9 years |
fvultier |
Fixed bug in the material of a weapon of SpaceshipASSFF2. There is no …
9 years |
fvultier |
Models for the ice gun (weapon used in the tower defense minigame)
9 years |
fvultier |
Effects for the new Weapon (SpilitGun)
9 years |
fvultier |
improved models
9 years |
fvultier |
New models for the tower defense mingame
10 years |
maxima |
Alien by liepatri
10 years |
maxima |
files for orbstation
10 years |
fvultier |
New spaceship by Christian Langenbacher
10 years |
fvultier |
New spaceship by Christian Langenbacher
10 years |
maxima |
files for new ship
10 years |
meggiman |
Added missing Sound files GravityBombFlight.ogg, GravityField.ogg and …
10 years |
clangenb |
Final Spaceship Files
10 years |
clangenb |
converted mesh
10 years |
clangenb |
new mesh
10 years |
liepatri |
fertige Version des Aliens, das Alien ist in Blender animiert (kann …
10 years |
maxima |
10 years |
clangenb |
10 years |
clangenb |
new mesh
10 years |
fvultier |
new particle effect for the gravity bomb
10 years |
gpregger |
textures and materials for new explosion effect for rocket.cc
10 years |
fvultier |
New models for the tower defense minigame. There are 5 different …
10 years |
fvultier |
Added models for the new weapon: Gravity bomb. There is one model for …
10 years |
liepatri |
creation of the alien mascot (current version is v0.4)
10 years |
clangenb |
nothing new
10 years |
clangenb |
cconverted mesh file
10 years |
clangenb |
10 years |
clangenb |
unecessary files deleted
10 years |
clangenb |
Modellanpassung & einige Texture-Enwuerfe fuer ingame Betrachtung
10 years |
clangenb |
converted mesh
10 years |
clangenb |
10 years |
clangenb |
Test Spaceship Export, fehlt noch Konvertierung in kompatibles …
10 years |
clangenb |
erster Blenderentwurf
10 years |
liepatri |
created Test Obejct to get to used to the different tools in Blender
10 years |
liepatri |
10 years |
liepatri |
rendered image of Test Object
10 years |
liepatri |
10 years |
clangenb |
10 years |
clangenb |
10 years |
maxima |
10 years |
maxima |
10 years |
maxima |
new folder for andrea
10 years |
maxima |
new folder for simone
10 years |
liepatri |
deleted all the test files
10 years |
clangenb |
10 years |
liepatri |
added text to text file
10 years |
liepatri |
uploaded a test file from windows machine
10 years |
maxima |
new folder for Christian
10 years |
liepatri |
10 years |
maxima |
new folder for parick
10 years |
maxima |
new files PPS HS14
11 years |
smerkli |
Added data files for jump minigame
11 years |
jo |
new tetris preview image
11 years |
jo |
Temporarily fixing spind error due to missing texture.
11 years |
jo |
Fixing loading error due to a space in the texture file name.
11 years |
jo |
scaling down preview images
11 years |
jo |
adding new levelpreview
11 years |
jo |
new levelpreviews
11 years |
isusmelj |
added level preview
11 years |
isusmelj |
fixed mesh version
11 years |
thiweber |
made sounds louder and add Explosion2.ogg
11 years |
isusmelj |
Added all the modeling work I did
11 years |
isusmelj |
Modular Space Station Files (ALLsvn add *)
11 years |
smerkli |
Added a preview of Florians level
11 years |
noep |
Updated AUTHORS file
11 years |
noep |
Added HeavyCruiser files
11 years |
noep |
deleted double files
11 years |
noep |
Updated HeavyCruiser files
11 years |
noep |
Updated HeavyCruiser textures, level and template
11 years |
wroennin |
updated textures for 3Dminimap
11 years |
wroennin |
added textures for 3Dradar
11 years |
wroennin |
materials/Orxonox.material: added material for 3D Map
11 years |
noep |
Completed HeavyCruiser collisionboxes
11 years |
noep |
Updated HeavyCruiser level and template, added information file
11 years |
noep |
Updated textures and level/template
11 years |
indersts |
Saving all files for fx112 spaceship
11 years |
indersts |
Saving all files for fx112 spaceship
11 years |
indersts |
Saving all files for fx112 spaceship
11 years |
indersts |
Saving all files for fx112 spaceship
11 years |
jo |
New folder created.
11 years |
landauf |
renamed LaserBeam as LaserBeam2 (because there's already another model …
11 years |
landauf |
changed filename to lowercase
11 years |
landauf |
removed duplicate sound
11 years |
noep |
added rendered image
11 years |
noep |
Added HeavyCruiser files, updated AUTHORS file
11 years |
jo |
new content folder created
11 years |
wroennin |
new radar overlay
11 years |
jo |
new spacestation content folder
12 years |
keuschr |
final update
12 years |
davidsa |
tweaked and added more lens flare materials, tweaked the glow material
12 years |
jo |
Updating the LaserBeam material to look more like a laser.
12 years |
moralelastix |
12 years |
smerkli |
Added new laser beam stuff by Lukas
12 years |
moralelastix |
12 years |
jokicp |
Added all the big ship files.
12 years |
juchlil |
12 years |
moralelastix |
12 years |
moralelastix |
Smooth Rendering
12 years |
davidsa |
updated lensflare.material and textures
12 years |
juchlil |
12 years |
keuschr |
added material and textures for collateralDamage ship