16 years |
rgrieder |
Updated build files.
16 years |
rgrieder |
Moved collision shapes to new folder.
16 years |
rgrieder |
- Fixed issues with CollisionShape loading, handling and …
16 years |
FelixSchulthess |
i cannot convince svn
16 years |
adrfried |
default ogre.cfg added for tardis
16 years |
landauf |
moved setTimeFactor to GSRoot because tickables are currently ticked there
16 years |
adrfried |
tolua fixed for mingw, libtolua linked statically
16 years |
polakma |
altfire now available
16 years |
dsommer |
teilweise doxy geaddet und weitere test instanzen
16 years |
landauf |
fixed shader/camera crash
16 years |
FelixSchulthess |
messing up planet so it will work in client mode
16 years |
FelixSchulthess |
messing up planet so it will work in client mode
16 years |
polakma |
now working
16 years |
adrfried |
tardis check improved
16 years |
polakma |
fixed projectile, particle effect, reloadingTimer and magazineTimer
16 years |
dafrick |
Create new questsystem branch
16 years |
dsommer |
16 years |
runom |
Added additional files for planet
16 years |
chpeter |
added fct pri- and pubRemoveClient to help remove Info in lists when …
16 years |
bhildebr |
CreateLines and Scoreboard are now running without segfaults
16 years |
dafrick |
Merged questsystem3.
16 years |
adrfried |
install targets added
16 years |
dafrick |
Some verry small changes…
16 years |
scheusso |
changes in trafficcontrol:
- configvalue for targetsize (size of each …
16 years |
scheusso |
corrected some problem with scheduling and cutting (in trafficcontrol)
16 years |
runom |
modified planet to moveable entity, added atmosphere select per xml
16 years |
polakma |
changed Weapon::fire and munition reloading
16 years |
chpeter |
process ack- solved set back of schedValue, watching targetsize from cut
16 years |
rgrieder |
Fixed build
16 years |
dafrick |
Once again, I failed to test whether it would compile.
16 years |
dafrick |
Added some more output.
16 years |
rgrieder |
Trying to synchronise phyiscs over the network.
- Removed derivation …
16 years |
rgrieder |
Finished work on new XMLport macro (XMLPortParamVariable).
16 years |
runom |
creating final lod branch
16 years |
scheusso |
merged network branch to presentation branch
16 years |
scheusso |
create our presentation branch
16 years |
landauf |
- Added a health bar
- Some changes in CameraManager to handle the …
16 years |
landauf |
xmall fix of the previous commit
16 years |
landauf |
used SceneManager provided by our Scene
16 years |
polakma |
fixed some pointer bugs
16 years |
landauf |
Fixed the problem mentioned in r2362 which caused the server to crash …
16 years |
rgrieder |
Updated msvc files for shaders and AI.
16 years |
rgrieder |
There is no this pointer with static variables. It's more of a C++ …
16 years |
landauf |
- Added Bot (the artifical counterpart to HumanPlayer)
- Added …
16 years |
landauf |
- Fixed a problem with SUPER in combination with a pure-virtual …
16 years |
landauf |
some small adjustments for mingw but still a problem with finding the …
16 years |
adrfried |
small cmake cleanup
16 years |
landauf |
removed some test-code
16 years |
scheusso |
rename network64 branch
16 years |
scheusso |
remove old network branch
16 years |
scheusso |
merged network branch to network64 branch
not everything working yet …
16 years |
polakma |
made some changes to munition attaching
16 years |
dafrick |
Forgot to complie - which it didn't due to some leftovers from the …
16 years |
dafrick |
- Changed questStatus to mode in QuestListener.
- Added new mode 'all' …
16 years |
scheusso |
some changes. still not working yet, but will correct theese problems …
16 years |
landauf |
- Added support for postprocessing shaders (bloom, motion blur, …). …
16 years |
dafrick |
- Completed the message clipping method for Notifications.
- Some …
16 years |
scheusso |
still not complete yet but much better i hope…
16 years |
polakma |
debugging changes
16 years |
dafrick |
- QuestListener works now.
- Rearranged the places Notifications are …
16 years |
rgrieder |
Fixed gcc and linux build.
16 years |
rgrieder |
Completed destruction of static elements like XMLPort, Identifier, …
16 years |
rgrieder |
Fixed a segfault bug than occurred when producing debug output after …
16 years |
dsommer |
kleinigkeiten an checkSlot usw.
16 years |
scheusso |
made some changes, but now yet complete
16 years |
chpeter |
finished-well, not really=)
16 years |
adrfried |
updateMedia script fixed and renamed
16 years |
adrfried |
even more lua fixes
16 years |
polakma |
fixed parentWeaponSystem-Pointer for all WeaponPacks and its Weapons
16 years |
adrfried |
tolua cmakelists made compatible to older cmakes
16 years |
adrfried |
lua handling fixed again
16 years |
scheusso |
made some adjustments and corrections
used boost::bind to pass the …
16 years |
dafrick |
Found some bug.
16 years |
chpeter |
current progress
16 years |
polakma |
fixed attaching
16 years |
dafrick |
Added some output.
16 years |
dafrick |
Forgot to add QuestListeners.
16 years |
dafrick |
* Created QuestListeners, they can be used to affect Objects due to …
16 years |
polakma |
fixed parentWeaponSystem-Pointer bugs
16 years |
adrfried |
fix tolua compat handling
16 years |
adrfried |
lua check fixed
16 years |
dsommer |
Aufnehmen von festen Item und wieder ablegen
16 years |
martisty |
Added files as well…
16 years |
adrfried |
ceguilua include path fixed
16 years |
martisty |
16 years |
bhildebr |
Completed code for class Scoreboard and fixed some compiler and linker …
16 years |
polakma |
fixed WeaponPack attaching
16 years |
adrfried |
cmake for mingw improved
16 years |
chpeter |
temporary update of trafficcontrol
16 years |
scheusso |
endianness test
16 years |
rgrieder |
Hackfixed compiler problem with gcc.
16 years |
rgrieder |
Temporary solution to steer our SpaceShip: Unlike before (exponential …
16 years |
rgrieder |
Added body queue to Scene: Physical objects now request to be added to …
16 years |
rgrieder |
msvc update.
16 years |
scheusso |
seems like some old files have been forgoten once upon a time …
16 years |
rgrieder |
Fixed build (missing include).
16 years |
scheusso |
made some adjustments mostly to the networkid (classid) in order to …
16 years |
polakma |
made some changes
16 years |
rgrieder |
- Removed source file inclusion in Synchronisable.cc (please don't do …
16 years |
rgrieder |
- More dealings with not yet implemented scaling of physical objects. …