6 years |
wiesep |
Merged OrxoBlox_FS19
6 years |
wiesep |
Merged Boxhead_FS19
6 years |
wiesep |
Merged BossFight_FS19
6 years |
wiesep |
Merged 3DPacman_FS19
6 years |
wiesep |
Merged MouseAPI_FS19
6 years |
wiesep |
Started merging
6 years |
cwaupoti |
increased alertness radius final vers3.0
6 years |
bukaya |
Added files, should be final commit.
6 years |
bukaya |
Boss Fight Project finished!
6 years |
ahuwyler |
last commit
6 years |
jeromela |
fixed count function (reverted changes)
6 years |
jeromela |
Changed counter
6 years |
cwaupoti |
final version2.0
6 years |
cwaupoti |
6 years |
kofrey |
6 years |
pomselj |
Jesus safed our souls and stopped the crashing. Hallowed be his name …
6 years |
pomselj |
kinda done
6 years |
pomselj |
almost done
6 years |
ahuwyler |
6 years |
pomselj |
6 years |
jeromela |
Zielvisier eingefuegt
6 years |
cwaupoti |
Zombie can now approach, tried to add waves
6 years |
pemil |
final 1.2
6 years |
pomselj |
Projectiles die with level up
6 years |
pomselj |
new, smaller CollisionShape for Projectiles
6 years |
pemil |
final 1.1
6 years |
pemil |
final 1.0
6 years |
pomselj |
OrxoBlox is linked to Projectile, level up works
6 years |
peterf |
6 years |
ahuwyler |
jetzt laufts?
6 years |
rueegseb |
debug message removed
6 years |
rueegseb |
laser appears after five pointsphere are eaten
6 years |
jeromela |
new commit
6 years |
pomselj |
Projectiles survive infinitely
6 years |
tkuonen |
Improve MouseAPI
Add Comments
6 years |
jeromela |
cleanup function worksls!
6 years |
rueegseb |
laser xml added
6 years |
cwaupoti |
changes enemy's spawn point
6 years |
ahuwyler |
correct position of spaceship
6 years |
ahuwyler |
6 years |
pomselj |
BallProjectiles fly
6 years |
ahuwyler |
We have new template
6 years |
jeromela |
Zeitpunkt fuer game over festgelegt. Todo: spiel endet mit crash
6 years |
pomselj |
We can shoot
6 years |
ahuwyler |
We have a spaceship!
6 years |
ahuwyler |
Here and there
6 years |
rueegseb |
Laser boom boom
6 years |
jeromela |
orxoblox.oxw: Auskommentiert, orxobloxball.cc: mauskoordinaten auslesen.
6 years |
tkuonen |
Added MouseCursor
6 years |
mkarpf |
cleanup (minor)
6 years |
ahuwyler |
Nomal fuer de Jerome
6 years |
pomselj |
bounces moore smoothly
6 years |
ahuwyler |
fuer de jerome
6 years |
kofrey |
added collision damamge
6 years |
peterf |
Improved formatting and added some comments to make the code more precise
6 years |
pomselj |
Bounces ok-ish, still seg fault… stones get destroyed but models …
6 years |
ahuwyler |
stones move not the walls
6 years |
cwaupoti |
minor changes
6 years |
mkarpf |
removed old files (have been moved)
6 years |
mkarpf |
separated MouseAPIExample from MouseAPI
finished comments in MouseAPI.h
6 years |
ahuwyler |
Walls are coming down
6 years |
pomselj |
Eliminated nullptrs in stones_ that were there due to wrong size of …
6 years |
ahuwyler |
cleanup active Walls
6 years |
tkuonen |
Fix Build
6 years |
ahuwyler |
6 years |
pomselj |
Worked on Collision, doesn't work yet, compiles tho
6 years |
ahuwyler |
All normal
6 years |
jeromela |
Working on setting new speed
6 years |
ahuwyler |
We have a list of all stones
6 years |
ahuwyler |
levelup beginning
6 years |
ahuwyler |
Wall is ready
6 years |
pomselj |
Some changes in bounce method + added destroy in bounce method to be …
6 years |
jeromela |
6 years |
peterf |
Pink Bug Workaround
6 years |
pomselj |
Ball can do bouncy stuff
6 years |
jeromela |
minor changes
6 years |
ahuwyler |
Random Walls are created
6 years |
tkuonen |
Continue With MouseAPI Cursor
6 years |
mkarpf |
some comments added
6 years |
ahuwyler |
jetzt mehrere Bloecke
6 years |
ahuwyler |
Walls are bigger
6 years |
mkarpf |
Test level finished
6 years |
pomselj |
new, better camera
6 years |
jeromela |
stone is back in the game
6 years |
tkuonen |
Add MouseAPICursor gui
6 years |
peterf |
bug fix
6 years |
peterf |
Red and Pink seem to work better
6 years |
peterf |
PacmanPink seems to work most of the time now
6 years |
peterf |
continued brown
6 years |
peterf |
continued brown and cyan pacman. Pink pacman still causes SIGSEV
6 years |
peterf |
continued Cyan implementation
6 years |
peterf |
began PacmanBrown and Cyan implementation
6 years |
peterf |
PacmanPink implementation, but lots of SIGSEGV
6 years |
peterf |
improved red pacman behavior, but still segmentation fault sometimes
6 years |
peterf |
Red Pacman seems to work even better
6 years |
peterf |
Red Pacman seems to work partially
6 years |
pomselj |
6 years |
pomselj |
some stuff, going home tbh
6 years |
rueegseb |
extern variable in pacman.h hinzugefuegt
6 years |
mkarpf |
example level continue