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Custom Query (34 matches)


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Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Milestone
#157 Space Station reopened wenners task blocker Old Orxonox tickets orx-v0
#159 Human Space Ships reopened wenners task blocker Old Orxonox tickets orx-v0
#160 Noxon Space Ships reopened wenners task blocker Old Orxonox tickets orx-v0
#209 Moon Surface reopened snellen task critical Old Orxonox tickets orx-v0
#212 Turret reopened wenners task critical Old Orxonox tickets orx-v0
#216 Moon Station reopened vkaenemi defect critical Old Orxonox tickets orx-v0
#129 Realistic Story and Concept reopened bknecht task major Old Orxonox tickets orx-v0
#171 atmospheric-flight capable player ship models new wenners task major Old Orxonox tickets orx-v0
#172 Naming Convention new wenners enhancement major Old Orxonox tickets orx-v0
#217 Spaceship: Lander new nobody task major Old Orxonox tickets orx-v0
#123 New ground crafts new wenners defect minor Old Orxonox tickets orx-v0
#210 Automatic defence mechanism new retolu task minor Old Orxonox tickets orx-v0
#219 Spacegate assigned bknecht task minor Old Orxonox tickets orx-v0
#220 Enhance model textures new enhancement minor Future Engine Features
#221 Create new textures new task minor Future Engine Features
#223 Create FPS weapon models new task minor Future Engine Features
#319 Create seamless textures new task minor Future Engine Features
#320 Extend modular space station new enhancement minor Future Engine Features
#321 Help the Allied Fleet new task minor Future Engine Features
#345 LoD for important models new nobody task minor
#354 high-resolution Textures for Planets new nobody task minor
#368 create basic data package new nobody task minor Version 0.1 Codename: Arcturus
#376 Creation of a Star assigned youngk task minor Version 0.1 Codename: Arcturus
#381 Waypoints/Quest Guide new nobody task minor Version 0.2 Codename: Bellatrix
#391 Story mode map system new nobody PPS_project minor Version 0.1 Codename: Arcturus
#393 Content Polish new nobody task minor Version 0.2 Codename: Bellatrix
#397 Devastate the Earth new nobody task minor Version 0.3 Codename: Castor
#399 EMP Weapon new nobody task minor Version 0.1 Codename: Arcturus
#402 Inside a Spacestation new nobody task minor Version 0.1 Codename: Arcturus
#403 Ready made Game Objects new nobody enhancement minor Version 0.1 Codename: Arcturus
#404 Texture existing models new nobody task minor Version 0.1 Codename: Arcturus
#408 Formation Level new nobody task minor Version 0.1 Codename: Arcturus
#414 Create a realistic looking earth new nobody task minor Version 0.3 Codename: Castor
#422 Create multiple levels that form a story new nobody PPS_project minor Version 0.1 Codename: Arcturus
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