9 years |
landauf |
removed changedGametype and getOldGametype from BaseObject. the …
9 years |
landauf |
create the scoreboard directly with the correct gametype. this …
9 years |
landauf |
there are no objects_ at this point, so it's not necessary to set the …
9 years |
landauf |
BaseObject returns plain pointers instead of StrongPtrs for Namespace, …
9 years |
landauf |
not sure why Level was synchronized in Scene, but it doesn't seem to …
9 years |
landauf |
fixed bug which was introduced in r10563: when unloading in client …
9 years |
landauf |
moved destruction of all level objects from Client to GSLevel. …
10 years |
landauf |
level should be it's own level (the same pattern that is already used …
10 years |
landauf |
removed unnecessary code - this is all done by passing the context to …
10 years |
landauf |
use auto-conversion
10 years |
landauf |
no need to call get() on Weak or StrongPtr. they are automatically …
10 years |
landauf |
cleanup: no need to pass/return WeakPtrs to/from functions. normal …
10 years |
landauf |
renamed SmartPtr to StrongPtr (now we have weak and strong pointers)
10 years |
landauf |
Gametype should store a WeakPtr to GametypeInfo to avoid circular …
10 years |
landauf |
StaticallyInitializedInstances are now responsible to delete the …
10 years |
landauf |
moved static application paths (root, executable, modules) into new …
10 years |
landauf |
removed unused code from Loader
10 years |
landauf |
moved config values and all related functions from Game and Core to …
10 years |
landauf |
callStaticNetworkFunction() and callMemberNetworkFunction() are now …
10 years |
landauf |
made NetworkFunctionManager a singleton, no static functions anymore …
10 years |
landauf |
moved static content of NetworkFunctionBase to NetworkFunctionManager
10 years |
landauf |
moved macro ans helperfunction from NetworkFunction.h to …
10 years |
landauf |
define ScopeID as integer constants instead of an enum. this allows to …
10 years |
landauf |
wrap ScopedSingletonWrapper in a …
10 years |
landauf |
renamed ScopedSingletonManager to ScopedSingletonWrapper. removed …
10 years |
landauf |
use destroyLater() in Pawn and ShipPart. PawnManager and …
10 years |
landauf |
moved destruction of bullet collision shape to ~CollisionShape(). …
10 years |
landauf |
i think it makes more sense to delete killed pawns and shipparts …
10 years |
landauf |
added check to detect if a collision shape is destroyed during a …
10 years |
landauf |
destroy all remaining ship parts if ModularSpaceShip is destroyed. …
10 years |
landauf |
use the generic UpdateListener interface to receive calls to …
10 years |
landauf |
moved Scope and ScopedSingletonManager from util to core.
I had …
10 years |
landauf |
found another unregistered class
10 years |
landauf |
Loader is now a singleton instead of a static class. fixes issue with …
10 years |
landauf |
registered missing classes.
WorldEntityCollisionShape is the only …
10 years |
landauf |
use static identifier initializer to store the inheritance definition …
10 years |
landauf |
removed hack. addBots/killBots is now part of Gametype
10 years |
landauf |
removed unnecessary helper functions
10 years |
landauf |
moved console command macros to a new file (ConsoleCommandIncludes.h)
10 years |
landauf |
wrap CommandLineArguments in StaticallyInitializedInstances
10 years |
landauf |
moved CommandLineParser into separate subfolder
10 years |
landauf |
created branch to work on new core features
copied from code/trunk/src/orxonox:
10 years |
smerkli |
only load debug drawer if graphics is enabled