Opened 20 years ago
Closed 19 years ago
#92 closed defect (fixed)
Reported by: | bensch | Owned by: | bensch |
Priority: | minor | Milestone: | 0.3.5_playability orx-v0 |
Component: | GeneralFramework | Version: | |
Keywords: | Cc: | ||
Referenced By: | References: |
- Create
- Turrets
- dirrectional Shooting
- Lasers
- Rocket Lounchers
- implementation:
- think of a way to shoot in certain directions in TrackManager-mode (turrets)
- Rouge sqaudron style shooting
- Hard-core 2D-arcade shooting
Change History (5)
comment:1 Changed 20 years ago by bensch
- Owner changed from nobody to bensch
- Status changed from new to assigned
comment:2 Changed 20 years ago by bensch
Recreated the WeaponManager, and the Weapon-class also implemented a crosshair, and a 2d-rendering engine on the run
comment:3 Changed 20 years ago by bensch
Created a Turret and a directional Gun. Building more guns as it goes…
the main feature now is, to also implement cool/fancy/useful projectiles
comment:4 Changed 19 years ago by patrick
There is more to this for this milestone: build three to four different weapon systems for spacecrafts
They will have to be balanced, so that no weapon will give a player to many powers. For every weapon there has to be a specific pro and some cons.
comment:5 Changed 19 years ago by bensch
- Resolution set to fixed
- Status changed from assigned to closed
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