16 years |
rgrieder |
Possible build bug: in the compiler config files (BuildConfig, etc.) …
16 years |
danielh |
- Added helper method to HumanController to get it's …
16 years |
adrfried |
some ggz things
16 years |
erwin |
fixed segfault bug on tardis
16 years |
erwin |
fixed some bugs
16 years |
adrfried |
some asio functionality
16 years |
rgrieder |
Fixed tick-time issue: Not all tick times were being taken into …
16 years |
rgrieder |
Fixed two small build problems.
16 years |
dafrick |
Small correction in Notifications
16 years |
dafrick |
Small changes in QuestManager for the GUI. Added toggleVisibility …
16 years |
scheusso |
some fixes (in tick, getDeltaTime) and error output
16 years |
scheusso |
forgot some things
16 years |
scheusso |
merged netp2 → netp3
16 years |
scheusso |
created now netp3 branch
16 years |
rgrieder |
Small build system fix.
16 years |
rgrieder |
Removed temporary editor files.
16 years |
Aurelian |
Respawning changed, not possible anymore, not completely working. …
16 years |
vmikos |
final version
16 years |
erwin |
implemented a fallback ogg loader via libvorbisfile
16 years |
Hagen |
MuzzleFlash finally there, EnergyDrink weapon
16 years |
erwin |
added some error checking
16 years |
Hagen |
moved MuzzleFlash into weaponsystem Folder
16 years |
erwin |
added config ability to sound, few other changes
16 years |
Hagen |
working laser style weapon with muzzleflash
16 years |
Aurelian |
some fixes on the timer, visibility of checkpoint removed (done in the …
16 years |
Naaduun |
=movable plane
16 years |
scheusso |
removed some debug output
16 years |
rgrieder |
- Fixed stupid bug in MobileEntity.h
- Removed a compiler warning
16 years |
scheusso |
debug output for reto
16 years |
landauf |
changed type of gametype-HUD and default-HUD to PlayerInfo (instead of …
16 years |
danielh |
- Minor changes in BaseItem
- Updated to NotificationQueue …
16 years |
mockm |
new revision of Gametype UnderAttack: Timerfunction and some color added
16 years |
Aurelian |
Added timer in class gametype, timer working in asteroids, modified …
16 years |
jsmely |
weapon updated
16 years |
erwin |
corrected typo
16 years |
erwin |
SoundBase now loads files relative to the mediapath
16 years |
erwin |
moved files, modified to support multiple contexts
16 years |
scheusso |
some fixes (bidirectional variables, …), some changes (client …
16 years |
scheusso |
changed synchronisation of controllable entity steering
not fully …
16 years |
dafrick |
Some Quest stuff, and the rest for the GUIOverlay I failed to commit …
16 years |
dafrick |
Created collecting of GUIOverlays in the GUIManager to make the …
16 years |
Aurelian |
Gametype Asteroids - ForceField working
16 years |
dafrick |
Trying to export to lua, doesn't work, yet…
16 years |
dafrick |
Forgot to remove debug output.
16 years |
dafrick |
Changed some stuff to make it compile. Not sure it's 100% failsafe though.
16 years |
bknecht |
hack to include gui into hud
16 years |
Naaduun |
added rotate and zoom to map. using static mapscenemanager now
16 years |
erwin |
corrected typo
16 years |
Aurelian |
ForceField not working jet, but no errors…
16 years |
scheusso |
some changes for testing purpose
16 years |
mockm |
new revision of gametype UnderAttack: Ship is now moving
16 years |
scheusso |
small fix for memberfunction calls with non-existing (or not anymore …
16 years |
erwin |
ambient sound loading for levels
16 years |
scheusso |
Network Function calls possible now (already used in …
16 years |
scheusso |
member function calls should work now
argument transfer still untested
16 years |
scheusso |
applying change from trunk (r2946)
16 years |
rgrieder |
Fixed a bug when using the LINE macro in Game.h
If you want to …
16 years |
scheusso |
fixed some bugs
16 years |
scheusso |
this is another commit for testing purpose
still trying to get network …
16 years |
scheusso |
fixed a problem with copying function pointers
16 years |
Naaduun |
=added dynamic libs to orxonox/tools. changed humancontroller to use …
16 years |
rgrieder |
Small mvsc build fix.
16 years |
scheusso |
fixed bug for bidirectional variables
16 years |
stefalie |
ugly hacks to get shaders up runnin
16 years |
scheusso |
forgot two files
16 years |
scheusso |
commit for testing reasons
- added possibility to transfer function …
16 years |
Aurelian |
Checkpoints in a row working with final destination→ end of game
16 years |
mockm |
new revision of gametype UnderAttack
16 years |
vmikos |
fast endversion TeamBaseMatch
16 years |
mockm |
Gametype UnderAttack added
16 years |
erwin |
Sound: implemented sample file loading via alut
16 years |
erwin |
Sound: SoundBase complete
16 years |
erwin |
Sound: Added building things, corrected some typos
16 years |
stefalie |
new branch for toon/cell shading… lets go comic
16 years |
rgrieder |
Deleting console commands currently seems to be a rather bad idea …
16 years |
rgrieder |
Fixed three memory leaks and a bug.
@beni: Is deleting the "startGame" …
16 years |
rgrieder |
- Using class { static const float foo = 3.2; }; is non standard C++, …
16 years |
rgrieder |
Moving some CMake variables to the advanced section of the cache when …
16 years |
landauf |
fixed a small bug concerning the muzzle offset. it makes much more …
16 years |
landauf |
adjusted weaponsystem-path in (hopefully) all files.
16 years |
landauf |
Renamed directory 'weaponSystem' as 'weaponsystem' to avoid …
16 years |
landauf |
renamed directory "weapons" as "weaponmodes"
16 years |
landauf |
renamed LaserGunMunition as LaserMunition
16 years |
landauf |
removed some debug output, cleanup in WeaponMode
16 years |
landauf |
Added many new features in the Munition class:
- there are now 3 …
16 years |
landauf |
merged pickup into pickup2
16 years |
bknecht |
Creating new pickups branche. Changes from old pickups branch need yet …
16 years |
landauf |
- switched back to std::vector for the WeaponSlots to keep them in the …
16 years |
landauf |
More changes in the WeaponSystem:
- WeaponSets can now contain …
16 years |
Naaduun |
Added own scenemanager to map, added 2 pointer to contain mapentity …
16 years |
landauf |
Several small adjustments in the weaponsystem (like additional const …
16 years |
landauf |
Merged r1-2096 of questsystem5 back to trunk
I hope there weren't …
16 years |
landauf |
reverted r2909 because there were some unwanted files included
16 years |
dafrick |
Merging the QuestSystem branch to the trunk. Let's hope, this isn't a …
16 years |
dafrick |
Reverted to revision 2906 (because I'm too stupid to merge correctly, …
16 years |
dafrick |
Merging of the current QuestSystem branch.
16 years |
landauf |
removed 3 warnings
16 years |
Aurelian |
My first version with working triggers in a row…
16 years |
scheusso |
reverted changes from 2902
16 years |
scheusso |
merged changes made to trunk (r2902) into branch