Custom Query (10 matches)
Status: closed (4 matches)
Ticket | Summary | Owner | Type | Priority | Version | Resolution |
#364 | Backtrace is not written to orxnox_crash.log under ubuntu 10.10 | nobody | defect | major | 0.0.4 | fixed |
#277 | Pickup System | dafrick | enhancement | minor | 0.1 | fixed |
#366 | Filenames may not contain spaces | dafrick | task | minor | 0.0.4 | fixed |
#419 | Start the Astereoids | nobody | task | minor | 0.0.4 | fixed |
Status: new (6 matches) |
Ticket | Summary | Owner | Type | Priority | Version | Resolution |
#370 | System for interactive dialogue | nobody | task | minor | 0.0.4 | |
#377 | Spotlight for Spaceship | nobody | task | minor | 0.0.4 | |
#412 | PCH support broken with GCC 4.8 | nobody | defect | minor | 0.0.4 | |
#415 | Quest is not ended by EventTriggers | nobody | defect | minor | 0.0.4 | |
#417 | SimpleNotification with color | nobody | task | minor | 0.0.4 | |
#418 | Big Ships implementation | nobody | PPS_project | minor | 0.0.4 |
Note: See TracQuery
for help on using queries.