15 years |
landauf |
fixed various cases where master/slave pointers weren't synchronized …
15 years |
landauf |
fixed a crash: if the player dies, the AI shouldn't follow him anymore
15 years |
landauf |
trying to activate formationflight also for xml enemies
15 years |
landauf |
Fixed strange movements of the Drone while shooting. Also the drone …
15 years |
dafrick |
Merged ppspickups4 branch.
15 years |
landauf |
fixed a potential bug in DroneController
15 years |
landauf |
fixed a bug in NewHumanController - Ogre::any_cast can fail after …
15 years |
landauf |
removed some tabs and adjusted formatting in some fps related files
15 years |
landauf |
merged fps branch to presentation3
15 years |
solex |
formationflight final commit before presentation (probably…)
15 years |
scheusso |
fixed a bug in ArtificialController::sameTeam
15 years |
gasserlu |
drone shootingRange implemented
15 years |
dafrick |
Updated pickups level and template and include file to properly …
15 years |
rgrieder |
Using C++ includes (limits.h —> climits).
15 years |
dafrick |
Added include in ArtificialController to make it work under linux. …
15 years |
landauf |
merged ai branch to presentation3
15 years |
landauf |
merged dynamicmatch to presentation3
15 years |
landauf |
removed mergeinfo
15 years |
scheusso |
merged rocket2 branch back into presentation3 branch
15 years |
dafrick |
Merged pickup branch into presentation3 branch.
Seems to be working …
15 years |
scheusso |
merged skybox2 branch to presentation merger branch
15 years |
scheusso |
deleting some unnesseccary files
15 years |
scheusso |
now the bots can shoot again
15 years |
scheusso |
merged rocket branch into presentation3 and cleaned up some things …
15 years |
scheusso |
merging hudelements into presentation3 and reducing (or increasing) …
15 years |
scheusso |
creating new presentation merger branch
copied from code/trunk/src/orxonox/controllers:
15 years |
scheusso |
someone forgot to delete these overlays