20 years |
bensch |
orxonox/trunk: compiles in Windows again
20 years |
dave |
branches/shadow/src:der Boden hat nicht mehr so komische Farben
20 years |
patrick |
center in the middle
20 years |
patrick |
orxonox/branches/md2_loader: started cleaning up: put model and …
20 years |
bensch |
orxonox/trunk: check if file exists
20 years |
bensch |
orxonox/trunk: resourceManager has some new functions
20 years |
bensch |
orxonox/branches/heightMap: merged trunk back to the heightMap branche …
20 years |
bensch |
orxonox/trunk: moved the start-button down (in the Gui)
20 years |
patrick |
orxonox/branches/md2_model: yea! animation now works , orxonox now …
20 years |
patrick |
orxonox/branches/md2_importer: reimplemented the animation functions, …
20 years |
patrick |
orxonox/branchs/md2_model: startet working on animated md2 models. …
20 years |
patrick |
orxonox/branches/md2_loader: merged trunk into md2_loader branche …
20 years |
patrick |
orxonox/branches/md2_loader: cleaned out the unuseable texture loader …
20 years |
patrick |
orxonox/branches/md2_loader: now using the home brewed material class …
20 years |
patrick |
orxonox/branches/md2_loader: modified the texture loader to use the …
20 years |
patrick |
orxonox/branches/md2_loader: trying to use textures, started coding
20 years |
patrick |
orxonox/branches/md2_loader: little fix: it now uses the right md2 model
20 years |
patrick |
orxonox/branches/md2_loader: updated the checkout file: now it …
20 years |
patrick |
orxonox/branches/md2_loader: now the model gets displayed at the first …
20 years |
patrick |
orxonox/branches/md2_loader: removed the md2 loader stuff from the …
20 years |
patrick |
orxonox/branches/md2_loader: added the TestEntity class to test the …
20 years |
patrick |
orxonox/branche/md2_loader: the heureka - the md2model now gets …
20 years |
patrick |
orxonox/branches/md2_loader: fixed linker problem, there is no a …
20 years |
patrick |
orxonox/branches/md2_loader: altered some vector functions and wiped …
20 years |
patrick |
orxonox/branches/md2_loader: some debug information outpur, code …
20 years |
patrick |
orxonox/branches/md2_loader: md2 model now gets loaded: all animations …
20 years |
bensch |
orxonox/trunk: every world-entity saves the speed of its own
20 years |
bensch |
orxonox/trunk: ChangeLog entry
20 years |
bensch |
orxonox/trunk: Makefile now updated so it links again with gtk in windows
20 years |
patrick |
orxonox/branches/md2_laoder: changed to vector container, since its …
20 years |
patrick |
orxonox/branches/md2_loader: found one segfault: init problem, …
20 years |
patrick |
orxonox/branches/md2_laoder: identing lines and adding a real md2 …
20 years |
patrick |
orxonox/branches/md2_loader: merged trunk into branche using: svn …
20 years |
patrick |
orxonox/branches/md2_loader: modified the MD2Model class so it is able …
20 years |
patrick |
orxonox/branches/md2_loader: modified the checkout script, that you …
20 years |
bensch |
orxonox/trunk: skyModel now gets unloaded/loaded for real. There was …
20 years |
bensch |
orxonox/trunk: minor
20 years |
bensch |
orxonox/trunk: nicer help
20 years |
bensch |
orxonox/trunk: cleanup in gui: less useless output
20 years |
bensch |
orxonox/trunk: orxonox —help now shows something more usefull… …
20 years |
bensch |
orxonox/trunk: benchmark taken out of orxonox.cc
20 years |
bensch |
orxonox/trunk: configure now nicer for GTK
20 years |
bensch |
orxonox/branches/particleEngine: particles should get spread evenly if …
20 years |
bensch |
orxonox/branches/particleEngine: renders some particles again
20 years |
patrick |
orxonox/branches/md2_loader: added object manager to manage the world …
20 years |
patrick |
orxonox/branches/md2_loader: some minor changes in the graphics engine …
20 years |
bensch |
orxonox/branches: new Branche for particleEngine (clean try)
20 years |
bensch |
orxonox/branches: deleted ParticleEngine
20 years |
bensch |
orxonox/trunk: merged back the ParticleEngine into the Trunk
20 years |
bensch |
orxonox/branches/heightMap: merged the Trunk back into …
20 years |
buerlia |
orxonox/branches/physics: IPhyics gets a mass..
20 years |
bensch |
orxonox/trunk: gui builds again (on it's own)
20 years |
bensch |
orxonox/trunk: staff-section added
20 years |
bensch |
orxonox/trunk: small discrepancy
20 years |
bensch |
orxonox/trunk: model should load again on Windows
20 years |
bensch |
orxonox/trunk: test was ok… it is not the resourcemanage….. so …
20 years |
bensch |
orxonox/trunk: windows-test
20 years |
bensch |
orxonox/trunk: minor cleanup/windowsTest
20 years |
bensch |
orxonox/trunk: better output
20 years |
bensch |
orxonox/trunk: model now gets loaded in an other order first vertex is …
20 years |
bensch |
orxonox/trunk: merged the Trunk/importer back here.
merged with …
20 years |
bensch |
orxonox/trunk: hups
20 years |
bensch |
orxonox/trunk: little error in model, and also a speed-fix in Array
20 years |
bensch |
orxonox/trunk: model even saver now
20 years |
bensch |
orxonox/trunk: some more
20 years |
bensch |
orxonox/trunk: new Model Definitions, to make it more safe (better output)
20 years |
bensch |
orxonox/trunk: cool baking
20 years |
bensch |
orxonox/trunk: loadScreen now loadable as well
20 years |
bensch |
orxonox/trunk: added a script that generates a List of the Files in …
20 years |
bensch |
orxonox/branches: deleted branche nico, because duplicate
20 years |
bensch |
orxonox/trunk: simple loading facility
20 years |
bensch |
orxonox/trunk: better positioning
20 years |
bensch |
orxonox/trunk: glmis-refitted
20 years |
bensch |
orxonox/branches/particleEngine: performance-update: no particles get …
20 years |
bensch |
orxonox/trunk: little script for gtk-config
20 years |
bensch |
orxonox/trunk: removed now unnecesarry files
20 years |
nico |
branches/heightmap: i want modular debug
20 years |
bensch |
orxonox/trunk: orxonox now runs from anywhere of the LINUX environment
20 years |
nico |
branches/heightMap: challenging the model class
20 years |
bensch |
orxonox/trunk: forgot one option….
20 years |
bensch |
orxonox/trunk: now All options get loaded in new style (be aware, …
20 years |
nico |
branches/heightMap: some makefile and include stuff fixed
20 years |
bensch |
orxonox/trunk: behaviour as known
20 years |
bensch |
orxonox/trunk/gui: cleanup
20 years |
patrick |
orxonox/branches/md2_loader: finished work on conversion and cleanup …
20 years |
bensch |
orxonox/trunk: keySelector is now extern from Player
20 years |
bensch |
orxonox/trunk: key-definition, and the keys get read as they should, …
20 years |
bensch |
orxonox/trunk: now orxonox parses the config-file from …
20 years |
bensch |
orxonox/trunk/gui: now one can only select the data-repos
20 years |
patrick |
orxonox/branches/md2_loader: implemented animation parser, this is a …
20 years |
bensch |
orxonox/trunk/gui: looks nicer now
20 years |
patrick |
orxonox/branches/md2_loader: implemented md2 import function, smooth an ez
20 years |
patrick |
orxonox/branches/md2_loader: implemented importMD2 header function
20 years |
patrick |
orxonox/branches/md2_loader: fixed some compile errors, altered some …
20 years |
patrick |
orxonox/branches/md2_loader: some minor changes
20 years |
patrick |
orxonox/branches/md2_loader: added doxygen tags for most of the loader …
20 years |
patrick |
orxonox/braches/md2_loader: started implementing loader/model classes
20 years |
patrick |
orxonox/branches/md2_loader: adding the abstratct model file, which …
20 years |
patrick |
orxonox/branches/md2_importer: now created all the structures needed …
20 years |
patrick |
orxonox/branches/md2_loader: implemented some data formats used by the …