std::string. More...
struct | ConverterExplicit< orxonox::ColourValue, std::string > |
| Ogre::ColourValue to std::string conversion. More...
struct | ConverterExplicit< orxonox::Quaternion, btQuaternion > |
struct | ConverterExplicit< orxonox::Quaternion, std::string > |
| Ogre::Quaternion to std::string conversion. More...
struct | ConverterExplicit< orxonox::Vector2, std::string > |
| Ogre::Vector2 to std::string conversion. More...
struct | ConverterExplicit< orxonox::Vector3, btVector3 > |
struct | ConverterExplicit< orxonox::Vector3, std::string > |
| Ogre::Vector3 to std::string conversion. More...
struct | ConverterExplicit< orxonox::Vector4, std::string > |
| Ogre::Vector4 to std::string conversion. More...
struct | ConverterExplicit< std::string, bool > |
| Conversion from std::string to bool. More...
struct | ConverterExplicit< std::string, char > |
| Conversion would exhibit ambiguous << or >> operators when using iostream. More...
struct | ConverterExplicit< std::string, Ogre::DisplayString > |
struct | ConverterExplicit< std::string, unsigned char > |
| Conversion would exhibit ambiguous << or >> operators when using iostream. More...
struct | ConverterExplicit< unsigned char, std::string > |
| Conversion would exhibit ambiguous << or >> operators when using iostream. More...
struct | ConverterFallback |
| Default template. No conversion available at all. More...
struct | ConverterFallback< FromType *, ToType * > |
| If all else fails, try a dynamic_cast for pointer types. More...
struct | ConverterFallback< FromType, orxonox::Degree > |
| Delegates conversions to Degree to conversions to float. More...
struct | ConverterFallback< FromType, orxonox::Radian > |
| Delegates conversions to Radian to conversions to float. More...
struct | ConverterFallback< orxonox::Degree, ToType > |
| Delegates conversions from Degree to conversions from float. More...
struct | ConverterFallback< orxonox::Radian, ToType > |
| Delegates conversions from Radian to conversions from float. More...
struct | ConverterFallback< std::string, orxonox::ColourValue > |
| std::string to Ogre::ColourValue conversion More...
struct | ConverterFallback< std::string, orxonox::Quaternion > |
| std::string to Ogre::Quaternion conversion More...
struct | ConverterFallback< std::string, orxonox::Vector2 > |
| std::string to Ogre::Vector2 conversion More...
struct | ConverterFallback< std::string, orxonox::Vector3 > |
| std::string to Ogre::Vector3 conversion More...
struct | ConverterFallback< std::string, orxonox::Vector4 > |
| std::string to Ogre::Vector4 conversion More...
class | Core |
| The Core class is a singleton used to configure the program basics. More...
class | CoreConfig |
class | CoreStaticInitializationHandler |
class | CountDown |
class | CreateLines |
class | CreateStars |
class | CylinderCollisionShape |
| Wrapper for the bullet Cylinder collision shape class btCylinderShape. More...
class | DamageBoostPickup |
class | Deathmatch |
class | DeathMessage |
class | DebugDrawer |
| DebugDrawer is a utility to draw debug shapes (lines, triangles, spheres) with Ogre. More...
class | DebugFPSText |
class | DebugPositionText |
class | DebugRTRText |
class | DefaultWeaponmodeLink |
class | Destroyable |
| Classes must inherit from this class if they should be used with StrongPtr or WeakPtr. More...
class | Destroyer |
class | DestroyLaterManager |
class | DestructionHelper |
| Utility class that helps to create a special kind of destructor that also executes if the destruction fails. More...
class | DestructionListener |
| This listener is used to inform weak pointers if an object of type Destroyable gets destroyed. More...
class | DevModeListener |
| Informs about changes in the Development Mode. More...
class | Dialog |
| class containing core of one dialog with one npc More...
class | DialogManager |
| this class is used for calling on a dialog form luascript More...
class | DistanceMultiTrigger |
| The DistanceMultiTrigger is a MultiTrigger that triggers whenever an object (that is of the specified target type) is in a specified range of the DistanceMultiTrigger. More...
class | DistanceTrigger |
| The DistanceTrigger is a Trigger that triggers whenever an object (that is of the specified target type) is in a specified range of the DistanceTrigger. More...
class | DistanceTriggerBeacon |
| A DistanceTriggerBeacon can be used together with a DistanceTrigger or a DistanceMultiTrigger to make them only react to specific objects. More...
class | DivisionController |
class | Dock |
class | DockingAnimation |
| Base class for docking animations used by Docks. More...
class | DockingController |
class | DockingEffect |
| Handles DockingEffects for Docks. More...
class | DockingTarget |
| DockingTargets for Docks. More...
class | DockToShip |
| Allows players to dock onto a ship. More...
class | DodgeRace |
class | DodgeRaceCenterPoint |
class | DodgeRaceCube |
class | DodgeRaceHUDinfo |
class | DodgeRaceShip |
struct | dontcare_keyword_t |
| INTERNAL ONLY The type of the 'dontcare' keyword. More...
class | Drone |
| Drone, that is made to move upon a specified pattern. More...
class | DroneController |
| Controller for the Drone of the PPS tutorial. More...
class | DronePickup |
| The DronePickup adds a Drone to the Pawn upon being picked up. More...
class | Dynamicmatch |
| Short Gaming Manual: There are three different parties a player can belong to: victim, chaser or killer Every player starts as chaser. More...
class | DynLib |
| Resource holding data about a dynamic library. More...
class | DynLibManager |
| Manager for Dynamic-loading Libraries. More...
class | EffectContainer |
struct | EmptyType |
class | EnergyDrink |
| Shoots a can. More...
class | Engine |
| The Engine class provides propulsion to the SpaceShip. More...
struct | event |
| Structure to describe a single event. More...
struct | Event |
| The Event struct contains information about a fired Event. More...
class | EventDispatcher |
class | EventFilter |
class | EventListener |
class | EventMultiTrigger |
| The EventMultiTrigger class is the equivalent of the EventTrigger class for MultiTriggers. More...
class | EventName |
class | EventState |
| The EventState contains information about an event state. More...
class | EventTarget |
class | EventTrigger |
| The EventTrigger class provides a way to have a Trigger triggered by any kinds of Events. More...
class | Exception |
| Base class for all exceptions (derived from std::exception). More...
class | Executor |
| This class is used to wrap a Functor and to store default values for any of its parameters. More...
class | ExecutorMember |
| A child class of Executor, used for easier handling of non-static member-functions. More...
class | ExecutorStatic |
| A child class of Executor, used to distinguish executors that wrap static functions from executors that wrap member-functions. More...
class | ExplosionChunk |
class | ExplosionPart |
class | ExprParser |
| Parser for expressions like "3 * cos(5 + 4) / a" where a is a predeclared variable. More...
class | Factory |
| Base-class of all factories. More...
class | FadeoutText |
class | FadingBillboard |
class | FailQuest |
| Fails a Quest (with a specified id) for the player invoking the QuestEffect. More...
class | FightingController |
| FightingController stores all the fighting methods and member variables of AI. More...
class | FlagHUD |
class | FlameGun |
| A WeaponMode that fires burning projectiles. More...
class | FlameGunProjectile |
class | FlameMunition |
| FlameMunition. More...
class | FlappyOrx |
class | FlappyOrxHUDinfo |
class | FlappyOrxShip |
class | FlyingController |
class | ForceField |
| Implements a force field, that applies a force to any MobileEntity that enters its range. More...
class | FormationController |
class | FpsPlayer |
class | FunctionCall |
class | FunctionCallManager |
class | Functor |
| The Functor classes are used to wrap function pointers. More...
class | FunctorMember |
| FunctorMember is a child class of Functor and expands it with an object-pointer, that is used for member-functions, as well as an overloaded execution operator. More...
class | FunctorMember< void > |
| Specialization of FunctorMember with T = void. More...
class | FunctorPointer |
| FunctorPointer is a child class of FunctorMember and extends it with a function-pointer (or a function-object). More...
class | FunctorTemplate |
| FunctorTemplate is a child class of FunctorPointer and implements all functions that need to know the exact types of the parameters, return-value, and class. More...
class | FusionFire |
| FusionFire. More...
class | FusionMunition |
| FusionMunition. More...
class | Game |
| Main class responsible for running the game. More...
class | GameConfig |
class | GameMode |
| Helper class, stores and returns the current mode of the game. More...
class | GameState |
| An implementation of a tree to manage game states. More...
class | GamestateHandler |
| An interface for any class that wants to handle gamestates. More...
struct | GameStateInfo |
| Helper object required before GameStates are being constructed. More...
class | GamestateManager |
| This Class implements a manager for gamestates: More...
struct | GameStateTreeNode |
| Represents one node of the game state tree. More...
class | Gametype |
class | GametypeFadingMessage |
class | GametypeInfo |
| The GametypeInfo class keeps track of the state of the game and provides facilities to inform the player about it. More...
struct | GametypeMementoState |
| Keeps position and orientation of the camera, as well as the name of current scene. More...
class | GametypeMessageListener |
class | GametypeStaticMessage |
class | GlobalQuest |
| GlobalQuests are Quests, that have the same status for all players. More...
class | GlobalShader |
class | GlowMaterialListener |
class | GraphicsManager |
| Graphics engine manager class. More...
class | GravityBomb |
| This class implements how long the bomb flies before it places the GravityField at it's last possition. More...
class | GravityBombField |
| This class is used by GravityBomb to place the ForceField and Visual effect to the environment. More...
class | GravityBombFire |
| Fires the GravityBomb. More...
class | GravityBombMunition |
| This class is used to set the behaviour of various munition specific attributes of the GravityBomb like max count of munition per magazine. More...
class | GSClient |
class | GSGraphics |
| Game state used when displaying graphics of any kind. More...
class | GSLevel |
class | GSLevelMemento |
| This class is an interface for all instances that want to maintain a state beyond the reloading of a level. More...
struct | GSLevelMementoState |
| Represents the state of a memento. More...
class | GSMainMenu |
class | GSMasterServer |
class | GSRoot |
class | GSServer |
class | GSStandalone |
class | GUIManager |
| Provides a simple interface to CEGUI with tolua methods and console commands. More...
class | GUIOverlay |
class | GUISheet |
| Simple XML loadable interface to the otherwise Lua coded GUI framework. More...
class | HalfAxis |
class | HealthPickup |
| The HealthPickup is a Pickupable that can do (dependent upon the parameters) lots of different things to the health of a Pawn. More...
class | Highscore |
class | Host |
| Base class of Server and Client This is the Base class of the Server and Client classes. More...
class | Hover |
class | HoverFlag |
class | HoverOrigin |
| The HoverOrigin implements the playing field Hover takes place in and allows for many parameters of the minigame to be set. More...
class | HoverShip |
class | HoverWall |
class | HsW01 |
| Shoots laser beams. More...
class | HUDBar |
class | HUDBoostBar |
class | HUDEnemyHealthBar |
class | HUDEnemyShieldBar |
| This class displays the shield status of the target enemy of it's owner. More...
class | HUDHealthBar |
class | HUDNavigation |
class | HUDPickupSystem |
class | HUDRadar |
class | HUDRocketFuelBar |
class | HUDShieldBar |
| The HUDShieldBar displays the the status of the shield of its owner (a Pawn). More...
class | HUDSpeedBar |
class | HUDTimer |
class | HUDWeapon |
class | HUDWeaponMode |
class | HUDWeaponSystem |
class | HumanController |
class | HumanPlayer |
class | IceGun |
| A Gun that fires ice arrows that slow down any SpaceShip object that gets hit. More...
class | IceGunFreezer |
| This is the WorldEntity that gets attached to a victim hit by a IceGunProjectile. More...
class | IceGunProjectile |
| The IceGunProjectile is a projectile that attaches a IceGunFreezer to the hit object. More...
class | IceMunition |
| IceMunition. More...
class | IcoSphere |
| Copy-pasted from. More...
class | Identifiable |
| Identifiable is needed to create the class-hierarchy at startup and to store the Identifier. More...
class | Identifier |
| The Identifier is used to identify the class of an object and to store information about the class. More...
class | IdentifierManager |
struct | incomingEvent |
class | Info |
class | InGameConsole |
class | InputBuffer |
class | InputBufferListenerTuple |
class | InputDevice |
| Abstract base class for all input devices (mouse, keyboard and joy sticks). More...
class | InputDeviceTemplated |
| Heavily templated base class for all three input devices. More...
class | InputHandler |
| Base class for all input handlers like KeyBinder, InputBuffer, etc. More...
class | InputManager |
| Manages the input devices (mouse, keyboard, joy sticks) and the input states. More...
class | InputState |
| InputStates allow you to customise the input event targets at runtime. More...
struct | InputStatePriority |
| Enumeration wrapper for input state priorities. More...
class | IntVector2 |
| A Vector class containing two integers x and y. More...
class | Invader |
class | InvaderCenterPoint |
class | InvaderEnemy |
class | InvaderEnemyShooter |
class | InvaderHUDinfo |
class | InvaderShip |
class | InvaderWeapon |
class | InvaderWeaponEnemy |
class | InvisiblePickup |
| A pickup that makes the Pawn invisible. More...
class | IOConsole |
class | IRC |
| The IRC class creates a Tcl-thread (see TclThreadManager) and connects to an IRC server. More...
class | Item |
class | Iterator |
| The Iterator allows to iterate through a given ObjectList. More...
class | IteratorBase |
| The Iterator allows to iterate through object lists. More...
class | JoyStick |
| Wraps around an OIS::JoyStick and forwards the input events to a list of input states. More...
class | JoyStickQuantityListener |
| Derive from this class to get informed when joy sticks get added/removed. More...
struct | JoyStickTraits |
| Template parameter collection for the base class More...
class | Jump |
class | JumpBoots |
class | JumpCenterpoint |
| The JumpCenterpoint is a StaticEntity which represents the level of the minigame. More...
class | JumpEnemy |
class | JumpFigure |
class | JumpItem |
class | JumpPlatform |
class | JumpPlatformDisappear |
class | JumpPlatformFake |
class | JumpPlatformHMove |
class | JumpPlatformStatic |
class | JumpPlatformTimer |
class | JumpPlatformVMove |
class | JumpProjectile |
class | JumpPropeller |
class | JumpRocket |
class | JumpScore |
class | JumpShield |
class | JumpSpring |
class | KeyBinder |
| Maps mouse, keyboard and joy stick input to command strings and executes them. More...
class | KeyBinderManager |
| Handles the KeyBinders and supplies them throughout the game. More...
class | Keyboard |
| Wraps around an OIS::Mouse and forwards the input events to a list of input states. More...
struct | KeyboardTraits |
| Template parameter collection for the base class More...
class | KeyDetector |
class | KeyEvent |
| Event argument for key events. More...
class | KillMessage |
class | LANDiscoverable |
class | LANDiscovery |
class | Language |
| The Language class manges the language files and entries and stores the LanguageEntry objects in a map. More...
class | LanguageEntry |
| The LanguageEntry class stores the default- and the translated string of a given entry in the language file. More...
class | LaserFire |
| Shoots a particle laser. More...
class | LaserMunition |
| LaserMunition. More...
class | LastManStanding |
class | LastManStandingInfos |
class | LastTeamStanding |
class | LastTeamStandingInfos |
class | LensFlare |
| This class adds a configurable LensFlare effect by adding multiple billboards for the several components of lens flare. More...
class | Level |
class | LevelInfo |
| The LevelInfo class can be used to store information regarding a Level in its level file. More...
struct | LevelInfoCompare |
| Struct that overloads the compare operation between two LevelInfoItem pointers. More...
class | LevelInfoItem |
| The LevelInfoItem class stores information regarding a Level and makes that information accessible through the LevelManager. More...
class | LevelManager |
| The LevelManager keeps track of Levels whose activity has been requested and activates the Levels in the list in a FIFO manner with exactly one Level (the first in the list) being active at all times (unless the list is empty). More...
class | Light |
class | LightningGun |
| A slow ball of lightning. More...
class | LightningGunProjectile |
| The LightningGunProjectile is a projectile that is represented by a looped series of billboards. More...
class | LightningMunition |
| LightningMunition. More...
class | Listable |
| Listable stores the entries of all object lists pointing to this instance. More...
class | Loader |
class | LocalQuest |
| Handles Quests which have different states for different players. More...
class | LogWriter |
| The LogWriter class inherits from BaseWriter and writes output to a log-file. More...
class | LuaFunctor |
| callback class that executes lua code More...
class | LuaScriptModuleWorkaround |
| Class with the same memory layout as CEGUI::LuaScriptModule. More...
class | LuaState |
| Representation of an interface to lua. More...
class | MasterController |
| calles action(), maneuver() and canFire() methods of all the ActionpointControllers in level. More...
class | MasterServer |
class | MasterServerComm |
class | MazeGenerator |
struct | mbool |
| mbool is a small helper class that acts like a bool, but keeps track of the number of its state changes. More...
class | MemoryWriter |
| MemoryWriter is a singleton which is derived from OutputListener and writes all output to a list. More...
class | Mesh |
class | MeshLodInformation |
class | MetaPickup |
| The MetaPickup is a Pickupable that can, depending on the parameter metaTye, do different things. More...
class | MineGun |
| A Weapon that drops mines to space. More...
class | MineMunition |
| MineMunition. More...
class | MineProjectile |
| TODO. More...
class | Mini4Dgame |
class | Mini4DgameAI |
| The Mini4DgameAI is an artificial intelligence for the Mini4Dgame gametype. More...
class | Mini4DgameBoard |
| This class manages the board for Mini4Dgame. More...
struct | Mini4DgamePosition |
struct | Mini4DgameWinner |
class | Mission |
class | MobileEntity |
| The MobileEntity is a derived class from orxonox::WorldEntity and orxonox::Tickable. More...
class | Model |
class | ModularSpaceShip |
| The SpaceShip is the principal entity through which the player interacts with the game. More...
class | ModuleInstance |
class | MoodListener |
class | MoodManager |
class | Mouse |
| Wraps around an OIS::Mouse and forwards the input events to a list of input states. More...
struct | MouseTraits |
| Template parameter collection for the base class More...
class | MovableEntity |
class | MoveToDockingTarget |
| Base class for docking animations used by Docks. More...
class | MT_Value |
| The MT_Value<T> class is used to hold a value of type T within a MultiType. More...
class | MultiStateEngine |
class | MultiTrigger |
| The MultiTrigger class implements a trigger that has a distinct state for each object triggering it. More...
class | MultiTriggerContainer |
| This class is used by the MultiTrigger class to transport additional data via Events. More...
struct | MultiTriggerState |
| Struct to handle MultiTrigger states internally. More...
class | MultiType |
| The MultiType can hold a value of many possible types and convert them to other types. More...
class | Munition |
class | MunitionContainer |
class | MunitionPickup |
| The MunitionPickup gives munition to the user (a Pawn). More...
class | MuzzleFlash |
| A muzzle flash that destroys itself after some time. More...
class | NameableStaticEntity |
class | Namespace |
class | NamespaceNode |
class | NetworkCallback |
class | NetworkCallbackBase |
class | NetworkCallbackManager |
class | NetworkCallbackNotify |
class | NetworkChatListener |
| The only function of this interface, incomingChat(), gets called whenever a chat message was received through the network. More...
class | NetworkFunctionBase |
class | NetworkFunctionManager |
struct | NetworkFunctionPointer |
class | NetworkFunctionStatic |
class | NetworkMemberFunction |
class | NetworkMemberFunctionBase |
class | NetworkStaticInitializationHandler |
class | NewHumanController |
struct | NilValue |
| Provides zero value symbols that can be returned as reference. More...
class | Notification |
| A Notification represents a short message used to inform the player about something that just happened. More...
struct | NotificationContainer |
| Container to allow easy handling of the Notifications. More...
struct | NotificationContainerCompare |
| Struct to allow ordering of NotificationContainers. More...
class | NotificationDispatcher |
| A NotificationDispatcher is an entity that, upon being triggered, dispatches (or sends) a specified Notification. More...
class | NotificationListener |
| NotificationListener interface. More...
class | NotificationManager |
| The Singleton NotificationManager is a NotificationListener and functions as a gateway between Notifications and NotificationQueues. More...
class | NotificationQueue |
| Displays Notifications from specific senders. More...
class | NotificationQueueCEGUI |
| Displays Notifications using CEGUI. More...
class | obj |
| a list of objects of this type will be given by the Server's Gamestate Manager More...
class | ObjectList |
| The ObjectList contains all objects of the given class. More...
class | ObjectListBase |
| The ObjectListBase contains all objects of a given class. More...
class | ObjectListBaseElement |
| The list-element of the ObjectListBase. More...
class | ObjectListElement |
| The list-element that actually contains the object. More...
class | ObjectListElementRemovalListener |
| Gets called by the object list if an element is removed. More...
class | ObjectListIterator |
| ObjectListIterator<T> allows to iterate through the ObjectList of class T. More...
class | objInfo |
| a list of objects of this type will be given by the Server's Gamestate Manager More...
class | OgreWindowEventListener |
struct | OrxEnum |
| Lightweight enumeration class that can be extended at run time. More...
class | OrxoKart |
class | OrxoKartFlag |
class | OrxoKartKart |
class | OrxoKartOrigin |
| The OrxoKartOrigin implements the playing field OrxoKart takes place in and allows for many parameters of the minigame to be set. More...
class | OrxoKartTile |
class | OrxonoxClass |
| This is the class from which all objects of the game-logic (not the engine) are derived from. More...
class | OrxonoxInterface |
| This is the class from which all interfaces of the game-logic (not the engine) are derived from. More...
class | OrxonoxOverlay |
| Base class to display content directly onto the screen. More...
class | OrxyRoad |
class | OrxyRoadCenterPoint |
class | OrxyRoadCube |
class | OrxyRoadHUDinfo |
class | OrxyRoadShip |
struct | outgoingEvent |
struct | OutputContextContainer |
| Stores all information about a context. More...
class | OutputListener |
| OutputListener is an interface which is used to receive output of a certain level and context from OutputManager. More...
class | OutputManager |
| OutputManager acts as the center of the output system and is implemented as a singleton. More...
class | OutputStream |
| This class is used to buffer output and send it to OutputManager whenever std::endl is passed to it. More...
class | OverlayGroup |
| OverlayGroup does almost exactly what it says: It groups OrxonoxOverlays together. More...
class | OverlayText |
class | Pacman |
class | PacmanGelb |
class | PacmanGhost |
class | PacmanHUDinfo |
class | PacmanPointAfraid |
class | PacmanPointSphere |
class | ParamCommand |
class | PartDestructionEvent |
| In order to assign attached entities to a ShipPart, a ShipPart with the same name as the corresponding entity needs to be created in the <parts> tag. More...
class | ParticleEmitter |
class | ParticleInterface |
class | ParticleProjectile |
| A projectile that is represented by particles. More...
class | ParticleSpawner |
class | PauseNotice |
class | Pawn |
| Everything in Orxonox that has a health attribute is a Pawn. More...
class | PeerList |
| This class keeps a list of open connections and some info about them. More...
class | Pickup |
| The Pickup class offers (useful) base functionality for a wide range of pickups. More...
class | Pickupable |
| An Interface (or more precisely an abstract class) to model and represent different (all kinds of) pickups. More...
class | PickupCarrier |
| The PickupCarrier interface provides the means, for any class implementing it, to possess Pickupables. More...
class | PickupCollection |
| The PickupCollection combines different Pickupables (more precisely CollectiblePickups) to a coherent, single pickup and makes them seem (from the outside looking in) just as if they were just one Pickupable. More...
struct | PickupInventoryContainer |
| Data structure to store collected data for one specific Pickupable. More...
class | PickupListener |
| The PickupListener class facilitates the flow of information regarding the picking up, dropping, using and unusing of Pickupables to interested parties (such as the PickupManager). More...
class | PickupManager |
| The PickupManager class manages Pickupables. More...
class | PickupRepresentation |
| The PickupRepresentation class represents a specific pickup type. More...
class | PickupSpawner |
| The PickupSpawner class is responsible for spawning @ref orxonox::Pickupable "Pickupables" of a specific type. More...
class | PlaneCollisionShape |
| Wrapper for the bullet plane collision shape class btStaticPlaneShape. More...
class | Planet |
struct | Player |
class | PlayerInfo |
class | PlayerManager |
class | PlayerTrigger |
| PlayerTrigger is an interface if implemented by a specific trigger can be used to recover the Player (or the Pawn) that triggered it. More...
class | Plugin |
class | PluginManager |
class | PluginReference |
struct | Point |
class | Pong |
| Implements a Pong minigame (Wikipedia::Pong). More...
class | PongAI |
| The PongAI is an artificial intelligence for the Pong gametype. More...
class | PongBall |
| This class manages the ball for Pong. More...
class | PongBat |
| The PongBat class manages the bats for Pong, which are the elements controlled by the players. More...
class | PongBot |
| A bot especially for Pong. More...
class | PongCenterpoint |
| The PongCenterpoint implements the playing field Pong takes place in and allows for many parameters of the minigame to be set. More...
class | PongScore |
| The PongScore class displays the score for a game of Pong. More...
class | PortalEndPoint |
| A PortalEndPoint serves as portal entrance and/or exit. More...
class | PortalLink |
| A PortalLink represents the connection between two @ref orxonox::PortalEndPoint "PortalEndPoints"
class | Projectile |
| Represents all 'standard' projectiles. More...
class | Quest |
| Represents a Quest in the game. More...
class | QuestDescription |
| This class is a description of a QuestItem (Quest and QuestHint). More...
class | QuestEffect |
| Handles QuestEffects for Quests. More...
class | QuestEffectBeacon |
| A QuestEffectBeacon is a physical entity in the game which can (under some condition(s)) invoke a number of QuestEffects on players meeting the condition(s). More...
class | QuestHint |
| Represents a hint in the game that gives aid towards completing a Quest. More...
class | Question |
| class containing the npc side of the Dialog More...
class | QuestItem |
| Functions as a base class for quest classes such as Quest or QuestHint. More...
class | QuestListener |
| Provides a way to react to the starting, completing and failing of Quests. More...
class | QuestManager |
| Is a Singleton and manages Quests, by registering every Quest / QuestHint (through registerX()) and making them globally accessible (through findX()). More...
class | RaceCheckPoint |
| The RaceCheckPoint class enables the creation of a check point to use in a SpaceRace level. More...
class | Radar |
class | RadarListener |
class | RadarViewable |
| Interface for receiving window events. More...
class | RealTimer |
| RealTimer is a helper class that executes a function after a given amount of seconds in real-time. More...
class | RenderQueueListener |
| This class derives from the Ogre-Class RenderQueueListener and provides a way to define new rendering stages to enable use of e.g. More...
class | ReplenishingMunition |
| Munition that is replenished by a certain amount each time interval. More...
class | Resource |
| Provides simple functions to easily access the Ogre::ResourceGroupManager. More...
class | ResourceCollection |
struct | ResourceInfo |
| Stores basic information about a Resource from Ogre. More...
class | ResourceLocation |
class | Rewardable |
| Rewardable is an Interface, that can be implemented by any object to enable it to be given as reward to a player through QuestEffects. More...
class | Rocket |
| Rocket that can be steered by the player. More...
class | RocketController |
| Controller for the SimpleRocket (target seeking) More...
class | RocketFire |
| Fires the (steerable) Rocket. More...
class | RocketFireOld |
| Fires the (steerable) RocketOld. More...
class | RocketMunition |
| Munition for the Rocket. More...
class | RocketOld |
| RocketOld that can be steered by the player. More...
class | Scene |
class | Scope |
| A scope for a given template argument is either active or not. More...
class | ScopedSingletonWrapper |
| Base class of ClassScopedSingletonWrapper. More...
class | ScopeListener |
| ScopeListeners register themselves in the corresponding Scope and wait for notifications. More...
class | ScopeManager |
| The ScopeManager stores the variables of the Scope templates in a statically linked context. More...
class | Scoreboard |
class | ScreenshotManager |
| Class encapsulates screenshot functionality and provides a method for making multi grid (i.e. More...
class | Script |
| The Script class lets you execute a piece of code, either the normal way or in lua, through XML. More...
class | ScriptableController |
| Runs a scripts on a per-level basis and handles the connection to orxonox. More...
class | ScriptableControllerAPI |
| API for ScriptableController's lua-scripts. More...
class | ScriptableControllerDrone |
| Drone, that is made to move upon a specified pattern. More...
class | ScriptController |
class | SectionController |
class | Server |
| This class is the root class of the network module for a server. More...
class | ServerConnection |
class | ServerList |
| This class is keeps a list of game servers and some info about them. More...
struct | ServerListElem |
struct | ServerListSearchResult |
class | SettingsConfigFile |
| Child class of ConfigFile, used to store the settings of the game. More...
class | Shader |
| Shader is a wrapper class around Ogre::CompositorInstance. More...
class | Shell |
| The Shell is the logical component of the console that displays output to the user and allows him to enter commands. More...
class | ShellListener |
| An interface, used to get a notification if the state of the Shell changes. More...
class | ShieldPickup |
| A Pickup which can add a Shield to the Pawn. More...
class | ShipPart |
class | ShootableObstacle |
| This class encapsulates a pawn (so an object with health) with the addition, that it damages other objects when it hits them. More...
class | ShrinkPickup |
| The ShrinkPickup is a Pickupable that causes the pawn to shrink to a certain size for a certain time with a certain speed, all of them specified in the following variables: More...
class | ShroomHUD |
struct | SignalCallbackRec |
class | SignalHandler |
| The SignalHandler is used to catch signals like SIGSEGV and write a backtrace to the logfile. More...
struct | SignalRec |
class | SimpleCommand |
class | SimpleNotification |
| The SimpleNotification class enables the sending of (in XML) predefined Notifications upon some kind of triggering event. More...
class | SimpleRocket |
| SimpleRocket is a target seeking, intelligent rocket. More...
class | SimpleRocketFire |
| FireMode for target-seeking Rocket. More...
class | Singleton |
| Base for singleton classes. More...
class | SkyboxGenerator |
| The SkyboxGenerator class is a singleton that allows for the creation of a skybox from a level by taking pictures to all 6 sides. More...
class | SmallObjectAllocator |
| This class is used to allocate and free small objects (usually not polymorphic). More...
class | SOB |
class | SOBCastlestone |
class | SOBCenterpoint |
| The SOBCenterpoint is a StaticEntity which represents the level of the minigame. More...
class | SOBCoin |
class | SOBFigure |
class | SOBFireball |
class | SOBFlagstone |
class | SOBGumba |
class | SOBGumbaBoss |
class | SOBHUDInfo |
class | SOBItem |
class | SOBMushroom |
class | SOBQBlock |
class | SOBTube |
class | SoundBuffer |
class | SoundManager |
| The SoundManager class manages the OpenAL device, context and listener position. More...
class | SoundStreamer |
class | SpaceBoundaries |
| SpaceBoundaries gives level creators the possibility to bar Pawns from leaving a defined area (until now this area is a ball). More...
class | SpaceRace |
| The SpaceRace class enables the creation of a space race level, where the player has to reach check points in a given order. More...
class | SpaceRaceBot |
class | SpaceRaceController |
| Conventions: -first Checkpoint has index 0 -staticCheckPoint= static Point (see def over = constructor) More...
class | SpaceRaceManager |
| The SpaceRaceManager class controls a space race level, where the player has to reach check points in a given order. More...
class | SpaceShip |
| The SpaceShip is the principal entity through which the player interacts with the game. More...
class | SpawnPoint |
class | Spectator |
class | SpeedPickup |
| A Pickup which can manipulate the Speed of a Pawn. More...
class | SphereCollisionShape |
| Wrapper for the bullet sphere collision shape class btSphereShape. More...
class | SpicedAsteroidBelt |
class | SpicedAsteroidField |
class | SplitGun |
| A WeaponMode that fires projectiles that may split up into many other projectiles, that may again split up ... More...
class | SplitGunProjectile |
| The SplitGunProjectile is a projectile that may split up into many child projectiles. More...
class | SplitMunition |
| SplitMunition. More...
class | StaticallyInitializedCommandLineArgument |
class | StaticallyInitializedConsoleCommand |
class | StaticallyInitializedIdentifier |
| The static initializer stores the parent classes of this identifier. More...
class | StaticallyInitializedInstance |
class | StaticallyInitializedNetworkFunction |
class | StaticallyInitializedScopedSingletonWrapper |
class | StaticallyInitializedStaticInitializationHandler |
class | StaticEntity |
| The StaticEntity is the simplest derivative of the orxonox::WorldEntity class. More...
class | StaticInitializationHandler |
class | StaticInitializationManager |
class | Stats |
class | StoryMode |
class | StoryModeHUD |
class | StoryModePawn |
class | StrongPtr |
| A strong pointer which wraps a pointer to an object and keeps this object alive as long as the strong pointer exists. More...
class | SubclassIdentifier |
| The SubclassIdentifier acts almost like an Identifier, but has some prerequisites. More...
class | SubcontextOutputListener |
| This class extends the basic OutputListener interface and adds the ability to filter sub-contexts. More...
class | SubString |
| A class that splits a string into multiple tokens using different options. More...
struct | SuperFunctionCondition |
| Creates the SuperFunctionCaller if T is a child of the super-functions baseclass. More...
struct | SuperFunctionDestruction |
| Deletes the SuperFunctionCaller. More...
struct | SuperFunctionInitialization |
| Initializes the SuperFunctionCaller-pointer with zero. More...
class | Synchronisable |
| This class is the base class of all the Objects in the universe that need to be synchronised over the network Every class, that inherits from this class has to link the DATA THAT NEEDS TO BE SYNCHRONISED into the linked list. More...
class | SynchronisableHeader |
| : stores information about a Synchronisable More...
class | SynchronisableHeaderLight |
| : stores information about a Synchronisable (light version) More...
class | SynchronisableVariable |
class | SynchronisableVariableBase |
class | SynchronisableVariableBidirectional |
class | TclBind |
| A wrapper class for a Tcl interpreter. More...
struct | TclInterpreterBundle |
| A struct containing all information about a Tcl-interpreter. More...
class | TclThreadList |
| A thread-safe implementation of a message queue, used by TclThreadManager. More...
class | TclThreadManager |
class | TDCoordinate |
class | TeamBaseMatch |
class | TeamBaseMatchBase |
class | TeamBaseMatchScore |
class | TeamColourable |
class | TeamDeathmatch |
class | TeamGametype |
class | TeamSpawnPoint |
class | TeamTargetProxy |
| A controller, that just copies the team and the target of a parent for itself and it's controllable entity. More...
class | Template |
class | Test |
class | Tetris |
class | TetrisBrick |
| ContainerClass in order to create TetrisBricks by combining TetrisStones. More...
class | TetrisCenterpoint |
class | TetrisScore |
| The TetrisScore class displays the score for a game of Tetris. More...
class | TetrisStone |
class | TextureGenerator |
class | Thread |
class | ThreadPool |
class | Tickable |
| The Tickable interface provides a tick(dt) function, that gets called every frame. More...
class | TimeFactorListener |
class | TimeHUD |
class | Timer |
| Timer is a helper class that executes a function after a given amount of seconds in game-time. More...
class | ToluaBindingsHelper |
| Helper class that registers/unregisters tolua bindings. More...
class | TowerDefense |
| GameType class for TowerDefense. More...
class | TowerDefenseCenterpoint |
| See TowerDefenseReadme.txt for Information. More...
class | TowerDefenseEnemy |
| See TowerDefenseReadme.txt for Information. More...
class | TowerDefenseField |
| See TowerDefenseReadme.txt for Information. More...
class | TowerDefenseHUDController |
| This subclass of OverlayText is used to display the stats of the player in the HUD. More...
class | TowerDefenseSelecter |
class | TowerDefenseTower |
| See TowerDefenseTowerDefenseReadme.txt for Information. More...
class | TrafficControl |
class | tribool |
| A 3-state boolean type. More...
class | Trigger |
| A Trigger is an object that can either be active or inactive, with a specified behavior how to switch between the two. More...
class | TriggerBase |
| The TriggerBase class is a base class for the two types of triggers, the (normal) Triggers and the MultiTriggers, it encompasses the shared data and functionality between these two types of triggers, but is in itself not a trigger that has any meaningful behavior and thus should not be instantiated. More...
class | Turret |
| Creates a turret with limited rotation. More...
class | TurretController |
| Controller for turrets. More...
class | UnderAttack |
class | UpdateListener |
| Inherit from UpdateListener if you need to receive calls before or after the game is ticked. More...
class | ViewportEventListener |
class | Wagnis |
class | WagnisGameboard |
class | WagnisGun |
| Shoots laser beams. More...
class | WagnisHUD |
class | WagnisHUDinfo |
class | WagnisPlayer |
class | WagnisProjectile |
class | WagnisProvince |
class | WANDiscoverable |
class | WANDiscovery |
class | WaypointController |
class | WaypointPatrolController |
class | WeakPtr |
| WeakPtr wraps a pointer to an object, which becomes nullptr if the object is deleted. More...
class | Weapon |
| A Weapon is a StaticEntity that can be attached to a WeaponSlot. More...
class | WeaponMode |
| A WeaponMode defines how a Weapon is used. More...
class | WeaponPack |
class | WeaponSet |
class | WeaponSlot |
| The a WeaponSlot defines where a Weapon is placed on a pawn. More...
class | WeaponSystem |
| An orxonox::Pawn that is able to fire weapons always need to have a WeaponSystem. More...
class | WindowEventListener |
| Interface for receiving window events like resize, moved and focusChanged. More...
class | WingmanController |
class | WorldAmbientSound |
| This class is used to play and control ambient sound in a level file. More...
class | WorldEntity |
| The WorldEntity represents everything that can be put in a Scene at a certain location. More...
class | WorldEntityCollisionShape |
class | WorldSound |
| The WorldSound class is to be used for sounds with position and orientation. More...
class | XMLFile |
class | XMLNameListener |
class | XMLPortClassObjectContainer |
class | XMLPortClassParamContainer |
class | XMLPortObjectContainer |
class | XMLPortParamContainer |
class | XMLPortVariableHelperClass |
| Helper class to load and save simple variables with XMLPort. More...
| __DEPRECATED__ (OutputStream &COUT(int level)) |
unsigned int | addDelayedCommand (Timer *timer, float delay, const std::string &command) |
| Helper function, used by delay() and delayreal() to add a delayed command. More...
void | AddLanguageEntry (const LanguageEntryLabel &label, const std::string &fallbackString) |
| Shortcut function for Language::addEntry. More...
std::string | addSlashes (const std::string &str) |
| Adds backslashes to the given string which makes special chars visible. More...
void | append (const std::string &filename, const std::string &text) |
| Appends text to a file. More...
uint32_t | calcCRC (unsigned char *data, unsigned int dataLength) |
void | calcCRCBit (uint32_t &crc32, int bit) |
float | calculate (const std::string &calculation) |
| Parses the mathematical expression and returns the result. More...
template<class PT > |
void | callMemberNetworkFunction (PT ptr, uint32_t objectID, uint32_t clientID, const MultiType &mt1=MultiType::Null, const MultiType &mt2=MultiType::Null, const MultiType &mt3=MultiType::Null, const MultiType &mt4=MultiType::Null, const MultiType &mt5=MultiType::Null) |
template<class PT > |
void | callStaticNetworkFunction (PT ptr, uint32_t clientID, const MultiType &mt1=MultiType::Null, const MultiType &mt2=MultiType::Null, const MultiType &mt3=MultiType::Null, const MultiType &mt4=MultiType::Null, const MultiType &mt5=MultiType::Null) |
template<class T > |
bool | checkEquality (const T &variable, uint8_t *mem) |
| checks whether the variable of type T is the same as in the bytestream More...
template<class T > |
bool | checkEquality (T *&variable, uint8_t *mem) |
| checks whether the objectID of the variable is the same as in the bytestream More...
bool | checkEquality (char *&variable, uint8_t *mem) |
template<> |
bool | checkEquality (const bool &variable, uint8_t *mem) |
template<class T > |
bool | checkEquality (const StrongPtr< T > &variable, uint8_t *mem) |
| checks whether the objectID of the variable is the same as in the bytestream More...
template<> |
bool | checkEquality (const char &variable, uint8_t *mem) |
template<class T > |
bool | checkEquality (const WeakPtr< T > &variable, uint8_t *mem) |
| checks whether the objectID of the variable is the same as in the bytestream More...
template<> |
bool | checkEquality (const unsigned char &variable, uint8_t *mem) |
template<> |
bool | checkEquality (const short &variable, uint8_t *mem) |
template<> |
bool | checkEquality (const unsigned short &variable, uint8_t *mem) |
template<> |
bool | checkEquality (const int &variable, uint8_t *mem) |
template<> |
bool | checkEquality (const unsigned int &variable, uint8_t *mem) |
template<> |
bool | checkEquality (const long &variable, uint8_t *mem) |
template<> |
bool | checkEquality (const unsigned long &variable, uint8_t *mem) |
template<> |
bool | checkEquality (const long long &variable, uint8_t *mem) |
template<> |
bool | checkEquality (const unsigned long long &variable, uint8_t *mem) |
template<> |
bool | checkEquality (const float &variable, uint8_t *mem) |
template<> |
bool | checkEquality (const double &variable, uint8_t *mem) |
template<> |
bool | checkEquality (const long double &variable, uint8_t *mem) |
template<> |
bool | checkEquality (const std::string &variable, uint8_t *mem) |
template<> |
bool | checkEquality (const Degree &variable, uint8_t *mem) |
template<> |
bool | checkEquality (const Radian &variable, uint8_t *mem) |
template<> |
bool | checkEquality (const Vector2 &variable, uint8_t *mem) |
template<> |
bool | checkEquality (const Vector3 &variable, uint8_t *mem) |
template<> |
bool | checkEquality (const Vector4 &variable, uint8_t *mem) |
template<> |
bool | checkEquality (const Quaternion &variable, uint8_t *mem) |
template<> |
bool | checkEquality (const ColourValue &variable, uint8_t *mem) |
template<> |
bool | checkEquality (const mbool &variable, uint8_t *mem) |
template<class T > |
bool | checkEquality (const std::set< T > &variable, uint8_t *mem) |
template<typename T > |
constexpr T | clamp (T x, T min, T max) |
| Keeps a value between a lower and an upper limit. More...
Identifier * | ClassByID (uint32_t id) |
| Returns the Identifier with a given network ID. More...
Identifier * | ClassByLowercaseString (const std::string &name) |
| Returns the Identifier with a given lowercase name. More...
template<class T > |
Identifier * | ClassByObjectType (const T *p) |
| Returns the Identifier with a given 'this' pointer. More...
Identifier * | ClassByString (const std::string &name) |
| Returns the Identifier with a given name. More...
Ogre::ColourValue | colour (const btVector3 &color, btScalar alpha) |
template<> |
void | CommandLineParser::getValue< std::string > (const std::string &name, std::string *value) |
template<class T , class U > |
WeakPtr< T > | const_pointer_cast (const WeakPtr< U > &p) |
| Uses a const_cast to cast a pointer of type U* to a pointer of type T* and returns it in a new WeakPtr<T>. More...
template<class T , class U > |
StrongPtr< T > | const_pointer_cast (const StrongPtr< U > &p) |
| Uses a const_cast to cast a pointer of type U* to a pointer of type T* and returns it in a new StrongPtr<T>. More...
static CEGUI::MouseButton | convertButton (MouseButtonCode::ByEnum button) |
| converts mouse event code to CEGUI event code More...
template<class FromType , class ToType > |
ORX_FORCEINLINE bool | convertImplicitely (ToType *output, const FromType &input, Loki::Int2Type< false >) |
| Template delegates to ConverterStringStream More...
template<class FromType , class ToType > |
ORX_FORCEINLINE bool | convertImplicitely (ToType *output, const FromType &input, Loki::Int2Type< true >) |
| Makes an implicit cast from FromType to ToType. More...
template<class FromType , class ToType > |
ORX_FORCEINLINE bool | convertValue (ToType *output, const FromType &input) |
| Converts any value to any other as long as there exists a conversion. More...
template<class FromType , class ToType > |
ORX_FORCEINLINE bool | convertValue (ToType *output, const FromType &input, const ToType &fallback) |
| Converts any value to any other as long as there exists a conversion. More...
template<class PT > |
void | copyPtr (PT ptr, NetworkFunctionPointer &destptr) |
OutputStream & | COUT (int) |
| Writes output to the orxonox console. More...
| CREATE_ORXONOX_EXCEPTION (InitialisationFailed) |
| CREATE_ORXONOX_EXCEPTION (InitialisationAborted) |
| CreateEventName (PongCenterpoint, right) |
| CreateEventName (PongCenterpoint, left) |
ExecutorPtr | createExecutor (const FunctorPtr &functor, const std::string &name="") |
| Creates a new Executor that wraps a given Functor. More...
template<class T > |
ExecutorMemberPtr< T > | createExecutor (const FunctorMemberPtr< T > &functor, const std::string &name="") |
| Creates a new ExecutorMember that wraps a given FunctorMember. More...
ExecutorStaticPtr | createExecutor (const FunctorStaticPtr &functor, const std::string &name="") |
| Creates a new ExecutorStatic that wraps a given FunctorStatic. More...
template<class R , class O , class OO , class... Params> |
FunctorMemberPtr< O > | createFunctor (R(O::*functionPointer)(Params...), OO *object) |
| Creates a new FunctorMember with the given function-pointer and an assigned object. More...
template<class R , class O , class... Params> |
FunctorMemberPtr< O > | createFunctor (R(O::*functionPointer)(Params...)) |
| Creates a new FunctorMember with the given function-pointer. More...
template<class R , class... Params> |
FunctorStaticPtr | createFunctor (R(*functionPointer)(Params...)) |
| Creates a new FunctorStatic with the given function-pointer. More...
template<class F > |
FunctorStaticPtr | createFunctor (const F &functionObject) |
| Take care that this functor does not outlive objects that have been captured by reference in a lambda. More...
template<typename T > |
constexpr T | cube (T x) |
| Returns the cubed value (x^3). More...
void | debug (const std::string &text) |
| Prints debug output with verbose level. More...
| DeclareConsoleCommand (__CC_KeyDetector_callback_name,&prototype::void__string).hide() |
| DeclareConsoleCommand (__CC_GraphicsManager_group, __CC_setScreenResolution_name,&prototype::string__uint_uint_bool) |
| DeclareConsoleCommand (__CC_GraphicsManager_group, __CC_setFSAA_name,&prototype::string__string) |
| DeclareConsoleCommand (__CC_GraphicsManager_group, __CC_setVSync_name,&prototype::string__bool) |
| DeclareConsoleCommand (__CC_printScreen_name,&prototype::void__void) |
| DeclareGameState (GSStandalone,"standalone", false, true) |
| DeclareGameState (GSMasterServer,"masterserver", false, false) |
| DeclareGameState (GSClient,"client", false, false) |
| DeclareGameState (GSServer,"server", false, false) |
| DeclareGameState (GSGraphics,"graphics", false, true) |
| DeclareGameState (GSRoot,"root", false, false) |
| DeclareGameState (GSMainMenu,"mainMenu", false, true) |
| DeclareGameState (GSLevel,"level", false, false) |
true | defaultValue (2, 0.5f) |
false | defaultValue (2, false).argumentCompleter(0 |
unsigned int | delay (float delay, const std::string &command) |
| Console-command: Calls another console command after delay seconds (game time). More...
unsigned int | delayreal (float delay, const std::string &command) |
| Console-command: Calls another console command after delay seconds (real time) More...
int | determineMap3DZOrder (const orxonox::Vector3 &myposition, const orxonox::Vector3 &mydirection, const orxonox::Vector3 &myorthonormal, const orxonox::Vector3 &otherposition, const float detectionlimit) |
| A value between 0 and 10, in order how other object is in front or in back. More...
template<class T , class U > |
WeakPtr< T > | dynamic_pointer_cast (const WeakPtr< U > &p) |
| Uses a dynamic_cast to cast a pointer of type U* to a pointer of type T* and returns it in a new WeakPtr<T>. More...
template<class T , class U > |
StrongPtr< T > | dynamic_pointer_cast (const StrongPtr< U > &p) |
| Uses a dynamic_cast to cast a pointer of type U* to a pointer of type T* and returns it in a new StrongPtr<T>. More...
std::string | echo (const std::string &text) |
| Simply returns the arguments. More...
void | error (const std::string &text) |
| Prints output with error level. More...
template<class T > |
const T & | exceptionThrowerHelper (const T &exception) |
| Helper function that forwards an exception and displays the message. More...
void | executeDelayedCommand (Timer *timer, const std::string &command) |
| Helper function for delay(), executes the command and destroys the timer. More...
std::string | fromClipboard () |
| Default implementation if there is no OS-specific implementation or no clipboard. More...
orxonox::Vector2 | get2DViewCoordinates (const orxonox::Vector3 &myposition, const orxonox::Vector3 &mydirection, const orxonox::Vector3 &myorthonormal, const orxonox::Vector3 &otherposition) |
| Gets the 2D viewing direction (up/down, left/right) to the position of the other object, multiplied with the viewing distance to the object (0° = 0, 180° = 1). More...
orxonox::Vector2 | get2DViewdirection (const orxonox::Vector3 &myposition, const orxonox::Vector3 &mydirection, const orxonox::Vector3 &myorthonormal, const orxonox::Vector3 &otherposition) |
| Gets the 2D viewing direction (up/down, left/right) to the position of the other object. More...
orxonox::Vector2 | get3DProjection (const orxonox::Vector3 &myposition, const orxonox::Vector3 &mydirection, const orxonox::Vector3 &myorthonormal, const orxonox::Vector3 &otherposition, const float mapangle, const float detectionlimit) |
| Gets the 2D project vector for the 3D Radar . More...
float | getAngle (const orxonox::Vector3 &myposition, const orxonox::Vector3 &mydirection, const orxonox::Vector3 &otherposition) |
| Gets the angle between my viewing direction and the direction to the position of the other object. More...
std::string | getComment (const std::string &str) |
| If the string contains a comment, the comment gets returned (including the comment symbol and white spaces in front of it), an empty string otherwise. More...
Context * | getContextForInitializationOfOtherContexts () |
template<class FromType , class ToType > |
ORX_FORCEINLINE ToType | getConvertedValue (const FromType &input, const ToType &fallback) |
| Directly returns the converted value, but uses the fallback on failure. More...
unsigned int | getLevenshteinDistance (const std::string &str1, const std::string &str2) |
| Calculates the Levenshtein distance between two strings. More...
const std::string & | GetLocalisation (const LanguageEntryLabel &label) |
| Shortcut function for Language::getLocalisation. More...
const std::string & | GetLocalisation_noerror (const LanguageEntryLabel &label) |
| Shortcut function for Language::getLocalisation without printing an error in case the label doesn't exist. More...
std::string | getLowercase (const std::string &str) |
| Returns a copy of the given string where all chars are converted to lowercase. More...
uint32_t | getNetworkIdForPointer (const NetworkFunctionPointer &pointer) |
size_t | getNextCommentPosition (const std::string &str, size_t start) |
| Returns the beginning of the next comment including whitespaces in front of the comment symbol. More...
size_t | getNextQuote (const std::string &str, size_t start) |
| Returns the position of the next quotation mark in the string, starting with start. More...
std::map< std::string, OutputLevel > | getOutputLevelsMap () |
| Builds a map that maps the levels of all output levels to their ID. More...
orxonox::Vector3 | getPredictedPosition (const orxonox::Vector3 &myposition, float projectilespeed, const orxonox::Vector3 &targetposition, const orxonox::Vector3 &targetvelocity) |
| Returns the predicted position I have to aim at, if I want to hit a moving target with a moving projectile. More...
std::string | getStringBetweenQuotes (const std::string &str) |
| If the string contains something like '..."between quotaton marks"...' then 'between quotaton marks' gets returned, otherwise "". More...
std::string | getStripped (const std::string &str) |
| Returns a copy of a string without whitespaces. More...
std::string | getTimestamp (void) |
| Get a timestamp for the current time instant. More...
std::string | getTimeString (float time) |
orxonox::Vector3 | getTransformedVector (const orxonox::Vector3 &totransform, const orxonox::Vector3 &newx, const orxonox::Vector3 &newy, const orxonox::Vector3 &newz) |
| Gets the new vector after a coordinate transformation. More...
unsigned long | getUniqueNumber () |
| Returns a unique number. More...
std::string | getUniqueNumberString () |
| Returns a string of a unique number. This function is guaranteed to never return the same string twice. More...
std::string | getUppercase (const std::string &str) |
| Returns a copy of the given string where all chars are converted to uppercase. More...
bool | hasComment (const std::string &str) |
| Returns true if the string contains a comment, introduced by #, %, ; or //. More...
bool | hasStringBetweenQuotes (const std::string &str) |
| Returns true if the string contains something like '..."between quotaton marks"...'. More...
static void | helper_output_debug (ENetEvent *event, char *addrconv) |
void | info (const std::string &text) |
| Prints output with info level. More...
template<> |
void | InputHandler::buttonEvent< JoyStickButtonCode::ByEnum > (unsigned int device, JoyStickButtonCode::ByEnum button, ButtonEvent::TPress) |
template<> |
void | InputHandler::buttonEvent< JoyStickButtonCode::ByEnum > (unsigned int device, JoyStickButtonCode::ByEnum button, ButtonEvent::TRelease) |
template<> |
void | InputHandler::buttonEvent< JoyStickButtonCode::ByEnum > (unsigned int device, JoyStickButtonCode::ByEnum button, ButtonEvent::THold) |
template<typename T > |
T | interpolate (float time, const T &start, const T &end) |
| Interpolates between two values for a time between 0 and 1. More...
template<typename T > |
T | interpolateSmooth (float time, const T &start, const T &end) |
| Interpolates smoothly between two values for a time between 0 and 1. More...
bool | isBetweenQuotes (const std::string &str, size_t pos) |
| Returns true if pos is between two quotation marks. More...
bool | isComment (const std::string &str) |
| Determines if a string is a comment (starts with a comment-symbol). More...
bool | isEmpty (const std::string &str) |
| Determines if a string is empty (contains only whitespaces). More...
bool | isObjectHigherThanShipOnMap (const orxonox::Vector3 &myposition, const orxonox::Vector3 &mydirection, const orxonox::Vector3 &myorthonormal, const orxonox::Vector3 &otherposition, const float mapangle) |
| Gets if a object is over the x/z - plain on map. More...
static void | key_esc () |
void | killdelay (unsigned int handle) |
| Console-command: Kills a delayed command with given handle. More...
void | killdelays () |
| Console-command: Kills all scheduled commands that were delayed using delay(). More...
template<class T > |
void | loadAndIncrease (T &variable, uint8_t *&mem) |
| loads the value of a variable out of the bytestream and increases the mem pointer More...
template<class T > |
void | loadAndIncrease (T *&variable, uint8_t *&mem) |
| reads the objectID of a pointer out of the bytestream and increases the mem pointer More...
void | loadAndIncrease (char *&variable, uint8_t *&mem) |
template<class T > |
void | loadAndIncrease (const StrongPtr< T > &variable, uint8_t *&mem) |
| reads the objectID of a pointer out of the bytestream and increases the mem pointer More...
template<> |
void | loadAndIncrease (bool &variable, uint8_t *&mem) |
template<> |
void | loadAndIncrease (char &variable, uint8_t *&mem) |
template<class T > |
void | loadAndIncrease (const WeakPtr< T > &variable, uint8_t *&mem) |
| reads the objectID of a pointer out of the bytestream and increases the mem pointer More...
template<> |
void | loadAndIncrease (unsigned char &variable, uint8_t *&mem) |
template<> |
void | loadAndIncrease (short &variable, uint8_t *&mem) |
template<> |
void | loadAndIncrease (unsigned short &variable, uint8_t *&mem) |
template<> |
void | loadAndIncrease (int &variable, uint8_t *&mem) |
template<> |
void | loadAndIncrease (unsigned int &variable, uint8_t *&mem) |
template<> |
void | loadAndIncrease (long &variable, uint8_t *&mem) |
template<> |
void | loadAndIncrease (unsigned long &variable, uint8_t *&mem) |
template<> |
void | loadAndIncrease (long long &variable, uint8_t *&mem) |
template<> |
void | loadAndIncrease (unsigned long long &variable, uint8_t *&mem) |
template<> |
void | loadAndIncrease (float &variable, uint8_t *&mem) |
template<> |
void | loadAndIncrease (double &variable, uint8_t *&mem) |
template<> |
void | loadAndIncrease (long double &variable, uint8_t *&mem) |
template<> |
void | loadAndIncrease (std::string &variable, uint8_t *&mem) |
template<> |
void | loadAndIncrease (Degree &variable, uint8_t *&mem) |
template<> |
void | loadAndIncrease (Radian &variable, uint8_t *&mem) |
template<> |
void | loadAndIncrease (Vector2 &variable, uint8_t *&mem) |
template<> |
void | loadAndIncrease (Vector3 &variable, uint8_t *&mem) |
template<> |
void | loadAndIncrease (Vector4 &variable, uint8_t *&mem) |
template<> |
void | loadAndIncrease (Quaternion &variable, uint8_t *&mem) |
template<> |
void | loadAndIncrease (ColourValue &variable, uint8_t *&mem) |
template<> |
void | loadAndIncrease (mbool &variable, uint8_t *&mem) |
template<class T > |
void | loadAndIncrease (std::set< T > &variable, uint8_t *&mem) |
void | loadCalibration (std::vector< int > &list, const std::string §ionName, const std::string &valueName, size_t size, int defaultValue) |
| Helper function that loads the config value vector of one coefficient. More...
void | log (const std::string &text) |
| Prints text to the console and the logfile. More...
void | lowercase (std::string *str) |
| Replaces each char between A and Z with its lowercase equivalent. More...
int | main (const std::string &strCmdLine) |
| Starting point of orxonox (however not the entry point of the program!) More...
| ManageScopedSingleton (DialogManager, ScopeID::ROOT, false) |
| ManageScopedSingleton (DestroyLaterManager, ScopeID::ROOT, false) |
| ManageScopedSingleton (ChatHistory, ScopeID::ROOT, false) |
| ManageScopedSingleton (MoodManager, ScopeID::ROOT, false) |
| ManageScopedSingleton (Highscore, ScopeID::ROOT, false) |
| ManageScopedSingleton (KeyDetector, ScopeID::GRAPHICS, false) |
| ManageScopedSingleton (LANDiscovery, ScopeID::GRAPHICS, false) |
| ManageScopedSingleton (PlayerManager, ScopeID::ROOT, false) |
| ManageScopedSingleton (ChatManager, ScopeID::ROOT, false) |
| ManageScopedSingleton (KeyBinderManager, ScopeID::GRAPHICS, false) |
| ManageScopedSingleton (CameraManager, ScopeID::GRAPHICS, false) |
| ManageScopedSingleton (NotificationManager, ScopeID::ROOT, false) |
| ManageScopedSingleton (QuestManager, ScopeID::ROOT, false) |
| ManageScopedSingleton (SoundManager, ScopeID::GRAPHICS, true) |
| ManageScopedSingleton (PickupManager, ScopeID::ROOT, false) |
| ManageScopedSingleton (Client, ScopeID::ROOT, false) |
| ManageScopedSingleton (SkyboxGenerator, ScopeID::GRAPHICS, false) |
| ManageScopedSingleton (ScreenshotManager, ScopeID::GRAPHICS, false) |
| ManageScopedSingleton (ChatInputHandler, ScopeID::GRAPHICS, false) |
| ManageScopedSingleton (InGameConsole, ScopeID::GRAPHICS, false) |
Ogre::Matrix3 | matrix3 (const btMatrix3x3 &matrix) |
Ogre::Matrix4 | matrix4 (const btTransform &transform) |
template<typename T > |
int | mod (T x, int max) |
| The modulo operation, enhanced to work properly with negative values. More...
ConsoleCommand::ConsoleCommandManipulator | ModifyConsoleCommand (const std::string &name) |
| Returns a manipulator for a command with the given name. More...
ConsoleCommand::ConsoleCommandManipulator | ModifyConsoleCommand (const std::string &group, const std::string &name) |
| Returns a manipulator for a command with the given group and name. More...
void | msleep (unsigned long milliseconds) |
| Makes the thread sleep for a few milliseconds. More...
template<class ToType , class FromType > |
ORX_FORCEINLINE ToType | multi_cast (const FromType &input) |
| Converts any value to any other as long as there exists a conversion. More...
template<> |
bool | MultiType::MT_ValueBase::isType< orxonox::ColourValue > () const |
template<> |
bool | MultiType::MT_ValueBase::isType< orxonox::Degree > () const |
template<> |
bool | MultiType::MT_ValueBase::isType< orxonox::Quaternion > () const |
template<> |
bool | MultiType::MT_ValueBase::isType< orxonox::Radian > () const |
template<> |
bool | MultiType::MT_ValueBase::isType< orxonox::Vector2 > () const |
template<> |
bool | MultiType::MT_ValueBase::isType< orxonox::Vector3 > () const |
template<> |
bool | MultiType::MT_ValueBase::isType< orxonox::Vector4 > () const |
template<> |
bool | MultiType::MT_ValueBase::isType< std::string > () const |
const boost::posix_time::millisec | NETWORK_COMMUNICATION_THREAD_WAIT_TIME (200) |
int | nocaseCmp (const std::string &s1, const std::string &s2) |
| Compares two strings ignoring different casing. More...
int | nocaseCmp (const std::string &s1, const std::string &s2, size_t len) |
| Compares the first len chars of two strings ignoring different casing. More...
constexpr bool | operator!= (bool x, tribool y) |
| This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts. More...
constexpr bool | operator!= (dontcare_keyword_t, tribool x) |
| This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts. More...
InputManager::State | operator&= (InputManager::State &lval, int rval) |
| Defines the &= operator for easier use. More...
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, const orxonox::Radian &radian) |
| Function for writing a Radian to a stream. More...
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, const orxonox::Degree °ree) |
| Function for writing a Degree to a stream. More...
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, const std::set< const Identifier * > &list) |
| Lists the names of all Identifiers in a std::set<const Identifier*>. More...
_UtilExport std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &outstream, const MultiType &mt) |
| Puts the MultiType on a stream by using the native << operator of the current type. More...
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, const ClassTreeMask &mask) |
| Converts the content of a mask into a human readable string and puts it on the ostream. More...
constexpr bool | operator== (bool x, tribool y) |
| This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts. More...
constexpr bool | operator== (dontcare_keyword_t, tribool x) |
| This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts. More...
std::istream & | operator>> (std::istream &in, orxonox::Radian &radian) |
| Function for reading a Radian from a stream. More...
std::istream & | operator>> (std::istream &in, orxonox::Degree °ree) |
| Function for reading a Degree from a stream. More...
InputManager::State | operator|= (InputManager::State &lval, InputManager::State rval) |
| Defines the |= operator for easier use. More...
template<class T , class U > |
T | orxonox_cast (U *) |
| Casts on object of type Identifiable to any derived type that is registered in the class hierarchy. More...
template<class T , class U > |
ORX_FORCEINLINE T | orxonox_cast (U *source) |
| Casts on object of type Identifiable to any derived type that is registered in the class hierarchy. More...
OutputStream & | orxout (OutputLevel level=level::debug_output, const OutputContextContainer &context=context::undefined()) |
| This helper function returns a reference to a commonly used instance of OutputStream. More...
OutputStream & | orxout (OutputLevel level, OutputContextFunction context) |
| Shortcut for orxout() to allow passing contexts directly as functions without using "()". More...
void | orxout_level (const std::string &level_name, const std::string &text) |
| Prints text to the console. More...
void | orxout_level_context (const std::string &level_name, const std::string &context_name, const std::string &text) |
| Prints text to the console. More...
_UtilExport bool | parse_float (char *const, char **, float *) |
_UtilExport bool | parse_float (char *const, char **, char, float *) |
_UtilExport bool | parse_vector_float (char *const, char **, bool, float *) |
static void | printFPS () |
static void | printTickTime () |
btQuaternion | quaternion (const Ogre::Quaternion &Q) |
Ogre::Quaternion | quaternion (const btQuaternion &Q) |
std::string | read (const std::string &filename) |
| Reads text from a file. More...
size_t | readVorbis (void *ptr, size_t size, size_t nmemb, void *datasource) |
| RegisterAbstractClass (ViewportEventListener).inheritsFrom< Listable >() |
| RegisterAbstractClass (UpdateListener).inheritsFrom< Listable >() |
| RegisterAbstractClass (XMLNameListener).inheritsFrom< Listable >() |
| RegisterAbstractClass (ClientConnectionListener).inheritsFrom< Listable >() |
| RegisterAbstractClass (WindowEventListener).inheritsFrom< Listable >() |
| RegisterAbstractClass (DestroyLaterManager).inheritsFrom< UpdateListener >() |
| RegisterAbstractClass (AmbientSound).inheritsFrom< BaseSound >().inheritsFrom< MoodListener >() |
| RegisterAbstractClass (JoyStickQuantityListener).inheritsFrom< Listable >() |
| RegisterAbstractClass (QuestEffect).inheritsFrom< BaseObject >() |
| RegisterAbstractClass (WANDiscovery).inheritsFrom< Configurable >() |
| RegisterAbstractClass (DockingEffect).inheritsFrom< BaseObject >() |
| RegisterAbstractClass (ChatHistory).inheritsFrom< ChatListener >() |
| RegisterAbstractClass (RadarViewable).inheritsFrom< OrxonoxInterface >() |
| RegisterAbstractClass (WANDiscoverable).inheritsFrom< Configurable >() |
| RegisterAbstractClass (DockingAnimation).inheritsFrom< BaseObject >() |
| RegisterAbstractClass (AbstractRadiusHeightCollisionShape).inheritsFrom< CollisionShape >() |
| RegisterAbstractClass (CollectiblePickup).inheritsFrom< Pickupable >() |
| RegisterAbstractClass (PlayerInfo).inheritsFrom< Info >() |
| RegisterAbstractClass (PickupListener).inheritsFrom< OrxonoxInterface >() |
| RegisterAbstractClass (PickupCarrier).inheritsFrom< OrxonoxInterface >() |
| RegisterAbstractClass (MoodListener).inheritsFrom< OrxonoxInterface >() |
| RegisterAbstractClass (PlayerManager).inheritsFrom< ClientConnectionListener >() |
| RegisterAbstractClass (ChangeQuestStatus).inheritsFrom< QuestEffect >() |
| RegisterAbstractClass (MoodManager).inheritsFrom< Configurable >() |
| RegisterAbstractClass (KeyDetector).inheritsFrom< KeyBinder >() |
| RegisterAbstractClass (BaseSound).inheritsFrom< Listable >() |
| RegisterAbstractClass (ChatManager).inheritsFrom< NetworkChatListener >() |
| RegisterAbstractClass (KeyBinder).inheritsFrom< JoyStickQuantityListener >() |
| RegisterAbstractClass (Quest).inheritsFrom< QuestItem >() |
| RegisterAbstractClass (CollisionShape).inheritsFrom< BaseObject >().inheritsFrom< Synchronisable >() |
| RegisterAbstractClass (Synchronisable).inheritsFrom< OrxonoxInterface >() |
| RegisterAbstractClass (WeaponMode).inheritsFrom< BaseObject >() |
| RegisterAbstractClass (TimeFactorListener).inheritsFrom< Listable >() |
| RegisterAbstractClass (Pickupable).inheritsFrom< OrxonoxInterface >().inheritsFrom< Rewardable >() |
| RegisterAbstractClass (Radar).inheritsFrom< Tickable >() |
| RegisterAbstractClass (JoyStick).inheritsFrom< Configurable >() |
| RegisterAbstractClass (NotificationManager).inheritsFrom< NotificationListener >() |
| RegisterAbstractClass (ParticleInterface).inheritsFrom< TimeFactorListener >() |
| RegisterAbstractClass (GametypeMessageListener).inheritsFrom< OrxonoxInterface >() |
| RegisterAbstractClass (Mouse).inheritsFrom< WindowEventListener >() |
| RegisterAbstractClass (NotificationListener).inheritsFrom< OrxonoxInterface >() |
| RegisterAbstractClass (KeyBinderManager).inheritsFrom< Configurable >() |
| RegisterAbstractClass (PluginManager).inheritsFrom< Configurable >() |
| RegisterAbstractClass (PlayerTrigger).inheritsFrom< OrxonoxInterface >() |
| RegisterAbstractClass (PickupManager).inheritsFrom< PickupListener >() |
| RegisterAbstractClass (SkyboxGenerator).inheritsFrom< Configurable >().inheritsFrom< Tickable >() |
| RegisterAbstractClass (WorldEntity).inheritsFrom< BaseObject >().inheritsFrom< Synchronisable >() |
| RegisterAbstractClass (GSMainMenu).inheritsFrom< Configurable >() |
| RegisterAbstractClass (ScreenshotManager).inheritsFrom< Configurable >() |
| RegisterAbstractClass (SoundManager).inheritsFrom< Configurable >().inheritsFrom< UpdateListener >() |
| RegisterAbstractClass (Tickable).inheritsFrom< OrxonoxInterface >() |
| RegisterAbstractClass (ChatInputHandler).inheritsFrom< ChatListener >() |
| RegisterAbstractClass (InGameConsole).inheritsFrom< WindowEventListener >().inheritsFrom< UpdateListener >() |
| RegisterAbstractClass (RadarListener).inheritsFrom< OrxonoxInterface >() |
| RegisterAbstractClass (InputManager).inheritsFrom< WindowEventListener >() |
| RegisterAbstractClass (TeamColourable).inheritsFrom< OrxonoxInterface >() |
| RegisterAbstractClass (GraphicsManager).inheritsFrom< Configurable >() |
| RegisterAbstractClass (Rewardable).inheritsFrom< OrxonoxInterface >() |
| RegisterAbstractClass (ChatListener).inheritsFrom< Listable >() |
| RegisterAbstractClass (DevModeListener).inheritsFrom< Listable >() |
| RegisterAbstractClass (NetworkChatListener).inheritsFrom< Listable >() |
| RegisterAbstractClass (GUIManager).inheritsFrom< WindowEventListener >() |
| RegisterAbstractClass (GSLevelMemento).inheritsFrom< OrxonoxInterface >() |
| RegisterClass (Wagnis) |
| RegisterClass (WagnisGameboard) |
| RegisterClass (GravityBombMunition) |
| RegisterClass (GravityBomb) |
| RegisterClass (GravityBombField) |
| RegisterClass (TowerDefenseEnemy) |
| RegisterClass (WagnisPlayer) |
| RegisterClass (WagnisProvince) |
| RegisterClass (TowerDefenseTower) |
| RegisterClass (GravityBombFire) |
| RegisterClass (ControllerDirector) |
| RegisterClass (SpaceRaceBot) |
| RegisterClass (ShootableObstacle) |
| RegisterClass (EventName) |
| RegisterClass (WagnisProjectile) |
| RegisterClass (MasterController) |
| RegisterClass (SectionController) |
| RegisterClass (Item) |
| RegisterClass (Info) |
| RegisterClass (EventTarget) |
| RegisterClass (DivisionController) |
| RegisterClass (WingmanController) |
| RegisterClass (Answer) |
| RegisterClass (AnswerId) |
| RegisterClass (Question) |
| RegisterClass (Arrow) |
| RegisterClass (Attacher) |
| RegisterClass (TeamTargetProxy) |
| RegisterClass (AnnounceMessage) |
| RegisterClass (DeathMessage) |
| RegisterClass (GametypeFadingMessage) |
| RegisterClass (HUDEnemyShieldBar) |
| RegisterClass (HUDRocketFuelBar) |
| RegisterClass (HUDShieldBar) |
| RegisterClass (KillMessage) |
| RegisterClass (PauseNotice) |
| RegisterClass (PacmanGhost) |
| RegisterClass (PacmanPointAfraid) |
| RegisterClass (PacmanPointSphere) |
| RegisterClass (TowerDefenseHUDController) |
| RegisterClass (WagnisHUDinfo) |
| RegisterClass (WaypointController) |
| RegisterClass (Actionpoint) |
| RegisterClass (FadingBillboard) |
| RegisterClass (Asteroids2DHUDinfo) |
| RegisterClass (Destroyer) |
| RegisterClass (DodgeRaceHUDinfo) |
| RegisterClass (TeamSpawnPoint) |
| RegisterClass (InvaderHUDinfo) |
| RegisterClass (TurretController) |
| RegisterClass (EventDispatcher) |
| RegisterClass (EventListener) |
| RegisterClass (OrxoKartKart) |
| RegisterClass (DebugFPSText) |
| RegisterClass (DebugRTRText) |
| RegisterClass (HUDBoostBar) |
| RegisterClass (HUDEnemyHealthBar) |
| RegisterClass (Scoreboard) |
| RegisterClass (PacmanHUDinfo) |
| RegisterClass (DefaultWeaponmodeLink) |
| RegisterClass (ActionpointController) |
| RegisterClass (BlinkingBillboard) |
| RegisterClass (CameraPosition) |
| RegisterClass (Drone) |
| RegisterClass (SpaceRaceController) |
| RegisterClass (EventFilter) |
| RegisterClass (Turret) |
| RegisterClass (OrxyRoadHUDinfo) |
| RegisterClass (GametypeStaticMessage) |
| RegisterClass (HUDSpeedBar) |
| RegisterClass (HUDTimer) |
| RegisterClass (PortalLink) |
| RegisterClass (AutonomousDroneController) |
| RegisterClass (WaypointPatrolController) |
| RegisterClass (GUISheet) |
| RegisterClass (GlobalShader) |
| RegisterClass (Test) |
| RegisterClass (Munition) |
| RegisterClass (ExplosionPart) |
| RegisterClass (SpawnPoint) |
| RegisterClass (OrxyRoadShip) |
| RegisterClass (DebugPositionText) |
| RegisterClass (HUDHealthBar) |
| RegisterClass (LastManStandingInfos) |
| RegisterClass (LastTeamStandingInfos) |
| RegisterClass (TeamBaseMatchScore) |
| RegisterClass (Pacman) |
| RegisterClass (PacmanGelb) |
| RegisterClass (MineMunition) |
| RegisterClass (DodgeRaceShip) |
| RegisterClass (FlameMunition) |
| RegisterClass (FusionMunition) |
| RegisterClass (IceMunition) |
| RegisterClass (LaserMunition) |
| RegisterClass (LightningMunition) |
| RegisterClass (RocketMunition) |
| RegisterClass (SplitMunition) |
| RegisterClass (WorldEntityCollisionShape) |
| RegisterClass (ArrowController) |
| RegisterClass (ResourceCollection) |
| RegisterClass (ParticleSpawner) |
| RegisterClass (TeamBaseMatchBase) |
| RegisterClass (WeaponSet) |
| RegisterClass (WeaponSlot) |
| RegisterClass (NameableStaticEntity) |
| RegisterClass (CreateStars) |
| RegisterClass (DodgeRaceCube) |
| RegisterClass (FlappyOrxHUDinfo) |
| RegisterClass (StaticEntity) |
| RegisterClass (JumpPlatformFake) |
| RegisterClass (Context) |
| RegisterClass (Namespace) |
| RegisterClass (OrxyRoadCube) |
| RegisterClass (Template) |
| RegisterClass (SOBHUDInfo) |
| RegisterClass (ExplosionChunk) |
| RegisterClass (DockingController) |
| RegisterClass (DockingTarget) |
| RegisterClass (WeaponPack) |
| RegisterClass (Billboard) |
| RegisterClass (MeshLodInformation) |
| RegisterClass (Bot) |
| RegisterClass (Dialog) |
| RegisterClass (DockToShip) |
| RegisterClass (HoverShip) |
| RegisterClass (JumpPlatformDisappear) |
| RegisterClass (JumpPlatformHMove) |
| RegisterClass (JumpPlatformStatic) |
| RegisterClass (JumpPlatformVMove) |
| RegisterClass (JumpPropeller) |
| RegisterClass (JumpRocket) |
| RegisterClass (JumpShield) |
| RegisterClass (JumpSpring) |
| RegisterClass (SimpleNotification) |
| RegisterClass (Listable).virtualBase() |
| RegisterClass (OrxoKartOrigin) |
| RegisterClass (HUDWeaponSystem) |
| RegisterClass (PongBat) |
| RegisterClass (PongBot) |
| RegisterClass (TowerDefenseField) |
| RegisterClass (TowerDefenseSelecter) |
| RegisterClass (IceGunFreezer) |
| RegisterClass (MuzzleFlash) |
| RegisterClass (AIController) |
| RegisterClass (AnimatedModel) |
| RegisterClass (Weapon) |
| RegisterClass (HoverOrigin) |
| RegisterClass (TimeHUD) |
| RegisterClass (InvaderWeaponEnemy) |
| RegisterClass (JumpBoots) |
| RegisterClass (JumpCenterpoint) |
| RegisterClass (JumpEnemy) |
| RegisterClass (JumpItem) |
| RegisterClass (JumpProjectile) |
| RegisterClass (ForceField) |
| RegisterClass (DistanceTriggerBeacon) |
| RegisterClass (EventTrigger) |
| RegisterClass (OrxoKartTile) |
| RegisterClass (OrxyRoadCenterPoint) |
| RegisterClass (FadeoutText) |
| RegisterClass (MunitionContainer) |
| RegisterClass (EffectContainer) |
| RegisterClass (SOBCenterpoint) |
| RegisterClass (DodgeRaceCenterPoint) |
| RegisterClass (BillboardProjectile) |
| RegisterClass (LightningGunProjectile) |
| RegisterClass (CommonController) |
| RegisterClass (FlyingController) |
| RegisterClass (Engine) |
| RegisterClass (ReplenishingMunition) |
| RegisterClass (Asteroids2DShip) |
| RegisterClass (MoveToDockingTarget) |
| RegisterClass (SpaceRaceManager) |
| RegisterClass (HoverWall) |
| RegisterClass (InvaderCenterPoint) |
| RegisterClass (InvaderEnemy) |
| RegisterClass (MobileEntity) |
| RegisterClass (JumpPlatformTimer) |
| RegisterClass (ConeCollisionShape) |
| RegisterClass (CylinderCollisionShape) |
| RegisterClass (Planet) |
| RegisterClass (GUIOverlay) |
| RegisterClass (RaceCheckPoint) |
| RegisterClass (PongCenterpoint) |
| RegisterClass (AddReward) |
| RegisterClass (GlobalQuest) |
| RegisterClass (LocalQuest) |
| RegisterClass (MovableEntity) |
| RegisterClass (FlameGunProjectile) |
| RegisterClass (ParticleProjectile) |
| RegisterClass (SplitGunProjectile) |
| RegisterClass (DroneController) |
| Constructor. More...
| RegisterClass (Light) |
| RegisterClass (Asteroids2DCenterPoint) |
| RegisterClass (WorldAmbientSound) |
| RegisterClass (WorldSound) |
| RegisterClass (InvaderEnemyShooter) |
| RegisterClass (JumpPlatform) |
| RegisterClass (JumpScore) |
| RegisterClass (BoxCollisionShape) |
| RegisterClass (SphereCollisionShape) |
| RegisterClass (PlaneCollisionShape) |
| RegisterClass (SpaceBoundaries) |
| RegisterClass (CheckPoint) |
| RegisterClass (FightingController) |
| RegisterClass (BoostPickup) |
| RegisterClass (DamageBoostPickup) |
| RegisterClass (MetaPickup) |
| RegisterClass (MunitionPickup) |
| RegisterClass (ShieldPickup) |
| RegisterClass (SpeedPickup) |
| RegisterClass (PortalEndPoint) |
| RegisterClass (CompleteQuest) |
| RegisterClass (QuestListener) |
| RegisterClass (SOBCastlestone) |
| RegisterClass (SOBCoin) |
| RegisterClass (SOBFlagstone) |
| RegisterClass (SOBGumba) |
| RegisterClass (SOBItem) |
| RegisterClass (SOBMushroom) |
| RegisterClass (TetrisCenterpoint) |
| RegisterClass (TetrisStone) |
| RegisterClass (TowerDefenseCenterpoint) |
| RegisterClass (RocketController) |
| RegisterClass (CompoundCollisionShape) |
| RegisterClass (ResourceLocation) |
| RegisterClass (FailQuest) |
| RegisterClass (EventMultiTrigger) |
| RegisterClass (MultiTrigger) |
| RegisterClass (OrxoKartFlag) |
| RegisterClass (StoryModePawn) |
| RegisterClass (AddQuest) |
| RegisterClass (QuestHint) |
| RegisterClass (Projectile) |
| RegisterClass (WagnisGun) |
| RegisterClass (ParticleEmitter) |
| RegisterClass (FlappyOrxShip) |
| RegisterClass (HoverFlag) |
| RegisterClass (InvaderShip) |
| RegisterClass (JumpFigure) |
| RegisterClass (ScriptableControllerDrone) |
| Constructor. More...
| RegisterClass (Mini4DgameBoard) |
| RegisterClass (CommandNotification) |
| RegisterClass (NotificationQueue) |
| RegisterClass (HUDWeapon) |
| RegisterClass (HUDWeaponMode) |
| RegisterClass (QuestDescription) |
| RegisterClass (SOBQBlock) |
| RegisterClass (SOBTube) |
| RegisterClass (TetrisBrick) |
| RegisterClass (TetrisScore) |
| RegisterClass (LightningGun) |
| RegisterClass (AddQuestHint) |
| RegisterClass (AutonomousDrone) |
| Constructor. More...
| RegisterClass (Stats) |
| RegisterClass (LaserFire) |
| RegisterClass (DronePickup) |
| RegisterClass (InvisiblePickup) |
| RegisterClass (PickupCollection) |
| RegisterClass (PickupRepresentation) |
| RegisterClass (PongScore) |
| RegisterClass (QuestEffectBeacon) |
| RegisterClass (FlameGun) |
| RegisterClass (IceGun) |
| RegisterClass (MineGun) |
| RegisterClass (SplitGun) |
| RegisterClass (ArtificialController) |
| RegisterClass (Backlight) |
| RegisterClass (MineProjectile) |
| RegisterClass (PartDestructionEvent) |
| RegisterClass (Asteroids2DStone) |
| RegisterClass (Spectator) |
| RegisterClass (NotificationQueueCEGUI) |
| RegisterClass (Script) |
| RegisterClass (Trigger) |
| RegisterClass (TriggerBase) |
| RegisterClass (ShroomHUD) |
| RegisterClass (OverlayText) |
| RegisterClass (ShrinkPickup) |
| RegisterClass (PongBall) |
| RegisterClass (RocketFireOld) |
| RegisterClass (FusionFire) |
| RegisterClass (RocketFire) |
| RegisterClass (SpaceShip) |
| RegisterClass (WeaponSystem) |
| RegisterClass (IceGunProjectile) |
| RegisterClass (Camera) |
| RegisterClass (Level) |
| RegisterClass (Dock) |
| RegisterClass (Asteroids2DWeapon) |
| RegisterClass (FlagHUD) |
| RegisterClass (PickupSpawner) |
| RegisterClass (DistanceMultiTrigger) |
| RegisterClass (HealthPickup) |
| RegisterClass (LensFlare) |
| RegisterClass (HUDPickupSystem) |
| RegisterClass (SOBGumbaBoss) |
| RegisterClass (ControllableEntity) |
| RegisterClass (Model) |
| RegisterClass (ShipPart) |
| RegisterClass (EnergyDrink) |
| RegisterClass (DistanceTrigger) |
| RegisterClass (MultiStateEngine) |
| RegisterClass (ChatOverlay) |
| RegisterClass (BaseObject) |
| RegisterClass (SOBFireball) |
| RegisterClass (HsW01) |
| RegisterClass (SimpleRocketFire) |
| RegisterClass (InvaderWeapon) |
| RegisterClass (ModularSpaceShip) |
| RegisterClass (BarColour) |
| RegisterClass (HUDRadar) |
| RegisterClass (ScriptController) |
| RegisterClass (SimpleRocket) |
| RegisterClass (RocketOld) |
| RegisterClass (Rocket) |
| RegisterClass (FpsPlayer) |
| RegisterClass (SpicedAsteroidField) |
| RegisterClass (SOBFigure) |
| RegisterClass (FormationController) |
| RegisterClass (SpicedAsteroidBelt) |
| RegisterClass (Pawn) |
| RegisterClass (OverlayGroup) |
| RegisterClass (CountDown) |
| RegisterClass (Scene) |
| RegisterClass (StoryModeHUD) |
| RegisterClass (WagnisHUD) |
| RegisterClass (OrxonoxOverlay) |
| RegisterClass (HUDBar) |
| RegisterClass (HUDNavigation) |
| RegisterClass (AsteroidMinable) |
template<class T > |
Identifier * | registerClass (const std::string &name, ClassFactory< T > *factory, bool bLoadable=true) |
| Overload of registerClass() which determines T implicitly by the template argument of the ClassFactory. More...
template<class T > |
Identifier * | registerClass (const std::string &name, Factory *factory, bool bLoadable=true) |
| Registers a class in the framework. More...
| RegisterClass (LevelInfo) |
| RegisterClassNoArgs (Configurable).virtualBase() |
| RegisterClassNoArgs (OrxonoxClass) |
| RegisterClassNoArgs (OrxonoxInterface).virtualBase() |
| RegisterClassNoArgs (GameConfig) |
| RegisterClassNoArgs (InputBuffer) |
| RegisterClassNoArgs (Highscore) |
| RegisterClassNoArgs (Shader) |
| RegisterClassNoArgs (CoreConfig) |
| RegisterClassNoArgs (Identifiable).virtualBase() |
| RegisterClassNoArgs (BasicProjectile) |
| RegisterClassNoArgs (LANDiscoverable) |
| RegisterClassNoArgs (Shell) |
| RegisterClassNoArgs (Timer) |
| RegisterClassNoArgs (RealTimer) |
_UtilExport const OutputContextContainer & | registerContext (const std::string &name, const std::string &subname="") |
| Registers a context. More...
| registerMemberNetworkFunction (NotificationDispatcher, broadcastHelper) |
| registerMemberNetworkFunction (ControllableEntity, fire) |
| registerMemberNetworkFunction (NotificationDispatcher, dispatch) |
| registerMemberNetworkFunction (Test, checkU1) |
| registerMemberNetworkFunction (ControllableEntity, setTargetInternal) |
| registerMemberNetworkFunction (Test, printBlaBla) |
| registerMemberNetworkFunction (GametypeInfo, dispatchAnnounceMessage) |
| registerMemberNetworkFunction (GametypeInfo, dispatchKillMessage) |
| registerMemberNetworkFunction (GametypeInfo, dispatchDeathMessage) |
| registerMemberNetworkFunction (GametypeInfo, dispatchStaticMessage) |
| registerMemberNetworkFunction (GametypeInfo, dispatchFadingMessage) |
| registerMemberNetworkFunction (GametypeInfo, changedReadyToSpawn) |
| registerMemberNetworkFunction (GametypeInfo, changedSpawned) |
template<class T , class PT > |
NetworkFunctionBase * | registerMemberNetworkFunctionFct (PT ptr, const std::string &name) |
| RegisterStaticInitializationHandler (NetworkStaticInitializationHandler) |
| registerStaticNetworkFunction (Script::executeHelper) |
| registerStaticNetworkFunction (NotificationListener::sendHelper) |
| registerStaticNetworkFunction (Dock::showDockingDialog) |
| registerStaticNetworkFunction (PickupManager::pickupChangedUsedNetwork) |
| registerStaticNetworkFunction (PickupManager::pickupChangedPickedUpNetwork) |
| registerStaticNetworkFunction (PickupManager::dropPickupNetworked) |
| registerStaticNetworkFunction (PickupManager::usePickupNetworked) |
template<class PT > |
NetworkFunctionBase * | registerStaticNetworkFunctionFct (PT ptr, const std::string &name) |
| RegisterUnloadableClass (Controller) |
| RegisterUnloadableClass (Asteroids) |
| RegisterUnloadableClass (Deathmatch) |
| RegisterUnloadableClass (TeamBaseMatch) |
| RegisterUnloadableClass (TeamDeathmatch) |
| RegisterUnloadableClass (LastManStanding) |
| RegisterUnloadableClass (LastTeamStanding) |
| RegisterUnloadableClass (TeamGametype) |
| RegisterUnloadableClass (OrxyRoad) |
| RegisterUnloadableClass (UnderAttack) |
| RegisterUnloadableClass (DodgeRace) |
| RegisterUnloadableClass (OrxoKart) |
| RegisterUnloadableClass (MultiTriggerContainer) |
| RegisterUnloadableClass (QuestItem) |
| RegisterUnloadableClass (Hover) |
| RegisterUnloadableClass (HumanPlayer) |
| RegisterUnloadableClass (StoryMode) |
| RegisterUnloadableClass (Mission) |
| RegisterUnloadableClass (Dynamicmatch) |
| RegisterUnloadableClass (PongAI) |
| RegisterUnloadableClass (Mini4DgameAI) |
| RegisterUnloadableClass (NotificationDispatcher) |
| RegisterUnloadableClass (Pickup) |
| RegisterUnloadableClass (GametypeInfo) |
| RegisterUnloadableClass (SOB) |
| RegisterUnloadableClass (Pong) |
| RegisterUnloadableClass (Gametype) |
| RegisterUnloadableClass (Invader) |
| RegisterUnloadableClass (Mini4Dgame) |
| RegisterUnloadableClass (FlappyOrx) |
| RegisterUnloadableClass (Tetris) |
| RegisterUnloadableClass (Jump) |
| RegisterUnloadableClass (HumanController) |
| RegisterUnloadableClass (Asteroids2D) |
| RegisterUnloadableClass (SpaceRace) |
| RegisterUnloadableClass (TowerDefense) |
std::string | removeSlashes (const std::string &str) |
| Removes backslashes from the given string. More...
std::string | removeTrailingWhitespaces (const std::string &str) |
| Returns a copy of a string without trailing whitespaces. More...
size_t | replaceCharacters (std::string &str, char target, char replacement) |
| Replaces individual charaters. More...
template<class T , class V > |
void | resetConfigValueGeneric (T *object, V *variable, const std::string &entryName) |
| Resets a runtime configurable value to its default. More...
template<class T > |
uint32_t | returnSize (const T &variable) |
| returns the size of the variable in a datastream More...
template<class T > |
uint32_t | returnSize (T *&variable) |
| returns the size of the objectID needed to synchronise the pointer More...
uint32_t | returnSize (const char *&variable) |
template<class T > |
uint32_t | returnSize (const StrongPtr< T > &) |
| returns the size of the objectID needed to synchronise the pointer More...
template<> |
uint32_t | returnSize (const bool &) |
template<> |
uint32_t | returnSize (const char &) |
template<class T > |
uint32_t | returnSize (const WeakPtr< T > &variable) |
| returns the size of the objectID needed to synchronise the pointer More...
template<> |
uint32_t | returnSize (const unsigned char &) |
template<> |
uint32_t | returnSize (const short &) |
template<> |
uint32_t | returnSize (const unsigned short &) |
template<> |
uint32_t | returnSize (const int &) |
template<> |
uint32_t | returnSize (const unsigned int &) |
template<> |
uint32_t | returnSize (const long &) |
template<> |
uint32_t | returnSize (const unsigned long &) |
template<> |
uint32_t | returnSize (const long long &) |
template<> |
uint32_t | returnSize (const unsigned long long &) |
template<> |
uint32_t | returnSize (const float &) |
template<> |
uint32_t | returnSize (const double &) |
template<> |
uint32_t | returnSize (const long double &) |
template<> |
uint32_t | returnSize (const std::string &variable) |
template<> |
uint32_t | returnSize (const Degree &) |
template<> |
uint32_t | returnSize (const Radian &) |
template<> |
uint32_t | returnSize (const Vector2 &variable) |
template<> |
uint32_t | returnSize (const Vector3 &variable) |
template<> |
uint32_t | returnSize (const Vector4 &variable) |
template<> |
uint32_t | returnSize (const Quaternion &variable) |
template<> |
uint32_t | returnSize (const ColourValue &variable) |
template<> |
uint32_t | returnSize (const mbool &variable) |
template<class T > |
uint32_t | returnSize (const std::set< T > &variable) |
float | rnd (float min, float max) |
| Returns a random number between min and almost max: min <= rnd < max . More...
float | rnd () |
| Returns a random number between 0 and almost 1: 0 <= rnd < 1 . More...
float | rnd (float max) |
| Returns a random number between 0 and almost max: 0 <= rnd < max . More...
void | rndseed (unsigned int seed) |
| Seeds the random number generator used for the functions below. More...
float | rndsgn () |
| Returns randomly 1 or -1 with equal probability. More...
template<class T > |
void | safeObjectDelete (T **object) |
| Deletes an object and resets the pointer. More...
template<class T > |
void | saveAndIncrease (const T &variable, uint8_t *&mem) |
| saves the value of a variable into the bytestream and increases the mem pointer More...
template<class T > |
void | saveAndIncrease (T *&variable, uint8_t *&mem) |
| saves the objectID of a pointer into the bytestream and increases the mem pointer More...
void | saveAndIncrease (const char *&variable, uint8_t *&mem) |
template<class T > |
void | saveAndIncrease (const StrongPtr< T > &variable, uint8_t *&mem) |
| saves the objectID of a pointer into the bytestream and increases the mem pointer More...
template<> |
void | saveAndIncrease (const bool &variable, uint8_t *&mem) |
template<> |
void | saveAndIncrease (const char &variable, uint8_t *&mem) |
template<class T > |
void | saveAndIncrease (const WeakPtr< T > &variable, uint8_t *&mem) |
| saves the objectID of a pointer into the bytestream and increases the mem pointer More...
template<> |
void | saveAndIncrease (const unsigned char &variable, uint8_t *&mem) |
template<> |
void | saveAndIncrease (const short &variable, uint8_t *&mem) |
template<> |
void | saveAndIncrease (const unsigned short &variable, uint8_t *&mem) |
template<> |
void | saveAndIncrease (const int &variable, uint8_t *&mem) |
template<> |
void | saveAndIncrease (const unsigned int &variable, uint8_t *&mem) |
template<> |
void | saveAndIncrease (const long &variable, uint8_t *&mem) |
template<> |
void | saveAndIncrease (const unsigned long &variable, uint8_t *&mem) |
template<> |
void | saveAndIncrease (const long long &variable, uint8_t *&mem) |
template<> |
void | saveAndIncrease (const unsigned long long &variable, uint8_t *&mem) |
template<> |
void | saveAndIncrease (const float &variable, uint8_t *&mem) |
template<> |
void | saveAndIncrease (const double &variable, uint8_t *&mem) |
template<> |
void | saveAndIncrease (const long double &variable, uint8_t *&mem) |
template<> |
void | saveAndIncrease (const std::string &variable, uint8_t *&mem) |
template<> |
void | saveAndIncrease (const Degree &variable, uint8_t *&mem) |
template<> |
void | saveAndIncrease (const Radian &variable, uint8_t *&mem) |
template<> |
void | saveAndIncrease (const Vector2 &variable, uint8_t *&mem) |
template<> |
void | saveAndIncrease (const Vector3 &variable, uint8_t *&mem) |
template<> |
void | saveAndIncrease (const Vector4 &variable, uint8_t *&mem) |
template<> |
void | saveAndIncrease (const Quaternion &variable, uint8_t *&mem) |
template<> |
void | saveAndIncrease (const ColourValue &variable, uint8_t *&mem) |
template<> |
void | saveAndIncrease (const mbool &variable, uint8_t *&mem) |
template<class T > |
void | saveAndIncrease (const std::set< T > &variable, uint8_t *&mem) |
int | seekVorbis (void *datasource, ogg_int64_t offset, int whence) |
| SetCommandLineArgument (dest,"").information("Server hostname/IP (IP in the form of GSClient |
| SetCommandLineArgument (externalDataPath,"").information("Path to the external data files") |
| SetCommandLineArgument (writingPathSuffix,"").information("Additional subfolder for config and log files") |
| SetCommandLineArgument (settingsFile,"orxonox.ini").information("THE configuration file") |
| SetCommandLineArgument (generateDoc,"").information("Generates a Doxygen file from things like SetConsoleCommand") |
| SetCommandLineSwitch (console).information("Start in console mode (text IO only)") |
| SetCommandLineSwitch (server).information("Start in server mode") |
| SetCommandLineSwitch (client).information("Start in client mode") |
| SetCommandLineSwitch (dedicated).information("Start in dedicated server mode") |
| SetCommandLineSwitch (standalone).information("Start in standalone mode") |
| SetCommandLineSwitch (dedicatedClient).information("Start in dedicated client mode") |
| SetCommandLineSwitch (masterserver).information("Start in masterserver mode") |
| SetCommandLineSwitch (keyboard_no_grab).information("Whether not to exclusively grab the keyboard") |
| SetCommandLineSwitch (noIOConsole).information("Use this if you don't want to use the IOConsole (for instance for Lua debugging)") |
template<class T , class D , class V > |
ConfigValueContainer & | setConfigValueGeneric (T *object, V *variable, ConfigFileType::Value type, const std::string §ionName, const std::string &entryName, const D &defaultValue) |
| Sets a runtime configurable value. More...
| SetConsoleCommand ("Test","printV1",&Test::printV1).addShortcut() |
| SetConsoleCommand ("ms-listservers",&MasterServer::listServers) |
| SetConsoleCommand ("WorldAmbientSound","nextsong",&WorldAmbientSound::nextSong) |
| SetConsoleCommand ("Test","printV2",&Test::printV2).addShortcut() |
| SetConsoleCommand ("ms-delserver",&MasterServer::delServer) |
| SetConsoleCommand ("Test","printV3",&Test::printV3).addShortcut() |
| SetConsoleCommand ("Mission","endMission",&Mission::endMission) |
| SetConsoleCommand ("Test","printV4",&Test::printV4).addShortcut() |
| SetConsoleCommand ("Mission","setLives",&Mission::setLivesWrapper) |
| SetConsoleCommand ("Test","call",&Test::call).addShortcut() |
| SetConsoleCommand ("StoryMode","exit",&StoryMode::exit) |
| SetConsoleCommand (__CC_printRTT_group, __CC_printRTT_name,&Host::printRTT) |
| SetConsoleCommand ("chat",&ChatManager::chat).defaultValue(1 |
| SetConsoleCommand ("Test","call2",&Test::call2).addShortcut() |
| SetConsoleCommand (__CC_CommandExecutor_name, __CC_autocomplete_name,&CommandExecutor::_autocomplete).hide().argumentCompleter(0 |
| SetConsoleCommand ("HumanController","moveFrontBack",&HumanController::moveFrontBack).addShortcut().setAsInputCommand() |
| SetConsoleCommand ("ArtificialController","setbotlevel",&ArtificialController::setAllBotLevel) |
| SetConsoleCommand ("tcl",&TclBind::tcl) |
| SetConsoleCommand ("Trigger","debugFlares",&Trigger::debugFlares).defaultValues(false) |
| SetConsoleCommand ("HumanController","moveRightLeft",&HumanController::moveRightLeft).addShortcut().setAsInputCommand() |
| SetConsoleCommand ("bgerror",&TclBind::bgerror).hide() |
| SetConsoleCommand ("HumanController","moveUpDown",&HumanController::moveUpDown).addShortcut().setAsInputCommand() |
| SetConsoleCommand ("echo", echo) |
| SetConsoleCommand ("HumanController","rotateYaw",&HumanController::rotateYaw).addShortcut().setAsInputCommand() |
| SetConsoleCommand ("IRC","say",&IRC::say) |
| SetConsoleCommand (__CC_Mouse_name, __CC_grab_name,&Mouse::grab) |
| SetConsoleCommand ("HumanController","rotatePitch",&HumanController::rotatePitch).addShortcut().setAsInputCommand() |
| SetConsoleCommand ("IRC","msg",&IRC::msg) |
| SetConsoleCommand ("orxout", orxout_level) |
| SetConsoleCommand ("IRC","nick",&IRC::nick) |
| SetConsoleCommand ("HumanController","rotateRoll",&HumanController::rotateRoll).addShortcut().setAsInputCommand() |
| SetConsoleCommand ("unhide",&CommandExecutor::unhide).argumentCompleter(0 |
| SetConsoleCommand (__CC_keybind_name,&KeyBinderManager::keybind).defaultValues("").argumentCompleter(0 |
| SetConsoleCommand (__CC_Mouse_name, __CC_ungrab_name,&Mouse::ungrab) |
| SetConsoleCommand ("Dock","dock",&Dock::cmdDock).addShortcut().setAsInputCommand() |
| SetConsoleCommand (__CC_tkeybind_name,&KeyBinderManager::tkeybind).defaultValues("").argumentCompleter(0 |
| SetConsoleCommand ("orxout_context", orxout_level_context) |
| SetConsoleCommand ("ModularSpaceShip","killshippart",&ModularSpaceShip::killShipPartStatic) |
| SetConsoleCommand ("delay",&delay).argumentCompleter(1 |
| SetConsoleCommand ("PluginManager", __CC_PluginManager_load_name,&PluginManager::loadPlugin) |
| SetConsoleCommand ("Dock","undock",&Dock::cmdUndock).addShortcut().setAsInputCommand() |
| SetConsoleCommand (__CC_unbind_name,&KeyBinderManager::unbind).defaultValues("") |
| SetConsoleCommand ("delayreal",&delayreal).argumentCompleter(1 |
| SetConsoleCommand ("PluginManager", __CC_PluginManager_unload_name,&PluginManager::unloadPlugin) |
| SetConsoleCommand ("FormationController","formationflight",&FormationController::formationflight) |
| SetConsoleCommand ("log", log) |
| SetConsoleCommand ("FormationController","masteraction",&FormationController::masteraction) |
| SetConsoleCommand ("killdelay",&killdelay) |
| SetConsoleCommand (__CC_load_name,&ConfigFile::load) |
| SetConsoleCommand ("alias",&CommandExecutor::alias).argumentCompleter(1 |
| SetConsoleCommand (__CC_tunbind_name,&KeyBinderManager::tunbind).defaultValues("") |
| SetConsoleCommand ("printObjects",&GSRoot::printObjects).hide() |
| SetConsoleCommand ("Gametype", __CC_addBots_name,&Gametype::addBots).addShortcut().defaultValues(1) |
| SetConsoleCommand (__CC_setFilename_name,&SettingsConfigFile::setFilename) |
| SetConsoleCommand ("killdelays",&killdelays) |
| SetConsoleCommand ("error", error).hide() |
| SetConsoleCommand ("FormationController","followme",&FormationController::followme) |
| SetConsoleCommand (__CC_config_name,&SettingsConfigFile::config).argumentCompleter(0 |
| SetConsoleCommand ("Mini4Dgame","setStone",&Mini4Dgame::setStone).addShortcut() |
| SetConsoleCommand ("warning", warning).hide() |
| SetConsoleCommand ("FormationController","passivebehaviour",&FormationController::passivebehaviour) |
| SetConsoleCommand ("Gametype", __CC_killBots_name,&Gametype::killBots).addShortcut().defaultValues(0) |
| SetConsoleCommand ("status", status).hide() |
| SetConsoleCommand ("Mini4Dgame","undoStone",&Mini4Dgame::undoStone).addShortcut() |
| SetConsoleCommand (__CC_tconfig_name,&SettingsConfigFile::tconfig).argumentCompleter(0 |
| SetConsoleCommand ("FormationController","formationsize",&FormationController::formationsize) |
| SetConsoleCommand ("HumanController","switchCamera",&HumanController::switchCamera).addShortcut() |
| SetConsoleCommand ("TclThreadManager","create",&TclThreadManager::create) |
| SetConsoleCommand (__CC_getConfig_name,&SettingsConfigFile::getConfig).argumentCompleter(0 |
| SetConsoleCommand ("info", info).hide() |
| SetConsoleCommand ("TclThreadManager","destroy",&TclThreadManager::destroy).argumentCompleter(0 |
| SetConsoleCommand ("HumanController","mouseLook",&HumanController::mouseLook).addShortcut() |
| SetConsoleCommand ("exit",&stop_game) |
| SetConsoleCommand ("debug", debug).hide() |
| SetConsoleCommand ("OverlayGroup","toggleVisibility",&OverlayGroup::toggleVisibility).argumentCompleter(0 |
| SetConsoleCommand ("HumanController", __CC_suicide_name,&HumanController::suicide).addShortcut() |
| SetConsoleCommand ("TclThreadManager","execute",&TclThreadManager::execute).argumentCompleter(0 |
| SetConsoleCommand (__CC_startStandalone_name,&GSMainMenu::startStandalone).defaultValues("").deactivate() |
| SetConsoleCommand ("HumanController","toggleGodMode",&HumanController::toggleGodMode).addShortcut() |
| SetConsoleCommand ("TclThreadManager","query",&TclThreadManager::query).argumentCompleter(0 |
| SetConsoleCommand (__CC_startServer_name,&GSMainMenu::startServer).defaultValues("").deactivate() |
| SetConsoleCommand ("SkyboxGenerator","createSkybox",&SkyboxGenerator::createSkybox).addShortcut() |
| SetConsoleCommand ("OverlayGroup","show",&OverlayGroup::show).argumentCompleter(0 |
| SetConsoleCommand (__CC_startMainMenu_name,&GSLevel::startMainMenu).deactivate() |
| SetConsoleCommand ("printScreenHD",&ScreenshotManager::makeScreenshot_s) |
| SetConsoleCommand ("HumanController","cycleNavigationFocus",&HumanController::cycleNavigationFocus).addShortcut() |
| SetConsoleCommand ("OverlayGroup","scaleGroup",&OverlayGroup::scaleGroup).argumentCompleter(0 |
| SetConsoleCommand ("TclThreadManager","source",&TclThreadManager::source).argumentCompleter(0 |
| SetConsoleCommand ("Stats","printFPS",&printFPS) |
| SetConsoleCommand ("Pawn","debugDrawWeapons",&Pawn::consoleCommand_debugDrawWeapons).addShortcut() |
| SetConsoleCommand (__CC_startClient_name,&GSMainMenu::startClient).defaultValues("").deactivate() |
| SetConsoleCommand (__CC_changeGame_name,&GSLevel::changeGame).defaultValues("").deactivate() |
| SetConsoleCommand (__CC_startDedicated_name,&GSMainMenu::startDedicated).defaultValues("").deactivate() |
| SetConsoleCommand ("HumanController","releaseNavigationFocus",&HumanController::releaseNavigationFocus).addShortcut() |
| SetConsoleCommand ("OverlayGroup","scrollGroup",&OverlayGroup::scrollGroup).argumentCompleter(0 |
| SetConsoleCommand (__CC_reloadLevel_name,&GSLevel::reloadLevel).deactivate() |
| SetConsoleCommand ("HumanController","myposition",&HumanController::myposition).addShortcut() |
| SetConsoleCommand (__CC_setMainMenuSoundPath_name,&GSMainMenu::setMainMenuSoundPath).hide() |
| SetConsoleCommand ("Stats","printTickTime",&printTickTime) |
| SetConsoleCommand ("OrxonoxOverlay","scaleOverlay",&OrxonoxOverlay::scaleOverlay) |
| SetConsoleCommand ("calculate", calculate) |
| SetConsoleCommand ("OrxonoxOverlay","scrollOverlay",&OrxonoxOverlay::scrollOverlay) |
| SetConsoleCommand (__CC_InputManager_name, __CC_calibrate_name,&InputManager::calibrate).addShortcut() |
| SetConsoleCommand ("startchat",&ChatInputHandler::activate_static) |
| SetConsoleCommand ("OrxonoxOverlay","toggleVisibility",&OrxonoxOverlay::toggleVisibility) |
| SetConsoleCommand ("startchat_small",&ChatInputHandler::activate_small_static) |
| SetConsoleCommand ("OrxonoxOverlay","show",&OrxonoxOverlay::showOverlay) |
| SetConsoleCommand (__CC_InputManager_name, __CC_reload_name,&InputManager::reload) |
| SetConsoleCommand ("OrxonoxOverlay","rotateOverlay",&OrxonoxOverlay::rotateOverlay) |
| SetConsoleCommand ("Scene","debugDrawPhysics",&Scene::consoleCommand_debugDrawPhysics).addShortcut().defaultValue(1 |
| Constructor, it sets common standard paramters for a scene depending on whether it will be rendered or not. More...
| SetConsoleCommand ("InGameConsole","openConsole",&InGameConsole::openConsole) |
| SetConsoleCommand ("InGameConsole","closeConsole",&InGameConsole::closeConsole) |
| SetConsoleCommand ("keyESC",&key_esc) |
| SetConsoleCommand ("showGUI",&GUIManager::showGUI).defaultValue(1 |
| SetConsoleCommand ("hideGUI",&GUIManager::hideGUI).argumentCompleter(0 |
| SetConsoleCommand ("toggleGUI",&GUIManager::toggleGUI).defaultValue(1 |
template<typename T > |
constexpr T | sgn (T x) |
| Returns the sign of the given value. More...
void | sleep (unsigned long seconds) |
| Makes the thread sleep for a few seconds. More...
void | source (const std::string &filename) |
| Reads the content of a file and executes the commands in it line by line. More...
void | sourceThread (const std::string &file) |
| The main function of a non-interactive source thread. More...
template<typename T > |
constexpr T | square (T x) |
| Returns the squared value (x^2). More...
template<class T , class U > |
WeakPtr< T > | static_pointer_cast (const WeakPtr< U > &p) |
| Uses a static_cast to cast a pointer of type U* to a pointer of type T* and returns it in a new WeakPtr<T>. More...
template<class T , class U > |
StrongPtr< T > | static_pointer_cast (const StrongPtr< U > &p) |
| Uses a static_cast to cast a pointer of type U* to a pointer of type T* and returns it in a new StrongPtr<T>. More...
void | status (const std::string &text) |
| Prints output with status level. More...
static void | stop_game () |
void | strip (std::string *str) |
| Removes all whitespaces from a string. More...
std::string | stripEnclosingBraces (const std::string &str) |
| Removes enclosing braces '{' and '}' (the braces must be exactly on the beginning and the end of the string). More...
std::string | stripEnclosingQuotes (const std::string &str) |
| Removes enclosing quotation marks if available (including whitespaces at the outside of the quotation marks). More...
bool | sub_compAddr (ENetAddress addr1, ENetAddress addr2) |
bool | sub_compare_names (ServerListElem no1, ServerListElem no2) |
bool | sub_compare_pings (ServerListElem no1, ServerListElem no2) |
| SUPER_FUNCTION (1, Tickable, tick, true) |
| SUPER_FUNCTION (9, Pickupable, changedUsed, false) |
| SUPER functions. More...
| SUPER_FUNCTION (10, Pickupable, changedCarrier, false) |
| SUPER_FUNCTION (11, Pickupable, changedPickedUp, false) |
| SUPER_FUNCTION (6, OrxonoxOverlay, changedOwner, false) |
| SUPER_FUNCTION (7, OrxonoxOverlay, changedOverlayGroup, false) |
| SUPER_FUNCTION (0, BaseObject, XMLPort, false) |
| SUPER_FUNCTION (2, BaseObject, changedActivity, false) |
| SUPER_FUNCTION (3, BaseObject, changedVisibility, false) |
| SUPER_FUNCTION (4, BaseObject, XMLEventPort, false) |
| SUPER_FUNCTION (8, BaseObject, changedName, false) |
| SUPER_FUNCTION (5, WorldEntity, changedScale, false) |
template<class T > |
void | swap (WeakPtr< T > &a, WeakPtr< T > &b) |
| Swaps the contents of two weak pointers. More...
template<class T > |
void | swap (StrongPtr< T > &a, StrongPtr< T > &b) |
| Swaps the contents of two strong pointers. More...
int | Tcl_OrxonoxAppInit (Tcl_Interp *interp) |
| A tcl-init hook to inject the non-interactive Tcl-interpreter into the TclThreadManager. More...
void | tclThread (TclInterpreterBundle *bundle, const std::string &command) |
| The main function of the thread. More...
long | tellVorbis (void *datasource) |
boost::posix_time::millisec | THREAD_WAIT_BEFORE_DETACH (1000) |
bool | toClipboard (const std::string &text) |
| Default implementation if there is no OS-specific implementation or no clipboard. More...
template<class T > |
std::string | typeToString () |
| Returns the name of type T as string. More...
void | uppercase (std::string *str) |
| Replaces each char between a and z with its uppercase equivalent. More...
void | usleep (unsigned long microseconds) |
| Makes the thread sleep for a few microseconds. More...
btVector3 | vector3 (const Ogre::Vector3 &V) |
Ogre::Vector3 | vector3 (const btVector3 &V) |
void | vectorize (const std::string &str, char delimiter, std::vector< std::string > *output) |
| Splits a given string by a delimiter and stores it in an output vector. See SubString for a more sophisticated implementation. More...
void | warning (const std::string &text) |
| Prints output with warning level. More...
void | write (const std::string &filename, const std::string &text) |
| Writes text to a file. More...
template<typename T > |
std::enable_if<!std::is_enum< T >::value, T >::type | zeroise () |
| Returns a "zero" value for the given type. More...
template<typename T > |
std::enable_if< std::is_enum< T >::value, T >::type | zeroise () |
| Implementation for enum classes: uses the underlying type to create a zero value. More...
template<> |
bool | zeroise< bool > () |
template<> |
char | zeroise< char > () |
template<> |
double | zeroise< double > () |
template<> |
float | zeroise< float > () |
template<> |
int | zeroise< int > () |
template<> |
long | zeroise< long > () |
template<> |
long double | zeroise< long double > () |
template<> |
long long | zeroise< long long > () |
template<> |
orxonox::ColourValue | zeroise< orxonox::ColourValue > () |
template<> |
orxonox::Degree | zeroise< orxonox::Degree > () |
template<> |
orxonox::Quaternion | zeroise< orxonox::Quaternion > () |
template<> |
orxonox::Radian | zeroise< orxonox::Radian > () |
template<> |
orxonox::Vector2 | zeroise< orxonox::Vector2 > () |
template<> |
orxonox::Vector3 | zeroise< orxonox::Vector3 > () |
template<> |
orxonox::Vector4 | zeroise< orxonox::Vector4 > () |
template<> |
short | zeroise< short > () |
template<> |
std::string | zeroise< std::string > () |
template<> |
unsigned char | zeroise< unsigned char > () |
template<> |
unsigned int | zeroise< unsigned int > () |
template<> |
unsigned long | zeroise< unsigned long > () |
template<> |
unsigned long long | zeroise< unsigned long long > () |
template<> |
unsigned short | zeroise< unsigned short > () |
template<> |
void * | zeroise< void * > () |